HTM 491 – HOSPITALITY LEADERSHIP AND SELF DEVELOPMENT Fall 2015 Instructor: Mark R. Testa, PhD Office Hours: PSFA 443 Tues/Thurs. 8:30 – 9:30 PM or by appointment anytime COURSE OVERVIEW ________________________________________________________________ Course Description This course is designed to help hospitality and tourism management students integrate leadership theory, leader development, and leadership development. It is the complement to the Kaleidoscope course students take as sophomores. The course covers the historical evolution of leadership theories while engaging the students in selfreflection. Students will develop the professionalism/authenticity, self - development, time management/priorities, and spirit of optimism competencies while examining trait based, behavior based, contingency, transformational, and contemporary leadership theories. Reflecting on the differences between your leadership perspective in the Kaleidoscope class vs. your leadership perspective now (sophomore vs. senior) is central to the course learning. How have I changed and why? will guide self-learning. Course Objectives Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to: Define the major schools of thought in leadership theory Read and critique trait, behavior, contingency, transformational, and contemporary leadership theories Dialogue with hospitality industry executives and peers about leadership practices Respond to prompts about leadership in an online forum in a way that communicates the student’s point of view Reflect on personal values, roles and archetypes in relation to hospitality leadership Develop and maintain a leadership blog integrating self, theory, and context Demonstrate the ability to use a variety of contemporary communication methods to convey a personal leadership philosophy – culminating in your online portfolio 1 Competencies Business Savvy People Savvy Self Savvy Planning Strategic Decision Making Interpersonal Communication Professionalism Self Development Time Mnt/Priorities REQUIRED RESOURCES ________________________________________________________________ Textbook and Readings The required text for the course is Good to Great, by Jim Collins. You can purchase it for less than fifteen dollars at most online sites. Articles related to each leadership theory will be posted on Blackboard or distributed in class. These articles and the book will inform our discussions and provide opportunity for students to form their own connection to leadership theory. A mid-term will assess mastery of the articles/book content but it is expected that weekly blog assignments will also make reference to the course content. Occasional quizzes, unscheduled, will assess your preparation of the content. It is also recommended that you review the HTM Kaleidoscope Competency Model and definitions document as well as your own Kaleidoscope leadership development plan. Blackboard Course Management System Computer-based learning, using Blackboard, will be a part of the class. All students should get a Blackboard account and visit the HTM 491 Blackboard course website every Tuesday before class. Students will obtain weekly announcements, download course documents, preview course slides, and turn in online assignments here. Students can view their progress with the online grade book. Wordpress and Weebly Platforms Two types of assignments will be conducted using platforms outside the Blackboard system. Blogging will be done using WordPress and the final portfolio will be prepared in Weebly. Both of these platforms are free, easy to use, and support the requirements in the assignments. If you are unfamiliar with these platforms, you may want to do some practicing in advance of the assigned work. Although this is not a technology course, it is expected that you will spend the time necessary to explore these, and other, contemporary communication methods. 2 STRUCTURE AND APPROACH _______________________________________________________ The class is structured to maximize student opportunity to integrate theory with self- savvy. Course objectives will be accomplished through in-class activities, industry observation and dialogue, blog posts, a case study, and a mid-term exam. At the conclusion of the course students compile a portfolio to convey their personal leadership philosophy based on what they have learned about leadership and self throughout the HTM program. As this class is about finding and communicating one’s individual voice, all of the assignments are individually graded. There will be ample opportunity to join in conversation, though, Theory through dialogue and activities in class, on the Blackboard discussion board, and by interacting with peer blogs. Self Context Figure 1: Integrated leadership Hybrid Model of Engagement As this is the capstone leadership course, it is important to draw upon the contexts and experiences of each student in a customized way. Therefore, students will engage in a hybrid of learning platforms. The classroom will be used for group work and guided discussion. Blogging provides an opportunity to convey reflection that synthesizes the readings with past and current leadership experiences. And the hospitality and tourism marketplace offers a laboratory to examine contemporary leadership theories from the readings and in-class discussions. Refer to the course outline for details about when class is held on campus vs. online vs. in the field. Portfolio Integration 20% In Class Activities 20% Case Study in the Field 20% Personal Blog 20% Theorty Midterm 20% Figure 2 Hybrid Learning 3 GRADED ASSIGNMENTS _______________________________________________________ Each graded assignment will have an assignment explanation and grading rubric document posted under the assignments tab. Refer to the accompanying course outline for due dates. Individual feedback will be provided throughout the course. It is expected that every student will contribute meaningfully and according to his/her strengths and desire to stretch/grow as future hospitality leaders. Blog Assignments The blog is a way for you to keep an online journal of what you are learning about leadership and yourself. There will be weekly prompts, and a minimum of two postings is required each week as indicated in the course outline. Blog prompts, expected lengths of posts, and a grading rubric will be posted under the assignments tab. Students will actually blog outside the Blackboard system by using Word Press. Other assignments related to the blog will be posted every other week to enhance the online journaling. These will include things like finding other leadership blogs you are interested in, finding ways to communicate one’s voice through visuals, and reflecting on assessments and activities we discuss during class sessions. The instructor will view your blog sites each week and enter a grade in the grade book in Blackboard. Late posts will not be graded. On Campus Class Engagement Attendance is important on the days we meet live in class as indicated in the course schedule. The class time is short, so plan to arrive ready to actively engage in that day’s work. On campus activities will connect the readings with your experiences and group discussion. Examples of on campus activities might include answering questions about the assigned readings, making connections between the readings and your work experiences, and mini group presentations of in-class brainstorms. Your participation in activities and scores on unscheduled quizzes will be included in the participation points. Missing more than one class will affect your points for participation, regardless of the reason. The nature of face-to-face work does not lend itself to making up the on campus work. This is the capstone leadership course, and students are expected to be fully prepared and ready to contribute. Midterm Exam The midterm exam will assess your understanding of and ability to apply historical leadership theories to film. The list of films and the midterm requirements will be distributed two weeks prior to the due date. The midterm is a take-home format that requires you to distinguish leadership theories and provides scene and character examples. While I encourage you to watch and talk about the film options, completion of the midterm template must be your own work. 4 Leadership in the Memories Business Case Study During our module on contemporary leadership theory, you will visit and learn about exemplary hospitality organizations and their leaders. The case study assignment utilizes the San Diego marketplace as a laboratory to link front of the house and back of the house observations and dialogue. The case study assignment requires you to examine the unique characteristics about leadership in the memories business. You will develop a case study of an exemplary hospitality organization from the customer, leadership, and employee perspectives. Senior Leadership Portfolio The final project is an online portfolio that conveys your personal leadership philosophy and communicates the journey you have taken in the HTM program related to self- development and leadership. As this is expected to be a very personal type of assignment much effort will be spent to provide an environment and climate conducive to authentic dialogue. Weebly will be used to showcase your leadership journey. You can view previous students’ work at Summary of Course Grading Assignment Leadership Blog Learning Space Word Press Grading Max 10 Points Per Total 100 Points Class Engagement Classroom Max 10 Points Per 100 Points Case Study In the Field 100 Points 100 Points Mid Term Exam Take Home Film 100 Points 100 Points Leadership Portfolio Weebly 100 Points 100 Points Total Course Points 475 -500 450-474 400-450 350-400 Less than 350 500 A AB C Repeat the Course You might consider this class the bookend to the Kaleidoscope course most students take during the sophomore year of the degree program. I encourage you to embrace the unique opportunity to spend time with yourself, your thoughts, your dreams, your confusion, and your contribution to the ongoing leadership conversation. Go ahead and be yourself. Everyone else is taken. Figure 3 Kaleidoscope Dimensions 5 OUR SCHOOL CULTURE _______________________________________________________ The L. Robert Payne School of Hospitality and Tourism Management prides itself on its customized approach to student success, innovative and caring faculty, and engagement with industry and alumni. The beginning of a new semester is a great time to reconnect with what makes our program special as you consider your own goals and intentions for being a part of our School. Ways to Reconnect Visit the our School’s Website Read the Student Association Bulletin Boards Touch Base with the HTM Staff Make an Advising Appointment Subscribe to Email Lists and Groups Visit Faculty Office Hours Read the Kaleidoscope Competency Descriptions (HTM) Update Your Kaleidoscope Development Plan (HTM) Read the Networking Competency Road Map (HTM) Read the Pathways to Excellence (HTM) Set Goals for Getting Involved Envision a Meaningful Semester Academic Integrity The faculty and staff demand the highest levels of academic and professional integrity in all work at San Diego State University and especially in the HTM program. Positive leadership cannot exist without integrity and your actions determine your level of integrity. Plagiarism, cheating on exams or any other type of academic dishonesty, will be referred directly to the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities for disciplinary action. Students with Disabilities If you are a student with a disability and believe you will need accommodations for this class, it is your responsibility to contact Student Disability Services at (619) 594-6473. To avoid any delay in the receipt of your accommodations, you should contact Student Disability Services as soon as possible. Please note that accommodations are not retroactive, and that accommodations based upon disability cannot be provided until you have presented your instructor with an accommodation letter from Student Disability Services. Your cooperation is appreciated. Remember, Exceeding Expectations is a Habit! 6 COURSE OUTLINE _______________________________________________________ Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Day/Date Topic T Th Course Introduction Leadership in Threes T 8/25 8/27 9/1 Live Blogging Th 9/3 Getting Started Blogging T 9/8 Trait Based Theories Th 9/10 T 9/15 Th 9/17 T 9/22 Th 9/24 T 9/29 Th 10/1 T 10/6 Th T Behavior Based Theories Contingency Theories Introduction to Case Assignments Due Learning Space In Class Kaleidoscope Revisited (In Class Activity) Blog Assignment # 1 Hard Copy Bring to Class Blog Assignment #2 Site Customized Good to Great – Chapters 14 Trait Based Theory Articles Blog Assignment #3 Trait Based Then and Now Good to Great Connection Good to Great Chapter 5 Behavior Based Article Blog Assignment #4 Competencies and 360 Good to Great Connection Good to Great Chapter 6 In Class In Class Online by Friday by 10 In Class Online by Friday by 10 In Class Online Friday by 10 In Class Online Friday by 10 Midterm Overview Blog Assignment #5 Personal Experience Mismatch Pdf Desk on Transformational Leadership Good to Great – Finish Book Blog Assignment #6 Critiques and Seductions Good to Great Connection Prepare to Synthesize 10/8 Midterm Prepare Midterm At Home 10/13 Midterm Prepare Midterm At Home Transformational Leadership In Class Online Friday by 10 In Class 7 COURSE OUTLINE _______________________________________________________ Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Week 15 Final Week Day/Date Topic Assignments Due Learning Space Th T 10/15 10/20 Past is Prologue Contemporary Leadership Hard Copy Of Midterm Due Contemporary Articles In Class In Class Th 10/22 Online Friday by 10 T 10/27 Th 10/29 T 11/3 Th 11/5 T 11/10 Veterans Day Blog Assignment #7 My Contemporary Theory Thinking About Context Contemporary Presentations In Class From Blog Site Blog Assignment #8 My Consumer Experience Case Study Updates Consumer Experience Blog Assignment #9 My Case Organization No Class Th 11/12 Case Study Finalize Case Study In the Field T 11/17 Case Study Roundtable Hard Copy Case Study Due In Class Th 11/19 Leadership Journey Online Friday by 10 T 11/24 Th 11/26 Portfolio Working Session Thanksgiving Blog Assignment #10 Blog Wrap Up and Portfolio Intro Prepping the Final Portfolio Site T 12/1 Portfolio Presentations HTM Conf Room Th 12/3 Portfolio Presentations Portfolios Published by 9:00 a.m. – All Groups Groups 1 and 2 Groups 3 and 4 T 12/8 Portfolio Presentations Groups 5 and 6 HTM Conf Room Th 12/10 Course Debrief Memories Business Leadership Context Connections In Class In the Field Online Friday by 10 In Class In the Field Online Friday by 10 In Class (Optional) HTM Conf Room 8