RTM 483: OUTDOOR EDUCATION & CAMP ADMINISTRATION SPRING 2015, TIME: WEDNESDAY 3:30PM - 6:10 P.M. INSTRUCTOR: JIM LUSTIG THE CLASS SESSIONS: The course will include lectures, field trips, camp weekend, discussions, small group exercises, audio-visual presentations and guest speakers. READINGS/TEXT BOOKS: Basic Camp Management 8th Edition, by Armand & Beverly Ball is the recommended text for the Camp Administration portion of the course. In addition, required Outdoor Education readings will be made available on Blackboard along with corresponding assignments. COURSE OBJECTIVES & LEARNING OUTCOMES: Understand the Foundational Knowledge of the Organized Camping and Outdoor Education Profession Students can discuss at least three historical individuals and organizations, plus four significant events that have contributed to the growth of the profession. Students will demonstrate an appreciation for the values and philosophy of organized camping and outdoor education by actively engaging in the planning, implementation and evaluation of a weekend program— Camp Aztec. Students can articulate current definitions of Outdoor Education and Organized Camping. Build upon Self Awareness and Professional Conduct Students will collaborate with classmates and non-profit agency partners in planning, programming, implementing, staffing and evaluating “Camp Aztec” Students will actively lead fifth graders through a three day and two night “summer camp” experience called Camp Aztec, May 1-3, 2015. Students will identify a minimum of three personal leadership strengths and limitations based on this Course and Camp Aztec participation. Students will network and establish relationships with professional staff from the YMCA (Border View & Camp Surf). Identify the Skills involved in Effective Outdoor Education Instruction & Facilitation Students will record and evaluate effective instructional and facilitation skills as exemplified by professional camp staff as well as themselves. Students will identify and compare effective facilitation skills of a minimum of two professional Camp or Outdoor Education staff. Students will learn and practice a minimum of ten (as decided by consensus of class) common “outdoor living skills”. Define and Value Environmental Stewardship Students will identify the extent of their environmental stewardship. Students will individually compile five “fun facts” about the San Diego coastal environment that they will share with their 5th grade campers at Camp Aztec. Students will be able to articulate the appropriate principles of sustainability in a manner that will be understood and practiced by themselves and their 5th grade campers. Students will develop and communicate a personal commitment towards environmental stewardship. Plan and Organize an Outdoor Education Program Students will administer every aspect of a three day, two night Camp Aztec program for +50 eleven and twelve year old campers (5th graders). Students will collaborate in small groups to plan and implement specific aspects of the Camp Aztec weekend. Investigate and Examine the Professional Standards for Administering and Managing Outdoor Education and Camp programs and Facilities. Students will identify common risk management and ethical challenges as they apply to the profession. Students will familiarize themselves with common professional practices through the American Camp Association’s Accreditation Standards. Students will actively visit, observe and evaluate a local outdoor education program and facilities within SD County. Students will have opportunity to participate in ACA Spring Leadership Conference, Palm Springs, CA April 15-17 and/or CPRS Conference, Sacramento, CA March 10-13 and/or AEOE Conference in Petaluma, CA April 17-19 OFFICE HOURS: Jim Lustig’s office is located in the Aztec Recreation Center. He is usually there M-F between 10:30AM - 6:30pm. However, he would prefer that you make an appointment if it is an important matter. Phone messages may be left by calling X47271 (619.594.7271) and his e-mail address is <jlustig@mail.sdsu.edu>. ABOUT THE INSTRUCTOR: Jim Lustig holds a Masters of Science degree in Recreation and Leisure Studies from Radford University, Virginia. He currently holds a full time staff position as Outdoor Programs Coordinator for the Associated Students at SDSU. In addition, Jim held the position of Teen Connection Summer Camp Director at SDSU for seven years, Camp Director at Camp Horizons in Harrisonburg, VA for two years and Associate Director at Camp Kanuga in Hendersonville, NC for two summers. Jim re-created Camp Aztec in the spring semester of 1996. ATTENDANCE: This course meets once a week. It is imperative that students attend class. I will take attendance, as it will impact your final grade. One unexcused absence will result in the lowering of your final grade by 10%. Two unexcused absences will result in the lowering of your final grade by 20%. Three unexcused absences will result in an automatic failure of this course. Consistently arriving late or leaving early to/from class without prior notification is rude and will result in an unexcused absence. For Those Who Would Seek Special Treatment: I have recently found an increase in the number of students who seek special consideration at the end of the semester. This is especially true for students who have failed quizzes or done poorly on the midterm exam. If you must have a certain grade in the class to meet eligibility requirements for a major, a scholarship, athletics, or graduate school the time to do something about that is right now, at the beginning of the semester. QUIZZES: Are worth ten points and will include multiple choice questions based upon assigned text book readings and the chapter study guide. Students must score a minimum of 70% (7 out of 10) to receive credit. This is to ensure that students who commit themselves to the course readings and responding to the study guides will be rewarded. There will be no make-up quizzes for students arriving late or missing class. FIELD TRIP & CLASSROOM PARTICIPATION: Arriving on time, asking appropriate questions of our guest speakers and instructor, demonstrating an interest in the sites visited and subjects covered, taking notes, participating fully in discussions and other classroom projects, and being a good listener. All of this will contribute toward obtaining the maximum number of points. On the other hand, asking inappropriate questions or making rude comments, arriving late, disrupting the class, texting, eating, going to the bathroom before the break, talking to your “buddy”, putting personal needs before fellow classmates and instructors, and other negative behavior not named will result in a loss of points. ACTIVE CLASS PARTICIPATION: Unlike many other university courses, this course will require every student to actively participate at all times. Students should attend class fully prepared to respond to questions, participate in small group work, take notes and request clarification when needed. For some students this will require stepping out of your "comfort zone" and sharing more of oneself with others. This may also entail “restraining” or “self-controlling” personal behavior that the instructor and others would define as inappropriate. Examples include texting, having your phone in view, class disruptions—going to bathroom before break, sitting in the back row and/or away from all others, eating, talking to “best friend”, arriving late or leaving early without permission. For each time I have to speak with you and/or send you an e-mail regarding your lack of participation or disruptive behavior your Participation grade will drop 10%. COURSE REQUIREMENTS—GRADING Given the content of this particular course, your instructor recognizes that students with a wide range of abilities and interests can’t all be expected to do exactly the same thing. Different students will have different preferences for what they learn from the class. Furthermore, different students will have different preferences for their investment (time and energy) devoted to this class. Hence, the following contract grading system: For an A: 1. Participate fully in Camp Aztec Weekend May 1-3, 2015 2. Accept a key Leadership Role at Camp Aztec and perform above average (class will define). 3. Score 90% or higher on 8 assignments. 4. Score 85% or higher, on average, on the chapter quizzes. 5. Score 90% or higher on the small group Camp Planning Project (class will define). 6. Present a 10-15 minute Outdoor Education or Camp Activity that we can incorporate into Camp Aztec. 7. Score 90% or higher on active class participation and no unexcused absences. For a B: 1. Participate fully in Camp Aztec Weekend May 1-3, 2015 2. Score 80% or higher on 6 assignments 3. Score 80% or higher, on average, on the chapter quizzes. 4. Score 80% or higher on the small group Camp Planning Project. (class will define). 5. Present a 5 minute “bag of tricks” game that we can incorporate into Camp Aztec. 6. Score 80% or higher on active class participation For a C: 1. Participate fully in Camp Aztec Weekend May 1-3, 2015 2. Score 70% or higher on 4 assignments 3. Score 70% or higher on the small Group Planning Project. (class will define). 4. Score 70% or higher, on average, on the chapter quizzes. 5. Score 75% or higher on active class participation For a D: Really? See me immediately so I can drop you from the class. For Students with Disabilities: If you are a student with a disability and believe you will need accommodations for this class, it is your responsibility to contact Student Disability Services at (619) 594-6473. To avoid any delay in the receipt of your accommodations, you should contact Student Disability Services as soon as possible. Please note that accommodations are not retroactive, and that I cannot provide accommodations based upon disability until I have received an accommodation letter from Student Disability Services. Your cooperation is appreciated. CAMP AZTEC--SUMMER CAMP/OUTDOOR EDUCATION EXPERIENCE AT CAMP SURF IN IMPERIAL BEACH: May 1-3, 2015. Required. Attendance for the entire weekend is required to pass this course. Students will have the opportunity to work with the instructor in planning, implementing, participating and evaluating the entire weekend. Students will form small groups and be responsible for specific aspects of the weekend. For example: Scheduling Committee, Morning Programs, Afternoon Programs, Evening Programs, Welcoming Committee, Closing Program Committee, Cabin Committee. The cost for this weekend will be $135 (due 3/25) and will include cabin lodging, six meals, an extraordinary camp counseling, outdoor education and administration experience for 50+ 10-11 year olds, two full days & nights of camp activities, plus much more! http://www.camp.ymca.org/english/index_surf.html RTM 483 SMALL GROUP PROJECT Students will be divided into small groups and be responsible for developing one program area of the Camp Aztec Weekend for +50 campers, ages 10 – 11. The Camp dates are May 1-3, 2015. This final comprehensive program plan is due on or before Wednesday, February 25. Program Groups: Early AM Programs; Campfire Programs; Cabin Time/Dining Hall Programs; Afternoon/Down-Time Programs; Sunday Beach Program; Opening/Closing Programs. The comprehensive program plan will include detailed information in the categories listed below. Program Goals & Learning Outcomes: Minimum of one goal with two measurable outcomes. Staffing: Description of each staff leadership position with list of specific duties; Include content/outline for Staff Training and specifics on how you will get fellow classmates/staff involved. Time-Line/Scheduling: Provide a detailed schedule from start to finish for each activity/program. Outdoor Education: Incorporate a minimum of one quality outdoor education activity into your program planning. Activities must be appropriate for 10-11 year olds (5th graders). Budget: Provide a complete program budget for your entire program. Including, but not limited to, supplies, equipment, training materials, food, etc. Safety Management: Detail all safety considerations specific to your program area. Camp Surf is a resident camp facility accredited by the ACA and meets all the requisite safety and risk management standards. Team Work, Leadership & Followership. Each individual group member will be designated as leader for each assignment area. The overall leadership of each planning group will be given to those students seeking an A grade if possible. Please distribute equally. Each individual group member will submit a one page paper critiquing his/her personal influence towards their group’s assignment. In addition, you will choose the one member of your group that demonstrated the most leadership and explain why. Grading Criteria for Group Project Exam Grammar, Spelling, Sentence Structure, Professional Appearance 20% Thoroughness of Research, Attention to Detail, Specifics 35% Demonstration of Applied Knowledge from readings, conference, presentations, lectures, 35% Team Work, Leadership & Followership 15% COURSE SCHEDULE Instructors reserve the right to change course lecture schedule without notice. At time of print, guest speaker dates were not confirmed. Instructor will give minimum of one-week advance notice regarding guest speakers. (I.e. this schedule may change) 1/21 Course Expectations & Overview, Review of Syllabus, Introductions, Definition of Outdoor Education & Organized Camping, Camp Weekend Overview. 1/28 Quiz Chapters 1, 2 & 19: Historical Overview; Types of Camps, What is Camp, Camp Director’s Job, Camp as Community, Ultimate Responsibilities; 2/4 Quiz Chapter 3: Philosophy, Values & Mission of Organized Camping & Outdoor Education. Camp Planning Groups, Outdoor Education Projects & Assignments; Guest Speakers: Borderview YMCA Director Patty King. 2/6-8 Adventure Leadership I (ENS 138) Retreat Weekend, Julian, CA 2/8 Summer Camp Visitations in Julian, CA (need minimum of 10 students) 2/11 Quiz Chapter 4: Understanding Campers. 2/18 Quiz Chapter 5: YMCA Camp Surf Visitation – Meet with Director and Key Staff 2/25 Quiz Chapter 11: Safety & Risk Management for Camp and Outdoor Education Programs: Planning Group Projects Due 3/4 Quiz Chapter 9: Supervision, Discipline, Structure and Leadership of Campers. Guest Speaker: 3/11 CPRS Conference, Sacramento March 10-13 or Day Camp Visitation: RJKCCC 3/18 Quiz Chapter 6, 7, 8: Personnel-Camp Staff; Camp Weekend Activity Presentations & Leadership 3/25 Quiz Chapter 18: Evaluation & Reporting; Outdoor Education Facility Visit – Camp Cuyamaca. YMCA Camp Surf Fee ($135) due. Checks Payable to Borderview YMCA. 4/1 SPRING BREAK – No Class 4/8 Quiz Chapter 15: Outdoor Education--Camp Activity Presentations; Marketing Org. Camps Outdoor Living Skills: Borderview Staff Presentations 4/10-12 Adventure Leadership II (ENS 138B) Training Weekend 4/15 ACA Spring Leadership Conference, Palm Springs, April 15-17 4/20—24 Camp Aztec Parent Nights: Location & Times TBA 4/23 Outdoor Education Activities: Presentations 4/29 Camp Aztec Prep & Final Rehearsal 5/1-3 Camp Aztec Weekend!!!!!! 5/6 Camp Aztec Review & Evaluation 5/13 Remaining Assignments Due ASSIGNMENTS: All papers must be typed. Spelling & grammar count. Each assignment is marked with a specific due date. Once the due date has passed you cannot turn it in. 1. In lieu of completing Assignments, students may elect to take ENS 138 Adventure Leadership I & II (Sec. 81 & 82) on Mondays from 5:00pm-6:40pm. Course Description: Ten week class, online assignments and required weekend fieldtrip/retreat. Class dedicated to developing leadership skills and high ropes course and team building techniques. Improve your skill-set through leading activities and participating in a group setting. This course is required to qualify as an Aztec Adventures outdoor leader. Additional fee. (Worth 8 Assignments) 2. American Camp Association Spring Leadership Conference, April 15-17, Palm Springs: The American Camp Association sponsors this event annually and consists of a gathering of Organized Camp Professionals and Camp Staff from throughout California. http://www.acacamp.org/sc/springconference/conference.html (Worth 6 Assignments) Due 5/1 3. CPRS Conference, Ontario, CA March 11-13: The California Park & Recreation Society sponsors this fantastic learning—professional opportunity and will feature numerous interest sessions on outdoor education. Speak with RTSA members to obtain info. regarding free hotel lodging and Conference/Student Membership Fee. http://conference.cprs.org/ (Worth 4 Assignments) Due 3/27 4. Association for Environmental and Outdoor Education, Petaluma, CA, April 17-19: AEOE is a state-wide organization that has been created for and by the outdoor and environmental educators of California. They are charged with providing a diverse pool of trained educators that is knowledgeable and skilled at educating today's youth about the natural world. https://aeoe.org/events/aeoe-statewidespring-conference-2015 (Worth 6 Assignments). 5/2 5. To obtain full Conference Assignment credit, the following is due two weeks after the final day of the event. a. 100 word summary & critique of each workshop session attended (min. 6) b. 100 word (each) critique of three vendors in the exhibit hall and explanation as to why they were chosen. Include a small promotional piece they provide you with. c. An interview/discussion with a minimum of two professionals outside of San Diego. Three to five questions to be asked must be submitted and approved by instructor prior to conference. (200 words min. for each) d. 300 word overall summary of the Conference experience. e. Appropriate dress, behavior and professional representation of SDSU-RTM throughout the Conference. f. Check in with instructor twice each day. 6. Camp Aztec Power Point Group Project: Camp Aztec needs a Power Point slide show that “tells our story” to the Campers, Parents and Borderview YMCA community. History of the Program, Mission, Philosophy, Vision, Learning Outcomes, Photos, Schedule, Testimonials, Inspirational Quotes, etc. (Worth 3 Assignments) Due 3/27 7. Camp Aztec Skit & Song Book Group Project: Camp Aztec needs a Skit & Songbook that can be built upon for the future. Drawing from class resources (fellow students, instructor’s office library, past Camp Aztec programs, etc.). This document must be user friendly and “FUN”. (Worth 3 Assignments) Due 4/17 8. Write a two page essay (1000 words) describing your past organized camping experiences and any influence or value derived. This can be as a camper, and/or counselor. You must have a minimum of three weeks of camp experience to complete this assignment. Due 2/28 9. Interview a Camp Professional who makes a living directing an organized camp. Report your findings in a two page (1000 words) essay. Focus on the career path that the professional followed in arriving at his or her current position, why she got into the field, sources of inspiration in her work and words of wisdom for prospective camp professionals. Due 4/22 10. Choose a Summer Camp or Outdoor Education Program where you can obtain an application. Select a specific position that you are interested and complete all the requirements for applying. I suggest searching: http://www.acacamps.org/jobs. Turn in all paperwork to the instructor. Due 2/25 11. Design a staff training activity that will help Camp Aztec Staff (us) get to know each other better. Activity should last no longer than 20 minutes maximum and 10 minutes minimum. You must use resources from Instructors office library. Due 3/25 12. Research a resident summer camp via the internet that offers “specialty” programming in an area that is of great interest to you. Write a two page paper (1000 words) critiquing the camp’s web site and how well they conveyed a message of interest or motivation to either attend as a camper or work for them as a staff member. Due 3/4 13. Compare and contrast two camps from the same region offering similar programs. Which one does a better job marketing their program? Explain in a one page paper (500 words) and include copies of materials gathered. Due 4/29 14. I am open to other options for Assignment completion should you care to meet with me.