HTM 301 - Service Leadership Development Spring 2014- Tuesdays Instructor: Lori J. Sipe, MBA, Ph.D. Office Hours: PSFA 446 Tuesdays/Thursdays 12:30-1:45 p.m. Course Description This course explores service leadership theory and development in the hospitality and tourism industry. Application of business models and industry metrics with a focus on individual assessment and development of leadership competencies is emphasized. Course Objectives Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to: Define and discuss the SDSU HTM competency model – Understand the knowledge, skills, values, and behaviors that are most important for success as a service leader. Discuss and incorporate relevant leadership theory, business models, and HTM metrics. Give and receive critical feedback regarding performance in observed simulations - Be actively engaged in learning about personal potential through two business simulations observed by industry professionals. Reflect on personal strengths and weaknesses – Utilize feedback from a mentor network (variety of development partners) to discuss and reflect on strengths and development areas of the competency model. Prepare a multi-year development plan - Incorporate course learning about theory, service leadership competencies, feedback from a variety of development partners, and personal reflection to present a plan of development activities for the next HTM course, the HTM capstone course in strategy, and the emphasis area internship. Embrace the development process – it’s an ongoing life skill! Competencies HTM 301 provides students the opportunities to develop the following competencies of the HTM Kaleidoscope Competency Model: Business Savvy Planning Strategic Decision Making Numberwise People Savvy Interpersonal Communication Networked Coaching and Training Self Savvy Professionalism Self Development Time Mngt/Priorities Technical Service Resources Expressive Service Spirit of Optimism Peterson, D. and Hicks (2002), Development First: DPI. Sipe, L. & Testa, M. (2013), Kaleidoscope Course Materials The required textbook, Development First, by David Peterson and Mary Dee Hicks, is available in the SDSU bookstore. The other resources, the course materials, folder, and course articles are available for purchase in the HTM office. The assigned reading is listed on the course outline by date. It is expected that the material will be read prior to the class period so the topics can be incorporated in the class discussions and activities. Blackboard Computer-based learning, using Blackboard, will be a part of the class. All students should get a Blackboard account and visit the HTM 301 course site every Tuesday before class. Visit Students will obtain weekly announcements, download materials, and turn in online assignments here. Students can view their progress with the online gradebook. Structure and Assessment Each week, you will actively participate in a kaleidoscope of opportunities to learn about what makes a great service leader and how you can personally develop. During the first few weeks, a competency model will be examined and you will define the behaviors of a great service leader. The middle of the course will have you participating in individual and group assessments to include personality assessments, observed simulations, and 360 degree feedback. Toward the end of the course you will prepare a personal development plan and design a personalized industry activity. Your involvement and reflection is obviously the key to success, so missing any of the class sessions will end up impacting your ability to prepare a well informed plan Lecture/ Outside Readings 16% Observed Simulations (In Class) 32% HTM 301 Personal Assessment and Plans 24% Industry Connected Projects 28% Lecture and Outside Readings Midterm Students will complete an exam to assess their understanding of the competency model and the assigned readings. Content, ability to link to personal development, and business writing will be assessed. Professional Quotient Students’ appearance, communication style, email address, etc. will be evaluated for professionalism. Participation can also influence this score. Paired Presentation In pairs, students will provide a fifteen-minute student experience relating to an assigned competency in business, people, or self-savvy. The presentation will require the students to share an existing video that exemplifies the competency, discuss the competency behaviors in terms of strengths and weaknesses, and facilitate a feedback session with the audience about their presentation. Industry Connected Projects Mentor Network Students will prepare a network of development partners willing to provide feedback, advice, and mentorship to the student. This includes a peer-mentor who is taking HTM-480. Competency Interviews Four interviews – one with a leader in each of the four HTM emphasis areas – will be conducted. Interview protocols will be distributed the first night of the course and students will have an opportunity to practice in class. Behaviors Discussion Interview feedback will be used to identify specific behaviors for each of the competencies in the competency model. Students will be assessed based on the quality of their participation in the discussions as well as their ability to facilitate discussion in a group setting. Getting Involved A package and worksheet to facilitate getting involved with the industry and the HTM program will be distributed the second week of class. Students can select from a variety of options, each with points associated with them. Personal Assessment and Plans MBTI and PRINT The Myers Briggs Type Indicator and PRINT are well-respected personality assessments. Students will complete the instruments, participate in discussions about the dimensions and the applications to work, and complete a reflective exercise. Students will use what they learn to improve their work in teams. Development Activities Students will design 2 industry activities that help to develop one of their critical needs areas. Activities will be completed in future HTM courses. Development Plan Toward the end of the semester, students prepare an individualized plan for their development that includes gap analysis for each competency and development activities for the final two years of their HTM degree program. Plan Presentations Students present their development plans. Observed Simulations (In Class) Conquest Air Simulation A two-night group simulation will have teams develop an airline company and solve management problems. Each group of students will have an observer throughout the simulation. Individual feedback will be given. 4theBiz Simulation A two-night group simulation will have teams plan, execute, and follow-up on a business event. Outside actors will play the assigned business/judges parts. Each group of students will have an observer throughout the simulation. Individual feedback will be given. Grading There are several assignments, a few worth 5 points, a few worth 10 points, and two simulations worth 20 points each for a total of 125 points for the course. The attached Kaleidoscope Grading Overview indicates which competencies the outcome addresses and the points possible. Grades will be based on participation, feedback from several sources, and quality of reflection. 118 points and above 113 -117 points 109-112 points 105-108 points 100-104 points A AB+ B B- 96-99 points 92-95 points 88-91 points 75-87 points Below 75 points C+ C CD F The Right Frame of Mind You will take a journey during this course; a journey of self exploration, of reflection, of varying perspectives. You will pursue your personal potential through a variety of activities. It will probably feel a little uncomfortable at times. You could feel embarrassed or vulnerable. You will be actively involved in thinking and talking about your strengths, your weaknesses, your fears, your opportunities. Your course facilitators will make sure the environment is one in which you can thrive, but the right frame of mind is up to you. You will not benefit if you hope for a passive learning experience. But if you approach each activity as an opportunity to actively pursue your personal potential, you will walk away with the tools and a framework to become one of the world’s best service leaders. Your frame of mind is up to you! Optional Industry Experiences You will have opportunities throughout the semester to get involved in the industry. San Diego professionals in the HTM industry are solidly behind the HTM degree program and will offer job shadows, training sessions, meetings, and other mentor opportunities throughout the semester. Students are encouraged to make contacts early, learn about the tremendous array of opportunities in the field, and engage themselves in practical experiences to complement the classroom experiences. Academic Integrity The faculty and staff demand the highest levels of academic and professional integrity in all work at San Diego State University and especially in the HTM program. Positive leadership cannot exist without integrity and your actions determine your level of integrity. Plagiarism, cheating on exams or any other type of academic dishonesty, will be referred directly to the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities for disciplinary action. Professional Requirements To receive full credit for assignments, they must be submitted on time in a complete and error-free fashion. All assignments must be typed, conform to 1” margins, in 12-point font, and double-spaced. All assignments are due at the beginning of class on the due date specified in the attached course outline. I will be available to discuss papers and presentations with you before they are due. I can be used as a “sounding board” for your ideas and outlines and, as time allows, I can read rough drafts and make suggestions. All papers and presentations will be graded based on content (how deeply you have thought about the topic, integration of your experiences with course concepts, communication of insights, accuracy of concept application, etc.) and presentation (organization, grammar, spelling, style, etc.). Remember, you will be evaluated on both what you say and how you say it. No make up exams will be given after the fact. If you know for certain you cannot make an exam, please see me prior to the test day. Please inform me if any special circumstances arise for you during the semester. That is, if you are having difficulty in class due to extenuating outside circumstances, please talk to me as soon as possible so we can minimize the effects of these circumstances. Remember, HTM is all about exceeding expectations! HTM 301 OUTLINE DAY DATE IN CLASS TOPIC READINGS PAIR PRESENTATIONS ASSIGNMENTS DUE Tuesday Jan. 28 Syllabus and Assignments Tuesday Feb. 4 Tuesday Feb. 11 Course Intro Intro to Assignments Service Leadership Overview Development Process Intro to Business Business Articles Business Savvy Groups Business Quiz Tuesday Feb. 18 People Articles People Savvy Groups Interviews People Quiz Tuesday Feb. 25 Tuesday March 4 Self Savvy Groups Self Quiz Tuesday March 11 Tuesday March 18 Tuesday March 25 Tuesday April 8 Tuesday April 15 Tuesday April 22 Tuesday April 29 Tuesday May 6 Intro to People Behavior Disc Business Behavior Discussions People/Self Intro to Self Development First PRINT Assessment Intro to Simulations Simulation 1 Part One Simulation 1 Part Two Simulation 2 Part Two Simulation 2 Part Two Development Plan Workshop Individual Meetings and Plan Presentations Individual Meetings/ Plan Presentations Pick Groups Self Articles Development First PRINT Reflection Simulation 1 Simulation 2 Mentor Involvement Development Plan Activity/Presentation KALEIDOSCOPE GRADE OVERVIEW Number Wise Mentor Network Competency Interviews Behaviors Discussion MBTI /PRINT Reflection Competency Quizzes Planning Creative Decisions Technical Service Interp Comm Network Coach/ Train Expressive Service Profession Time & Priorities X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Self Devt. Spirit Optimism Points Possible X X 5 10 X X 10 X X 10 X 10 X 20 Simulation One X Simulation 2 Development Activity Getting Involved Summary Paired Presentation Development Plan Plan Presentation Professional Quotient Total Points X X X X X X X X X 20 X X X X X X 5 X X X X 10 5 X 10 X X X X X X 5 5 125 My Points