“Media Studies is an Education – Not Job Training”

Arceneaux / JMS 412 Syllabus / Fall 2013
JMS 412 – Fall 2013
Media Industries and Audiences
M – W – F: 11:00 – 11:50 a.m
P - 144
“Media Studies is an Education – Not Job Training”
Instructor: Noah Arceneaux, Ph.D.
Email: noah.arceneaux@sdsu.edu
Phone: 619-594-3236
Office/Hours: PSFA 334, Tuesdays 11:00am – 1:00pm
(additional times by appointment)
Course Description: Reviewing and dissecting claims made by media organizations. Examining
models about how individuals make sense of these claims. Investigating how individual and group
actions can alter media institutions and content.
Expanded Description: This course is structured around answering one question, “What is an
According to old theories of mass communication, members of the media audience are assumed
to be passive non-participants in a one-way form of communication. For the next few months, we
will explore the notion that different forms of mass media should be more accurately
conceptualized as a two-way form of communication. As individuals and as organized interest
groups, the audience is actively engaged in the process of meaning-making.
In this course, we will also study the ways in which the “audience” is imagined and measured by
different media industries. We will study how programmers, advertisers, and media practitioners
interpret these statistics and what decisions are made because of them.
We will also study theories of the “active audience” and the various ways in which academics, as
opposed to media practitioners, conceptualize the audience. Finally, we will conclude by
examining a few case studies in which individuals have utilized various forms of media to enact
social change, express alternate viewpoints, and force governments to alter their policies.
Objectives: By the end of this course, you will be able to  Understand and be able to explain the basic measurements used in audience analysis.
 Identify the different business models that underlie the media industries.
 Describe specific instances in which individuals and/or interest groups have used
various forms of media to alter the actions of larger institutions.
 Critique and analyze academic writing in a logical, informed manner.
Required Readings:
John L. Sullivan, Media Audiences: Effects, Users, Institutions, and Power (SAGE, 2013)
The New York Times, information for establishing a subscription provided on BlackBoard.
Suggested Viewing:
If you are not already familiar with the characters and mythology of Star Wars, you
should watch at least the first two installments in the franchise: Star Wars (1977)
and The Empire Strikes Back (1980). (Some individuals refer to these two films as
Episode IV and Episode V respectively, but I refuse to engage in this act of historical
Media Studies Requirements: Students must have completed JMS 408 and earned at least a C
in that class. For students pursuing a Media Studies major, they must earn at least a C in this
Arceneaux / JMS 412 Syllabus / Fall 2013
class as well.
If my official class roster does not indicate that you have met this pre-req, I will email you and ask
that you bring an unofficial copy of your class transcript to the next class meeting.
 Prior to each lecture, I will post a Word document with lecture notes on BlackBoard.
These notes are not intended to be a substitute for attending class, though I do believe
that they make taking in-class notes easier. (Note: These notes include only the text from
my PowerPoint presentations, as I found from past experience that posting the entire
PowerPoint files is time-consuming and less helpful.)
 Students are responsible for all material presented in class, on BlackBoard, and in the
readings. Material on the exams will be drawn from all of these sources. (So simply
reading the lecture notes will not be sufficient.)
 Exams will use the thin red Scantron form, aka F289.
 Throughout the semester, I will use the class BlackBoard site to post announcements,
reminders, and other material relating to the course. If an item is of particular importance,
I will make sure that the information is emailed to everyone enrolled in the class. It is your
responsibility to keep up with this information and regularly check the email address that
is associated with your name.
 Hotmail accounts have been known to filter out BlackBoard announcements as spam.
 The lectures last only 50 minutes. It is assumed that during this brief amount of time,
you will refrain from reading the newspaper, texting, personal grooming, and any other
activity that might distract your classmates.
 If your mobile phone rings more than once during the semester, I reserve the right to
deduct points from your final grade.
Academic Dishonesty - Plagiarism and Cheating
The University adheres to a strict policy regarding cheating and plagiarism. These activities will not be
tolerated in this class. Become familiar with the policy (http://www.sa.sdsu.edu/srr/conduct1.html). Any
cheating or plagiarism will result in failing this class and a disciplinary review by Student Affairs.
Examples of Plagiarism include but are not limited to:
Using sources verbatim or paraphrasing without giving proper attribution (this can include
phrases, sentences, paragraphs and/or pages of work)
Copying and pasting work from a online or offline source directly and calling it your own
Using information you find from an online or offline source without giving the author credit
 Replacing words or phrases from another source and inserting your own words or
Submitting a piece of work you did for one class to another class
If you have questions on what is plagiarism, please consult this helpful guide from the Library:
Students with Disabilities
Students who need accommodation for their disabilities should contact me privately to discuss
specific arrangements for which they have received authorization. If you have a disability of any
kind, but have not contacted Student Disability Services at 619-594-7473 (Calpulli Center, Suite
310), please do so before making an appointment to see me. The website for Student Disability
Services is: http://go.sdsu.edu/student_affairs/sds/
The instructor has the final authority on all grades, and reserves the right to deviate from the
various point values listed below when appropriate.
Your final grade will be based on 400 points. Do not be confused by anything else that
Arceneaux / JMS 412 Syllabus / Fall 2013
appears on BlackBoard.
Exam 1 (Wed. Oct 2), Multiple Choice + Short Answer
Exam 2 (Wed Nov 6), Multiple Choice + Short Answer
Exam 3 (Monday Dec 16) Short Answer + Multiple choice
Quizzes (Based on material in NYT, four total)
Assignments (Four)
#1 Watching the Viewer (Due Thurs Sept. 12)
#2 Editorial Assignment book (Due Thurs Sept. 26)
#3 Frankfurt School & Fandom (Due Friday Oct. 25)
#4 Job Hunting Assignment (Due Tues Nov. 12)
80 points
410 points
20 points
At the end of the semester, I will take your total number of points and divide by 4. I will then use
the standard SDSU grading scale to determine a specific letter grade. This grading scale is
included below. There may be extra credit opportunities that arise as the semester progresses
though this is entirely up to my discretion. Note that it is possible to earn a maximum of 410
points, but you only need 400 points to get a perfect A.
There will be four writing assignments. I will post detailed instructions on BlackBoard as the due
dates draw closer, but I will tell you now that one of the assignments requires you to create a
resume. If you have not already created one, don’t delay.
You will submit all of these assignments via the Turnitin function on BlackBoard. Your grade will
be determined based on how closely you followed the instructions, comprehension of material,
and clarity of your writing. Late work is not accepted and will result in an automatic grade of zero.
Exams will be a combination of multiple choice and short answer. I will post a brief study guide a
few weeks prior to each exam, though I strongly encourage you to read all of the assigned
material. (Don’t completely ignore the material that is not listed in a study guide.)
Make-Up Exams
I will only allow students to miss regularly scheduled exams for extremely compelling, valid
reasons, and will require proof of your excuse. Oversleeping, the inability to find a parking spot, a
conflicting work schedule, a previously scheduled airline flight, getting a DUI, or other similar
reasons are not valid reasons. I strongly encourage you to examine the schedule at the end of
this syllabus before making any travel arrangements.
If you have an issue or conflict with any of these dates, you must contact me BEFORE the exam
in question.
There will be four brief quizzes during the semester. These quizzes will be on predetermined
Fridays (see the schedule below for dates), and each quiz will be based on material that
appeared in the New York Times Media & Advertising section on Monday – Thursday of the given
There are no make-up dates for these quizzes. If you have a valid reason for missing class on the
day of a quiz (such as being part of a university athletic team that is traveling), let me know as far
in advance as possible.
Arceneaux / JMS 412 Syllabus / Fall 2013
Grade Breakdown:
100 – 93
92.9 – 90
89.9 – 87
86.9 – 83
82.9 – 80
79.9 – 77
76.9 – 70
69.9 – 67
66.9 – 63
62.9 – 0
Note: If you for any reason you are unable to meet the basic course requirements or require
special accommodations, please contact me as soon as possible.
Semester Outline/Schedule:
This outline is subject to revision as the semester progresses. You will receive ample
warning of any significant deviation from this schedule.
Mon Aug 26: Class Introduction
Wed Aug 28: Lecture: Intro to Basic Terms & Concepts
Read Media Audiences, Ch. 1
Friday Aug 30: Tips on Effective Writing
Monday Sept 2: No Class, Labor Day Holiday
Wed Sept 4: Lecture: Data Collection Methods
Read Media Audiences, Ch. 3 & 4
Friday Sept 6: Discussion of Social TV / NYT Media Quiz #1
See Stories in Media & Advertising section for Sept 2 – Sept 5
Monday Sept 9: Lecture: Ratings & Advertising
Wed Sept 11: Lecture: TV Programming & Ratings
Thursday Sept 12: Assignment #1: Watching the Viewer due Midnight, submit via Turnitin on BB
Friday Sept 13: Lecture: TV Programming (cont’d)
Monday Sept 16: Lecture: Cable TV
Wed Sept 18: Lecture: VCRs & DVRs
Friday Sept 20: Lecture: Spanish Language Broadcasting / NYT Media Quiz # 2
See Stories for Sept 16 – Sept 19
Monday Sept 23: Lecture: Radio Ratings (Guest Speaker from Arbitron)
Arceneaux / JMS 412 Syllabus / Fall 2013
Wed Sept 25: Lecture: PostNetwork TV
Thursday Sept 26: Assignment #2: Editorial on “Why Audience Ratings System Matter”
Friday Sept 27: In-Class Activity RE: Radio Ratings
Monday Sept 30: Review for Exam #1
Wed Oct 2: Exam #1
Friday Oct 4: No Class
Monday Oct 7: Lecture: Online Audience Metrics
Wed Oct 9: Lecture: Search Engines / Audience Metrics
Friday Oct 11: Go Over Exam #1 / Feedback on Assignments #1 & #2 / NYT Quiz #3
See stories for Oct 7 – Oct 10
Monday Oct 14: Lecture: Print Circulation
Wed Oct 16: Lecture: Audience Studies
Read Media Audiences, Ch. 6
Friday Oct 18: Lecture: Audience Studies (Cont’d)
Monday Oct 21: Lecture – Fandom
Read Media Audiences, Ch. 8
Wed Oct 23: Lecture: Culture Jamming
Friday Oct 25: In-Class Activity / Fair Use
Fandom Wiki & Assignment # 3 Due Midnight, Submit Essay via Turnitin on BB
Monday Oct 28: Lecture: Viral Culture
Wed Oct 30: Phenomenology of Mon Calamari
Friday Nov 1: No Class
Monday Nov 4: Review for Exam #2
Wed Nov 6: Exam #2
Friday Nov 8: Go Over Exam #2 / Discussion of Assignment #3
Monday Nov 11: No Class, Veteran’s Day Holiday
(Tuesday Nov 12: Job Hunting Assignment #4 Due, Submit Via Turnitin)
Wed Nov 13: No Class, Instructor At Conference
Friday Nov 14: No Class, Instructor At Conference
Monday Nov 18: Lecture: Public Radio
Arceneaux / JMS 412 Syllabus / Fall 2013
Wed Nov 20: Lecture: Machinima
Friday Nov 22: Feedback on Job Hunting Assignment / NYT Quiz #4
See stories for Nov 18 – Nov 21
Monday Nov 25: Lecture: Giddens & Structuration Theory
Wed Nov 27: Lecture: Meth Lab for Cutie & the Social Capital of Breaking Bad
Friday Nov 29: No Class, Thanksgiving Holiday
Monday Dec 2: Lecture: UK Pirate Radio
Wed Dec 4: Lecture: Hip Hop as Radical Media
Friday Dec 6: TBD
Monday Dec 9: Lecture: Samizdat in Former Soviet Union
Wed Dec 11: Review for Exam #3
Exam #3: Monday Dec 16 at 10:30am. Please note that is earlier than our usual start time.