Quantum Mechanics PHYS 580 Fall 2015 Schedule Number

Quantum Mechanics PHYS 580
Fall 2015
Schedule Number 22733
Class Days: M W F
Class Times: 1:00 - 1:50 pm
Class Location: P-149
Professor: Calvin Johnson
Contact Information:
Office Hours Days: M W F
Office Hours Times (and by appointment): 11-12 am
Office Hours Location: P-135
Course Overview
Description from the Official Course Catalog: Computer programming for numerical solution of problems in classical mechanics,
electromagnetism, optics, and quantum mechanics. Use of Fortran and C programming languages and the UNIX operating
system. Incorporation of standard subroutines for linear algebra and differential equations into student written programs
Student Learning Outcomes: Students will master: numerical implementation, including error analysis, of
differentiation, quadrature, linear algebra (solution of linear equations and matrix eigenvalue problems), and
integration of ordinary and partial differential equations; application these skills in the context of physical problems;
documentation, debugging, and validation of code; producing figures appropriate for scientific publication.
Relation to Other Courses: preparation for research and advanced physics courses
Enrollment Information
Please include information about enrollment for the course including, but not limited to:
Prerequisites: PHYS 354: Computer Engineering 160 or PHYS 318; credit or concurrent registration in PHYS 400A.
Adding/Dropping Procedures: Standard SDSU procedures
Course Materials
Required Materials: None
Course Structure and Conduct
Style of the Course : Traditional Lecture
Individual and Group Activities Required: individual projects.
Technology Utilized in the Course : online notes available at www.physics.sdsu.edu/~johnson/phys580/
Course Assessment and Grading
Grade is based upon 6-7 projects, based upon: code is appropriate documented; code compiles and is user-friendly;
code produces correct results; results shown in plots suitable for scientific publication.
Code must be in Fortran or C/C++ and compile and run with standard compilers, e.g. GNU compilers.
Plots must be postscript or encapsulated postscript.
Grading Scale: A = 3.8-4.0 A- = 3.5-3.7 B+ = 3.2-3.4 B = 2.9-3.1 B- = 2.6-2.8 C+ = 2.3-2.5 C = 2.0-2.2 C- = 1.7-1.9
D+ = 1.4-1.6 D = 1.1-1.3 D- = 0.8-1.0 F < 0.7
Excused Absence Make-up Policies: Students should strive to attend as many classes as possible.
Other Course Policies
Students must turn in original work, except for routines provided by instructor.
Students must have working knowledge of Fortran or C/C++ and to have access to
Late projects will be docked 50%,.