Electronics for Scientists: Physics 311 Fall 2015 Schedule Number #22723 COURSE INFORMATION Class Days: Tuesday / Thursday Class Times: 5:30 PM – 6:45 PM Class Location: P-147 Professor: Murray Finegold Contact Information: mfinegold@mail.sdsu.edu Office: PA-125 Office Hours: Tues 4:30 -5:30 PM room P-145A Tues/Thurs 6:45 – 7:30 PM rm P-147 By appointment: PA-125 Course Overview AC and DC circuits, diodes, transistors, conventional and operational amplifiers, analog to digital conversion, pulse and digital electronics. Introduces science majors to modern electronic devices and their utilization in scientific instrumentation. Enrollment Information Prerequisites: Physics 180B and 182B, or Physics 196 and 196L Adding/Dropping Procedures: Refer to the current SDSU General Catalog Course Materials Lecture Text: Electronics for Scientists 2003 by John Ferguson Available in the SDSU Bookstore Lab Text: Handouts provided by Lab Instructor Course Structure and Conduct Two lectures and three hours of laboratory weekly Course Assessment and Grading Three 100 point exams (1) 200 points Final Exam –comprehensive 200 points Homework – due at beginning of lecture (2) 150 points Notebook (3) 50 points Lab Score (4) 200 points Total 800 points A C 90% 63% AC- 85% 60% B+ D+ 80% 57% B D 75% 53% BD- 70% 50% C+ 67% (1) Lowest exam score dropped; there are NO make-up exams. (2) Late penalty -30% and I will not accept HW after I grade and return an assignment. (3) Notebook is due at the Final Exam and should include handout materials, lab write-ups, and notes from lectures. Notebooks should be organized by topic. (4) Lab score will be determined by the lab instructor. Tentative Schedule Month Aug Sept Dates 25/27 1/3 8/10 15/17 22/24 Sept/Oct 29/1 6/8 13/15 20/22 27/29 Tuesday Lecture Introduction and DC Circuits DC Circuits & Thevenin Analog Scopes Exam #1 RC & RL Circuits AC Circuits Semiconductors Exam #2 Distortion Op-Amps HW Due #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 Thursday Lab E1: DC Measurements E2: Thevenin Equivalent Circ. E3: Analog Oscilloscopes E4: Digital Oscilloscopes E5: RC Circ. Bode & phase E5.5: RC Circ. XL & XC Calcs. E6: RLC Resonance E7: BJT Amplifier E8: Harmonic & IM Distortion E9: Intro to Op-Amps Lecture DC Circuits DC Circ. & Norton Digital scopes Coaxial lines AC Circuits AC Circuits Transistors Amplifiers Op-Amps Op-Amp Limitation Nov 3/5 Noise, S/N Ratio #8 E10: Op-Amp Limitations Digital Logic 10/12 Digital Logic, BCD E11: Digital Logic Digital Logic 17/21 Exam #3 E12: Two-Bit Counter ADC, DAC 24/26 ADC, DAC #9 Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Dec 1/3 ADC, DAC #10 E13: ADC by SAR ADC, DAC 8/10 ADC,DAC E14 & E15: Single Slope ADC Review for Final 15/17 None Final Exam 3:30 – 5:30 Other Course Policies Academic Dishonesty: Cheating, plagiarism, and other activities that are intended to gain unfair academic advantage will not be tolerated. Suspected cases will be investigated and action will be taken, including possible assignment and course grade reductions, and referral to the Office of Student Affairs / Center for Student Rights and Responsibilities for further action. Student Disability Services If you believe you will need accommodations for this class, it is your responsibility to contact me and Student Disability Services at (619) 594-6473. To avoid any delay in the receipt of accommodations, you should contact Student Disability Services as soon as possible. Please note that accommodations are not retroactive, and that I cannot provide accommodations based upon disability until I have received an accommodation letter from Student Disability Services. Your cooperation is appreciated. As your instructor, I reserve the right to make any necessary changes or corrections to this syllabus.