BA 360.5 Introduction to Operations & Supply Chain Management

BA 360.5 Introduction to Operations & Supply Chain Management
Fall 2015 Syllabus
San Diego State University
College of Business Administration
Department of Management Information Systems (MIS)
Instructor Information
Professor: Christine Probett
Lecturer, College of Business Administration
Faculty Fellow, Weber Honors College
Office: EBA-322 and TBD
Office Hours: Before class and TBD
Course Information
Course: BA 360.5, #20363
Class Days: T/TH, 5:30 – 6:45 pm
Class Location: SHW-011
Units: 3 units
Course Overview
Course Purpose and Scope:
Introduction to Operations and Supply Chain Management provides an overview of the introductory managerial concepts and
quantitative techniques associated with the design, execution, and management of production and operations systems in
manufacturing and services. Global impacts on operations and the influence of political, social, legal/regulatory, environmental
and technological issues will be integrated in discussion on various topics.
Student Learning Outcomes:
BSBA students will graduate being:
Effective Communicators
Critical Thinkers
Able to Analyze Ethical Problems
Global in their perspective
Knowledgeable about the essentials of business
MIS 302 contributes to these goals through its student learning outcomes:
1. Define the role of operations and supply chain in an organization and its interactions with business functions such as
accounting, finance, and marketing.
2. Develop the basic business and operations strategies for increased productivity and competitiveness for service and
3. Use descriptive and optimization models and incorporate cost drivers to improve general business decision making.
4. Identify issues in inventories and resources for an organization and use basic models to improve its management
5. Design quality management strategies, techniques and tools for improved customer satisfaction.
6. Plan the basic scheduling for a project and its management
7. List and apply lean operations principles.
8. Identify supply chain’s strategic impacts on global business.
Enrollment Information
MIS 180, ECON 201 or STAT 119; recommended: MATH 120. A solid knowledge of all explicit and implicit prerequisites is
assumed and required. Proof of completion of prerequisites is required – you may be asked to provide a copy of your
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BA 360.5 Introduction to Operations & Supply Chain Management
Fall 2015 Syllabus
Course Materials
Required Course Materials:
Operations Management – Sustainability and Supply Chain Management. Custom Edition for San Diego
State University. Jay Heizer and Barry Render. Pearson, 2014.
ISBN: 978-1-269-32087-0. There are several copies of the text on reserve in the library
[Note: Earlier and/or international versions of the text are acceptable ONLY IF the student assumes the risk
of any differences/changes]
Microsoft Excel will be used in this course.
MyOMLab: MyOMLab is an on-line system created by the text publisher (Pearson) for homework
assignments. The use of MyOMLab is required for this BA 360 course. To register for MyOMLab, go to, course name “F15 BA 360.5 Probett”. (There is a “Get Started
Handout posted on Blackboard, FYI):
1. Go to
2. Under “Register”, enter “Student”
3. Enter course ID: probett92458, and click Continue
Note: crashers can sign up for the FREE 17 day trial version in order to keep up with class during the
ADD/DROP period
Scantron Form 882-E and a number 2 pencil for exams.
“i>clicker2”: is required for participation and quizzes. You can purchase this at the bookstore (or eBay,
Amazon, etc.). Be sure to get equipment which is SDSU compatible. You must have your i>clicker2
registered by the end of the ADD/DROP period (by 9/4/15). You must bring the i>clicker2 to every class. If
you do not have your i>clicker2 for a quiz or attendance, you will not get credit for that quiz or participation
on that day.
Wall Street Journal: The WSJ is optional but encouraged for this class. Subscribe to the WSJ for just $1 per
week (save 75% with special student pricing of $15 for the semester) – includes The Journal newspaper plus
full digital access. Go to . If you have any issues or questions, call 1-800JOURNAL.
Course Structure and Conduct
Course Design:
I incorporate a variety of teaching approaches and methods in this class. These include lectures, class discussions, reading
assignments, review of sample problems, homework assignments, practice problems, a web-based research paper and
Your questions and participation in class will enhance your learning experience.
Please keep up with the readings and contribute during discussions and activities.
Lecture notes (posted on Blackboard) have blank spaces for terms, definitions, and concepts. It is your responsibility to
obtain the “missing” information from the text or your peers if you miss a class.
Course Conduct:
Please bring your textbook to each class. You should complete all reading and (at minimum) review the relevant
homework assignments and practice problems prior to class meetings.
Punctuality is as important in the classroom as in business. You are expected to be on time and to stay in class the whole
period. Arriving late or leaving early will cause disturbances – any such behavior could impact the attendance portion of
your grade.
Cell phones should be turned off completely or in vibration mode. I understand there could be a work or home
emergency. If such an emergency arises, please quietly leave the classroom and quickly take the call. Abuse of this policy
could impact the attendance portion of your grade.
Exams, quizzes and assignments are available for review in my office within two weeks after the due date. Reviews will be
visual only, no notes may be taken. Exams, quizzes and assignments will not be retained and may be shredded two weeks
after the review period.
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BA 360.5 Introduction to Operations & Supply Chain Management
Fall 2015 Syllabus
Students with Disabilities
If you are a student with a disability and believe you will need accommodations for this class, it is your responsibility to contact
Student Disability Services (SDS) at (619) 594-6473. To avoid any delay in the receipt of your accommodations, you should
contact Student Disability Services as soon as possible. Please note that accommodations are not retroactive, and that
accommodations based upon disability cannot be provided until you have presented your instructor with an accommodation
letter from Student Disability Services. Please come to my office hours to complete SDS paperwork for exams.
Academic Honesty
The University adheres to a strict policy regarding cheating and plagiarism. These activities will not be tolerated in this class.
Become familiar with the policy (
Students committing any form of academic dishonesty will receive a grade of zero on the activity at issue and be subject to
additional penalties which may include the issuance of an F for the course.
Students that engage in academic dishonesty in any form will be reported immediately to the Center for Student Rights &
Responsibilities (CSRR) office of the university.
Examples of Plagiarism include but are not limited to:
Using sources verbatim or paraphrasing without giving proper attribution (this can include phrases, sentences,
paragraphs and/or pages of work)
Copying and pasting work from an online or offline source directly and calling it your own
Using information you find from an online or offline source without giving the author credit
Replacing words or phrases from another source and inserting your own words or phrases
Submitting a piece of work you did for one class to another class
If you have questions on what is plagiarism, please consult the policy and this helpful guide from the Library
Students agree that by taking this course all required papers may be subject to submission for textual similarity review to for the detection of plagiarism. All submitted papers will be included as source documents in the
reference database solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of such papers. You may submit your papers in such a way
that no identifying information about you is included. Another option is that you may request, in writing, that your papers not
be submitted to However, if you choose this option you will be required to provide documentation to
substantiate that the papers are your original work and do not include any plagiarized material.
Assessments and Grading
There are many elements that contribute to the course grade to allow an opportunity for students to fully demonstrate their
mastery of course materials.
Exams: There will be three midterm exams; the lowest midterm score will be dropped. There will be a comprehensive final
exam which cannot be dropped as new material will be tested. There are no make-up exams.
All exams are closed book and closed notes. However, you may bring one 8.5"x11" information sheet (one or two
sides) to each exam (please add your name and RedID to the sheet). You can handwrite and/or type any information
you wish on the information sheet, however, be careful to ensure all equations are written correctly! You must
create your own information sheet. If Appendices and or Tables are required for the exam, they will be included in
the exam booklet – you do not need to include them on your information sheet. The information sheet that you use
for exams must be turned in with the exam, therefore, I strongly encourage you to make a copy of your information
sheet prior to the exam (to support the comprehensive final exam). I will NOT retrieve your information sheet after
an exam has been administered.
For exams, students must enter the room through the south doors and show their Red ID to verify their identity.
Failure to show the Red ID will result in the inability to enter the classroom and a score of zero on the exam.
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Fall 2015 Syllabus
You will need to bring a calculator to each exam. You can bring any calculator (if you use a programmable calculator,
be sure to program it correctly!). Ensure your calculator batteries are fresh! You cannot use a PDA, pocket computer,
iPod or cell phone during the exams (any student found accessing any of the above during an exam for any reason
(i.e., checking the time) will receive a zero on the exam).
You must bring a Scantron Form No 882-E (the long green form) for each exam. The following must be CLEARLY
PRINTED on the Scantron form: Student name (Last, First), RedID number, Exam Booklet number and Version (from
coversheet of Exam Booklet). Students must also PRINT their name on the coversheet of the Exam Booklet.
Scantron forms will not be returned to students. If a student wishes to review his or her individual Scantron form and
exam, they must do so by attending office hours within two weeks of the time the exam results. Exam reviews will be
visual only, no notes may be taken.
Quizzes: Several times during the semester I will give unannounced “pop” quizzes to gauge your reading preparation and your
engagement in the class activities; the lowest quiz score will be dropped. QUIZZES ARE CLOSED BOOK AND CLOSED NOTES.
There are no make-up quizzes. Students must be prepared for two types of quiz formats:
1. Paper Quiz: Students to provide a full sheet of paper, include Name (Last, First), RedID, list question number and
“TRUE” or “FALSE” answer for each.
2. I>clicker2 Quiz: You must have your i>clicker2 registered by the end of the ADD/DROP period (by 9/4/15). If you
do not have your i>clicker2 for a quiz, you will not get credit for that quiz.
Participation & Attendance: I expect full attendance but you are allowed one non-excused absence (i.e., absence not related to
severe medical condition or family death). I require notification and proper documentation for absences to be excused.
I take attendance using one or both of two methods:
Attendance Sheets: You must add your signature next to your name when you are present – DO NOT sign in for
others (and do not ask someone else to sign in for you)
I>clicker2: I will randomly ask you to activate your i>clicker2 for attendance – DO NOT click in for others (and do not
ask someone else to click in for you)
Homework Assignments: Homework assignments using the MyOMLab on-line system are required for all of the chapters that
we cover. You must complete each assignment by 11:59 pm on the day they are due. Late assignments will penalized by 25%
per day late.
Table1. Homework Assignments and Start/Due Dates:
Homework Chapter
Chapter 0
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 5S
Chapter 3
Chapter 7
Chapter 6
Chapter 6S
Chapter 4
Chapter 16
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 11
Module B
Introduction to MyOMLab
Operations and Productivity
Operations Strategy
Sustainability in the Supply Chain
Project Management
Process Strategy
Quality Management
Quality Control
JIT, TPS, and Lean Operations
Inventory Management
Supply Chain Management
Linear Programming
Start Date
Due Date (by 11:59 pm)
Study Plan: The MyOMLab has a feature called “Study Plan” which is an adaptive study aid. Previous students have stated
that it is beneficial to their understanding of the course material. Use of Study Plan is optional, but encouraged.
Practice Problems: Practice problems and solutions are posted on Blackboard for most of the chapters that we cover.
These should help to prepare you for the Homework Assignments, Quizzes and Exams. You are strongly encouraged to
keep up with the practice problems as we cover the material in class - do not wait until the day that the HW is due!
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Fall 2015 Syllabus
Web-Based Research Paper: Each student will write a brief paper using web-based research on a company of their choice (i.e.,
any company with a website [i.e., public, private, for/non-profit, etc.])
The paper should be one-page, single spaced with 12 point Times New Roman font (papers longer or shorter than one
page will be penalized). The paper must be well written in paragraph format and should be both spell-checked and
 The paper must include the name of the company, description of the business, primary goods/services, location of
headquarters, the internet address and why you selected this particular company. You should NOT select a
company where you previously or currently work
The paper must also address at least two (2) Operations Management topics as listed in the course outline. Some
examples are listed below:
What are the competitive dimensions that form the competitive position of the company?
What type of production and/or service processes does the company utilize?
What are the company’s order qualifier(s) and order winner(s)?
What is the company’s approach to social responsibility?
What is the company’s approach to outsourcing and/or offshoring?
What is the company’s approach to sustainability?
You must also include three (3) questions that you would ask if you had an interview with the company
Each student must submit both a hardcopy of the paper no later than the due date and a softcopy through the
TurnItIn feature of Blackboard to check for plagiarism. Failure to submit the project in both forms will result in a zero
on the assignment. You may turn in the assignment anytime during the semester, but no later than the last day of
class, 12/10/15.
You do not need to have a “Works Cited” page unless you reference any source other than the website or the class
There will be an opportunity for COURSE EXTRA CREDIT if you turn your Web-Based Research Paper early!
Papers turned in prior to the end of October (8/25/15 to 10/31/15): 2% course extra credit
Papers turned in during the month of November (11/1/15 to 11/30/15): 1% course extra credit
Papers turned in during the month of December (12/1/15 to 12/10/15): 0% course extra credit
NOTE: if you earn Extra Credit but subsequently revise your paper, your Extra Credit score may be reduced or
eliminated completely
Table 2. Your course grade will be based on the following weighted components:
Highest midterm score
Middle Midterm score
Lowest Midterm score
Comprehensive Final Exam
Web-based Research Paper
Homework Assignments
Quizzes/Participation & Attendance
Course grades will be assigned in accordance with San Diego State University policy (see General Catalog, pp. 466-468).
Undergraduate grades shall be: A (outstanding achievement, available only for the highest accomplishment), B (praiseworthy
performance, definitely above average), C (average, awarded for satisfactory performance, the most common undergraduate
grade), D (minimally passing, less than the typical undergraduate achievement), F (failing). Grades are due by December 31,
2015 and I will send an email when grades are posted on the WebPortal. Grades will be assigned using the following
distribution (Note: I do not curve course grades or “round up” to nearest grade).
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Fall 2015 Syllabus
Table 3. Your course grade will be assigned using the following distribution:
93 – 100%
90 – 92%
88 – 89%
83 – 87%
80 – 82%
78 – 79%
73 – 77%
70 – 72%
68 – 69%
63 – 67%
60 – 62%
Below 60%
Grade of Incomplete. A grade of Incomplete (I) indicates that a portion of required coursework has not been completed and
evaluated in the prescribed time period due to unforeseen, but fully justified, reasons and that there is still a possibility of
earning credit. It is your responsibility to bring pertinent information to the instructor and to reach agreement on the means by
which the remaining course requirements will be satisfied. The conditions for removal of the Incomplete shall be reduced to
writing by the instructor and given to you with a copy placed on file with the department chair until the Incomplete is removed
or the time limit for removal has passed. A final grade is assigned when the work agreed upon has been completed and
evaluated. An Incomplete shall not be assigned when the only way you could make up the work would be to attend a major
portion of the class when it is next offered. Contract forms for Incomplete grades are available at the Office of the Registrar
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Fall 2015 Syllabus
Course Schedule
Table 4. The course schedule, including topics and class activities listed by week, is presented in the following table
T 8/25
Th 8/27
Th 9/3
T 9/8
Th 9/10
T 9/15
Th 9/17
T 9/22
Th 9/24
T 9/29
Th 10/1
T 10/6
Th 10/8
T 10/13
Th 10/15
T 10/20
Th 10/22
T 10/27
Th 10/29
T 11/3
Th 11/5
T 11/10
Th 11/12
T 11/17
Th 11/19
T 11/24
Th 11/26
T 12/1
Th 12/3
T 12/8
Strategy/Sustainability, Project Management
Project Management
Project Management, Process Strategy
Process Strategy
Review for Exam 1
Quality Management and Quality Control
Quality Management and Quality Control
Quality Management and Quality Control
JIT, TPS, and Lean Operations
Review for Exam 2
Inventory Management
Inventory Management
Inventory Management
Materials Requirements Planning & ERP
Materials Requirements Planning & ERP
Supply Chain Management
Review for Exam 3
Work on Web-Based Research Paper
Linear Programming
Linear Programming
Linear Programming
Th 12/10
Review for Final Exam - Last Day of Class
T 9/1
Th 12/17
3:30 – 5:30
Chapter 1
Chapter 1, 2/5S
Chapter 2/5S
Chapter 2/5S, 3
Chapter 3
Chapter 3, 7
Chapter 7
Chapters 1, 2/5S, 3 & 7
Chapter 6/6S
Chapter 6/6S
Chapter 6/6S
Chapter 4
Chapter 4
Chapter 16
Chapters 4, 6/6S & 16
Chapter 12
Chapter 12
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 14
Chapter 11
Ch 0, 1 HW due
Ch 2/5S HW due
Ch 3 HW due
Ch 7 HW due
Ch 6, 6S HW due
Ch 4 HW due
Ch 16 HW due
Ch 12 HW due
Ch 14 HW due
Ch 11 HW due
Chapters 11, 12 & 14
Module B
Module B
Module B
Research paper,
Mod B HW due
Mod B, Ch 1, 2/5S, 3, 4,
6/6S, 7, 11, 12, 14, 16
Every effort is made to adhere to the schedule of topics, but minor changes are inevitable. I reserve the right to change course
requirements to optimize the student learning experience. Students will be notified in advance of such changes, and students
are responsible for keeping up with any changes announced in class.
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