ESTHER CASTRO OFFICE: AL 165 TEL: (619) 594-5001 E-Mail: OFFICE HOURS: W 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. and by appointment FINAL EXAM: Monday, May 9 from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF SPANISH AND PORTUGUESE. SPANISH 307 SPRING 2016 COURSE DESCRIPTION: INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS SPANISH CHAPTERS 1-7 Sections 1 Schedule 23213 Time 11:00-11:50 a.m. Days Units Meeting Location Bldg./Room MWF 3 PSFA 318 Prerequisites: Spanish 301, 302, or 381 or 382 Terminology and forms of business correspondence and documents. ÉXITO COMERCIAL, SPANISH 307 Custom Edition with REQUIRED TEXT AND MATERIALS Prácticas administrativas y contextos culturales (Cuaderno de Correspondencia, documentos y ejercicios comerciales: Student Activities Manual Custom Edition for SDSU, Chapters 1- 7) Access Code for Premium Website (6TH Ed.) INCLUDED By Doyle and Fryer CENGAGE Learning Diccionario Inglés/Español y Español/Inglés RAE (Real Academia Española): OBJECTIVES: DESCRIPTION: SPAN 307 Introduction to Commercial Spanish is designed to give beginning students of Spanish a solid foundation in business vocabulary, basic business and cultural concepts, and situational practice to conduct business in Spanish by preparing documents and forms of business correspondence. Within the context of grammar review and the development of greater cross-cultural awareness, it will help develop the following language skills: speaking, listening comprehension, reading, writing, and translation/interpretation. This course will enhance the student’s ability to function effectively in an increasingly important commercial language both in the U.S. and abroad. It will provide you with a solid foundation in the vocabulary and discourse related to the following business topics and functional areas: the modern business office, economics, management, industry and production, the stock market, banking, communications, and human resources (the job application and hiring). Although Spanish 307 is not a course in Spanish grammar, a review of problematic grammatical 1 SPRING 2016 structures will be interwoven within the business context. The course will also develop your geographic literacy and cultural understanding of the Spanish-speaking world, as these are central to being able to conduct business successfully in Spanish. The course, to be conducted in Spanish, will also include translation/interpretation, a language skill used frequently in the world of international business. STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: By successfully completing this course, students will: ATTENDANCE: PARTICIPATION: QUIZZES: Identify key terms in business discourse, basic business, and cultural concepts. Contextualize situational practices necessary to be successful in today’s Spanish-speaking business world. Compare and contrast different structures in the Hispanic business world. Comunícate orally and in writing with a variety of audiences including peers, native speakers, and experts in the business field. Identify and annotate various regional usages in the Spanishspeaking world. Each student is expected to attend class regularly. However, occasions do arrive during the course of the semester that prevent a student from attending a particular class session. For this reason, each student is allowed two (2) absences. The days may be used for sickness, trips, weddings, funerals, interviews, or emergencies of any kind. After the second absence is used, a penalty of 2.5% off the final course grade will be incurred for each additional absence. Therefore, if, after calculating your final semester grade, you have a 92% and you have four (4) absences, your grade will drop to 87%. Since true emergencies do occur, and important events do occasionally interfere with class time, you are cautioned to be judicious about missing any days. Any excused absences (including official college business, varsity athletics, college sanctioned extra-curricular activities, etc.) must be arranged privately with the instructor prior to the scheduled absence. As noted above, there will be no make-up exams without prior approval. Regular participation is an important aspect of this course and will comprise 10% of your grade. All students are expected to be full participants in all daily classroom activities and discussions. Also, this grade will take into account your: 1) use of Spanish, 2) willingness to participate, 3) cooperation in group and pair work; 4) respect and attitude toward the class and your peers. Since this is a 300-level Spanish course, it is expected that you will speak Spanish 100% of the time in the classroom. This includes greeting, and taking leave of your classmates, casual discussions before and after class, etc. Likewise, the instruction will be entirely in Spanish. Your use of Spanish (or lack thereof) will be a critical part of your participation grade. There will be a vocabulary quiz for every chapter. Quizzes may also be related to the content of the course and your homework. One letter grade will be deducted for each day that a business letter or SPAN 307 2 SPRING 2016 HOMEWORK: homework assignment is handed in late. ORAL PRESENTATIONS AND INTERVIEW: There will be three main oral presentations and a mock job interview conducted in Spanish. Each student's performance (language skills, ability to sell oneself as a candidate, professional attire/behavior) will account for part of the final grade. In addition, all materials presented to the class (charts, graphics) should be in Spanish without grammar or spelling mistakes. I. Peer/Self Presentation II. Economic, financial and cultural aspects of a Spanish-speaking Country III. Professional Entrepreneurs (Group Presentation) EXAMS: EVALUATION: There will be two (2) equally weighted (10% each) written exams administered throughout the semester and a final exam. The exams may include sections on any of the following: vocabulary, grammar, content of assigned readings, cultural information, writing business letters, and listening comprehension. There will be no make-up exams without prior approval of the instructor. Exams are not curved. Final exam will be comprehensive. Participation (Attendance) …………………………..10% Quizzes……………………………………………………10% Homework………………………………………………..10% Interview and Oral Presentations……………………20% Class Work….……………………………………………10% Exams……………………………………………………..20% Final Exam……………………………………………….20% GRADING SCALE: A 100-93 A- 92-90 C 76-73 C- 72-70 B+ 89-87 B 86-83 B- 82-80 C+ 79-77 D+ 69-67 D 66-63 D- 62-60 F 59 and below For class meetings, assignments, exams, and homework due, please refer to the attached tentative class schedule. The Department will make reasonable accommodations for persons with documented disabilities. Instructors must receive a verification letter within the first week of classes. Student Discipline/Academic and Non-Academic Misconduct: Plagiarizing, cheating, unauthorized collaborating on coursework, stealing course examination materials, falsifying records or data and obstruction or disruption of the educational or administrative process, physical abuse or threat of such abuse, theft, vandalism, hazing, sexual or racial harassment, possession of controlled substances or weapons constitute violations relative to Title 5, California Code of Regulations. Violations will be documented in writing with the upper-division supervisor, and University disciplinary action will be pursued. ¡Buena Suerte! SPAN 307 3 SPRING 2016