Foundations of Nursing Administration Practice - NURS 620 Fall 2014 Professor: Contact Information:

Foundations of Nursing Administration Practice - NURS 620
Fall 2014
Class Days: Thursday
Class Times: 1:00PM - 3:40 PM
Class Location: NE-172
Professor: Dorothy Zirkle, PhD, PHN
Contact Information:
Office Hours: By appointment M-F Office AH 3181
858-414-8131 Mobile
Course Overview
COURSE CATALOG DESCRIPTION: Analysis of communication concepts appropriate to a variety of
complex nursing and health care delivery systems.
This course focuses on enhancing administrative practice skills through analysis of communication concepts appropriate to a
variety of complex nursing and health care delivery systems.
This is the first course in the Nursing Leadership in Health Systems program. As such, the focus will be on developing leadership
and management skills, which incorporated the domain of current nursing administration practice that extends beyond the
clinical focus to broader responsibilities in complex health care systems. Content in the revised course will focus on the
leadership role of the nurse administrator in achieving organization goals and objectives. Followership, communication, and
competence are key skills for mastery of the leadership role.
This course is designed to meet the Standards of Practice and Standards of Professional Performance of the Nursing
Administration: Scope and Standards of Practice (American Nurses Association, 2009), the American Nursing Credentialing
Center (ANCC) Guidelines for the Nurse Executive Certification Exam, and the Guidelines for AONE Nurse Executive
Organizational confidentiality must be maintained at all times. All SDSU Graduate School of Nursing Policies and Procedures
apply including those related to student privacy and intellectual property and academic honesty.
Enrollment Information
Prerequisites: none
Instructor communication: Dr. Dorothy Zirkle can be contacted at the phone number/location/e-mail address listed above. All
meetings are by appointment and can be scheduled directly with the professor. Students are encouraged to use e-mail for
scheduling appointments and communicating with the professor between class meetings.
Adding/Dropping Procedures
Registration period for the Fall 2014 semester opens on July 15. September 8, 2014 is the last day to add, drop, or change
grading basis for the course (11:59 p.m. deadline). You are responsible for initiating action for your own schedule adjustments
and for setting your schedule by this deadline. Dropping and adding of classes must be done through your WebPortal account.
Check your schedule in the WebPortal to make sure you are enrolled in the right classes before the schedule adjustment
Course Materials
Most of the required books will be used in NURS 620, NURS 724 & NURS 726
American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th Ed.)
Washington, DC: Author.
ANA Leadership Package of the following books: Also available as a ebooks on
American Nurses Association. (2009). Nursing Administration: Scope and Standards of Practice. Washington,
DC: American Nurses Association. ISBN: 9781558102675
o American Nurses Association. (2009-10). Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice(2nd Ed.). Washington, DC:
American Nurses Association. ISBN: 9781558102828
o American Nurses Association. (2008). Guide to the Code of Ethics for Nurses: Interpretation and Application.
Washington, DC: American Nurses Association. ISBN: 9781558102583
Bradberry, T. & Greaves, J. (2009). Emotional Intelligence 2.0.San Diego, CA: Talent Smart.
Davies, B. & Logan, J. (2008). Reading research: a user-friendly guide for nurses and other health professionals, 4th ed.
Toronto, ON: Elsevier Canada. ISBN-13: 978-0-7796-9990-2
Finkelman, A. (2012). Leadership & Management for Nurses: Core Competencies for Quality Care, 2nd Ed. New York,
NY: Pearson.
Rath, T. (2007). Strengths Finder 2.0. New York, NY: Gallup Press. ISBN: 978-1-59562-015-6 – must purchase new
hardbound with access code in the book for online strengths assessment.
Optional: ANCC (2010), Nursing Review & Resource Manual for Nurse Executive Certification Exam. Silver Spring, MD: ANCC.
A list of other recommended journal reading will be provided in the Assignment section of the Syllabus or Blackboard for the
Required Hardware and Software:
Hardware and software needed for NU 620 includes access to a good Windows or Macintosh multimedia computer.
Preferably one that meets the SDSU minimum computing standard (see
In addition, the following will be needed to support course participation:
1. VIrus protection software
2. E-mail system
3. Internet browser such as Mozilla Firefox (works best with Blackboard) or Internet Explorer so you can download files
and interface with Blackboard.
4. Microsoft Word, version 7.01 or higher, as your word processing software
5. High-speed (cable or DSL) connection to the Internet
6. USB headset to participate in on-line synchronous and asynchronous classes, voice e-mail and other interactive audio
media. (You can obtain the Logitech Premium USB 350 headset for approximately $30-$35 at or any
other computer store)
7. EndNotes is optional but strongly recommended and will be used throughout the course.
Course Structure and Conduct
This class will be a hybrid class with a mix of online assignments, lecture, discussion of assigned readings from texts and
evidence-based articles, student presentations, directed web-based and data base searches; written and oral assignments; and
individual counseling with faculty-student as necessary. Class assignments will be completed in APA style:
Course Assessment and Grading
For successful completion of NURS 620, students are required to complete the course requirements listed below. Grade
determination and due dates are specified. For late assignments, the grade will be dropped by one letter grade unless prior
faculty approval for an extension has been obtained.
In the event of absences caused by illness or emergency, please contact the professor directly for make-up assignments and
The student's letter grade for the course will be derived as follows:
Seminar/Blackboard Participation
All semester
Personal Inventory of Leadership Competencies
September 18
Mission Vision Values presentation
September 25
Professional Practice Model presentation
October 2
Decision Making Paper
October 30
Leadership Competency Paper
November 20
Presentation of Leadership Paper
December 4
Total points possible
100 points
Grades will be assigned as follows if the specified criteria are met:
A 93 - 100% (93-100 points)
A- 90 - 92% (90-92 points)
B+ 87 - 89% (87-89 points)
B 83 - 86% (83-86 points)
B- 80 - 82% (80-82 points)
C+ 77 - 79% (77-79 points)
C 73 - 76% (73-76 points)
C- 70 - 72% (70-72 points)
D 63-69% (63-69 point)
Less than 62% (62 points or less)
The grading system for this course will be administered according to the policies contained in the SDSU General Catalog and the
School of Nursing policies and procedures outlined in the Graduate Handbook. Students must maintain a GPA of 3.0 in order to
remain in the graduate programs.
Other Course Policies
Academic Dishonesty
As stated in the SON Undergraduate Handbook: “The School of Nursing follows the University policy on academic
dishonesty/student discipline as identified in the San Diego State University General Catalog which states that any student may
be expelled, suspended, placed on probation, or given a lesser sanction for several campus related causes. Such sanction shall
include cheating or plagiarism in connection with an academic program at a campus. The above policy applies to both on-campus
and off-campus activities. It includes such off-campus activities as falsifying clinical records or public documents.” See the SON
Undergraduate Handbook for further information and definitions of cheating, plagiarism, and disruptive behavior. Referral to
the Center for Student Rights and Responsibilities will be made as appropriate.
Disability Accommodations
If you are a student with a disability and believe you will need accommodations for this class, it is your responsibility to contact
Student Disability Services at (619) 594-6473. To avoid any delay in the receipt of your accommodations, you should contact
Student Disability Services as soon as possible. Please note that accommodations are not retroactive, and that accommodations
based upon disability cannot be provided until you have presented your instructor with an accommodation letter from Student
Disability Services. Your cooperation is appreciated.
Blackboard Student Support
Aug 28
Learning Outcome 1 & 2
Course Overview; Personal
competencies for leadership &
Tips on critiquing a research or
EBP article
Tips on writing a scholarly paper
CLASS DISCUSSION – Differences in Competencies between AONE, ANCC, AACN
CLASS DISCUSSION: Strengths Finder results; Scope & Standards of Nurse
Administrators and Standards of Practice.
READ for this Week:
1. Finkelman - Appendix A, Chapter 4, Chapter 6
2. ANA Nursing Administration: Scope and Standards of Practice– read
pages 1-23 and ANA Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice – pages
1-18. Be prepared to discuss your role as a nurse administrator and/or
leader using these Standards of Practice
1. Read Strengths Finder 2.0 and take the online assessment. Be
prepared to discuss in class.
CLASS DISCUSSION: Leadership Inventory; Differences between leadership &
management as concepts
READ for this Week:
1. Look up on the web and read about the following theories: leadership,
management, organizational, systems theory, complexity theory,
chaos theory, quantum theory. Please bring definitions of each and
an example of each for discussion in class.
2. Read other assigned articles listed on Blackboard related to leadership
theories and Emotional Intelligence
3. Read for next week: Bradberry & Greaves – Emotional Intelligence 2.0
and take self-assessment. Be prepared to discuss in class next week
1. Take leadership inventory that is posted on BB.
DUE: Personal inventory of your strengths for a leadership role in nursing and
areas where you need development based on readings and assessments;
describe your goals for leadership in the future; discuss how you exemplify
professionalism; discuss which leadership or management theory most
influences you – no more than 5 pages – 12 point font; double spaced – due
Sept 18
Sept 4
Learning Outcomes 1 & 2
Self-assessment for leadership &
Management Theories
Sept 11
Learning Outcomes 1-3
Theories that guide and affect
leadership & management in
healthcare systems
Sept 18
Learning Outcomes 4-5
MVV, Culture and Climate
READ for this Week:
1. Finkelman-Chapter 1: Conceptual Base for Leadership & Management
2. Articles assigned in Blackboard (BB) regarding individual competencies
for leadership/management
3. Download from Blackboard, read and bring to class handouts on
critiquing an article.
BLACKBOARD DISCUSSION: Ethical & legal issues for nurse leaders;
1. Describe a time that you were engaged in an ethical dilemma and how
did you manage yourself and the situation?
2. Discuss legal aspects of nursing & management.
3. Compare & Contrast the four primary principles used to make ethical
4. Discuss the leader’s role in promoting ethical practices among nurses
READ for this Week:
1. Finkelman – Chapter 2
2. ANA Guide to Code of Ethics for Nurses: Interpretation and Application
Sept 25
Learning Outcomes 6
Ethical & Legal Aspects of
Leadership; Legal & Ethic Issues
Oct 2
Learning Outcomes
Ensuring Patient Centered Care
CLASS DISCUSSION: Emotional Intelligence feedback; role of the leader in
establishing the vision for the organization. Importance of mission, philosophy,
values, culture and climate. Define professionalism. What are the attributes of a
professional? Discuss how the leader develops professionalism in nursing.
Discuss how shared/collaborative governance and Magnet affect the
professionalism in nursing.
READ for this Week:
1. Finkelman – Chapter 4 & 6
2. Articles on BB for leadership vision and organizational Values
3. Find an article or web site that discusses professionalism in nursing.
What are the attributes of a professional?
4. Find an article on Collaborative/shared governance and Magnet and
how these elements affect the professionalism of nursing.
1. Bring and be prepared to discuss your organization’s: Vision, Mission,
and Value Statements and anything else that describes the
organizational culture – 10 points
2. ANCC Magnet Recognition Program –
Find some web sites that discuss shared governance. Why is shared governance
important to nursing? How does shared governance affect leadership style?
CLASS DISCUSSION – Define patient centered care. Check out some web sites
that define patient-centered care. What can a leader do to ensure a culture of
patient centered care? Why is workforce diversity important to patient centered
care? Why is PCC so important in an ACO? What is the nurse leader’s role as a
patient advocate?
READ for this Week:
1. Finkelman – Chapters 7, 8 & 10
2. Check out web sites on Patient Centered Care
3. Search out the web for information on Planetree, Picker Institute,
Institute of Family Centered Care.
1. Bring and be prepared to discuss your organization’s: Nursing
Philosophy statement and professional practice model – 10 points
2. How does the MVV, philosophy statement address PCC?
Oct 9
Learning Outcome
Leading Teams/Groups; Power
& Conflict Issues
Oct 16
Learning Outcomes
Communication, Persuasion, &
CLASS DISCUSSION – Leading Teams & Groups; Resolving power & conflict
READ for this Week:
1. Finkelman – Chapters 11 & 12
2. ANA Nursing Administration: Scope and Standards of Practice Standards 1-6, 10, 11
3. Review Team STEPPS -
4. Look up conflict resolution theories
1. Analyze a group or team you are involved in and indicate where you
think they are in terms of team development
2. How do the team members mentioned in #1 resolve power and
conflict issues?
3. Explain the importance of power and empowerment to nursing and
compare & contrast the two concepts; give examples of the effect of
empowerment on employee engagement
4. What are the characteristics of a high performance team? Describe a
high performance team you have worked with.
5. Compare and contrast a council, committee, task force, and work
6. Take the conflict management scale. What insight does it give you that
can be helpful in your leadership?
10. Describe a theory of conflict resolution that has meaning to you.
11. Discuss a time you were engaged in a conflict over a power issue.
What methods did you resolve it? How would you do it differently
12. Compare & contrast the terms mediation and negotiation.
CLASS DISCUSSION – Discuss the leader’s role in communicating with direct
reports, peers, directors, and interdisciplinary partners using different
communication styles, crucial conversations, persuasion, & negotiation.
Differentiate between crucial conversations and crucial confrontations. How is
delegation a critical aspect of communication?
READ for this Week:
1. Finkelman– Chapters 13 & 14
2. Check out some web sites on leader & manager communication.
3. Other assigned readings
1. Analyze how communication styles of the leader can either motivate
or de-motivate followers.
Oct 23
Learning Outcome
External Influences on Nursing
Leadership and Practice
Oct 30
Learning Outcome
Critical Thinking, Decision
Making, Change & Innovation
CLASS DISCUSSION – External Environmental influences on health systems
operations and professional practice; Occupational Safety & Health
Administration (OSHA); NIOSH; Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Acts; Patient
Self-Determination Act; Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990; Fair Labor
Standards Act (FLSA); Equal Employment Opportunity Commission & Affirmative
Action; Medicare & Medicaid (MediCal); State Children’s Health Insurance
Program (CHIP); National Labor Relations Act; HIPAA
READ for this Week:
1. Finkelman Chapter 16, 17, Appendix B
2. ANCC Credentialing Center –
3. ANA’s Social Policy Statement – read a web site about the SPS
4. A web site on accountable care organizations (ACOs)
5. Look up web sites for AHRQ, IHI, Joint Commission, National
Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA)
6. Articles on BB about healthcare reform
1. How do JC, Health Department, and Magnet designation affect nursing
2. What are some of the regulatory requirements that must be managed
by the nurse leader?
3. Discuss how healthcare reform could affect nursing both positively
and negatively.
4. How can nursing and nursing organizations influence healthcare
5. Discuss how your hospital manages NDNQI and CALNoc data?
6. Read CA Nurse Practice Acts
7. Compare & Contrast ANCC and AONE credentialing for Nurse
Managers and Nurse Directors (Executives)
Due: Leadership Paper Topic is Due by email – October 30
CLASS DISCUSSION – Critical thinking, decision making, change & innovation
READ for this Week:
1. Finkelman Chapter 3
2. Find definitions for critical thinking, change & innovation
3. Find & summarize change theories
4. Read about decision-making styles – what style are you?
5. Other assigned readings – See BB
1. Take Decision Making Style Inventory on BB
2. Describe the decision making style of your direct supervisor. How does
that style relate to yours? How does his/her style influence how you
communicate with him/her?
3. Discuss a major change in your work area that needs to be made?
After reading change theories and decision making theories, how
should you lead and manage the change?
Learning Objective
Work force Issues
Workplace Diversity, Nursing
Shortage, Recruitment &
Retention, & Collective
CLASS DISCUSSION – Workforce issues that must be managed by leaders
READ for this Week:
1. Finkelman Chapter 8 & 9
2. Other assigned readings
1. How are the nursing shortage, recruitment & retention related to org
climate, culture and commitment and job satisfaction? (be prepared
to talk about evidence-based articles that show relationships among
these variables);
2. Compare and contrast the mission and values of a collective
bargaining unit as compared to a health care organization
3. Discuss the historic and current roles of labor organizations/unions
Nov 13
Learning Objective 12 Evidencebased Practice
Nov 20
CLASS DISCUSSION – Discuss ways that a leader can promote and enhance an
evidenced-based approach to nursing practice; compare and contrast research
with EBP and QI
READ for this Week:
1. Finkelman Chapter 15
2. Other assigned readings
Identify some leadership PICO questions of interest to you. Work on Leadership
Paper due next week.
Leadership Papers are due electronically- submit to
Save as: your last name_620finalpaper_112014doc
Happy Thanksgiving!
Nov 6
Nov 27
Dec 4
Learning Objective
Leadership & Healthy Work
Environments (HWE);
Final Class Presentations of
Leadership Paper
15 minute PowerPoint presentation of final paper.
CLASS DISCUSSION – Healthy Work Environments & Authentic Leadership;
Healing environments
READ for this Week:
1. Bring an article to class to discuss about HWE
2. AACN Standards for Establishing and Sustaining Healthy Work
3. Read an article about authentic leadership.
1. Describe the attributes of an HWE.
2. Discuss how authentic leadership affects a healthy work environment.
3. Compare and contrast HWE and healing environments.
4. Discuss integration with Shared Governance Councils and Unions.
5. Do Labor-Management teams support professional practice?
Personal Inventory of Leadership Competencies & Goals - September 18, 2014
The purpose of this assignment is to review the AONE, ANA Standards, ANCC, & ACCN competencies for leadership and compare
a personal inventory of strengths & weakness relative to leadership competencies.
No more than 5 pages (excluding references) comparing your own strengths and weaknesses in leadership competencies as
compared to ANCC, ANA Standards, ACCN or AONE competencies and the self-discovery from Strengths Finder and Emotional
Intelligence 2.0. Outline personal leadership goals and discuss a leadership or management theory that resonates with your
personal philosophy about leadership.
Grade: 10 points
Evaluation will be based on the quality of the writing, evidence of personal reflection and comparison to professional leadership
competencies, and goals for the future.
Seminar Participation
Experience will be enriched with interactive involvement. Your active participation is expected in all seminars. This will be
reflected in discussions of outside readings assigned as well as additional related readings you find relevant to seminar topics.
On-line classes are also considered as seminar participation.
Class attendance and participation in class discussions.
20 points for seminar participation
Leadership Competency Paper – November 20, 2014
The purpose of the paper is to learning and synthesis of reading material, observations, and seminar discussions into an evidencebased analysis of critical nursing leadership competencies and their relationship to organizational outcomes such as the
professional practice environment, evidence-based practice, retention, safety outcomes, financial outcomes and/or human
outcomes such as nurse, physician or patient satisfaction. A conceptual framework should be used to explain relationship among
variables of interest in the paper.
The paper is be written in Microsoft Word and presented in APA format with a 12 point font, 1 inch margins, and not exceeding
ten (10) pages (excluding the title page, abstract page (100 words), key words and reference pages). The paper must be
submitted in electronic format on November 18.
Preparation: * Please see list of possible topics
The paper should be written in a scholarly manner meaning that it is logically developed and grounded in published, evidencebased literature. The paper should include the following elements:
1. Title Page per APA with key words
2. Abstract – 100 words
3. Introduction of topic
4. Significance to nursing or patient care
5. Purpose or aims – example: this paper will describe how the transformation leadership style results in….
6. Concepts of interest
7. Theoretical framework that supports your concept or explains relationships among the variables of interest
8. Review of the literature organized in topic headings according to variables of interest
o You must synthesize the results of evidence-based readings
9. Your conclusions from all of your readings
10. Implications for your leadership practice
11. References in APA style – current research no older than 10 years (2004) unless it is a “classic” article
Grade: 25 possible points
The paper will be graded on:
Introduction, Significance & purpose
Theoretical & Conceptual framework
Synthesis of evidence-based review of the literature; Content grounded in evidence
Conclusions & Implications for your leadership practice
Clear writing style, use of good grammar and punctuation
Citations & references written correctly per APA Manual
Paper formatted per APA Manual; Correct use of APA headings
Your Score
Late papers: Unless the student contacts the professor prior to the due date to explain circumstances causing the delay in the
submission, the overall grade of the paper will be dropped 2 points for each day late.
Late papers: Unless the student contacts the professor prior to the due date to explain circumstances causing the delay in the
submission, the overall grade of the paper will be dropped 2 points for each day late.
Leadership Paper – Possible topics please let instructor know by October 30, 2014
The following list is to provide guidance in choosing a topic for your paper. If there is a different topic of interest that is not listed
here, please discuss this with me.
Nursing leadership in ensuring the professionalism of nursing
Leadership competencies: how should we educate future and existing nursing leaders
Leading Interprofessional Practice and Education
Leadership’s influence on job satisfaction, organizational climate, organizational culture, or retention of the nursing
Nursing leaders promoting an ethical culture
Leadership styles to create an empowered, engaged workforce
Leadership in creating a healthy work environment and its effect on the workforce
Leadership for the Magnet journey
Leadership to ensure quality outcomes and a safety culture
Authentic leadership
Effect of transformational leadership as compared to transactional leadership on professional growth
Presentation of Paper –December 11, 2014
The purpose of this session is to enhance presentation skills and to synthesize learning from your final paper to your classmates.
This exercise expands all students’ exposure to leadership content.
15-minute PowerPoint presentation of your final paper (approximately 10-12 slides) and facilitation of a short session of
questions and answers. Classmates must be provided with a copy of your presentation, reference list, and pertinent articles.
Grade: 15 points. This will be an average of all peer (50%) and instructor (50%) evaluations. Points (.25 point per minute) will be
deducted for going over 15 minutes.
The presentation will be graded on:
Introduction, Significance & purpose
Theoretical or Conceptual framework
Evidence-based review of the literature; Content grounded in evidence
Conclusions & Implications for Practice
Presentation style – held viewers interest; audience participation; innovative; read slides?
Your Score