Astronomy 440 Fall 2013 Semester Instructor: Ted Daub Email: Office: PA-230 Hours: MWF 1030-1130, 1500-1530 (or, by appointment) Phone: 619-594-1414 (office) 619-741-6420 (home) GENERAL INFORMATION Textbook An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics by B.W. Carroll and D.A. Ostlie, 2nd edition, Pearson/AddisonWesley, 2007. There is much material in this book that will not be taken up in Astronomy 440; although there is a shorter version of the text dealing specifically with our topic of stellar astrophysics; the cost is not much less, and that one would not be able to serve (as this one does) as a potential text for Astronomy 450 as well. Homework There will be frequent homework assignments. Your write-up of each one should be neat, organized, sufficiently detailed to allow me to easily follow your reasoning and analysis, and submitted on the due date. Always, unless it is clearly unnecessary, include a commentary on your results; for example: How reasonable are they? What was learned from the results and/or from the process of of obtaining them? In regard to this commentary, I encourage you to to discuss the results with each other, but please work privately on the assignments. Do not be hesitant, however, to discuss aspects of an assignment with me - for example, if you need a boost to get started or if you get stuck midstream.. Exams There will be two exams, a midterm and a final. Each exam will have separate inclass and take-home components. You may bring a “crib sheet” to the in-class portion of any exam; specifically, a normal-sized sheet of typing paper with any notes you care to include written on one side. The midterm exam will cover, approximately, the topics on the first page of the Outline of Topics. The final exam will be comprehensive, but heavily weighted toward the topics on the second page of the Outline of Topics. The in-class portion of the final exam is scheduled for Monday 16 December at 1300. The take-home portion of that exam will be due no later than 1600 Wednesday 18 December. Course Grade The final course grade will be determined by averaging grades on the homework and exams according to these weighting factors: Midterm Exam......30% Final Exam...........40% Homework............30% Astronomy 440 Fall 2013 Semester Outline of Topics INTRODUCTION Astrophysics as Science Some Mathematics and Physics Preliminaries OBSERVATIONAL DATA Distance (3.1), Mass (7), and Radius Radiative Flux, Luminosity, and Magnitude Spectra Some Correlations MASS CONSERVATION AND HYDROSTATIC EQUILIBRIUM ATOMIC STRUCTURE EQUILIBRIUM STATES Thermal Equilibrium, Thermodynamic Equilibrium (TE) Consequences of TE Excitation and Ionization of Atomic Particles Kinetic Energies of Atomic Particles Photons Using the Distribution Functions EQUATIONS OF STATE ENERGY CONTENT Thermal, Gravitational, Ionization Virial Theorem RADIATIVE TRANSFER Description of the Radiation Field Specific Intensity, Mean Intensity, Flux Temperatures of Stars Equation of Radiative Transfer Emission Coefficient Absorption Coefficient Equation of Transfer and Some Elementary Solutions MEAN FREE PATHS LOCAL THERMODYNAMIC EQUILIBRIUM (LTE) ENERGY TRANSPORT Radiative Convective Conductive ENERGY GENERATION Equation of Thermal Equilibrium Gravitational Nuclear THE STRUCTURE OF GRAVITATING GAS SPHERES (STARS) Fundamental Equations and Schwartzschild Variables Numerical Integration Techniques Formation, Pre-Main Sequence Stages Main Sequence and Post-Main Sequence Stages Star Clusters as Tests of Stellar Structure and Evolution Theory Final Stages Mass < 8 Solar Masses Mass > 8 Solar Masses EMERGENT STELLAR SPECTRUM Formal Solution to the Equation of Transfer Radiative Equilibrium and Constancy of Radiative Flux Solution for a Linear Source Function Emergent Specific Intensity Emergent Flux Temperature vs Optical Depth Explanation for the Color-Color Curve SPECTRAL LINES Spectral Line Profiles and Line Broadening Equivalent Width and Curve of Growth POSSIBLE ADDITIONAL TOPIC THE INTERSTELLAR MEDIUM Dust Grains HI and HII regions