P.O. Box 343, Cornwall, ON K6J 5T1 Tel & Fax: 1-877-268-2211 autismcornwall@gmail.com www.autismontario.com/uppercanada REGISTRATION FORM Date Completed: Session Dates: Participant’s Full Name Age Gender Diagnosis Parent/Guardian Name(s) Address Person(s) authorized to pick child up from program: Parent(s)/Guardian(s) as named above, and/or Program Cost: $45.00 (for 6 sessions, AO-UCC members) $90.00 (for 6 sessions, non-members) Payment methods: Cash Cheque (please make payable to Autism Ontario) EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION Participant’s Full Name Physician’s name Phone OHIP# #1 Emergency Contact Person Relationship to participant Telephone #’s Home Cellular Work Cellular Work #2 Emergency Contact Person Relationship to participant Telephone #’s Home Participant’s Condition or Disability ANY allergies (food etc) ANY dietary concerns ANY medical information: PARTICIPANT PROFILE Participant’s Full Name Does your child utilize any of the following? (check, or highlight in bold) □ PECS □ Sign Language □ Visual Schedules □ Social Stories/Scripts □ Choice Boards □ Fidget/Stimmy Toys □ Relaxation methods □ Problem Solving Worksheets □ Other ___________________________________________ Please describe your child’s self-help skills (check, or highlight in bold): Complete Assistance Toileting Dressing Eating Partial Assistance 1 1 1 Does your child exhibit any of the following? Never 1 Self-stimulatory behaviours 2 Perseverative play or rituals 3 Reaction to change 4 Runs away 5 Scratches, bites or hits self 6 Scratches, bites or hits others 7 Screams 8 Touches other inappropriately 9 Other Independent 2 2 2 Rarely 3 3 3 Sometimes Often Please briefly describe situations where items 1 to 9 above may occur and what positive interventions help resolve the situation: Does your child have difficulty with new environments, unfamiliar people, changes in routine? If so, how is it displayed? (check, or highlight in bold) Yes No If yes, please explain: Please indicate strategies used to ease transitions: Does your child have difficulty tolerating specific physical environments (noise level, number of people, furniture, room size, lighting, closed doors, low ceiling, mirrors, windows etc.) (check, or highlight in bold) Yes No If yes, please explain: Does your child seem to get frustrated easily, and if so, how is this frustration displayed? (check, or highlight in bold) Yes No If yes, please explain: How long would you estimate your child can engage in an activity before becoming distracted or uninterested? 0-5 minutes 5-10 minutes 10-15 minutes 15+ minutes Are you currently, or have you ever implemented any specific behavioural guidelines/programs at home or at your child's school? (check, or highlight in bold) Yes No If yes, please explain: Does your child have any fears? Yes No If yes, please explain: Does your child have any special interests, favourite tv characters or games? (please use extra sheet if necessary) (check, or highlight in bold) Yes No If yes, please explain: What are some things your child enjoys (potential reinforcers). Please describe: Activities: (praise, high fives, attention from others, etc.): Objects: (food, toys, stickers etc.): Sensory (rocking, jumping, experiencing different textures etc.): Please indicate any additional behavioural concerns and/or interventions (use extra sheet if necessary): Communication / Social Skills: Does your child: (please indicate Y or N) Engage in solitary play? Call attention to others? Play with same toy along side peers? Converse with peers/adults? Engage in group play? Request a break when upset? Share materials? Express feelings? Turn take with peers? Indicate relaxation? Comment on environment or the unexpected? Requests assistance? Make requests for basic wants and needs? Indicate likes/dislikes? Follow non-verbal directions? Express confusion (“I don’t know”) Follow verbal directions within familiar routines? Make transitions? Follow verbal directions within novel activities? Recognize personal belongings? Utilize visual supports to follow directions? Organize needed materials for outings? Require processing time to follow directions? Make choices? Wait when directed? Does your child attend: (please indicate Y or N) Grocery Store Playground Toy Store Doctor Fast Food Restaurant Dentist Sit Down Restaurant Barber/Hair Salon Movies Birthday Parties/Holidays Swimming Friend’s House Organized Sports