MTV AND POETRY 2006 ADVANCED LYRICS PROJECT GETTING STARTED Choose any TWO English songs whose lyrics you like. Find the lyrics, copy/write them. Use WORD or POWERPOINT. PROJECT REQUIREMENTS: Project must be typed well, printed, illustrated and presented in a plastic folder Include an opening page and the project instruction page. Each section will be assessed on the quality of the content, quality of the writing (grammar, spelling, expression) and the effort taken. I. TRANSLATION Translate the two songs into Hebrew. Then report on the translation process by answering these questions: What difficulties arose? How did you deal with them? What did you learn about Hebrew or English as a result of the translation? Be specific.) II. ANALYSIS OF IDEAS Answer these questions: What ideas/themes are dealt with in each song? What do you think the writer of the song is trying to say to the listener? Do you agree with these ideas? What is your reaction to the lyrics? III. ENJOYING WORDS List any words/ phrases/ lines/ rhymes etc. that you like more than others? Explain why you like them. (Is it because of meaning, sound, position in sentence, association, symbolism, originality, other?) IV. RESEARCH Do some research on the lyricist/singer/band. Find at least two sources of information. Combine and arrange the information clearly. Use color/font or any other method to indicate which information came from which source. You must obviously list your sources. When quoting please use "Italics". Meitarim School Raanana – Gail Shuster-Bouskila Adapted from MTV AND POETRY 2006 The project should be in your own words (connecting sentences, introduction, conclusion etc.). V. PERSONAL CREATIVE WRITING Write a monologue/ dialogue/play/short story/diary entry/poem/an account of a personal experience/other (discuss with me first) inspired by/related to the songs you have chosen. VI. REFLECTION (Be specific!) Write what you enjoyed/disliked about this project and write what you learned when doing this project. About yourself About language learning. Write what you would like to do next to improve your English (taking into account you experience from this project). __________________________________________________________ To find lyrics you may find these links useful: ENJOY yourselves. I’m looking forward to reading your work and learning about your songs. Meitarim School Raanana – Gail Shuster-Bouskila Adapted from MTV AND POETRY 2006 Student's Name: ________________________ Assessment of ADVANCED LYRICS PROJECT GETTING STARTED Choose any TWO English songs. Find the lyrics, copy/write them. PROJECT REQUIREMENTS: Project must be typed well, printed, illustrated Presented in a plastic folder Include an opening page and this project assessment page. Each section will be assessed on the quality of the content, quality of the writing (grammar, spelling, expression) and the effort taken. Excellent Good Fair Needs work Total Accurate translation and detailed reflection on the process Translation has some problems; some reflection on the process 7% Translation has some problems; some reflection on the process 7% Discussed ideas/themes; opinions and/or reactions expressed for both songs 15% 8-10 words listed and a short explanation of their affect 7% Combined and arrange the information for both songs but not always in own words 15% Original creative writing, which shows some effort; satisfactory reflection on the process 7% Translation has 4 or more mistakes; very little reflection on process Translation unclear and inaccurate; no reflection on the process 5% Translation has 4 or more mistakes; very little reflection on process 3% Either or both: Translation unclear and inaccurate; no reflection on the process 3% Very little analysis of ideas/themes; some opinions and reactions for one or both songs 5% 2-3 words listed and / or inappropriate explanation of their affect 3% Copied and pasted most of the information for one or both TRANSLATION Song 1 Song 2 ANALYSIS OF IDEAS ENJOYING WORDS RESEARCH CREATIVE WRITING AND REFLECTION 10% Accurate translation and detailed reflection on the process 10% Discussed ideas/themes thoroughly; opinions and reactions expressed clearly for both songs 20% Detailed word list and thorough explanation of their affect 10% Combined and arrange the information clearly for both songs in own words; quotes in italics 20% Extremely original creative writing, which shows a lot of effort; very detailed reflection on the process 10% 5% Partly discussed ideas /themes; opinions and reactions expressed for one song 10% 7-4 words listed and very little or unclear explanation of their affect 5% Presented information, but not in own words; for one or both songs 10% Creative writing, but little effort done for it; very little reflection on process 5% 5% Creative writing, which isn't imaginative or interesting; no reflection on the process 3% Final Grade Meitarim School Raanana – Gail Shuster-Bouskila Adapted from MTV AND POETRY 2006 Meitarim School Raanana – Gail Shuster-Bouskila Adapted from