Josh Weckesser What are the implications and outcomes for developing a diverse global society? As time advances there has been a greater social and political push to develop ‘diverse global society,’ a world in which every man can call his fellow man brother. The greatest problem is that of the word ‘push.’ The idea of diversity, which is usually used with equality, cannot be forced. There is no magic wand that can be waved over the world’s inhabitants that will cause them to regard their fellows regardless of race, creed, color, sex, et cetera. In creating a diverse global society it is assumed that it will be an equal society as well. Diverse \Di”verse\ 1. Different; unlike; dissimilar; distinct; separate. 2. Capable of various forms; multiform It is intrinsic in diversity that there will be differences, everything will not be equal. This is the greatest advantage diversity has. One of the inherent components in any society (no matter how diverse) is that of conflict. Conflict can be a productive force in advancing the goals of a society, mainly in the overcoming of them. One of the outcomes of a diverse global society would be that in conquering the many conflicts created by bringing extremely different societies into one would further humanity farther then previously thought possible. A diverse global society would thrive on conflict. [insert information on film history and how diversity helped improve the art] [insert conclusion]