M446 Friedrichs and McDonald MUSIC 446 — PRACTICUM IV (Music Education Early Field Experience and Seminars) Dr. Friedrichs and Dr. McDonald Spring 2014 - Serial #22135 This is the capstone course in the Practicum series of Music Education for the undergraduate music major at SDSU. This course focuses on the concerns of each student as they begin a realistic Early Field Experience teaching situation in the public schools. There will be eight seminar meetings (see the following schedule) and a minimum of 40 hours of directed teaching activities in the public schools. Seminars will include detailed analysis of the student’s: lesson plans, videotapes, and evaluations by self, peers, music education faculty, and master teachers. musical leadership abilities methodology pedagogy classroom management professional behavior written and oral organizational skills personal attributes career preparation in the area of resume writing and interview skills Expectations Students will attend all eight seminars and complete a documented 45 hours of teaching in the public schools. These hours are to be distributed over the course of the semester. You should complete 3 to 4 hours per week each week. We strongly recommend that the student apply these hours to the same class each week at the same school site. In addition to the seminar attendance, students must meet on an individual basis three times with the instructors during the semester to deal with individual issues. Both the public school master teacher and the Music Education class instructors will evaluate the student throughout the semester. Each student will submit, at assigned times throughout the semester, the following: A. Videotape of a sample teaching experience. B. Self evaluation C. a DURATION RECORDING SYSTEM form for each video. D. Master Teacher evaluation E. Lesson plans for each day (teaching log). 1. Written goals and objectives. 2. Assessment of public school student progress F. a professional education résumé with a job application. (last seminar only) NOTE: Each student must be a current member of the SDSU Chapter #34 of the Music Educators National conference. This membership provides the student materials necessary for class discussion, activities, and projects. Materials Each student is responsible for purchasing the ADDITIONAL MATERIALS PACKET from KB Books on College Avenue. This packet contains all the forms necessary for the semester’s assignments. The job application will be distributed at the seventh seminar. In addition, you must continue to refer to the texts used in the previous three semesters of Music Education. (see past syllabi). Purchase from KB Books (on College Ave.) the following: 1. Friedrichs and McDonald: ADDITIONAL MATERIALS PACKET for MU446. Get this at KB Books 2. MENC (2004): Teacher to Teacher: A Music Educator’s Survival Guide. Get this at Aztec Bookstore. 1 M446 Friedrichs and McDonald NOTEBOOK: As in past semesters, you will be responsible for compiling a new semester notebook for MU 446. This notebook must include: All class notes. Guest lecture notes and handouts. Teaching Log. Master teacher evaluations. Instructor evaluations. Job application. Résumé. CONFERENCES: There are many choices for conference events this year in Southern California. You must attend at least TWO conferences or instructor approved activities. Following are acceptable conferences and workshops. You will be given an incomplete in the course should you not submit a Conference Report Form two weeks prior to juries for each conference. These forms are in your Additional Materials Packet. SCSBOA Winter Conference: Log onto www.scsboa.org for complete information. CMEA-SBS (Southern Border Section) Conference: Events announced in class. Orff Workshops: see above SD Office of Education/ CMEA website for a listing of Orff workshop events Choral and Instrumental Festivals: (minimum of 6 ensembles per festival.) (Check the www.scsboa.org website and the San Diego County Office of Education VAPA website (click on CMEA): http://www.sdcoe.net/cmea/ Look on the right hand column for resources. CMEA State Convention: February 20-22 at the Fresno Convention Center (Check the http://www.calmusiced.com/ website) (Register on-line as a Collegiate Chapter #34 Member for student discount.) GRADES You will be graded on all material submitted with particular emphasis paid to the video lessons and master teacher evaluations. Following is a tentative list of assignments and their point values. Points may be adjusted to reflect the curriculum demands of the course. All points are totaled and converted into a percentage for the semester grade. Late assignments will NOT be accepted. Teaching Log (3 submissions) Master Teacher evaluations Video Lessons Seminar Participation Duration Recording System Written Assignments Final Interview Résumé Job Application Conferences/Workshops 50 points each submission 100 points each 100 points each 50 points per seminar 20 points each 20 - 50 per assignment 100 points 100 points 50 points 25-50 points each Here are the grade breakdowns, after conversion from percentages, based upon departmental guidelines. A B C D = = = = 93% to 100% 83% to 86% 73% to 78% 63% to 66% ABCD- = = = = 90% to 92% 80% to 82% 70% to 72% 60% to 62% B+ C+ D+ F = = = = 87% to 89% 77% to 79% 67% to 69% 59% or less OFFICE: Dr. Friedrichs’ telephone is 594-6037 (room 111D) and email is cjfried@mail.sdsu.edu. You can schedule an appointment through Shirley in the music office. Dr. McDonald’s telephone is 594-5840 (room 201) email: nmcdonal@mail.sdsu.edu. Her open office hours are most Mondays 1:30-3pm, 2 M446 Friedrichs and McDonald Tuesdays 1:00-3pm and most Thursdays 1:30-3pm (a note about that week’s office hours will be posted on Dr. Nan’s door). TENTATIVE SCHEDULE January 28 This is the first seminar on Thursday from 3:30pm to 5:20pm in room 229. The following items will be covered: 1. Semester expectations. 2. Individual school assignments. 3. Teaching log. 4. Grading and attendance. ASSIGNMENT: Purchase course materials at KB Books for the packet and Aztec Shops for the book. You are to meet with your master teacher and observe (at least twice) the class you will be teaching. Discuss with your master teacher your: 1. Class responsibilities. 2. Teaching Schedule 3. Overall goals for the class 4. Performance schedule. 5. Any additional materials that are required by the master teacher 6. Complete and sign three copies of the Field Experience Contract. DUE FEB. 4 February 4 This is the second seminar. DUE: You must submit your Field Experience Contract. Both you and your Master Teacher must sign this form. This completed form is worth 20 points. We will also delve more deeply into what is expected from you during your field experience. We will go over sample lesson plans and develop teaching strategies. We will also review what is expected from you regarding your videos and related paperwork. Your teaching experience should begin this week in the schools. Please give a Master Teacher Evaluation form to your Master Teacher to complete and sign before the next seminar. ASSIGNMENT: DUE on the third seminar. 1. Complete a teaching log for each day in summary form (including date, class and times). This form is found in the ADDITIONAL MATERIALS PACKET. The three-week log is worth 50 points. (Complete each plan before your lesson. Fill in the bottom portion after you teach). 2. Videotape (for evaluation) at least 15 minutes of one of your best lessons. (Please cue your tape at the beginning of the portion of the lesson you want to be evaluated). Video is worth 100 points. 3. Complete a DURATION RECORDING SYSTEM form based upon your video. The DRS is worth 20 points. Be sure both portions of form are completed! 4. Write a brief reflection of your self-evaluation of your video. Two paragraphs maximum. Self-evaluation is worth 20 points 5. Have your Mater Teacher complete the Master Teacher Evaluation form. This form is worth 100 points. NOTE: Please arrange for your camera and equipment early to avoid panic at seminar time. It is recommended that you use on-site or personal equipment. Check with master teacher for availability. Tape early, tape often, and submit best example! March 4: This is the third seminar. Video Project #1 is DUE. We will view and evaluate selected teaching lessons from your videos. Everyone should be prepared to bring discussion 3 M446 Friedrichs and McDonald topics to the seminar based upon their experiences and concerns regarding their teaching experiences. If most of your time has been spent as an aid and very little in the teaching process then your video would show the master teacher or the students of your class. We will develop strategies for your second video. You must submit a video of any aspect of your experience. In addition to Video #1 you must also submit: 4-5 weeks of your Teaching Log. Master Teacher Evaluation Form #1. Self-Evaluation. DURATION RECORDING SYSTEM Form. ASSIGNMENT: DUE on the fourth Seminar (Video #2) 1. Complete a teaching log for each day in summary form (including date, class and times). This form is found in the Additional Materials Packet. The three-week log is worth 50 points. 2. Videotape (for evaluation) at least 15 minutes of one of your best lessons. (Please cue your tape at the beginning of the portion of the lesson you want to be evaluated). Video is worth 100 points. 3. Complete a DURATION RECORDING SYSTEM form based upon your video. DRS are worth 20 points. 4. Write a brief reflection of your self-evaluation of your video. Two paragraphs maximum. Self-evaluation is worth 20 points 5. Have your master teacher complete the Master Teacher Evaluation form. This form is worth 100 points. April 8: This is the fourth seminar. Video Project #2 is DUE. We will continue to discuss any problems and successes you have regarding your teaching experiences. You will also need to submit: Three additional weeks of your Teaching Log. Master Teacher Evaluation Form #2. Self-Evaluation. DURATION RECORDING SYSTEM Form. Video #2. ASSIGNMENT: DUE April 29 You may bring an old résumé for reference, if you have one. ASSIGNMENT: DUE on the Last Seminar, (Video #3) 1. Complete a teaching log for each day in summary form (including date, class and times). This form is found in the Additional Materials Packet. The three-week log is worth 50 points. 2. Videotape (for evaluation) at least 15 minutes of one of your best lessons. (Please cue your tape at the beginning of the portion of the lesson you want to be evaluated). Video is worth 100 points. 3. Complete a DURATION RECORDING SYSTEM form based upon your video. The DRS is worth 20 points. 4. Write a brief summary of your self-evaluation of your video. Two paragraphs maximum. Self-evaluation is worth 20 points 5. Obtain your completed Master Teacher Evaluation form. This form is worth 100 points. April 29: This is the fifth seminar. Today will be devoted to career development and interviewing skills. This is the sixth seminar. We will meet during regular class times and will walk over to a résumé presentation @ SDSU Career Services. You may bring an old résumé for reference, if you have one. ASSIGNMENT: You will prepare a professional résumé and a job application for the final seminar. This seminar will consist of a professional interview with a music supervisor where you will present your job application and résumé for an imaginary music position in that district. Sign up for interview times for your Final Interview with a Music Supervisor. 4 M446 Friedrichs and McDonald May 6: This is the sixth and final seminar— Your Mock Interview. We hope that that this will be the end of an enriching series of music education classes. We also know that you still have much to learn but we are confident that you will have acquired the basic tools and have embodied the spirit and professionalism to be a successful music educator. Today is your professional interview with a Music Supervisor and the Practicum instructors. The final interview will be held in room 114C (the band office). Please dress professionally and bring your completed: Video #3 DUE Teaching Log Master Teacher Evaluation form Self-Evaluation DURATION RECORDING SYSTEM form Résumé (professionally prepared) Job Application NOTE: It has become a tradition to invite and treat your master teacher to dinner at the year-end Music Education Banquet. Location and arrangements will be decided upon sometime during the semester. This is your way of thanking your master teacher, so please save your money as you are expected to pay for their dinner. 5 M446 Friedrichs and McDonald MU 446 Prerequisites Worksheet and General Information (confidential) NAME: (PRINT) HOME PHONE: CELL PHONE: HOME ADDRESS: CITY: ZIP: FAX #: MAJOR INSTRUMENT: PRIVATE INSTRUCTOR: WORK PHONE: CLASS STANDING: CM STATUS: E-MAIL ADDRESS: In order to enroll in MU 446 you must complete the following questions and be able to provide evidence of completion and/or enrollment. You must: 1. Be a music major in good standing. NO music grades lower than a C. —NO —YES 2. —NO —YES 3. Be enrolled in (or completed all) private studio lessons. —NO —YES 4. Complete all juries attempted with a C or above. —NO —YES 5. Have passed or be enrolled in Advanced Conducting. —NO —YES 6. Be enrolled in CM MU305B or above. 7. Have passed at least four methods courses. —NO —NO —YES —YES 8. Have passed or be enrolled in 4th semester piano. —NO —YES Completed Mu 206A (Aural Skills) with a C or better 9. What semester did you complete your opposite ensemble experience?1 _________________ 10. Please list your most recent primary performance ensemble experience that is related to the public schools.2 You must perform in a large ensemble while enrolled in lessons and MU 446. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ In order to apply for the teacher credential program you must: 1. Earn a GPA of 2.7 or higher in all of your music courses with NO single course lower than a “C.” 2. Pass MU 446 with at least a 73% in both academic work and teaching skills. 3. Complete all degree requirements and any prerequisites mandated by the teacher credential program. We strongly encourage you to: 1) Take advantage of additional opportunities to teach public school students, e.g. as an assistant, section coach, marching instructor, etc. 2) Complete all your methods courses. 3) Offer to organize and assist directors of large SDSU ensembles. 4) Apply to the School of Teacher Education as soon as possible. 1 In addition to concurrent enrollment in a public school performing ensemble, you must show evidence of performance in a band, if you are a vocalist or a choir if you are an instrumentalist prior to graduating. This requirement must be met sometime prior to graduating. 2 A public school performance ensemble is a large ensemble of 30 or more with multiple players per part where: 1) your primary instrument is considered vital to the ensemble, 2) The ensemble gives public performances, and 3) This ensemble is considered a primary ensemble in the public school curriculum. SDSU ensembles that fit these criteria are: Wind Symphony, Symphonic Band, Chamber Singers, Concert Choir, Concert Bands, Orchestra, and Marching Aztecs. Students with no prior experience in any of these types of ensembles are to meet privately with Dr. McDonald and Dr. Friedrichs to discuss concerns. 6