The SINTEF and NTNU CCS Award Template for nominations 2013 1. Nominee Name Title Affiliation Address Phone number E-mail address Date of birth Nationality Please also attach a photo of the nominee (jpeg or png). 2. Nominator Name Title Affiliation Address Phone number E-mail address 3. Statement of Accomplishments Describe the nominees' achievements. Collaborative work must be acknowledged in this statement if it is listed in Publications. In such cases, it is important to distinguish the contributions of the nominee from his/her collaborators. Max. 2500 characters. 4. Publications If applicable, list no more than five of the candidate's most important publications (within the field being nominated). For joint publications, the authors should be listed in the same order as in the article originally published. 4. Referees Names and contact information of no more than three distinguished specialists who can be contacted for independent opinions about the nominee. Submission: Nominations should be sent to Mr. Rune Aarlien Email: Phone: +47 73 59 39 29 Nomination deadline: April 26, 2013 Further information/questions: Dr. Nils A. Røkke Vice President Climate Change Technologies, SINTEF Chairman, TCCS-6 Email: Phone: +47 73 59 25 14