October 11, 2013 Dear Applicant,

October 11, 2013
Dear Applicant,
In this packet you will find an application, IMPACT Board requirements, and the descriptions of the open
positions. If after reviewing this packet you have any questions, please stop by the IMPACT Office (CSU
173) and speak with Joe Wolf, Janell Chrobak, or call the Student Activities Office at (507)389-6076.
Applications need to be returned to the front desk of the Student Activities Office no later than 4 p.m.
Monday, November 11, 2013. Please only turn in the IMPACT Team Application Sheet and your
responses to the attached questions; the rest of the packet you may keep.
If your application is selected for interview, you will be contacted to set up an interview time.
Everyone selected for an interview must participate in a group interview on Friday, November 15 at
4:00 pm-6:00 pm in CSU 173.
Individual interviews will be held on Tuesday, November 19 and Wednesday. November 20 from
4:00 pm to 7:00 pm.
Once you arrive for your individual interview, please wait outside of the meeting room. You will be directed
by a member of the IMPACT team into the room once they are ready. Interviews will take about 15-20
minutes and consist of a chance for you to share the following information with the current IMPACT Board
in addition to other questions:
Past leadership experience
Why you want to be on the IMPACT Board
What you can bring to the team and the position you are applying for (i.e. leadership style,
motivational and organizational skills)
Strengths and Weaknesses
There will be 5 minutes set aside in each interview so you may ask questions of the group
Joe Wolf
IMPACT Team Co-President
Janell Chrobak
IMPACT Team Co-President
Requirements of IMPACT Board Members
All IMPACT Team Members have the following requirements:
Responsibility to the team to fulfill the minimum programming standards to their respective
Attend Spring retreat January 11-12.
Attend weekly board meeting (Tuesdays at 5:00 pm) and all committee meeting (Tuesdays
at 4:00 pm)
Attend and facilitate weekly committee meetings, including agenda creation, group
bonding, program selection, and volunteer coordination.
Awareness of prospective members and active recruitment and training of new members.
Consistent evaluation of programs and projects with the appropriate advisor according to
the importance, relevance, and needs of the University and community.
Responsible for completing the necessary IMPACT and Student Activities Office reports:
event evaluations, program proposals, programming worksheet, etc.
Maintain the 2.5 GPA requirement
Recognition that the primary responsibility of each member is to the student.
Adherence to all University and Student Activities Office policies.
Sensible and effective usage of the budget to provide programming and services to the
campus with the goal of a $0 balance by the end of the spring semester.
Responsibility to keep the Student Activities Office informed of all programs and service
Plan and preset a variety of programs designed to reach as many of the members of
MNSU and the community as possible.
Ability to motivate others, ability to delegate tasks to others, effective interpersonal communication, ability to set
deadlines for completion of tasks. Effective written and oral communications, flexibility with programming objectives,
experience with budgeting and fiscal management. Ability to role model appropriate behavior both on and off
campus, experience with leadership skills and competencies, ability to work with other campus organizations
including: athletics, alumni association, presidents office, campus recreation, physical plant, parking, security, and
Fraternities/Sororities. Remains objective during times of stress, adapt to public speaking, including large profile
interviews, Ability to plan, strategize, and process large events. Thoroughly complete tasks on time.
IMPACT Team Application Sheet
Name: _________________________________ Phone Number: (___) ____ - ________
Address: ___________________________________________
E-mail Address: ________________________________________________________________
What is your time availability between 4:00 pm and 7pm
Tuesday, Nov. 19 : __________________________________
Wednesday, Nov. 20 : __________________________________
Please type your answers legibly to the following questions on a separate sheet of paper:
1. Why you want to join the IMPACT board?
2. Please list any previous leadership experience (including IMPACT) that you have had and
how you will apply it to IMPACT.
3. What traits or qualities best exemplify what you can bring to IMPACT?
4. What opportunities for improvement do you see for IMPACT and the position(s) you are
applying for?
5. What does leadership mean to you?
I herby give permission for the Student Activities Office to check my grade point average with the
understanding that the information will be kept confidential. This information will be used to provide
verification that I have met the minimum academic standards.
Signature: ________________________________
Tech ID*: _________________________________
*This will be kept confidential!
Please Rank Your Top Positions – One(1) being the most preferred, and four (4) being the least
preferred. You do not have to select all options.
_____ Homecoming Chair Events
_____ Homecoming Chair Competition
_____ Speakers Chair
_____ Public Relations (2x)
IMPACT Team Open Positions
SALARY: $300.00
OPENING DATE: October 19, 2013
APPLICATION DEADLINE: November 11, 2013 at 4 PM
Position: November 2013 – May 2014
Date of Appointment: November 25, 2013
 Responsible for 11 hours of work per week: Meetings - 3, Office Hours – 5, Flex - 3
 Work with advisor to conduct event evaluation and assessment, including survey before and after
 Consult with Public Relations chair on appropriate timeline for submission and deadlines for
graphic requests and press releases.
 Public speaking in front of large crowds and media.
 Work closely with advisor to implement Collaborative Speaker Series with MNSU colleges.
 Plan and present a variety of programs designed to reach as many of the members of MNSU and
the community as possible.
 Bring one large nationally known speaker per year.
 Select Welcome Week hypnotist.
 Collaborate with at least one department and Mankato community for an event.
 Complete at least one innovative promotional campaign for each event.
 Create day of plan organization including volunteer coordination, event logistics, ticket sales, and
other details for each event.
 Manage a $10,000+ budget including spending, tracking, fundraising, and balancing.
SALARY: $400.00
OPENING DATE: October 19, 2013
APPLICATION DEADLINE: November 11, 2013 at 4 PM
Position: November 2013 – December 2014
Date of Appointment: November 25, 2013
 Responsible for 8 hours of work per week: Meetings - 3, Office Hours – 5
 Coordinate committee members and 250+ allocation teams and volunteers.
 Work with committee to develop a spirited theme for 2014.
 Ability to meet for at least 8 hours/week in the summer beginning August 1, 2014.
 Attend all required retreats including Summer, Fall, and Winter retreats.
 Edit, distribute, and facilitate the Homecoming Packet and Competition Forms.
 Coordinate the applications for Homecoming Royalty.
 Collect points of competition teams throughout homecoming week in a timely manner.
 Organize all homecoming competition team, dodgeball and royalty applications & events.
 Conduct royalty candidate interviews.
 Coordinate with co-homecoming chair.
 Cannot be affiliated with any competition team.
SALARY: $600.00
OPENING DATE: October 19, 2013
APPLICATION DEADLINE: November 11, 2013 at 4 PM
Position: November 2013 – December 2014
Date of Appointment: November 25, 2013
 Responsible for 10 hours of work per week: Meetings - 3, Office Hours - 5, Flex - 2
 Coordinate committee members and 250+ allocation teams and volunteers.
 Work with committee to develop a spirited theme for 2014.
 Attend all required retreats including Summer, Fall, and Winter retreats.
 Ability to meet for at least 4 hours/week during entire summer session (or as needed).
Work with advisor to conduct event evaluation and assessment, including survey before and
after events.
Consult with Public Relation chair on appropriate timeline for submission and deadlines for
graphic requests and press releases.
With the assistance from the IMPACT PR Chair(s), manage all homecoming promotion
including: posters, table tents, pocket schedules, print advertisements, radio advertisements,
tabling, and meeting presentations.
Meet with scheduling, alumni relations, and athletics regularly to facilitate intercampus
cooperation throughout the Homecoming week.
Public speaking in front of large crowds and media (e.g. kick-off speech).
Plan and present a variety of programs designed to reach as many of the members of MNSU
and the community as possible.
Create day of plan organization including volunteer coordination, event logistics, ticket sales,
and other details for each assigned event during Homecoming.
Work with Assistant Director for Campus Programs on all events and planning.
Jointly write a community and student letter with MSSA president.
Complete at least one innovative promotional campaign for each event.
Actively provide opportunities to build committee membership and development including, but
limited to leadership opportunities, delegation of tasks and responsibilities, skill development,
and committee participation.
Manage a $36,000+ budget including spending, tracking, fundraising, and balancing.
Plan all non-competition events (possible events include: block party, kick-off, medallion hunt,
Friday and Saturday night events, pre-homecoming rally).
o Special emphasis on recruiting off-campus students
Assist with parade lineup.
Create press releases for all events and a week-of press release.
Work with committee to coordinate premiere events.
Coordinate graphics with CSU designer.
Coordinate with co-homecoming chair.
SALARY: $250.00
OPENING DATE: October 19, 2013
APPLICATION DEADLINE: November 11, 2013 at 4 PM
Position: November 2013 – May 2014
Date of Appointment: November 25, 2013
 Responsible for 11 hours of work per week: Meetings - 3, Office Hours – 5, Flex - 3
 Attend and facilitate weekly committee meetings, including agenda creation, group bonding,
program selection, and volunteer coordination.
 Attend weekly Two-on-One with advisor and other Public Relations chair.
 Schedule monthly thirty minute one-on-one meetings with event coordinators to facilitate graphic
design process and press releases.
 Represent IMPACT with media outlets including, but not limited to KMSU, the Reporter, University
Media Relations, Local Radio, Television, and print media.
 Meet once a semester with Reporter, KMSU, and Media Relations staff to network and maintain
 Attend the RHA, MSSA, and ISA general assembly on a bi-weekly status to update the campus
 Create and distribute all Press Release and Media Alerts in a timely manner.
 Maintain IMPACT website, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube accounts, and OrgSync.
 Actively recruit new members, followers, or likes on social media outlets.
 Experience with website development and maintenance.
 Maintain working relationship with Student Activities/Centennial Student Union graphic designers
with programmers.
 Coordinate collection of promotional materials for CSU Captivated Audience Network.
 Submit and complete Meet the Team and Board Election graphics with President.
 Reserve and manage table tent reservations in Campus Dinning Facilities.
 Collect and maintain current list of community promotional locations with the Mankato community.
 Add events to the following calendars: Campus Event Calendars, Greatermankatoevents.com
(when needed), katoinfo.org, and other calendars.
 Maintain current pricing and availability on local media pricing including: the reporter, Free Press,
Home Magazine, and other media outlets.
 Preferred Qualification: Proficiency with Photoshop, website HTML, and other graphic design