82nd MSSA Senate March 25th, 2015


82nd MSSA Senate

March 25th, 2015

Call to Order by 82 nd Speaker Ben Shakespear

Roll Call



Matt Clay - IT Services i.

Will be acting as liaison with the senate. ii.

ACC remodel – want to talk to students about it so will be coming back. iii.

With Office 365 some other tools may no longer be needed. iv.

Will be looking for feedback from all of you.

 Tyler Conlon/Cindy Janney – Room & Board Rates (Recap) i.

This is to simply give recap of last semester during RHA room & board process. ii.

Review of process, and then opportunity for us to give feedback; once presented to senate, RHA narrows down, publicize the ballot, then vote. iii.



42-0 – Base rate explained


33-9 – Yes to $3 increase for RHA promo item


36-6 – Yes to $1 increase for desk equipment


24-18 – Yes to $11 increase for kitchen sink filter


Yes to keep dinner hours the same Sunday – Thursday


Yes to keep dinner hours the dame Friday-Saturday


31-11 – Yes to $49 increase to provide fresh fruit daily


28-14 – Yes to $3 increase for 2ply toilet paper

Conlon: We hope you will support us in what res hall students said they wanted.

Janney: We’ll have the new dining hall construction complete this fall which will have an array of equipment to support. This, along with staff will be a little more expensive. We’re planning towards all of that.

Schieler: You had indicated training for staff, with the minimum wage increase cost, will there be less opportunities for student employment?

Janney: I don’t know the answer to that yet. When we contracted with the vendor, it states that they provide staff and determine how much is needed. At this point, I don’t know what is needed.

Wegscheid: What other efforts were taken to get the word out to students?

Conlon: FB page, website, sandwich boards in very public spaces.

Rayani: Thank you for your part in this process. Are res hall students required to get a meal plan?

Janney: They are required to a minimum of the flex plan. The contractor needs some insurance as to how much they’ll require.

 Kevin Buisman – Athletics Budget o Appreciate all your efforts on our behalf this year (i.e. subsidizing tickets this year, etc.)

o Current FY Fee: $3.50; Proposed FY 16 Fee: $3.62 =an increase of 3.42% o Challenges with separate fee structure. o Some things were unforeseen at the time. (enrollment decline) o Adjustment to credit hour base has not offset decline. o Base allocation has declined or amounted to marginal increase while expenses have dramatically increased. o Been an exceptional year. Spring sports off to great start. o NSIC, WCHA Conference Realignment meant increased travel costs; o WCHA does not cover all of the expenses. o Cost of success can be challenging and expensive. Creates another set of budget challenges. o Attendance overall has remained only steady, along with reduced ticket prices which have impacted revenue. o Proposed FY 16 Fee Proposal: $1.6M; 27.65% is student fee funded; other resources = 72.4%

Haffield: Thanks so much for coming. Extend congratulations of success to the teams. Also, what is the status of athletics master plan?

Buisman: It was completed in 2014. Not a lot of progress yet. Talk whether it should be privately funded ($31m). It will not come from student fees or institutional dollars. There has been some progress on the baseball side in terms of dugout and other improvements.

Discussion on whether it should be a stand-alone campaign. Also talk about an athletic recreation facility for the community. We’re trying to work on potential collaboration with the community (sales tax, funding sources, etc).

Haffield: When are going to Division I with all sports?

Buisman: We’re struggling where we’re at. This is all creating a deficit for us because of change in hockey. All of the other depts. on campus are going thru the same budget strains. It seems we’re almost going in the opposite direction. I could get to $1.2m just in expenses, staff, etc. I feel we already arrived at Division I.

Nakumbe: With the enrollment decline, if fees were raised would students still benefit from low ticket cost?

Buisman: Student admission is pre-paid. We’re very grateful for support from this organization. There was never any discussion of DI when student fee structure was made. If we went away from pre-paid admission, it would have an impact on attendance. Not a strategy we’re talking about at this time.

Nakumbe: Where are the student fees going?

Buisman: Completely operational like the cost of programs (i.e.travel).

Schieler: You mentioned deficit. How much?

Buisman: When talking about this transition to DI part of our reserves was a safety net. We’ve exhausted that the last couple of years. Probably, $1M.

Schieler: If you were to receive 5% reduction due to declining enrollment, what would that look like to students?

Buisman: This one is a hard one to answer. I just had a talk this a.m. with staff about such a reduction. The question then came up about how long we can you sustain competitive level.

We would likely see a decline in competitiveness. We’re not the most highly resourced program in the hockey program. You’ve got to have some tangibles and moxie to drive this program. It is going to be different to sustain it. The impact is not felt immediately and will take a while to cycle through, such as talent.

Schieler: Why compare credit hour fee and not overall budget?

Buisman: I would have to look at where SCSU’s base allocation is, but agree we’re at the top with student fees.

Shakespear: If we win hockey on Friday, the richest team, I want info graphic side by side of this.

Atencio: Do you think it will move beyond where it is now?

Buisman: The dust has not settled yet. Don’t think you need to look further than where it is currently, however, that may translate into further expansion but think there will be more realignment in college hockey. We’ve become a more desirable program to those looking to realign hockey. a.

MSUSA Candidates

Cara Luebke: Thank you for arranging this through Skype. I’m a student at Winona running for state chair. I’d like to hand it over to you for questions, concerns.

Haffield: Why are you deciding to run for an executive position in MSUSA?

Cara: I have a lot of passion and confidence in my skills as a leader. Want to bring back to students that I serve.

Haffield: Goals for next year?

Cara: Quite a few actually: I want to work as a whole delegation. Don’t want just silo ideas as want to form a more cohesive. It means equity, inclusion and diversity.

Schieler: What is your opinion on MHEI?

Cara: I appreciate your courage in asking. Been involved in Winona div. center, I do want to apologize on behalf of Winona State. When dissenting opinion, I would suggest we talk about.

I feel I’m good at that. My major is psychology and conflict resolution.

Schieler: What is your opinion of the past three state chairs?

Cara: I think it has been a very transitional past two years. I think they did the best that they could.

Wegscheid: Thanks for taking the time to be with us. Can you tell me what positions you have held?

Cara: When Moriah Miles was involved I was Legislative Specialist so was involved in lobby core. The following year I was a delegate and was Diversity Specialist. This year I was campus organizer for MSUSA.

Jacobson: What is your plan for collaboration?

Cara: I love for times to talk as a Board on goals and how we can turn that into real. Would like to hang out more together and have time to work together and not necessarily for your job.

Conlon: MHEI, this whole situation happened and relationships broken. As state chair, how would you help mend those wounds?

Cara: I’m not looking back at this year and have expectations on how people should behave.

Talk about these experience. Put into place code of conduct or agree. Between the Board of

Directors, staff, and state chair that we will hold everyone else to those expectations. I want this to be a group conversation on how to build the path forward and be a more cohesive group.

Atencio: What skills do you have and can you give some examples?

Cara: I’m super passionate and work all the time for students and people. When advocating for the diversity resource center a student came to me with an issue. I reviewed MSU’s silent witness program as a great example on what we should do. It was an in depth proposal and is now approved and functioning as a success.

Wegscheid: If you lose, would you be interested in the vice chair position?

Cara: I guess I hadn’t thought about it. I’ll think about that some and get in touch with you.

Nakumbe: Did you participate in the Gallery Walk and credit for prior learning?

Cara: I actually served on that team and think it is an excellent taskforce. I think it is a great initiative and think the team is putting forth very good work.


 I love that you all talk about SCSU so much! Sincere congratulations from us on your awesome hockey win.

 I’m the current SCSU President. BS in Women’s Studies, have held VP position in my sorority, involved with our Student Allocations Committee, have applied for my


 My passions have stemmed from my involvement in student government and MSUSA.

I’ve served as proxy on last year’s board, served as senator, chair, and now president.

 Advocating for higher education for student is my passion.

 Allowing me to be chair will also allow me training in diversity and advocacy.

 My platform: 1) MSUSA needs to serve the seven universities in MnSCU and not the other way around. 2) MSUSA is a 501c non-profit and so it needs to start acting like one. 3) More opportunities for students we serve; 4) Include more advocacy and community organizing; 5) Building relationships with MSCSA. 6) Need to rebuild relationship with trustees and show more respect as we do report to them. We need to support the Chancellor’s office and do so respectfully.

Haffield: Why do you want to be Chair?

Gunnerson: This year’s events broke my heart as I’ve been involved and have seen good things that can come out of this group. Historically, SC has had problems with MSUSA. Even though this year has been disastrous, I feel a lot of good has come out of it. Internal Affairs Committee has been extremely helpful. I think we can restructure the organization to be more effective.

I’m very passionate and feel it a disservice to leave as it is. We have a responsibility to all institutions to help bring us back together.

Haffield: What do you hope to accomplish?

Gunnerson: Bringing us back to the table. I do have good relations with St. Cloud and the incoming president. I would love to rebuild relationships as a whole.

Schieler: How do you explain you’re willingness to continue to stall suspension because of the situation?

Gunnerson: That is a good question. I’ve had similar conversations. It comes down to leaders who acted extremely disrespectful and shameful. I appreciate the investigation but didn’t think the outcome justified what they did. I think we currently have very passive leadership. It comes down to accountability. We shouldn’t step away because were uncomfortable.

Schieler: Can you rank the last three state chairs?

Gunnerson: I appreciated both Moriah and Alex’s leadership. Both really showed their leadership ability and did so effectively. I hope to model my leadership after Moriah. I feel the current leadership is too passive. I’m very approachable but will also put my foot down.

Communication could’ve been a lot better. I feel the state chair should come to at least two meetings at each University and attend regular meetings with the chancellor.

Conlon: How do you close old wounds and how will you bridge relationships with schools who didn’t withdraw?

Gunnerson: It will be hard, however, feel it is important to recognize how much progress we made. Think it is important that the people that were in it can bring this experience with them next year to better serve. It’s more than judicial board because were not only students, but

adults. There is a board of directors for a reason and an executive director for a reason. We need to do a better job of training people at meetings and also do non-profit training.

Wegscheid: If you lose the chair positon, would you submit an application for vice chair?

Gunnerson: I would not. I served as a vice president in my sorority and now president in student government. I like the president more. It fits better with my leadership style. I think your vice president would be a good vice chair.

Nakumbe: I hear all of the accomplishments and accolades, but are there any initiatives for diversity?

Gunnerson: I would bring unique perspective as I come from SC. We have a very diverse population and feel I’ve worked with a lot of diverse groups. I’m currently working with the multi-diversity center, still a lot though that we can do to improve those opps. Imp. that we have those needs met on every single campus.

Nakumbe: How efficiently and effectively will you promote higher ed without bias?

Gunnerson: I’m going into higher ed as a career. I realize there are many political views and situations on campuses. When it comes down to it, we are all students wanting some of the same things. There needs to be open views and open communication.

Shakespear: I too have a degree in non-profits and was sickened by it. The fact that last year they actually hired positions to spend extra money is unheard of when most barely get by.

Gunnerson: I noticed a lot of wasteful spending, such as the campus organizer positions. If we have extra dollars, then give it back to students who are paying for it. It was very disheartening to hear that we were spending money just to spend it. Also, understand that money was put somewhere where it was invested. I’m not sure about that. Better way to enforce is to look at our by-law procedures, and submit to a non-profit attorney. Some things that happened this year could shut down a non-profit organization. We are not strong in this sector.

Shakespear: You talked about relationship building, do we have time to do that this this year?

Gunnerson: MSUSA moves too slow anyway. I think there needs to be a lot of work over the summer, especially if we want to advocate effectively. Think it means changing our culture, especially internally.

Shakespear: I, too, have majored in non-profit leadership and was sickened by the behavior of this past year. I wish you more success than I had in running for state chair. Unfortunately, when I did so, other schools lied and manipulated the process. I wish you good luck in yours.

Kasey Slattery: ( statement read by President Haffield – attached).

Wolf: I’m running for vice chair and my major is geography. Leadership experience includes my current role as Vice President of MSSA, have acted as Co-chair of Impact, been involved with RHA and the ISA. As Vice Chair, my main resp. will be running meetings and knowing

Robert’s Rules. I have done some running of meetings and will now brush up so I know them in and out. Will also be working with all campus committees and plan on going to all campuses habitually and want 10% of all MnSCU students to know what MSUSA is. I will also help with lobbying events. Next week, I will be spending one day at the capitol with my representative who is on the higher ed committee. I plan on participating in the Walk to the Capitol again this year so will have some experience with lobbying efforts.

Shakespear: Joe, we all here know you are fantastic so I don’t think we have any questions.


Open Forum


Approval of Consent Agenda



Brady Schneck, Student Affairs

Commission on Ethics & Standards:

Recognized Student Organizations:

National Society of Collegiate Scholars; MSW Student Connect;

Cognitive Science Student Organization

Student Allocations Committ ee:


Recommend a one-time supplemental allocation of SAF funds up to $2,212.20 to the Maverick

Forensic Team for non-food related travel expenses for participation at the American Forensic

Association National Individual Events Tournament (AFA-NIET) April 2-7, 2015 in Portland,

OR, reimbursable receipts must be specific to this competition.


Recommend a one-time supplemental allocation of SAF Funds up to $4,315 to the Maverick

Forensic Team for non-food related travel expenses for participation at the National Forensic

Association Championship Tournament (NFA) April 16-20, 2015 in Athens, OH, reimbursable receipts must be specific to this competition.


Recommend allocating up to $200 to the Minority Association of Pre-Health Students for nonfood related student travel expenses to assist 7 students attend physician lead seminars at the U of

M Medical School March 28, 2015 in Minneapolis, MN


Recommend allocating up to $200 to Delta Sigma Pi for non-food related student travel expenses to assist 40 students attend a DSP alumni networking event April 2, 2015 in Minneapolis, MN


Recommend allocating up to $650 to the United National/International Relations Club for nonfood related student travel expenses to assist 32 students participate at the Arrowhead Model

United Nations open competition April 9-12, 2015 at UW-La Crosse, WI contingent that it can be confirmed in writing that their RSO group receives less than $500 annually from any University department/college.


Recommend allocating up to $868.44 to the Women’s Rugby Club for non-food related student travel expenses to assist 25 students compete at the Fools Fest invitational tournament April 11,

2015 in Winona, MN


Recommend allocating up to $1,000 to the Marketing Club for non-food related student travel expenses to assist 25 students travel to visit marketing companies April 16-19, 2015 in Chicago,

IL contingent that it can be confirmed in writing that their RSO group receives less than $500 annually from any University department/college.


Recommend allocating up to $0 (zero) to the Honors Student Council to support an on-campus book talk by Dr. Nina Smart on April 22, 2015 in Ostrander Auditorium this event is part of a collaboration with the Social Justice Lecture Series through the department of Sociology and

Corrections. SAC denied their request of $500 because they felt the department collaboration made the funding request ineligible under the current SAC guidelines.


Recommend allocating up to $0 (zero) to the MSU Chapter of American Fisheries Society to support an on-campus demonstration of scientific methods on April 10, 2015 in TS 166, SAC denied their request of $500 because it was anticipated to draw only a small number of MSU students and it appeared to be a club specific event.

Approval of Minutes: 3.18.15

Consent Agenda Approved.

 Vacancies a.

Allied Health & Nursing b.

At-Large Residence Hall

President Haffield a.

Congrats to the hockey team! b.

Gallery Walk last Friday. Didn’t feel many students attended. c.

Deadline for RFP on Monday – will be rewriting it d.

M & C: MSU budget, Dayton’s recommendation, Cultural Contribution

Scholarship, Civility Campaign, and public safety officer announced. She was invited here today but wasn’t able to attend today for intro, undergoing university policy process and encourage your feedback.

Vice President Wolf

Speaker Shakespear

Senator Reports a.

Senator Leul i.

Met with Assoc. Dean of CSET, talked about diff. policy here at

MSU, specifically, failing rates (i.e. chemistry highest) and why this is happening. Events update. Another appointment next week with another dept. who have a strong internship coordinator who we’d like to find out more about.

Nakumbe: Is there any correlation in chemistry with poor professor and failing grade?

Leul: Professor evaluations get circulated to students, then professors get them back. They are then handed back to the dept. director. There was a lot of transportation between offices.

Old Business

New Business

82 MM 01 03.25.15 - MSUSA Spring Delegates Haffield/Wolf

Whereas: there are important topics that affect the future of Minnesota State University, Mankato that will be discussed at the MSUSA Spring Delegates Assembly;

Whereas: it is important that Minnesota State Mankato’s voice is heard during these discussions;

Whereas: some of these discussions cannot be postponed;

Therefore be it resolved: representatives of Minnesota State University, Mankato are allowed to discuss the MSUSA budget, the MnSCU Trustee Candidates, and the vehicle reimbursements at the MSUSA

Spring Delegates Assembly.

Motion divided and passed.

Haffield: I picked these three items that Elsbeth sent as felt these were the biggest ones. Felt the selection of the Board of Trustee candidate was the most important so want our voices heard in that discussion.

Schieler: I talked about past several weeks why we can’t do this. The organization isn’t where it needs to be to do this comfortably. I can’t support any thing that has been supported by the

Illuminati. However, I would take a different position with the Board of Trustee position.

Conlon: I disagree as feel that we are being wishy-washy in choosing what to, and not to, participate in. Think this moves towards building relationships that we talked about earlier.

Wegscheid: I’m torn between these as I feel we need to be a voice heard especially with the

Board of Trustee piece. Our timetable has already been set up with stipulations. I feel we should vote on this in particular and not the others.

Jacobson: I agree we need to remain where we are, however, I feel we need a say in the budget as we’re a huge part.

Rayani: seems to be the motion is very basic and if approved, doesn’t mean we can’t back out again.

Schieler: I move to divide the motion into three separate motions.

82 MM 02 Room & Board Rates – Opposition to water filters and fresh fruit Haffield / Wolf

Whereas: There were presentations to MSSA about room and board rates;

Whereas: MSSA was involved in the process;

Whereas: There is a large increase in the rates because of the addition of water filters and fresh fruit;

Be it resolved: The MSSA does not support the RHA room & board rates because of the large increase due to the addition of water bottle filters and fresh fruit.

Be it further resolved: The MSSA would like it noted that the only aspect of the room & board rates that the MSSA does not support is the addition of the water bottle filters and fresh fruit.

Motion fails.

Aye: 8; Nay: 8; Abstentions: 0

Haffield: I do not support fresh fruit. They are really big increases. They already have filters on floors so have that already.

Conlon: I disagree entirely. Biggest majority of RHA voted on this. We’re closest to the res halls so encourage you to get behind res hall students and their willingness to get behind these costs.

Hanson: I feel it to be prudent to support RHA’s decision.

Shakespear: Please keep in mind that this is for people that aren’t here yet and not necessary for those here now.

Schieler: I agree with RHA students being most familiar, however, asking students who haven’t been here for more than a semester and are asked about these costs doesn’t seem equitable.

Should be looking at what fresh fruit is going to cost all of us. Actually cost the budget another

$130,000. As a former RHA president, I understand but don’t support this.

Johnson: I would ask for recognition of our time put into this and it being taken into consideration.

Shakespear: I feel that everyone does understand the effort put into it.

Rayani: I think it is the choice of the vast majority of res hall students.

De Ruiter: We are not really looking at the environmental costs, such as how many students go out and buy big packs of water. I feel a $11 cost for this reason is definitely worth it.

Haffield: This does not change the RHA vote, it only rep. how we feel when the consultation ltr is drafted. People who are voting don’t understand what they are paying for and seeing items that were necessarily essential. Janney said that they couldn’t guarantee even providing that every day.

Conlon: We had a good discussion at the beginning of this process and said that these changes take place next year. Cindy Janney actually brought in a demonstration into an RHA and showed how the cost would be less than a $1/serving.

Nakumbe: I feel it warrants the increase of $50 for incoming freshman. Having fresh fruit available daily, you may actually get more students signing up for meal plans. I also think it would be great to have filtered water. Feel this is a great proposal.

 Discussion: Computer Science Referendum

Jacobson: The rules say there needs that it requires an open forum which I guess this would qualify for.

Schieler: Did you meet with Lynn Akey for more information?

De Ruiter: Honestly, I did have 3 exams this week so will didn’t have the chance to do so but will set something up.

Shakespear: Essentially, I think these can be approved by the President. Does anyone disagree?

Schieler: I feel this is more complex than we as student leaders are informed of. This would just set up an environment where the university has to disagree with student opinion.

Shakespear: I don’t think we need to discuss any further as it will be on the ballot.


Jacobson: Deadline for president and vice president applications.

Hanson: Robert’s Rules endowment and MJH plaque for MSSA office. There are additional copies in the office.

Haffield: Tri-Sigma taco feed.

Schieler: Thanks for all attending our open meeting

 Roll Call

 Adjournment

Meeting adjourned @ 6:54 pm.
