82nd MSSA Senate February 4th, 2015

82nd MSSA Senate
February 4th, 2015
Call to Order by Vice President Joe Wolf
Roll Call
A. Presentations
 Todd Pfingsten/Sam Steiger – Campus Rec
i. Campus Rec Overview – Survey Results
ii. 5.2% response rate
iii. Themes: weight room too small; new offerings, weekend
tournaments, total body strength and conditioning, outdoor
programs & rental opportunities, nutritional programming
(dietician), bouldering wall, students wanted to increase student
iv. 75% said fee adjustment was appropriate.
v. Criticism: Weight room too small, locker rooms too small,
unavailable space, unclean, (student workers’ role), staff not
helpful, increased awareness of rec programming.
vi. Faculty/Staff results: costs, fitness opportunities for free,
awkward working out with students,
vii. RSOs requested a newsletter to know what’s going on.
viii. How to make better: 150 diff. concepts for tasks, then prioritized
ix. What do others offer? Impact on recruitment and retention.
x. Regional university data: Included the popularity of rock
climbing, certification programs. Many do a Trip & Travel
program (rental of canoe, bikes, etc.). MSU formerly had in the
80’s but was discontinued.
xi. Asking student body as to where are we going in next 10 years?
xii. Not asking for funding now.
xiii. Weaving all programs with academics.
Conlon: Do any current programs have less demand than you thought?
Todd: No, things like too many people in yoga, unclean, more group fitness classes.
Nakumbe: Thank you for coming in. I was going to use as one of my first senator reports. If
bubble were to come back, would there be an additional weight room? Any specific requests
for equipment like basketballs, etc.?
Todd: We’re making note of that now. Right now there is a need for a bubble facility. That
would be critical space. (Est. cost of $6M)
Sam: feel we have a commitment as a university to provide that natural interaction.
Leul: planning to change within 10 years?
Sam: We’re working to solve the problem. But it is also a student problem. We need to come
together for the next generation of students. For instance, those students who envisioned rock
wall never saw it as they were already gone when it was done.
Schieler: Do you feel competitive to other markets in Mankato?
Sam: I don’t feel it a competition but feel we can do things in a more cost effective way. We can
meet students on campus where they’re at.
President Davenport
Congratulations to the Campus Rec team for such a good team. I support
what they’re proposing.
 Recent campus suicide was devastating. It was all handled well. David
Jones did an outstanding job. We’re all mourning the loss of one of our
 Budget: MnSCU put forth a request of $142M. $108M is personnel and
inflation. The remaining is tuition buy-down or tuition freeze of 3%.
We’ve had a tuition freeze for consecutive years. The state appropriation
used to cover 75%. Now it is down to 40%. The House and Senate is
going for 50/50%. In addition, the Governor’s latest proposal with
stipulations and withholding $35M for MnSCU. These caveats are the
result of the issue with CTF and faculty bargaining units. Until resolved,
they will be holding funds in reserve. Hope you support the proposal
 Where are we going: The reality is that we can’t ask students for more
money. I’m now of the opinion that we need to look for outside sources.
It’s not just about bricks and mortar, but also academics. We will
continue to grow academics and thereby, enrollment. Diversity is also a
big focus. My goal is to see 20,000 students. This means raising a lot
more money.
 Projects: Outdoor athletics plan; (combination of fitness and education is
important). We need the caliber of a facility that suits our athletic ability
and our sports teams (i.e. football); In addition, more gender equity with
 Bonding projects funded: Verizon center, Clinical Sciences Building,
new Carkoski Dining Hall, and Armstrong/Nelson Halls renovation.
Still working on COB Global Building which has a cost of $40M. The
Theatre/Recital Hall is also badly in need of renovation.
Schieler: In regard to diversity, how are you going to help secure cultural scholarships?
Davenport: It is consistent with our goals and objectives. I feel we need to look outside of the
University for the support. There are also national issues related to that. Cultural scholarships
are a little more tolerant.
Schieler: What’s your take on compensation for members of senate?
Davenport: I haven’t given that a great deal of thought. However, have had concerns with
retention and funding may be part of that solution. I could see some value in it. But honestly, I
don’t know enough about it to answer that.
Brinkman: With Carkoski moving, where will Student Health Services go?
Davenport: There have been a variety of options proposed such as using the old Carkoski or
taking some space in one of the new buildings.
D. Jones: Also, with the next phase of housing that may offer some more options.
Nakumbe: What expectations do you have of senators?
Davenport: That they be ambassadors of the institution and so what you say reflect on the
future. I also hope you find time to volunteer. I challenge you to live up to your peers’
expectations. I would also like to see you showcased more and be more distinguished.
Nakumbe: With the budget situation, are you worried we may lose professors?
Davenport: That is a concern. Four or five years ago we made cuts all the way from
administration through student services. The reality is that Academic Affairs makes up 75% of
Hunter: When would projects be done in the Performing Arts Center?
Davenport: Not certain of that but for a nationally ranked program, our facilities are not up to
standard. It is important to the image of our institution.
Leul: Student Health Services is int’l students only option for healthcare needs. So, if cultural
scholarships are taken MSU would lose lots of students. How would this impact SHS?
Davenport: We anticipate large number of int’l students and plan to continue to grow.
Jones: I appreciate your concern on that and want your input on cultural scholarship. Our goal
is to grow int’l enrollment.
Dean of International Center: We are committed to serving our int’l population even better.
We want ways to enhance that experience. We recognize that it is important to maintain
diversity and we wouldn’t implement any change that would impact that. There is a lot more
conversation that needs to occur.
Conlon: What is your opinion on Obama’s conversation about free tuition for community
Davenport: There is so little information so far; therefore, it is too early to make a judgment.
Obviously, it would seem to drive more students community colleges, however, it may also
increase the number of transfer students.
Anderson: As a COB senator I’ve heard of the new Global Building. Where is level of priority
of it? How is the university approaching fundraising? I know Dean Flannery spent much of
her time doing this last year. Would we be looking at adding additional staff to raise funds?
Davenport: There are several big donors involved in making it happen, however, I can’t give
you an exact date.
Anderson: Has the Capstone gift been rec’d yet?
Davenport: We have rec’d several gifts but not enough raised yet. Those are all the details I
want to give at this point.
Sadeghi: How are you going to grow the university to 20,000?
Davenport: With all of the new buildings we have capacity to grow. Not a simple answer.
Retention will be part of the solution.
Hanson: Graduate students – what vision or plan to grow?
Davenport: With the Carnegie Foundation classification. Minimum doctoral students required.
New programs also needed along with a better track record. In addition, a thirst for discovery.
Unfortunately, with the current budget concerns, graduate programs get moved down as they
cost the most money.
Wolf: Thanks for coming. Senators now need to gather for a picture.
 David Schieler – SAC Guidelines
B. Student Allocations Committee
C. Guidelines Review Spring 2015
D. Section 1: Annual Dept. Budget Allocations
E. Item 5b addition of “intercollegiate athletics”
F. Item 9 relocated to Item 29.
G. Item 10 addition of parenthetical statement and sub-item a
H. Item 13c addition “of not yet admitted students”
I. Item 13f definition of apparel (>$30), sub-item i.
Item 14 exclusion of graduate assistants
Item 14b addition of “Annual”
Section 1: Annual Dept. Budget Allocations
Item 17 added to explain surplus management.
Item 19 deficit language aligned to surplus item.
Item 21 clarified and aligned to Item 22
Item 22 updated for current practice
Item 23 removed for current practice
Item 29 per diem policy aligned with Commission’s Plan (active for FY17
S. Section 3: Categories of RSOs
T. Item 2 removed, existing category shifted to Item 1.
U. Section 4: RSO Funding Requests
V. Item 1 added as explanatory item.
W. Item 4a-c summer funding procedures outlined.
 Power being given to MSSA President & VP over summer months.
X. Item 11 “directly funded” removed as a result of Section 3 changes.
Y. Item 11a&b coach or advisor funding added.
Z. Item 11b funding limit increased for team size
Item 12 “four” amended to “three” for Section 3 update.
BB. Section 4: RSO Funding Requests
Item 13 removed for Section 3 update.
Item 16a clarified “per fiscal year”
EE. Item 16f expanded sub-items i-iii outline process.
FF. Item 17e references competition travel guideline.
Bulcock: Is it a dept. decision if apparel is less than $30 spent? Would we be allowed to keep
them? How about student travel and retroactive reimbursement over summer months?
Schieler: Yes. Currently, they would be denied but now there will be a deadline given.
Bulcock: All groups must be recognized?
Schieler: Yes.
Haffield: Do you have paper copies for us to view?
Schieler: There are 6 pages of document so felt this was better. Paper copies will be available in
the office.
Haffield: Aren’t budgets being presented this Friday?
Schieler: Yes.
Haffield: Doesn’t this need to be approved first?
Schieler: We are operating under current guidelines, however, those departments with the
largest changes have been notified.
 Open Forum
 VP Jones: Suicide incident
Johnson: What measures are in place to prevent this from happening again?
Jones: Unfortunately, there is no measure that would take care of this. When it involves mental
health issues, it can be very difficult. However, we do have an incredible Counseling Center so
hope students take advantage of that.
Haffield: Some concerns have been expressed with the timeframe of when star alerts came out.
Will this be addressed?
Jones: Both yes and no. Every situation is unique. We were notified that a person of concern
had been dropped off at campus and had possession of a weapon. It took the officer about half
an hour to find him. As soon as he seen the officers, he performed the act. Also, delivery and
receipt of texts can vary due to different cell phone providers, etc.
Haffield: A lot of students now look to social media for updates. Possibly look at in the future
for messaging like that?
Jones: Yes, we’ll definitely look at that. We also are discussing ways on how to get info out to
those who don’t have star alerts, etc.
Schieler: Why not just a MSU app?
Jones: That’s a very good idea.
Nakumbe: Is a moment of silence or anything being planned?
Jones: Crossroads have offered to do that. However, we are still trying to connect with family
until we’d actually do anything.
Sadeghi: We are trying to set up a candle vigil event. Do you know of any other organizations
who are doing things?
Wolf: Veterans Club would like to partner with us on something.
Malloy: Was there a high speed chase down Balcerzak at the same time?
Jones: Yes, that was very unfortunate but that’s correct.
Pfingsten: A reminder that in two weeks from today is the Student Affairs bowling challenge.
Thanks for coming out and participating.
 Approval of Consent Agenda
Appointments: Will Malloy--Student Affairs, PR and Marketing, Elections Commission; Scott Hartman-Academic Affairs; Katherine Gibson--Academic Affairs & Intercultural Competency and Development
Advisory Board; Jessica Farah--Academic Affairs; Zana Vejsa--SAC
Commission on Ethics & Standards:
Recognized Student Organizations:
Student Allocations Committee:
1. Recommend allocating up to $750 ($50/student x 15 students) for non-food related student
travel expenses to the International Business Organization to attend an IBO Conference
and visit various companies in the city of Chicago, IL, March 25-28, 2015.
2. Recommend allocating up to $300 ($5/student x 6 students) for non-food related student
travel expenses to School Psychology Society to attend MN School Psychologist
Association Conference in Plymouth, MN, January 29, 2015.
Approval of Minutes: 1.28.15
Schieler: I dissent the SAC appointment of Zana Vejsa. (Moved to New Business)
 Vacancies
a. Allied Health and Nursing (1) - None
 President Haffield
 Straka next week budget. Start generating ideas.
 HLC process – reviewing a lot of things.
 Bookstore meeting on textbook issue and timing.
a. MSUSA – Yesterday there was a formal complaint issued towards
Haffield, Gunderson, and Ristau. I personally don’t feel there is a lot of
substance but just more retaliation. It just makes the process more
b. John Walker incident – He has once again made a lot of inappropriate
comments attacking us. Please do not comment on this or talk to this
person. We’ve taken screenshots of all of it and will be providing it to
MSUSA. There is a Campus Security officer here tonight because of this.
So far, that student hasn’t shown up. If you notice anything, let me
Nakumbe: If Elsbeth were to find substance to complaint, what happens? Are you removed
from office?
Haffield: Elsbeth is reviewing. I don’t feel it was accurate and info was misconstrued and I was
misquoted. I don’t see it more than a Code of Conduct. MSUSA has no power to remove me as
they didn’t remove others who were responsible for very serious issues.
 Vice President Wolf
a. March 25th, Tech Fair.
b. Academic Planning – open forums Feb. 9th, 10th, 27th.
c. Spoke to Brian Jones, Admissions Director, about going along with
Admission Officers to high school visits.
d. Ad-hoc Committees list for Social Worker & Cultural Scholarship.
 Speaker Shakespear – Absent
 Senator Reports
a. Senator Farah
i. Cultural Scholarship and ISA – I feel it a bigger issue that needs to
be addressed. There has been a lot of misinformation. I’ll be
forwarding a motion tonight that senate should get an ad-hoc
committee together on this issue. I think it should be comprised
of both MSSA and ISA students.
b. Senator Jacobson – Here is the Senate composite that will hang in the
senate office. Thanks David. The rest are going downstairs. Please like
our FB page. Also, send me bios if you haven’t done so. We will be
tabling weekly. We are still looking for one more Elections Commission
person. A lot going on with Student Affairs and SAC.
 Old Business
 New Business
Zana Vejsa- SAC appointment – “Recommend to MSSA President Mariah Haffield that the consensus of
the Student Allocation Committee is to operate with 8 student members for the remainder of the fiscal year
2015 and not appoint a ninth member due to the resignation of Brett Spartz on January 29, 2015. 6-0-1,
motion passed.”
Schieler: Why don’t we want a 9th member? I understand that we are not the most diverse,
maybe even somewhat whitewashed; however, we are all different individuals. The resistance
is that so much work has been done and it is impossible to bring another new committee
member up to speed.
Haffield: Just to clarify, Ben did not include it on the Consent Agenda as it was essentially,
unconstitutional as it is my right to appoint (9) members to SAC. It would strip me of my
ability. I’m not trying to imply that it is whitewashing, however, you can note that there is no
int’l student on it. Zana is familiar with budget, is a COB student, and is an accounting major.
I understand that you’ve spent hours and hours, however, if it is that difficult, the guidelines
should be looked at. To follow them, you just need to read them. She would be a good
addition to SAC.
Hanson: While I respect your power to appoint, it is the power of senate, and within the
constitution, I took into consideration one of Senator Schieler’s concerns about it being different
to get caught up. For future, it may be prudent to put a timeline to appoint into the by-laws.
Jacobson: I don’t know the person who is being appointed but concerned with the fact that
presentations start on Friday and not understanding the SAC process.
Skeeter Rogers: Honestly, I joined SAC last year in January and had no idea what was going on
the rest of the semester. Now, to have a person come in the week departments are coming in is
way too late. With SAC, you have to know process, it is not just numbers.
Farah: It is not about getting up to speed or the by-laws stating there can be nine people. This
could mean one thing or another if when coming to a vote. SAC is just giving them more
power. This only means another set of ears on a very large budget.
Schieler: My concern is with her asking questions that don’t need to be asked. Guidelines are
easy as we made them that way. This is complicated for all of us. I’m still struggling through it.
Haffield already expressed concern with too many COB members, but now puts holes through
that and says she wants more diversity. This budget comes to this body, so there is no
additional power but only additional work.
Conlon: I understand the arguments for both sides, but think that it comes down to great
leadership experience. When I came onto senate I know I probably asked silly questions too,
however, it has been a great leadership experience for me.
Vote: Zana Vejas appointed to SAC.
82 MM020415 01 Approval of SAC Guidelines - Schieler/Wegscheid
Approve the SAC Guidelines as Presented.
Tabled until next business meeting.
82 MM 020415 02 – Cultural Scholarship Farah / Johnson
Whereas: The Vice President of Student Affairs and Enrolment Management and the Interim
Dean of International Affairs have presented a change in the International Undergraduate
Cultural Contribution Scholarship;
Whereas: There has been concern about this proposal expressed the International Students;
Whereas: International Students want to further discuss the proposal and provide alternative
Be it Resolved: The MSSA create an ad-hoc committee comprised of a total of six students who
are members of either ISA or MSSA. The ad-hock committee will focus on discussing the
international Undergraduate Cultural Contribution Scholarship, disseminating information
about the international Undergraduate Cultural Contribution Scholarship and providing
alternative proposals as they see fit.
Motion passes.
Aye: 18 Nay: -0 Abstain - 0
Farah: We realize that change is needed but don’t know that this is it. We want to come up with
something more positive.
Johnson: We should have the ability to change anything.
82 MM 020415 03 Appeal Presidential Veto 82 MM 01 012815 - Schieler/Conlon
Appeal the Presidential veto of 82 MM 01 012815 and to reaffirm the senate’s ruling.
Conlon Rescinded. - Moved to next week.
Schieler: President Haffield sent out a very nice email of reasons for her veto, however, I don’t
know how it really affects this. Mariah and Joe both receive stipends, so does the Speaker,
Academic Affairs Coordinator, Student Affairs Coordinator and SAC Chair. If we are already
doing this then why is this a different issue? Concerns were expressed which were already
addressed last week. Right now, none of us are in good standing as most of you are not even
wearing your nametag, haven’t reported your office hours, met with your constituents, or done
your senator reports. This isn’t enough money to incite promise, however, it does affect
retention. I don’t feel Mariah’s reasons are thick enough to hold up.
Conlon: Could we move to table this until next week as there would be more senators present?
Vote: Tabled until next week.
82 MM 021415 04 Sadeghi/Hanson – Candle Vigil Memorial for Student’s Suicide
Whereas: Unfortunately, a student committed suicide this past Monday and it has affected the
campus community.
Be it Resolved: MSSA supply a budget up to $200 to create a candle vigil event for expenses,
upon the approval of the student’s family;
Be it Resolved: MSSA will attempt to be inclusive to collaboration ideas by seeking partnership
with interested third parties;
Be it Further Resolved: Any remaining funding will be reimbursed back to the MSSA.
Motion passes.
Sadeghi: What happened affected a lot of students so we should react to that. Still a work in
progress so wanted to get the budget piece passed first.
Hanson: This is definitely a project he champions and MSSA does have a substantial budget
carryover. Ms. Piepho in Scheduling has given the thumbs up on the open flame policy for the
Jacobson: I’d like to add a friendly amendment as to the family’s okay first as this is a very
sensitive issue. We should work in cooperation with David Jones.
Hanson: This is also intended for other students who have been affected.
Malloy: I also feel that if something is done without family’s access first the correlation will be
Jacobson: The amendment is not intended to stop anything but only to make sure that all
parties are informed and respected.
Amendment passes.
Hanson: Next week I will make a motion to rescind last week’s motion on purchasing copies of
Robert’s Rules for each senator.
Nakumbe: Black History month so please take a moment to learn something about it.
Conlon: University policy committee currently looking at Affordable Care Act policy in
progress. Students will have input.
 Roll Call
Senators Present:
Elizabeth Jacobson, Tyler Conlon, Rebecca Wegscheid, PJ Piotrowski, Dillon Petrowitz, Ashley James,
Alexander Johnson, Michael Hanson; Kyler Schoner, Karli Heroff; David Schieler; Nolan Brinkman;
Connor Martin, Miesso Wako, Arnold Bagumba; Wayland Hunter; Siavash Sadeghi; Abdul-Hafeez
Nakumbe; Nick Kragness; Fred de Ruiter; Marshall Tromborg; Katherine Gibson; Will Malloy, Jessica
Farah, Scott Hartman; Noel Leul
Senators Absent:
Faical Rayani
Executive Leadership Present:
Mariah Haffield, President; Joe Wolf, Vice President;
Executive Leadership Absent:
Ben Shakespear, Speaker
 Adjournment
Meeting adjourned @ 7:13 pm.