82nd MSSA Senate January 28, 2015

82nd MSSA Senate
January 28, 2015
Call to Order by 82nd Speaker Ben Shakespear
Roll Call
PJ Piotrowski 18-0-0; David Schieler 14-3-1; Elizabeth Anderson 10-7-1; Dillon Petrowitz 18-0-0;
Arnold Bagamba 17-1-0; Fred de Ruiter 18-0-0; Noel Leul 12-5-1; Nolan Brinkman 17-1-0; Kyler
Schoner 17-0-0; Tyler Conlon 17-0-0; Connor Martin 13-4-0; Ashley James 15-1-1; Miesso Wako
14-2-1; Marshall Tromborg 15-2-0; Patrick Riesterer 9-9-0; Becky Wegscheid 18-0-0; Elizabeth
Jacobson 18-0-0; Nick Kragness 15-3-0; Michael Hanson 18-0-0; Faical Rayani 13-0-0; Karli Heroff
10-2-0; Wayland Hunter 4-0-0; Abdul-Hafeez Nakumbe 15-1-0; Siavash Sadeghi 2-0-0
A. Presentations
Mike Altomari – Interim Dir., Concurrent Enrollment (handout)
 Work with 17 high schools.
 80 sections this academic year
 $2,500/section (compared to $3,000 that others charge)
 Proposal is to offer two new programs:
1. Campus visit which will be of absolutely no cost to the district.
University will fund transportation, lunches, and substitute teachers.
a. Include high visibility students that others are fighting over.
Data shows that those who visit campus are more likely to
2. Scholarships designated for students who have MSU record of PSEO
or concurrent.
a. Designed to entice students to campus and help them choose
Conlon: Where is initial funding coming from?
Mike: My budget is self-generating so pays for itself and costs comes directly out of my fund.
 Open Forum
 Barry Ries, Dean Grad. Studies – I’m here to thank you for bringing to our
attention the problem with books being put in bookstore at appropriate time.
This not only has the Council of Deans’ attention but also IFO. We will
encourage that info be made available to you early on. Thank you for bringing it
to our attention.
Schieler: This is not just a textbook problem but there is also the assignments coming in late.
Ries: That can be a complex problem, but we’re definitely aware of that and thinking of
Anderson: I also know that it often affects adjunct faculty as they come in later and sometimes
need recommendations.
Ries: When adjunct come in late they are looking for guidelines to adopt. We could look at
having a list of recommendations ready for them. I can take back to the Council of Dean’s and
talk about. We also worked on an orientation for adjunct and I can see that this is part of that in
the future.
 Katelyn/Heidi - Student Health Services: Not this Weekend event this weekend.
Goal is to reduce binge drinking on campus. Includes a pledge that students
sign. It will also feature campus events.
Approval of Consent Agenda
Appointments: Student Allocations Committee- Aja Larson, Jeremy Herkenhoff; HLC Assurance Subcommittee and Dining Contract Steering Committee: Mariah Haffield; Technology Roundtable-Joe Wolf,
Mariah Haffield; MSSA Elections Commission- Cody Nickel, Budget Sub-Meet-Mariah Haffield; Trevor
Granberg, Elections; Elizabeth Jacobson – CSU Board.
Commission on Ethics & Standards:
Recognized Student Organizations: American Indian Student Association; Students for Alcohol and Drug
Education; Field Ecology Club; The Herd; Mavericks for Public Interest; Works on Paper; Athletic
Training Student Association; Japanese Intercultural Association; History Club
Student Allocations Committee:
1. Recommend allocating up to $400 ($50/student x 8 students) for non-food related student travel
expenses to the Information Security Student Organization (ISSO) to attend the 2015 Minnesota
State Cyber Defense Competition in Minneapolis, MN, February 21, 2015.
2. Recommend allocating up to $75 for non-food related student travel expenses to Artist
Community of Mankato to assist 10 students attend an event at The Fallout Art Initiative Center
in Minneapolis, MN, January 25, 2015.
3. Recommend allocating up to $350 ($50/student x 7 students) for non-food related student travel
expenses to MSU Mankato Club Gymnastics to attend the NAIGC Gymnastic Competition at the
University of Illinois, February 20-21, 2015.
Approval of Minutes: 1.21.15 (MSUSA Proxy/Board motion from last week was made into two
separate motions)
 Vacancies
a. Allied Health and Nursing (1)
i. College of Business (1) - Scott Hartman
 Dedicated to the Entrepreneurial group, COSBO and ON Par groups. I also see
the Dean regularly at COSBO meetings so will be able to gain insights from
Brenda Flannery. I think the cool thing about this organization is that we actually
do have the power to change things on this campus. I’d like to make MSSA more
Wegscheid: What kind of changes would like to be seen from COB students?
Hartman: I’ve heard ideas about changes in curriculum and moving from the more traditional
to more hybrid courses, and then about actual physical changes to Morris Hall, especially in the
Crossroads area.
Brinkman: You said you want to make MSSA more notable. What do you have in mind?
Hartman: I want to engage more with COB students and talk about what they want. I feel a lot
is accomplished by word of mouth. Want to engage more with COB on a regular basis and
encourage them to talk more about what they want to see on campus.
Hartman: Throughout my time I’ve had different ideas about what I’d like to see changed. I
feel it also important that other students know this and know that their voices will be heard.
Wegscheid: I thought he was very eloquent and already has a lot of new ideas that he would
like to see happen.
Anderson: Even though this is his first semester, I have seen him stop by the Dean’s office at
least four times already. He already shows a lot of effort and interest in being in the COB. I
would also appreciate having his help.
Vote: Scott Hartman - Elected and sworn in.
a. Graduate Studies (1) – Jessica Farah
i. I feel it important that another person be here advocating for
graduate students. Working with alternate spring break and other
groups on campus. I would like to bring connections and
knowledge to this organization’s and also have a voice.
Johnson: What is your greatest strength and weakness?
Farah: Strength: I’m very organized and passionate.
I hope that if elected, I can help you in any way needed before the end of the semester.
Vote: Jessica Farah elected & sworn in.
 President Haffield
a. Hockey tickets: interested people, raise your hand.
b. Council of Deans – Textbook issue. Will be continuing discussion.
c. MSSA budget was submitted to SAC today.
d. Appointed self and Becky to MSUSA Internal Affairs
e. MnSCU/IFO Statement regarding Governor Dayton’s displeasure with
their poor conduct regarding Charting the Future and Chancellor
f. President Davenport scheduled to be here next week so please dress in
Maverick gear for pictures.
g. If interested in Women’s Collegiate Conference, let me know.
h. Officer on campus- two candidates chosen. Feb. 17th, 1-2 pm, if interested
in interview process, let me know.
i. Sip & Chat sessions with the Provost.
j. Statute listed in textbook motion was cited incorrectly.
k. Cultural Contribution Scholarship – different proposals being discussed.
Please provide me feedback as this is all still being worked on. Please
read the draft that was sent out. Many distorted rumors going around.
Shakespear: If you hear a lot of panic going on, let them know that this wouldn’t take affect
until 2016 and current students would be grandfathered in.
 Vice President Wolf
 Community Engagement Fair – If helping with this event, it will account for
office hours.
 Speaker Shakespear
a. Pedal Past Poverty – Fast Facts (doc cam)
b. Looking for ten people to participate.
 Senator Reports
a. Senator Heroff –
i. A & HN Advisory Bd. talked events going on in their colleges.
ii. RPLS looking for more simulation lab space in new Clinical
Sciences building.
iii. SHS Committee – looking for someone to sit in on new-hire
b. Senator Hanson
i. Congrats to you who were elected today.
ii. Environmental Committee: Guaranteed Energy Savings ProgramAmeresco update; Environmental Meeting tomorrow if interested.
c. Senator Schieler
i. Budget season –an update: SAC will be finalizing guidelines this
week. We will be bringing to senate next week for approval. We
want you to be skeptical of our work.
ii. There is new language about surplus, conversation about
uniforms vs apparel; per Diems, dept. affiliated organizations and
SAC funding; SAC binders will be available in the senate office for
your review. There will be over 52 hours of work put into this
budget hearing by SAC members. You, too, have work to do and
I don’t want you to think that all of the work has been done for
you. Please review all of the proposals that SAC is presenting to
iii. Today there are two motions that I wrote related to the Student
Senate budget request. Although I’m SAC Chair, I submitted
these as a senator and don’t want you to look at it as some certain
guarantee. Know that the other 8 SAC members may have other
ideas on it.
Conlon: What are some of the bigger issues that you see coming up?
Schieler: Enrollment numbers and the impact on student fees; guidelines were reviewing, esp.
per diem and Athletics. We are reviewing every single line item on budget and are looking
harder at each one.
d. Senator Wegscheid
i. E & S meeting tonight after senate meeting. Also participating on
the CSU Board and currently working with the 253/54 and
redesign; Constitutional Commission– I want to get started on this
and talk about by-law changes; also excited to be on the Elections
Commission; Student Affairs working on some exciting things;
MSUSA Internal Affairs meeting in a couple weeks. This is premature thinking, and very, very tentative, but we may have to put
together a delegates list for April.
 Old Business
 New Business
M# 82 mmm 01 $7500 Stipend for Senators in Good Standing - Schieler/Wegscheid
Include in the 2015-16 budget request a $7500 budget line to fund senator stipends.
Stipulations would be: $100/semester, pro-rated weekly past the third regular senate
meeting of the semester - to be awarded only to senators in good-standing after finals
each semester. Included is a $50 bonus to any senator who has completed an academic
Motion passes.
Schieler: This motion still seeks some tweaking but would basically require completion of two
semesters, prorated weekly past the third regular senate meeting. I feel that this is clear in it’s
intent and feel retention is huge issue and think that this would help us to get to that that level
and help us, and others, take MSSA more seriously.
Wegscheid: I think it is great that this is finally being brought up. I’ve had discussions with the
President of the University about it and glad it is being brought about.
Haffield: I know we’ve been talking about this for a while and another option of a possible
stipend through the bookstore and not have this come out of the senate budget. So, if we’d be
interested, we could pursue. I think the idea of a stipend is wonderful but also wondering if the
bookstore route might be better.
DeRuiter: You mentioned that President Davenport thought this was a good idea?
Wegscheid: I don’t want to be quoted on this but, he did think that retention in senate was poor
and thought that it would add some accountability for senators.
Schoner: I don’t like that idea.
Conlon: I support the general motion and feel that a financial incentive is fine as we do spend a
lot of time with office hours and this meeting. Would it make more sense to make it at the
swearing in of the next senate?
Schieler: For simplicity of language keep it parallel to both semesters.
Johnson: Did you include full duties and in good academic standing?
Shakespear: Good standing is already included in the motion.
Jacobson: We’ve been talking about this for years now but agree that it needs to be looked into
for good standing and time frame.
Haffield: Have you, David, thought about how this would impact financial aid aspect?
Schieler: This is just a stipend and not student work so would be done in a stipend not a salary
Haffield: I also wonder about payroll process? Feel that is something we need to figure out.
Shakespear: There are a lot of factors that we can’t answer that President Haffield brought up.
There are a lot more questions that need to be asked.
Schieler: I would pass it for simplicity and work out complexities later. If you table it today for
reasons of finding out all of these answers, it won’t happen. The bookstore option isn’t
necessarily a fair option for all people as some wouldn’t benefit from a bookstore stipend.
Piotrowski: May I ask how you ended up with $100/semester?
Schieler: It is slightly arbitrary, I just ran a few numbers, honestly, I think it could be higher.
Conlon: As a student worker with Res Life, I can tell you it doesn’t affect financial aid.
Hanson: Maybe Mrs. Froemel can speak to this?
Froemel: I wouldn’t want to nix the idea of it, however, feel there are more questions regarding
payroll procees that need to be worked out.
82 MM 02 01.28.15 Robert’s Rules Copies for Senators - Schieler/Jacobson
Include in the 2015-16 budget request a $240 budget request line to fund 30 copies ($8 each) of
Robert’s Rules Newly Revised to each 2015-16 senator who completes their term. This must be
returned to office if seat is held for less than 25 academic weeks.
Motion passes.
Schieler: I feel that senators could benefit from this as so many around the table struggle with
Shakespear: I feel that it would be a lot harder job if there were more speakers at the table.
Jacobson: I think this is a good idea and that senators could benefit from having a copy.
Haffield: Do you plan to keep these books every year or can keep them?
Nakumbe: I think these would be a great tool to use.
Riesterer: Instead of buying books, feel that we could be provided with something in our
Hanson: Last spring I set up a life-endowment of Robert’s Rules so senate will always have the
latest version. I feel that senators should purchase their own. I’ll thus increase what I fund
Brinkman: We already get this info in our binder and it is all you’ll ever need to use.
Hunter: As it is 670 pages long, the majority of senators will not use them. I feel that what we
already have in our binders should suffice.
DeRuiter: I would suggest even adding an audio book.
Schieler: I amend to $8/copy in brief version so it would only cost $240. Also, you all need to
understand that there are limits to Ben’s power. All of us around the table have some of the
speaker’s power.
Hanson: Where are you getting the numbers?
Schieler: Amazon.com
 Announcements
 Community Fair next week. If signed up, show up. Wear Maverick wear next
 Nick Kragness – SA meeting tomorrow.
 Hanson- There are student hockey tickets still available from Athletics. Assassins
the musical, opens tomorrow, $15 for students.
 Bulcock – Dance Marathon, Feb. 17th, goal is to pass the $50,000 mark.
 Roll Call
 Senators Present:
Elizabeth Jacobson, Tyler Conlon, Rebecca Wegscheid, PJ Piotrowski, Dillon Petrowitz,
Ashley James, Alexander Johnson, Michael Hanson; Kyler Schoner, Faical Rayani; Karli
Heroff; David Schieler; Nolan Brinkman; Connor Martin, Miesso Wako, Arnold Bagumba;
Wayland Hunter; Siavash Sadeghi; Abdul-Hafeez Nakumbe; Nick Kragness; Fred de Ruiter;
Marshall Tromborg; Katherine Gibson; Will Malloy, Jessica Farah, Scott Hartman
 Senators Absent:
Noel Leul
 Executive Leadership Present:
Mariah Haffield, President; Joe Wolf, Vice President; Ben Shakespear, Speaker
 Executive Leadership Absent:
Meeting adjourned @ 5:40 pm.