83rd MSSA Senate August 26th, 2015 Call to Order by 83rd VP Sam Al-Mohamadi Roll Call Miranda Steele 2-0-0; Taylor Krueger 2-0-0; H. B. Hankerson 2-0-0; Wes Huntington 2-0-0; Connor Martin 2-0-0; Katherine Gibson 2-0-0; Ivan Martinez 2-0-0; Maria Ruiz 2-0-0; YaYa Jabri 2-0-0; Wayland Hunter 2-0-0; Paul N’gumah 2-0-0; Siavash Sadeghi 2-0-0; Faical Rayani 2-0-0; Noah Schumacher 2-0-0; Ricky Sargent 1-1-0; Patrick Riesterer 2-0-0; Zana Vejsa 2-0-0; Tien Bui 2-0-0; Aliya Hussein 2-0-0; Desirae Kramer 1-1-0; Ian Irunga 2-0-0; Fred de Ruiter 2-0-0; Open Forum o John Bulcock: Intro Approval of Consent Agenda Appointments: Wes Huntington: Newspaper Advisory Board, Academic Affairs Committee, Ivan Martinez: Academic Affairs Committee, YaYa Jabri: Academic Affairs Committee, Wayland Hunter: Academic Affairs Coordinator, Husayn Hankerson: Academic Affairs Committee, Newspaper Advisory Board, Paul N’Gumah: Academic Affairs Committee, Grace Smith: Student Affairs Committee, Public Relations Committee, Noah Schumacher: Student Affairs Committee, Richard Sargent: Student Affairs Committee, Zana Vejsa: Student Affairs Committee, Patrick Riesterer: Student Affairs Committee, Tien Bui: Student Affairs Committee, Aliya Hussein: Student Affairs Committee, Desirae Kramer: Student Affairs Committee, Ian Irungu: Student Affairs Committee, Miranda Steele: Academic Affairs Committee, Taylor Krueger: Academic Affairs Committee, Connor Martin: Academic Affairs Committee, Katherine Gibson: Academic Affairs Committee, Maria Ruiz: Academic Affairs Committee, Siavash Sadeghi: Academic Affairs Committee, Faical Rayani: Academic Affairs Committee, AbdulHafeez Nakumbe: CSU Board, Legislative Committee Chair, Lakyn Muilenburg: CSU Board, Cody Nickel: MSU representative on MSUSA Internal Affairs Committee, Becky Wegscheid: MSU representative on MSUSA Internal Affairs Committee, Scott Hartman: Environmental Committee, President’s Commission on Diversity, Maria Ruiz; Andrew Kelley, Student Allocations Committee; Aja Larson, Student Allocations Committee, Kalli Kojis, Student Allocations Committee Commission on Ethics & Standards: Recognized Student Organizations: Society of Women Engineers; College Democrats; MSU Wrestling Club; Sport and Exercise Psychology; Athletes in Action; Okinawan Karate and Kobudo Club; Colleges Against Cancer; IEEE; African Student Association; Bridges International; Student Dance Association; Accounting Club; Chi Alpha Campus Ministry; Delta Sigma Pi; Pakistan Student Association; Sigma Sigma Sigma; Table Tennis Club; Liberian Student Association; USITT MSU Student Chapter; Women's Lacrosse ; Vietnamese American Student Association; Exercise is Medicine; Works on Paper Student Allocations Committee: - Recommend allocating up to $150 ($50/student x 3 students) for non-food related student travel expenses to the Student Dietetic & Nutrition Organization to attend a Food and Nutrition conference/expo in Nashville, TN, October 3-6, 2015. Approved. Vacancies o Social & Behavioral Science (1) Nelsie Yang – Social Work I do a lot of community work, esp. with youth. I want to create a lot of impact. Over the summer I worked with a councilman for St. Paul so now understand better how to impact on a bigger level. There are so many students of color who don’t speak up so I want to help them be strong and confident. Sadeghi: What experience have you gotten here at MSU and what have you done? Abdul: The Honors Program has helped me to know where to go to get help. Yang: I’ve been here two years and feel like there is not enough respect for foreign teachers. Feel it needs to be fixed and worked on. Abdul: Philosophy. I want to join because since middle school, I have been helped by best friends and peers. We can’t do much on our own so want to help where I can. I’m here based on a stranger’s kindness so want to give it back. Martin: What things do you want to change? Yang: This is a very diverse community and we host a lot of different events but need to do even more. Abdul: I feel more diversity is needed at our university and more events to get to know each other Gibson: How did you learn about MSSA? Yang: Mariah posted stuff everywhere. I feel I can do more. Abdul: My passion for politics. Worked with a Hennepin County commissioner. After this experience, I wanted to help people who don’t have a say. Fred: What are your strength and weakness? Yang: I’m not afraid to meet strangers. I had to fundraise $15,000 to study abroad in Thailand and did so. Weakness: I can be gullible. In politics you have to know your allies. I want to be better speaking to people and think this would help me. Abdul: I’m a hard worker. Weakness: I tend to over plan and am more idealistic. Haffield: If you’re not elected for the SBS position, would you consider running for another position? Abdul: Yes, definitely. Hussein: What is one idea for an event that would bring people together? Nelsie: A really big Culture Day with it being free, traditional clothes/food. Our duties are to embrace and preserve. Abdul: At South West high school we did Laker Day. It was a purple and gold day, usually on Friday, with a parade, carnival type activities. It was fun. Rayani: Can you tell us about any previous leadership experience? Abdul: This summer I was interning with a local politician. Things weren’t always as they seemed. Politics is a tough business. I learned that it is hard to decide who to help as we can’t help everybody but can try. Yang: I am PR Coordinator for the Hmong organization. I don’t always have the best ideas and it has taught me that I have to listen to my peers too. Yang: Thank you for your questions. I feel you’re all doing a big job. Sometimes it is thankless as not everyone knows what we are doing behind the scenes. Abdul: Thank you. Allied Health & Nursing (1) Residential Life (3) Katelyn Schmit – Pol Science Major– McElroy Thanks for having me. Throughout council been a lot of leadership experience. I’m thinking about going into politics. Abdul – Pol. Science Major– McElroy Part of move crew for incoming freshmen. Feel like that is like being res hall senator would be similar and viable resource to have. Smith: What is the most valuable thing about living on campus? KS: I’ve met so many people living in the res hall. Great to have that support person. Abdul: I’m the only person in a triple room. It is definitely with the networking and becoming like a family and gaining new experiences. De Ruiter: Are you aware of RHA? KS: Yes. Abdul: Is it an org. dedication to res hall residents? De Ruiter: The RHA by-laws require attendance at meetings. Are you able to attend? Huntington: Kate, which leadership experience are you most proud of? KS: My role as president for my high school student council. Sadeghi: MSSA has a problem with student awareness. Would you spend time with students to do that? KS: I definitely would talk to them about MSSA. Abdul: Our CA already holds meetings so would do that at those. Rayani: What potential issues do you see? Abdul: There is no A/C in many rooms. I think if we could have something bigger to help with that. KS: Educating students about process if something wrong, respect in commons area. Ngumah: How long on student council? KS: My senior year. Ngumah: What was your biggest challenge? KS: The biggest challenge as president was upholding events of previous years as advisor was gone. Also, it was my job to help bring in new. KS: Feel this would be a huge stepping stone and hope you see me as viable candidate. Abdul: Thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak to you today. o o (Discussion about candidates) Haffield: I think both are really good candidates. Think both are very eager and should give them opp. Riesterer: Considering the seasoned and number of people in this room, both were very well spoken and confident. Sargent: Given my experience, it takes a lot of courage stepping up here to speak. I feel that each would do extremely well. Ruiz: Does it matter that both are from McElroy? Haffield: No, as our constitution was changed last year. In the past, some of the dorms were not rep. so changed it to an at-large position. Vote: Kate Schmit and Abdul-Aziz Abdulrahmane elected and sworn in. College of Business (1) Cristian Perez – Marketing Major o Participated in senate in my high school and developed a passion for it. Worked with admin. And helping students succeed. I feel I have good experience to help MSSA. Fred: What is your biggest strength and weakness? Christian: Strength: The ability to work hard and get things done. I accomplished a lot last year in senate even though it was over a short time. I also spoke at our commencement. Weakness: I’m naturally shy and quiet and think MSSA would help that. Martin: What are your goals with MSSA? CP: I’m a team player so can help others. I’d like to improve the COSBO experience, even though I don’t know what it is like here yet but could help. Improve in-class exp. Haffield: What do you think the most difficult part of MSSA would be? CP: Figuring out the best way for me to contribute. Rayani: What do you think the difference will be with this senate and the community college senate? CP: Probably same problems but only bigger. Also, more responsibilities. Sam: How committed are you? When I was a senator, I quit after 3 months. CP: I’m very committed to work with this group. o (Discussion on candidate) Haffield: I think he is well qualified and has experience. He would be great addition to senate. Smith: I feel like a point of view from a smaller college would be beneficial. Working more one on one. Hussein: I feel like he’d be a great addition. Vote: Unanimous. Cristian Perez elected and sworn in. Vash: I know Nelsie well and she will do a good job. I know Abdul too, in another position. Martin: I feel the same way. They both gave specific experience and changes they want to make. Abdul would benefit being on senate as he could learn the values of senate. Haffield: Both are extremely well-qualified. Abdul seemed very focused on student affairs. He’d be good as a res hall senator. Nelsie has more experience in SBS. Ruiz: I’ve got to know Nelsie over the past two years. She is very involved with Hmong and many other orgs. She is very passionate and advocates for students. I met Cristian Perez yesterday and he asked me a lot of questions and is very interested. He would be a great asset to RHA. Rayani: Nelsie is very well spoken and has good experience. De Ruiter: Both are great candidates. I too support Abdul and the res life position as it would be beneficial to him as first year student. Ngumah: He has been very interested and asking a lot of questions. Better for res life than SBS. Vote: SBS: Nelsie Yang (19) Abdul-Aziz Abdulrahmane (1) Abstain (1) Both candidates elected and sworn in. o Graduate Studies (1) Officer Reports o President Haffield a. Welcome to all, especially new senators b. Meet & Confer next Thursday, 11:30-1:00. c. Tonight we have the MN House & Investment Committee for bonding tour visit for the Phase II Clinical Science Bldg. project. If you have a personal story you’d like me to share, let me know. d. I have a copy of the Academic Plan in my office. e. Project completion dates: Dining Hall, 2017; Clinical Science Bldg., 2016 f. CSU 253/54 done. g. VP Jones: Enrollment overall is down a bit. We have less seniors than we normally do. However, the number of entering students is the largest in several years. h. Many committee appointments are needed. (i.e.) Student Conduct, Roundtable Technology, Search Committee for IT CIO, and several others. i. Attended the MSUSA meeting on August 7 & 8th. MSSA has resumed full participation. So far, things are looking better than last year. o Vice President Al-Mohamadi a. Retreat on Friday/Sat., 11:00 to 5 pm Sat. o Speaker – Absent a. Sen. De Ruiter – Senator Report i. Overview of senator reports and other senate duties. (i.e. office hours, committees, etc.) New Business #83 MM 01 08 26 15 MSUSA Board Actions -- De Ruiter / Martin Whereas: The President represents the student body at MSUSA Board Meetings; Whereas: The President took actions based on the best interests for Minnesota State University, Mankato; Be it resolved: The Senate approves the actions taken by President Mariah Haffield at the last MSUSA Board Meeting on August 8th, 2015. Aye: 20; Nay: 0 Abstain: 2 Motion Passed. Announcements o ISA Liaison, Salma –Overview of ISA, many volunteer activities. o Mark Constantine: Welcome. We’re here to help any way we can. Roll Call Senators Present: Fred de Ruiter; Katherine Gibson; Faical Rayani; Siavash Sadeghi; Miranda Steele; H.B. Hankerson, Wes Huntington; Ivan Martinez, Maria Ruiz, YaYa Jabri, Paul Ngumah, Aliya Hussein, Patrick Riesterer, Zana Vejsa, Tien Bui; Connor Martin, Ricky Sargent, Taylor Krueger, Wayland Hunter, Cristian Perez, Nelsie Yang, Abdul-Aziz Abdulrahmane; Kate Schmit Senators Absent: Desirae Kramer Executive Leadership Present: Mariah Haffield, President; Sam Al-Mohamadi, Vice President; Executive Leadership Absent: Jessica Farah, Speaker Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 5:35 pm