School of Teacher Education San Diego State University Guatemala Study/Teach Abroad Program General Studies 350 27 March – 6 April 2014 1 Unit Dr. André J. Branch Office: BAM 211A Phone: 315.7035 The College of Education’s conceptual framework focuses on developing effective, evidence-based practice among candidates for initial certification, refining effective practice among working professionals pursuing advanced certification and degrees, and identifying effective practice through faculty research. Vision The College produces effective professionals, new knowledge, and partnerships with the field of practice that make a difference in the lives of the clients we serve. Mission The College prepares effective professionals (LEARN) for a variety of societal service delivery and leadership roles across a range of settings including schools, post secondary institutions, social service agencies, and vocational rehabilitation organizations. The College contributes to the knowledge base in both educational theory and practice through professional inquiry and scholarship (DISCOVER). The College engages in strategic partnerships with the field of practice to improve client outcomes, to increase institutional effectiveness, and to promote social justice (ENGAGE). Course Introduction The Guatemala Study Abroad Program is an eleven day service/learning/teaching event that includes activities in the communities of Guatemala City, Antigua, Chichicastenango, the Mountain community of Patalup, and Panajachel on Lake Atitlan. This Central American cross-cultural learning experience provides you an opportunity to experience the culture of the Guatemalan people. If you are preparing to teach, The Guatemala Study Abroad Program will help prepare you for teaching in the culturally diverse schools of the United States. If you want to learn while serving the indigenous people of Guatemala, the service component of The Guatemala Study Abroad Program is designed for you. The program is open to all SDSU Students and satisfies the study abroad requirement of various departments on campus. 2 Student Learning Outcomes Upon completing this course, you will be able to: 1) Apply knowledge and skills learned in this and other cross-cultural courses, 2) Distinguish aspects of at least three cultures of the indigenous peoples of Guatemala, 3) Articulate some of the customs and values that influence the diverse Guatemalan cultures, 4) Design, modify, and execute lesson plans as appropriate for Guatemalan students in grades 6-9, 5) Compare and contrast three examples of Guatemalan history, customs, and traditions as compared to one’s own ethnic history, customs, and traditions. Contacting Me I will be delighted to meet with you to help you succeed in this course. Please contact me using one of the methods below. Office Hours: By appointment Office: EBA 211A (USA) In Guatemala, I will always be just a few steps away from wherever you are. Telephone: (619) 656-7835 (H)-USA; (619) 315.7035 (C) Guatemala - 4802-5980 E-mail: Assignments Journals While you are in Guatemala, you will be responsible for keeping a detailed journal of your experiences, impressions, questions and observations. The journal is meant to provide a means for you to process the information and experiences you are having while in the field. You want to include what your impressions and what you have learned from activities, from field visits, our hosts, discussions, cultural sites, etc. Care should be placed in accurately and thoroughly documenting your thoughts, feelings, and observations. You are encouraged to carry a small notebook with you at all times while out on cultural excursions and teaching in the school. Jot down any ideas, thoughts, feelings, and perceptions that you may have. Take notes of the Guatemalan history, traditions, and customs that you learn so that you may contrast these with 3 your own ethnic history, customs, and traditions. At night, you will be responsible for expanding these thoughts in your journal. You should strive to write 2 pages a day. Your instructor will read and respond to your journal. You will be graded on the care and thoughtfulness you have placed in expressing ideas related to your study/learning experiences. Due 14 April 2014. Lesson Plans Collaborating with your assigned partner, you will create lesson plans for the grade you have chosen in the weeks prior to departing for Guatemala. After we have arrived in Guatemala, and have received our final instructions regarding lesson plans from the teachers at Patalup Primary School, you and your partner will revise these plans with the assistance of the other team members. Team teaching with your partner, you will execute these plans with Guatemalan students in the grades you have chosen. Due 24 March 2014. Reflection of Learning Experiences and Ethnic Identity Development Part one of this final paper will be a general reflection of learning experiences related to the Guatemala Study/Teach Abroad Program. Part two will be a comparison contrast of three examples of Guatemalan history, customs, and traditions as compared to your own ethnic history, customs, and traditions (here you will use the journal notes you made of the Guatemalan history, customs, and traditions). Due 21 April 2013. Mandatory Orientation – 27 February 2014 – 1:00-3:15 P. M. SDSU requires all students who participate in international programs to attend an orientation session. At this session students will be provided with detailed information regarding studying abroad with the Guatemala Alternative Spring Break Program. Orientation topics include, but are not limited to program structure, costs, itinerary, insurance, safety, security, health concerns, cultural adjustment. Supplies Packing Session All participants will meet as a group to pack the school supplies that we take to the children in Guatemala. This session usually takes place within a few days before we depart for Guatemala. (Date and time to be determined at the orientation meeting) Program Sessions Students are required to attend learning activities meetings in February and March in preparation for the Study/Teach Abroad program. (Dates, times, and locations to be determined at the orientation meeting) Grading There are a total of 100 points designed into this course. Grading will be based on the quality of the completed following assignments/requirements. Journal 25 pts. 4 Lesson Plans 40 pts. Reflection of Learning Experiences 20 pts. Attendance and Participation at the Mandatory Orientation session, Supplies Packing Session, and Excursions while in Guatemala 15 pts. Grades for this course are Credit/No Credit. To earn credit, a student must accrue at aleast 76 points. Class Policies Participation You are expected to be present and on time for the Information Session, Mandatory Orientation, and the Supplies Packing Session. You are expected to be on time for each of scheduled departures for excursions and other activities. Students With Disabilities Students with learning disabilities who would also like accommodations because of those disabilities must disclose the disability privately to the instructor and request accommodations during the first three weeks of class. Assignments Students may turn in assignments early, but not late. In the rare event that assignments are accepted late, one point for each day the assignment is late will be subtracted from the grade. Detailed Program Itinerary Thursday 27 March Depart San Diego International Airport at 11:43 A. M. Arrive La Aurora International Airport, Guatemala City 9:29 P. M. Arrive Nova Hostel, Guatemala City 10:45 P.M. Friday 28 March Breakfast at Nova Hostel Cultural Excursion – Museo de los Niños Cultural Excursion – Mira Flores Museum Depart Guatemala City for Antigua in late A. M. Lunch at La Fonda or La Condessa Check-in at Hotel Weaving and textiles presentation at Casa Del Arte (1 P. M.) 5 Afternoon tour of Antigua Dinner Evening debriefing at hotel Saturday 29 March Breakfast at hotel restaurant A. M. tour of ancient ruins Antigua Lunch Afternoon on your own in Antigua Evening debriefing at hotel Sunday 30 March Breakfast at hotel restaurant 8AM Departure for Chichicastenango Lunch on the road 10AM check-in at the Santo Tomás hotel Cultural Excursion – Market Day Chichicastenango Dinner at Santo Tomás Evening debriefing at the Santo Tomás hotel Monday – Thursday 31 March – 3 April Breakfast at the Santo Tomás hotel AM departure to Patalup Primary School Co-teaching classroom instruction Lunch Students assist with classroom instruction Afternoon departure for Chichicastenango Dinner Cultural Excursion – Home visits with indigenous families Evening debriefing at the Santo Tomás hotel Friday 4 April Breakfast at the Santo Tomás hotel Cultural Excursion – Tour of experimental school and medical facility Cultural Excursion – Widows Weaving Cooperative - Camancha Lunch at Camancha Depart for Lake Attitlan and Panajachel P. M. arrival and check-in at Cacinque Inn Cultural Excursion – Bamboo Lake Community by boat Dinner at the Cacique Inn Evening debriefing at Cacique Inn 6 Saturday 5 April Breakfast at Cacique Hotel Cultural Excursion – Lake Atitlan communities Afternoon departure for Antigua P. M. arrival and check-in at hotel Dinner at the restaurant of your choice - Antigua Evening debriefing at hotel Sunday 6 April Breakfast at hotel restaurant 9:00 A. M. Depart for Guatemala City International Airport 10 A. M. Lunch at the La Aurora International Airport Depart for United States 2:12 P. M. Arrive San Diego International Airport 10:48 P. M.