Updated 09/10/13 SPED 560 / Fall 2013 / Syllabus page 1 SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY Imperial Valley Campus Division of Special Education COURSE SYLLABUS Special Education 560 Applications of Technology of Individuals with Disabilities (3 units) Fall 2013 Instructors: Office: Phone: Office Hours: E-mail: Class Time: Location: Cecilia Fragoso West Faculty Building 175 (760) 768-5576 Thursdays, 12:00 –2:00 PM (or by appointment) cfragoso@mail.sdsu.edu Thursday – 4:10 –6:50 p.m. COBL 105 B Campus Calexico Department of Special Education Mission Statement The mission of the Department of Special Education is to develop the untapped potential of individuals with disabilities, talents, and diverse backgrounds and to make a significant positive impact on the learning and life environments of people with exceptionalities. Course Description and Purpose The purpose of this course is to provide teachers who are currently enrolled in the special education specialist credential with the educational applications of current technologies for learners with disabilities. Emphasis will be placed on the selection, modification, and classroom use of technologies to improve the bypass physical, sensory, communicative, learning, and social limitations. Course Materials Alliance for Technology Access. (2008). Computer resources for people with disabilities (5th ed.) Alameda, CA: Hunter House, Inc. USB flash drive, 128 mb minimum Rose, D.H. and Meyer, A. (2002). Teaching every student in the digital age: Universal design for learning. Alexandria, VA: ASCD. (http://www.cast.org/teachingeverystudent/ideas/tes/) Selected Chapters only. Available on line Additional readings may be assigned by the instructor Updated 09/10/13 SPED 560 / Fall 2013 / Syllabus page 2 Course Objectives Discuss the roles of technology in educational programs for persons with disabilities. Describe the range of technologies currently available for classroom use and the advantages and disadvantages of exemplar technologies for persons with disabilities, to include: technology for early childhood, technology for academic skill development, augmentative and alternative communication, and technologies for persons with severe cognitive disabilities, physical disabilities, vision impairments, and hearing impairments. Describe the access issues related to technology use for persons with disabilities. Explain the principles for integrating technology into educational programs for students with disabilities. Demonstrate proficiency in the use of computers and other classroom technologies for classroom applications related to the planning and monitoring of instruction. Demonstrate proficiency in the use of the world wide web as a tool for professional development. Demonstrate proficiency in the evaluation and selection of hardware and software for individuals with disabilities. Demonstrate proficiency in the adaptation and use of technology (hardware, software, and online applications) in the delivery of instruction for individuals with disabilities. California Teaching Credential Standards Addressed by this course: Core Standard 17; Credential Specific Standards: Mild/Moderate 23; Moderate/Severe 23,25,26, & 27; Physical and Health Impairment 26 & 28; Early Childhood 25. Course Liability Statement: “ This course requires students to participate in field trips, research or studies that include course work that will be performed off campus. Participation in such activities may result in accidents or personal injury. Students participating in the event are aware of these risks, and agree to hold harmless San Diego State University, the state of California, the Trustees of the California State University and Colleges and its officers, employees, and agents against all claims, demands, suits judgments, expenses and costs of any kind on account of their participation in the activities. Students using their own vehicles to transport other students to such activities should have current automobile insurance.” Course Requirements 1. Class Participation. Although attendance is not considered as part of the grade for this course, students are expected to attend each class; portions of many sessions will be devoted to demonstrations and/or to lab activities. Students are expected to attend each class and actively participate and master all course materials, whether or not hey have been present in class. Students Updated 09/10/13 SPED 560 / Fall 2013 / Syllabus page should contact other class members for information about material missed. Please be on time for class! 3 2. Lab activities and Pop Quizzes. An important part of this course is hands-on practice with computers and other technologies. Because this course is held in lab classrooms, students will have access to a variety of hardware/software during in-class lab sessions. Obtain a loose-leaf notebook to hold the Lab activity sheets and your notes on lab activities. Keep your lab notes and activities available each week as well as lecture notes and materials. You will be asked to turn in Lab Activities. Pop Quizzes on both lab and lecture material will occur throughout the course. Be prepared! 3. Written Assignments. Additional written assignments and group activities will be given throughout the session. Guidelines will be given with each assignment. 4. Final Examination. The final will be a take-home essay. The final is due by Blackboard to instructor by 12/12/2013. Grading All assignments must be neat, clearly typed, and be free of punctuation and spelling errors. Papers will be returned to students for correction at the discretion of the instructor. Late papers will be penalized. All tasks will be assigned a point value and will be graded accordingly. A AB+ B B- 94 to 100% 90 to 93.9 87 to 89.9 83 to 86.9 80 to 82.9 C+ C CD F 77 to 79.9 73 to 76.9 70 to 72.9 60 to 69.9 0 to 59.9 Grades will be based upon the following factors: 1. Lab Activities 2. Technology Lesson Plan Due 10/03 3. Web Profiles/PPT Due 10/17 4. Tech. Assess/Class Obs. Due 11/07 5. Augmentative Comm. Assign. Due 11/14 6. Quiz/IRIS Module (5 pts. each) Due 11/21 7. Student Portfolio Due 12/05 8. Software Journal Due 12/05 9. Final Examination Due 12/12 TOTAL 10 pts. 20 pts. 10 pts. 10 pts. 10 pts. 10 pts. 10 pts. 10 pts 10 pts. 100 pts. Student Conduct Students preparing to become special educators are expected to conduct themselves in a highly ethical manner that is consistent with the Council for Exceptional Children Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Practice as well as with SDSU Statement Rights and Responsibilities. (Note: former can be found on the Council for Exceptional Children webpage: Updated 09/10/13 SPED 560 / Fall 2013 / Syllabus page http://www.cec.sped.org/ps/code.html and the latter can be found on the SDSU webpage: http://www.sa.sdsu.edu//srr/statement/index.html ) 4 In this course, each student is expected to contribute to a positive learning environment by being on time to class, not leaving class early, turning off cell phones and beepers, and, in all class – related interactions, treating others in a manner that is courteous and that promotes mutual respect and equality of others. Further, students are expected to exhibit academic conduct that reflects the highest levels of honesty and integrity. The Student Disciplinary Procedures for The California State University specifically prohibit cheating or plagiarism and provide that such acts may result in a student being expelled, suspended, placed on probation, or given a lesser sanction. The use of cell phones, MP3 players, or any other related device is strictly prohibited during class sessions. Students who have a special need to use an electronic note-taking device must receive instructor’s permission. SPECIAL NOTES Please make arrangements with a classmate to get handouts and lecture information in case you are absent. Please notify the instructor of any special considerations or accommodations. Only students who have been admitted to the Level I credential program may take this course. Others must receive written permission from the advisor. Updated 09/10/13 SPED 560 / Fall 2013 / Syllabus page 5 SPED 560 TENTATIVE SCHEDULE Session Date 1 08/29 2 09/05 3 4 Topic COURSE OVERVIEW UNIVERSAL DESIGN FOR LEARNING STANDARD TECHNOLOGY TOOLS/ ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY. IT’S THE LAW 09/12 CONSIDERATIONS FOR ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY 09/19 CREATING A PPT Edward Avelar Guest Presenter ICOE ASSESSMENT TOOLS FOR ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY EVALUATION AND SELECTION OF INSTRUCTIONAL SOFTWARE Assignment LAB ACTIVITY # 1: Assistive Technology Taskstream - Using the Internet- AT and IDEA – ONLINE: What is Universal Design for Learning? http://www.udlcenter.org/aboutudl/udlguidelines No Child Left Behind: Implications for Assistive Technology http://www.calstat.org/publications/pdfs/edge_spring_ 03.pdf LAB ACTIVITY # 2: Using PC and Comp Adapt. Considerations for Assistive Technology Guidelines for binder & Web Profiles Assignment LAB ACTIVITY # 3: Using the Web READING: Computer Resources for People with Disabilities. Chapter 4, Selecting Tech. p. 58-88. Creating a PPT Review WATI materials Assistive Technology Assessment Guidelines for AT classroom observation Guidelines for the Technology Lesson Plan READING: Computer Resources for People with Disabilities Chapter 5. The Law pp. 90-101. Types of CAI (Computer Aided Instruction) software Criteria for evaluating software for special learners Information management Guidelines for Software Journal Assignment LAB ACTIVITY # 4: Evaluating Software 5 09/26 6 10/03 WEB 2.0 Edward Avelar Guest Presenter INSPIRATION/KIDSPIRATION PRODUCT INTRODUCTION Edward Avelar Guest Presenter (ICOE) Assignment: Review the Inspiration/Kidspiration quick tours tutorials www.inspiration.com In-Class assignment: Make a graphic organizer/visual spatial Fact Dispay. Short write up about ideas of implementation in your classroom or lesson plan. (Visual/Spatial Fact Display System/Handout) TECH LESSON PLAN ASSIGNMENT DUE ONLINE Updated 09/10/13 7 10/10 8 10/17 SPED 560 / Fall 2013 / Syllabus page APPS FOR ALL STUDENTS I-PADS Virginia Pineda Guest Presenter ICOE WEB PROFILE/PPT PRESENTATIONS COMMON CORE FOR TEACHERS 9 10 11 10/24 TECHNOLOGIES USED TO PROMOTE COMMUNICATION SKILLS (PART 1) BOARDMAKER Introduction APPlication: Matching Apps for students with low & High Incidence Disabilities Resources WEB PROFILES / PPT ASSIGNMENT DUE PRESENTATIONS Edward Avelar Guest Presenter ICOE READING: Foreword by Stephen Hawking in Computer Resources with People with Disabilities. Beginning Communication Skills Augmentative Communication Software/Boardmaker Developing a communication board Guidelines for AAC assignment READING: Ch 8-Principles of Decision Making and Intervention pp 221- 242. 10/31 NO FORMAL MEETING Work on your Communication Board Assignment 11/07 TECHNOLOGY FOR STUDENTS WITH LD Word Processors with features for Special Learners Tech Tools for reading Talking Story Books Intellitalk 3 LAB ACTIVITY 5: Tools for Literacy Part I READING: Computer Resources for People with Disabilities: Processing Aids, p, 218-232. LAB ACTIVITY # 6: Tools for Literacy, Part II Tools for Writing/Using Spell check Franklin Spelling Devices/ Word Prediction Graphic Organizer ONLINE READING: http://www.ldonline.org/article/6380/ TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT/CLASSROOM OBSERVATION (WATI) ASSIGNMENT DUE 12 6 11/14 TECHNOLOGIES FOR SPECIAL LEARNING NEEDS: YOUNG CHILDREN AND STUDENTS WITH AUTISM ASSISTIVE NO FORMAL MEETING 13 11/21 14 11/28 THANKSGIVING BREAK Narratives- Video-modeling- Visual schedules LAB ACTIVITY # 7: Pre-academic & Primary Skills AUGMENTATIVE COMM. ASSIGNMENT DUE IRIS MODULE DUE ONLINE: Bookshare: Providing Accessible Materials for Students with Disabilities. Updated 09/10/13 15 12/05 TECHNOLOGIES TO COMPENSATE FOR SENSORY LOSSES SPED 560 / Fall 2013 / Syllabus page Technologies that translate print Travel technology Technologies for individuals who are deaf LAB ACTIVITY # 8: Aug. Comm. Devices 7 READING: Computer Resources for People with Disabilities: Product Descriptions: Alternate Output pp. 233- 250. Electronic Communication Devices TECHNOLOGIES USED TO Multi-level communication devices and scanning PROMOTE COMMUNICATION Dynamic display voice output comm. Aids (PART II) Final Exam handed out LAB ACTIVITY # 9: SWITCH SOFTWARE Cause and Effect Software and Devices Switch Toys ASSIGNMENT DUE: Portfolio Due including the final 10 software/journal 16 12/12 FINAL EXAM FINAL EXAM DUE ONLINE @ 6:50 PM