NAVS 301 Naval Ships Systems I (Engineering) (3 Units)
Classroom Sacred Heart Hall 124 Update 1
LT Suravut Pornpanit Tues/Thurs 1430-1550
Office Hours by Appointment
Phone: 619-260-2291 Sacred Heart Hall 109
Course Description
This course emphasizes engineering fundamentals starting with an overview of basic mechanics and thermodynamics. The course will then use these building blocks to discuss basic naval propulsion plant and auxiliary system design and operation. The course will include an introduction to shipboard damage control, ship construction and stability, and a discussion of leadership and engineering ethics.
Course Objectives/Candidate Outcomes
The curriculum guide written to provide guidelines for NROTC course of instruction in Naval
Ships System I (Engineering) contains the core competencies for this course. The lesson guide contains learning objectives which support the Professional Core Competencies. In addition, this course also focuses on moral and ethical responsibilities of military leaders, as well as the personal qualities required for effective leadership.
Bibliography/Textbook Readings
David A. Smith, C.D. Lomibao, ed. Introduction to Naval Engineering (INE). Naval Education and Training Command, Naval Education and Training Program Management Support Activity,
David A. Blank, Arthur E. Bock, David J. Richardson, ed. Principles of Naval Engineering
(PNE), Naval Institute Press Annapolis Maryland, 1986
Each day, there is a required reading assignment which should be completed prior to the class start. Additionally, on most days there are recommended additional readings from the internet which may aid in a student’s understanding of the course material.
Course Requirements/Activities
COURSE REQUIREMENTS: Students are required to read all assigned material prior to each class session and review the lesson plan for the day. Proper preparation will be reflected in performance on quizzes, exams, and class discussion / participation.
A. Exams: Three examinations will be given in this course, 2 exams are given on Oct 1 st and Oct
29 th
and a final exam on Nov 26 th
B. Quizzes: Quizzes will be given throughout the course to gauge student preparation and understanding of course materials. They will cover required readings for that day's lesson, an important concept from a recent lecture, or both. Students will be allowed to drop their lowest quiz grade, excluding unauthorized missed quizzes. (e.g. a student with grades of 9, 8, 8, 5, and
0 on quizzes would be allowed to drop the 5 but not the 0). No make-up for missed quizzes will be offered unless arranged with instructor prior to class.
C. Class Participation: All students are expected to contribute to class discussions and can only do so if the required reading is completed. I reserve the right to modify your grade based on participation (both positive and negative).
D. Extra Credit: Extra credit opportunities may be presented throughout the semester on quizzes and/or exams. Any extra credit offered will be offered to all students in the class
E. Presentation: One of the most important skills of a junior officer is the ability to prepare and deliver a presentation to a senior officer. An 8-10 minute presentation is required on approved topic and will be delivered on one of three scheduled presentation days. Presentation topic is to be submitted for approval on November 7 th
. Further details on the requirements for this presentation will be presented in class.
F. Class Leader: One student will be selected, as the class leader to ensure the room and audiovisual equipment are ready for instruction. He or she will also take roll and document those arriving late.
G. Class Attendance: Attendance is MANDATORY. Tardiness will not be tolerated. Repeated incidents will have an adverse effect on final grades. Three or more unauthorized absences will result in a failing grade. Should an emergency develop that warrants relief from this stated attendance and performance policy, prior approval must be obtained directly from the instructor . Again, there will be no make-ups for unauthorized missed quizzes, exams, or presentations.
H. Assignments: Failure to complete all assignments will result in a failing grade . Should an emergency develop that warrants relief from this stated attendance and performance policy, prior approval must be obtained directly from the instructor .
I. Respect: Conduct becoming of a future naval officer is expected at all times by all students.
Cell phones, PDA, etc shall be silenced and stowed prior to class. Students should not utilize the computers in the classroom to run applications, or check web pages not associated with the class.
I expect you to police each other and demonstrate peer leadership. In the event that this privilege is abused, computer use will be secured for all students for the remainder of the semester.
J. Responsibility: Students are expected to perform at a substantially higher level of maturity and responsibility than that of most other students. In general, it is the student’s responsibility to initiate action to resolve all personal issues and ensure that administrative matters are handled in a timely manner.
K. Military Protocol: Since this is a course primarily designed for and required for NROTC students, Naval protocol is emphasized and is a teaching point. As a matter of courtesy and custom, the first individual to recognize entry into the classroom by the Commanding Officer will call for
“Attention on Deck.”
Non-NROTC students are also asked as a matter of courtesy to follow this custom. NROTC students must adhere to the NROTC and Navy regulations for dress in and out of uniform.
L. Academic Dishonesty: Honesty and moral integrity are fundamental to the character of a
Navy and Marine Corps Officer. The Midshipman Honor Code states “A midshipman will not lie, cheat, or steal.” This applies to all students in this course. Substantiated charges will result in a failing grade and disenrollment from the NROTC Program with an unfavorable recommendation regarding commissioned service is a possibility. The student will also be
referred to the appropriate University officials for disciplinary proceedings. If there are concerns over this, please come see me outside of class.
M. Grade of Incomplete:
The grade of Incomplete (“I”) may be recorded to indicate (1) that the requirements of a course have been substantially completed but, for a legitimate reason, a small fraction of the work remains to be completed, and, (2) that the record of the student in the course justifies the expectation that he or she will complete the work and obtain the passing grade by the deadline. It is the student’s responsibility to explain to the instructor the reasons for noncompletion of work and to request an incomplete grade prior to the posting of final grades.
Students who receive a grade of incomplete must submit all missing work by the end of the tenth week of the next regular semester, otherwise the “I” grade will become a permanent “F.”
N. Changes: I have made every attempt to make this syllabus an accurate reflection of how I intend to teach this course over the semester. However, this syllabus should not be construed as a legal contract and it may be subject to change over the semester, particularly with respect to the schedule. I reserve the right to make modifications as necessary. I will discuss any proposed or effected to changes to the syllabus in class. Updated versions of the syllabus will also be posted to BlackBoard--they will not be distributed in class.
Grading Scale/Grading Criteria
Grading Scale:
92 – 100 = A 80 – 82 = B-
90 – 91 = A-
87 – 89 = B+
77 – 79 = C+
73 – 76 = C
83 – 86 = B
Grading Criteria:
Exam I
Exam II
Final Exam
70 – 72 = C-
67 – 69 = D+
63 – 66 = D
60 – 62 = D-
0 – 59 = F
Requests for Accommodation
Reasonable accommodations in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act will be made for course participants with disabilities who require specific instructional and testing modifications. Students with such requirements must identify themselves to the University of
San Diego Disability Services Office (619-260-4655) before the beginning of the course. Every effort will be made to accommodate students’ needs, however, performance standards for the course will not be modified in considering specific accommodations.
Course Outline
Topic Reading
1/Sept 5 Introduction /
Principles of Measurement
2/Sept 10
3/Sept 12
Thermodynamics I: Energy &
Heat Transfer
Thermodynamics II: First and
Second Laws of
INE: p 511-516
PNE: p. 11-16
INE: p 9-14, 18, 22-28
PNE: 10, 17-20, 27, 132-136
INE: p. 14-16, 28-38
PNE: p. 16-17, 21-26
INE: p. 41-48, Ch. 8-10
PNE: p. 144-145
4/Sept 17 Rankine Cycle, Main Steam
Cycle, Feed and Condensate
5/Sept 19
6/Sept 24
Gas Turbine Theory
The Gas Turbine Propulsion
Diesel Engines
INE: Ch. 12
INE: Ch. 11
PNE: p. 78-80, 85-88, 94-97
INE: Ch. 19
PNE: Ch. 9
7/Sept 26 Refrigeration and Air
Conditioning Plants
Exam I review
8/Oct 1
9/Oct 3
Exam I Lectures 1 - 7
Nuclear Power Fundamentals INE: p. 89-114
10/Oct 8 Nuclear Power Fundamentals
PNE: Ch. 8
11/Oct 10 Pumps, Valves, and Fans
(Auxiliary Equipment)
INE: p. 19-22, 477-501
PNE: p. 34-59
12/Oct 15
13/Oct 17
Hydraulic Systems and
Distilling Plants/
Compressed Air Systems
INE: Ch. 15
PNE: p. 65-74
INE Ch 14, PNE p. 221-228
INE: Ch. 18, PNE: p. 71-74
14/Oct 22 Propulsion Train Components INE: p. 81-84, 143-164
15/Oct 24 Ship Design and Engineering INE: Chapter 20
16/Oct 29 Exam II Lectures 1-15
17/Oct 31 Fundamental Electrical Theory INE: Ch. 16
18/Nov 5 Shipboard Electrical
19/Nov 7 Damage Control Overview
*Presentation topic due*
INE: p. 319-322
PNE: p. 20-21 to 20-35
INE: Chapter 25 & 26
20/Nov 12 Principles of Stability
21/Nov 14 Engineering Documentation;
Personnel Qual Standards,
Tagouts, 3M
22/Nov 19 Final Exam Review
23/Nov 21 Final Exam Review
24/Nov 26 Final Exam
25/Nov 28 Thanksgiving/No Class
26/Dec 3 Engineering Ethical
27/Dec 5 1st Set Presentations
28/Dec 10 2nd Set Presentations
29/Dec 12 3 rd
Set Presentations
INE: Ch. 22
INE: Ch. 25-26