Theatre Rendering THEA 539 Fall 2015 Mr. Mark Anderson Thursday 9:00 to 11:50 Office hours: by appointment only Email: Class Description: This rendering class teaches students of theatre design the fundamentals of visual communication in a variety of media and techniques. Class Objective: Clear rendering is essential in order to develop and communicate design ideas effectively. You will be introduced to the following major media: pencil, charcoal, pen and ink, pastels and watercolor. This will allow students to explore their design concepts in a variety of ways. Learning Outcomes: At the conclusion of this course, students should be able to: o Know the fundamentals of drawing and painting and the techniques used in theatrical rendering. o Understand the various dramatic and expressive elements of rendering: light and dark, line and shading, perspective, color, and paper choices. o Analyze and critique the work of one’s self and others. o Understand the requirements of presenting design work. o Appreciate art and the everyday world/surroundings. Class Projects will include: o Classroom discussions, demonstrations and handouts. o Practicing the various techniques used in rendering. o Student projects demonstrating knowledge of the various rendering techniques and their applications. PLEASE REMEMBER TO DATE ALL OF YOUR WORK Assessment: Evaluation of the student’s progress will be based on the projects listed above. Other factors that will impact grading will be attendance, participation, and development of skills. Texts and Readings: There is not a required textbook. There will be numerous reference books brought to class. Each student will need a sketchbook. Assignments will be given weekly. Week 1: August 27 Intro to class work. Discuss model drawing options. Discuss materials, tools, and different media. Discuss contour and mass drawing exercises. Assignment #1 due on 9/3: contour drawing exercise- min. of 10 objects. Mass drawing exercise- min. of 10 objects (could be the same objects) Week 2: September 3 Contour, blind contour and mass drawing (various objects). Assignment #2 due on 9/10: Do 10 quick sketches of 5 simple objects. Each object should be drawn once in contour/line only, and then once in mass only, no line. Keep your objects simple, but observe closely. Week 3: September 10 Gesture drawing. Assignment #3 due on 9/17: This week you’ll do 20 gesture drawings, 15 of objects, and 5 of people. If you’re a costume designer do more people than objects. Challenge yourself and do this assignment away from your home and distractions. Go out around campus, have a cup of coffee, and draw. Week 4: September 17 Intro to pastels, Color Theory, and Color Mixing. Drawing still life. Limited palette. Drapery. Assignment #4 due on 9/24: Set up a simple still life at home and draw. Have at least 5 different views of the still life in pencil or charcoal. Choose the best view and composition to do in pastels. Week 5: September 24 Quiz on glossary terms and then brief introduction to perspective. Drawing still life. Analogous Color- Paint from a still life using two analogous colors (i.e. yellow and orange) and a complementary (violet-blue). Could also devise another limited palette such as earth colors and one primary. Assignment #5 due on 10/1: Multiple spaces. Draw a room or part of a room, focusing on different spaces (deep/shallow, outside/inside, reflective/solid, etc.) on one format. Week 6: OCTOBER 1 Discussion of light. Pastel work focusing on rendering folds, wrinkles, textures, and surfaces. Assignment #6 due on 10/8: drapery- line and shading studies- min. of 10. Week 7: October 8 Discuss human body proportions. Drawing the human figure in class. Assignment #7 due on 10/15: practice drawing the human body- min. 20 gesture drawings/poses Week 8: October 15 Model in class (2.5 hrs). Gesture drawing. Quick poses- using all 3 techniques: contour, mass and gesture. Assignment: To Be Determined. Week 9: October 22 Model in class (2.5 hrs.)Working on hands and feet. 20 minute poses. Gesture drawing. Shading. Medium TBA Assignment for next week: Catch up on homework assignments!!! Week 10: October 29 Head/face proportions. Working on heads, eyes, hair. Assignment #8 due on 11/5: Self portrait. Use a mirror. Set up and draw everything you see within it, including your reflection. In addition draw 3 more faces (profile, ¾ view). Week 11: November 5 Intro to watercolors and inks. Experiment in class. Different textures, surfaces and fabric rendering. Discuss final project. Assignment #9 due on 11/12: 10 studies of different textures. PLEASE BRING WORK OF ART TO WORK WITH ON NOV. 5. Present idea for final project. Week 12: November 12 Model in class (2.5 hrs.)Mix media. Various exercises. Assignment #10 due on 12/3: Individual assignments based on area of design. Week 13: November 19 Using watercolors and inks. Choose a favorite work of art. From sketches and reproductions, create an homage- whether you decide to copy the work, recreate it in your own fashion or alter it in some way. Assignment #10 due on 12/3 Continued: individual assignments based on area of design. Finish the project from class. Week 14: Nov. 26- no class TBA (Museum experience) ON TUESDAY 11/24 Week 15: December 3 Model in class (2.5 hrs). Using mixed media. Assignment for 12/8: Work on final projects. Week 16: Dec. 10 Model in class. Two 45 minute poses. Student choice of medium. Final: Tentative date Dec. 17, 1600-1800. Perhaps we can find a more convenient time Presentation of student work. * PLEASE REMEMBER TO DATE ALL OF YOUR WORK! Grading: Anything less than 60 points = F 60-63 points = D-, 64-66 = D, 67-69 = D+ 70-73 = C-, 74-76 = C, 77-79 = C+ 80-83 = B-, 84-86 = B, 87-89 = B+ 90-93 = A-, 94-99 = A, 100 = A+ Breakdown of assignments Quiz Sketchbook assignments Attendance and readiness Final assignment Total Points for class and points: = 4 points possible = 30 points possible (10x3) = 60 points possible (15x4) = 6 points possible = 100 total points possible Special Accommodations: Students who need accommodation because of disabilities should contact me privately to discuss specific accommodations for which they have received authorization. If you have a disability, but have not contacted Student Disability Services at 619-594-6473, Calpulli Center, Suite 31010, please do so before making an appointment to see me.