Theatre Rendering THEA 539

Theatre Rendering
THEA 539
Fall 2015
Mr. Mark Anderson
Thursday 9:00 to 11:50
Office hours: by appointment only
Class Description:
This rendering class teaches students of theatre design the
fundamentals of visual communication in a variety of media and
Class Objective:
Clear rendering is essential in order to develop and communicate
design ideas effectively. You will be introduced to the following
major media: pencil, charcoal, pen and ink, pastels and watercolor.
This will allow students to explore their design concepts in a
variety of ways.
Learning Outcomes:
At the conclusion of this course, students should be able to:
o Know the fundamentals of drawing and painting and the
techniques used in theatrical rendering.
o Understand the various dramatic and expressive elements of
rendering: light and dark, line and shading, perspective,
color, and paper choices.
o Analyze and critique the work of one’s self and others.
o Understand the requirements of presenting design work.
o Appreciate art and the everyday world/surroundings.
Class Projects will include:
o Classroom discussions, demonstrations and handouts.
o Practicing the various techniques used in rendering.
o Student projects demonstrating knowledge of the various
rendering techniques and their applications.
Evaluation of the student’s progress will be based on the projects
listed above. Other factors that will impact grading will be
attendance, participation, and development of skills.
Texts and Readings:
There is not a required textbook. There will be numerous reference
books brought to class.
Each student will need a sketchbook. Assignments will be given
Week 1: August 27
Intro to class work. Discuss model drawing options.
Discuss materials, tools, and different media. Discuss contour and
mass drawing exercises.
Assignment #1 due on 9/3: contour drawing exercise- min. of 10
objects. Mass drawing exercise- min. of 10 objects (could be the
same objects)
Week 2: September 3
Contour, blind contour and mass drawing (various objects).
Assignment #2 due on 9/10: Do 10 quick sketches of 5 simple objects.
Each object should be drawn once in contour/line only, and then once
in mass only, no line. Keep your objects simple, but observe
Week 3: September 10
Gesture drawing.
Assignment #3 due on 9/17: This week you’ll do 20 gesture drawings,
15 of objects, and 5 of people. If you’re a costume designer do more
people than objects. Challenge yourself and do this assignment away
from your home and distractions. Go out around campus, have a cup of
coffee, and draw.
Week 4: September 17
Intro to pastels, Color Theory, and Color Mixing. Drawing still
life. Limited palette. Drapery.
Assignment #4 due on 9/24: Set up a simple still life at home and
draw. Have at least 5 different views of the still life in pencil or
charcoal. Choose the best view and composition to do in pastels.
Week 5: September 24
Quiz on glossary terms and then brief introduction to
perspective. Drawing still life. Analogous Color- Paint from a still
life using two analogous colors (i.e. yellow and orange) and a
complementary (violet-blue). Could also devise another limited
palette such as earth colors and one primary.
Assignment #5 due on 10/1: Multiple spaces. Draw a room or part of a
room, focusing on different spaces (deep/shallow, outside/inside,
reflective/solid, etc.) on one format.
Week 6: OCTOBER 1
Discussion of light. Pastel work focusing on rendering folds,
wrinkles, textures, and surfaces.
Assignment #6 due on 10/8: drapery- line and shading studies- min.
of 10.
Week 7: October 8
Discuss human body proportions. Drawing the human figure in class.
Assignment #7 due on 10/15: practice drawing the human body- min. 20
gesture drawings/poses
Week 8: October 15
Model in class (2.5 hrs). Gesture drawing. Quick poses- using all 3
techniques: contour, mass and gesture.
Assignment: To Be Determined.
Week 9: October 22
Model in class (2.5 hrs.)Working on hands and feet. 20 minute poses.
Gesture drawing. Shading. Medium TBA
Assignment for next week: Catch up on homework assignments!!!
Week 10: October 29
Head/face proportions. Working on heads, eyes, hair.
Assignment #8 due on 11/5: Self portrait. Use a mirror. Set up and
draw everything you see within it, including your reflection. In
addition draw 3 more faces (profile, ¾ view).
Week 11: November 5
Intro to watercolors and inks. Experiment in class. Different
textures, surfaces and fabric rendering. Discuss final project.
Assignment #9 due on 11/12: 10 studies of different textures. PLEASE
BRING WORK OF ART TO WORK WITH ON NOV. 5. Present idea for final
Week 12: November 12
Model in class (2.5 hrs.)Mix media. Various exercises.
Assignment #10 due on 12/3: Individual assignments based on area of
Week 13: November 19
Using watercolors and inks. Choose a favorite work of art. From
sketches and reproductions, create an homage- whether you decide to
copy the work, recreate it in your own fashion or alter it in some
Assignment #10 due on 12/3 Continued: individual assignments based
on area of design. Finish the project from class.
Week 14: Nov. 26- no class
TBA (Museum experience) ON TUESDAY 11/24
Week 15: December 3
Model in class (2.5 hrs). Using mixed media.
Assignment for 12/8: Work on final projects.
Week 16: Dec. 10
Model in class. Two 45 minute poses. Student choice of medium.
Final: Tentative date Dec. 17, 1600-1800. Perhaps we can find a more
convenient time
Presentation of student work.
Anything less than 60 points = F
60-63 points = D-, 64-66 = D, 67-69 = D+
70-73 = C-, 74-76 = C, 77-79 = C+
80-83 = B-, 84-86 = B, 87-89 = B+
90-93 = A-, 94-99 = A, 100 = A+
Breakdown of assignments
Sketchbook assignments
Attendance and readiness
Final assignment
Total Points for class
and points:
4 points possible
30 points possible (10x3)
60 points possible (15x4)
6 points possible
100 total points possible
Special Accommodations: Students who need accommodation because of
disabilities should contact me privately to discuss specific
accommodations for which they have received authorization. If you
have a disability, but have not contacted Student Disability
Services at 619-594-6473, Calpulli Center, Suite 31010, please do so
before making an appointment to see me.