September 14, 2006 To: ACAVC Membership Subject: ACAVC Meeting Minutes

September 14, 2006
To: ACAVC Membership
Subject: ACAVC Meeting Minutes
1. Date, Time, Location: September 9, 2006, 1:15 pm (1315 hours), ACC/LGW Conference
Room, Building 606, Langley AFB, VA.
2. Purpose: General membership meeting. This meeting focused on the ACA reunion, ACA
activities, and the Awards and Sunset programs.
3. Attendees: A quorum was present (6 of 16 members plus one proxy).
John Matthews – President
Richard Pennington - Vice President
Michael Gavin
Wilbur McCullough – Secretary/Treasurer
Ed Weisheit
John Cecere
Jack Miller (verbal permission for proxy vote during cancellation phone call)
Jeff Bunney
John Usefara
4. The following Agenda Items were discussed:
a. The June 17, 2006 minutes were reviewed and approved without comment.
1. Motion to accept – John Cecere.
2. Seconded - Rich Pennington.
3. Unanimously passed.
b. Reviewed current funds status - We received ACAVC dues from John Hough and
ACA/ACAVC dues from Stu Johnson and Dan Fri. A check for $66.68 was paid to
Mike Gavin for Mike Robertson’s plaque. We received $165.00 in coin sales. We
sent $150.00 to TSgt Knight’s family (Sunset). ACA dues were sent in for Stu and
Dan ($50.00). There is currently $1472.28 in the ACAVC account. (Note: During
the meeting, $120.00 was collected for coin sales and $90.00 for polo shirt sales.)
John Matthews donated the polo shirts. Thank you John!
5. Old Business:
a. Awards Committee: There were no MAJCOM-level award winners for
Munitions in the Regional (Tri-State) area during this period. The letters to
Munitions Squadron Commanders, respective Ammo Flight Chiefs, and
ACC/A4W to let them know we would like to recognize their Ammo base-level
winners were mailed. Awaiting responses. Ed Weisheit verified he received the
b. ACAVC 2006 Activity Calendar:
1. Fishing trip– John Cecere recommended Bill survey the
members to determine level of interest for the fishing trip.
2. Worldwide Ammo Bowl September 2-4, 2006. Cancelled for
2006. Mike Gavin pinged Eddie Fuquay and Eddie seems
supportive of the tournament. He will discuss further after he
gets settled in. We will get TJ engaged with Eddie on this.
Recommendations were presented to alternating locations to the
East and West tournaments and maybe having the local ACA
chapter work the tournament for the respective region. Our
rationale is based on dwindling participation due to mission
requirements, restrictive travel rules, costs, tougher permissive
TDY rules, and lack of time for fund-raisers after regional
3. Quarterly meeting – December 9, 2006 (Bill’s house).
4. ACA biennial reunion – October 5-8, 2006 (Reno). So far, John
Cecere, John Matthews, Bill McCullough, and Jack Miller will
be there from the ACAVC. Expect to have a Chapter table set up
for us.
5. Holiday social December 9, 2006 (Bill’s house).
6. Our activities and accomplishments need to be sent in for
inclusion in the ACA “Shell & Flame” newsletter. Bill will take
care of it.
c. Membership Status: We have 16 active and 3 associate members. Our newest
member is CMSgt. John Hough (Ret). Dan Fri renewed his membership and
Eddie Fuquay will join. Rich will contact Zollie and Mel Hill to determine their
intentions. Bill will get hold of Bernie White.
d. Fundraising: The coins sales are going well. Thirteen are available for sale at the
reunion. John Matthews ordered some polo shirts through a contact in Korea.
These will be sold at the reunion. Chapter polo shirts are available to members in
a variety of sizes and colors.
e. Sunset committee: The combined Awards and Sunset Committee letter to the
munitions was mailed out. We sent $150.00 to the family of TSgt Knight. Rich
also passed some Ammo-related stickers to TSgt Knight’s son. We received a
“Thank You” card from Mike Roylance regarding his heart condition. Ed
mentioned a Langley troop was injured in an ATV accident. No action taken.
f. ACA activity:
1. The ACA election results for the President, Roster and Records,
Policy and Procedures, and Treasurer positions are out. John
Matthews is the President-elect.
AMMO Chiefs Association Virginia Chapter, P.O. Box 65499, Hampton VA 23665-5499
2. The Chapter Associate Members issue is deferred until after the
elections results. The goal is to present the issue during after the
ACA Reunion.
3. It looks like there are 37 ACA members signed up for the
4. The ACA is examining how to incorporate in the state of Florida.
John M. passed a brochure to Bill about the rules for
incorporating in Virginia. The ACAVC may need to decide in the
future to incorporate in the State of Virginia. Additional
information should be forthcoming from the ACA on this subject
after they incorporate. To prep for this, Bill was asked to have
Rich turn the Employee Identification Number (EIN) into the
Langley Federal Credit Union. (Note: This decision was changed
to allow the ACA to submit their Form SS-4 first.) Bill will
ensure the ACA Treasurer gets the yearly financial report to
submit to the Internal Revenue Service. More to follow after the
New Year.
6. New Business:
a. The group asked Mike Gavin to check into ordering 100 more coins. He will
do so and Rich will reimburse him, if needed.
b. Development of the 2007 ACAVC calendar is an agenda item at the 9 Dec
meeting. Efforts will be pursued to better deconflict other events (e.g.,
c. The Sunset policy was discussed. It was decided the first priority is personnel
in the ACAVC members and those members in the ACAVC area of
responsibility. External requests should go to the respective Chapter or the
ACA. An ACAVC limit of $100.00 per event is imposed unless the board
and/or members decide to increase it. If the event involves an ACA member,
we will send our donation to the ACA for inclusion in their donation. If an
ACA member passes away, all efforts should be made to have good ACA
representation at the funeral service. This may be from the ACA Board of
Directors or the closest Chapter.
d. Mike Robertson had to cancel his attendance at the meeting so his retirement
plaque presentation is deferred. Mike Gavin will hold onto the plaque.
e. The floor was opened up for any further discussion.
1. John Cecere asked how the corporate donations should be
presented to Jerry Modlin and the ACA for the reunion. URS
Corporation and Helicopter Technology, Inc. each donated
$200.00 for the reunion. It was recommended the monies be
used for the pay-as-you-go bars for the Icebreaker and Ammo
Call. Bill was asked to draft a presentation letter and have John
M sign it. The letter and the checks will be presented to Jerry
and the ACA at the reunion. Thank you letters will be written
after the reunion is over.
2. Mike Gavin showed the group the placards he had made up for
the reunion. John Matthews will transport them to Reno.
AMMO Chiefs Association Virginia Chapter, P.O. Box 65499, Hampton VA 23665-5499
3. John Matthews asked the members to work on membership.
The plan is to call all members 2 weeks prior to the 9 Dec
meeting/social, in an attempt to increase membership
4. John Cecere stated the ACA Constitution does not allow other
AFCSs as members even if they retired as Ammo Chiefs. An
example is the 316s who converted to the career filed and had
461 on their retirement orders. Bill noted we had Hank
Lightbody at one of the meetings and were hoping he would be
an ACAVC member. To be discussed by the ACA as a result
of revising the Constitution.
5. John Matthews discussed voting power for the Associate
Members. The ACA does not allow it but some chapters do.
We believe the Associate Members contribute a lot and should
be able to vote at the local level. Jeff Bunney was asked his
opinion and he felt it would be beneficial by having some
ownership in the ideas the Associates generated but was
concerned about the appearance in the presence of chapter
members. More to follow.
6. John Cecere piggy-backed on the Associates issue and asked
about the voting power of ACA members. There are Active,
Honorary, and Members-at-Large categories. Honorary
members do not vote. We believe Members-at-Large who do
not belong to a local chapter for whatever reason should not
have a vote equal to that of a Chapter president or Board of
Directors member. John Matthews suggested the Members-atLarge report to a Member-at-Large Board member for voting
purposes. More to follow.
7. The meeting was adjourned at 2:40 pm (1440 hours).
1. Mike Gavin made the motion to adjourn.
2. Rich Pennington seconded.
3. Unanimously passed and meeting adjourned. Social followed at
TJ’s house.
8. The next meeting is currently planned for December 9 2006 at 1:00 PM (1300) at Bill’s
house. The holiday social will follow.
Wilbur C. McCullough III
ACAVC Secretary-Treasurer
cc: e-mail to addressees below
AMMO Chiefs Association Virginia Chapter, P.O. Box 65499, Hampton VA 23665-5499
John Cecere-R
John A. Matthews Sr.-R
Bernard L. White-R
Wilbur (Bill) McCullough-R
Richard W. Pennington-R
Michael Lawhorne-R
Phillip R. Kennedy-R
CMSgt Michael E. Robertson-AD
Carroll Zollicoffer-R
Melvin E. Hill Jr.-R
Michael R. Gavin-R
George Heinlein-R
CMSgt. Ed Weisheit – AD
Hank Lightbody
Rickey Clay-R
Dan Fri-R
Theron “TJ” Jensen - R - AM
John Usefara – R – AM
Jeffrey Bunney – R - AM
CMSgt. Wayne Guilbault – AD
CMSgt. Stuart Johnson
John Ray
Jack Miller
Ed Whitley
Tolly Lawhern
CMSgt. Dan Munro
CMSgt. Harold Carter
John Tripp,,
None available at this time.
AMMO Chiefs Association Virginia Chapter, P.O. Box 65499, Hampton VA 23665-5499