SCED 419 SCIENCE IN THE SECONDARY SCHOOL (3 credit hours) COURSE TEXTBOOK: Trowbridge, Leslie W., Bybee, Rodger W., and Powell, Janet C. (2007). Teaching secondary school science: strategies for developing scientific literacy (9th edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall. ISBN: 0-13-230450-3 COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course offers a study of current standards, methods, materials, and procedures used in the development of secondary school science instructions. In addition, the course provides the candidate with the opportunity to design and instruct secondary science lessons in specific content areas within a middle and high school environment. The emphasis is on procedures and methodology that can be used successfully during internship and teaching scenarios. COURSE PURPOSE: The main purpose of the course is to provide perspective secondary science educators with the knowledge and experience that will equip them to enter the new world of science education with a sense of clarity, confidence, and determination. This course is designed to help perspective science educators acquire this significant background by focusing specifically on the following areas: The emerging role of the science teacher The National Standards and current trends in education The Secondary Core Goals and the High School Assessment criteria The case for “Scientific Literacy” The major goals of science education (subject area focus) The relationship of science to technology, values and personal living The use of technology in science instruction Instructional strategies for science education The development and implementation of science lessons Assessment of science education outcomes Integrating science with other subject disciplines Relating science to the broader community and drawing on its resources Creating safe and effective environments in the laboratory and classroom This course, in cooperation with other courses, will focus on developing the teacher education certification candidates’ competency in: 1. Designing Coherent Instruction 2. Creating a Powerful Learning Environment 3. Implementing Effective Teaching for High Quality Learning 4. Assuming Professional Responsibilities COURSE OUTCOMES: Outcome (Candidate will be able to demonstrate:) Assessment/Activities (Candidate performance will be measured by:) KNOWLEDGE: 1. Knowledge of the NSTA standards, Secondary Core Learning Goals, and HSA relating to specific content areas a. b. c. d. 2. Knowledge of secondary subject area curriculum e. Observation reports; subject area curriculum survey and presentation 3. Knowledge of the case for “Scientific Literacy” f. Written reflections on the value of science education and science issues g. Evidence of textbook readings 4. Knowledge of the various stages and approaches used in teaching science and appropriate implementation 5. Knowledge of the developmental characteristics of diverse secondary students and the implications for developing successful science learning environments h. Cooperative and other science strategies i. Class presentations; simulated teaching j. Using an assigned strategy; written assessment 6. Knowledge of methods for continuous, authentic assessment of science learning and classroom management l. Lesson plans; Observation reports m. Unit plan; Written examination n. Portfolio entry; Assessment strategies o. Questioning strategies p. Laboratory report assessments SKILLS: 1. Ability to write and present science lesson plans using appropriate instructional strategies (including laboratory) 2. Ability to organize a continuous unit of science instruction in a specified subject area 3. Ability to access professional lesson plans and instructional materials on the internet Completion of standards and goals Signature Assessments; Portfolio entry current content standards from NSTA web site currents standards from state HSA guidelines k. Observation reports; Lesson Plans: Adapting to the need of specific learners; Inquiry lessons a. Written lesson plans; Lesson presentations in class; Lesson presentations in school setting b. Unit plan c. Portfolio entry; Lesson plan internet sources d. Interactive internet lesson 4. Ability to develop and implement a variety of assessment instruments and rubrics 5. Ability to apply strategies connecting reading and writing to secondary science instruction e. Lesson plans; Unit plan; Field work report; Portfolio entry; Assessment strategies; Scoring rubrics; Lesson reflections f. Lesson plans; Portfolio entry; Teaching Reading and Writing within the science curriculum; Science Laboratory Analyses 6. Ability to teach science to students with special needs g. Field work; Lesson plan; Adapting to the needs of specific learners 7. Ability to relate science to the broader community and use community resources to teach science 8. Ability to integrate technology within specific content science instruction h. Field evaluation form; Portfolio entry; Lesson plans DISPOSITIONS: 1. Appreciation and understanding that outstanding teaching blends good mastery of subject knowledge with a good mastery of pedagogical knowledge 2. Determination to organize and provide science instruction in a way that represents best practice and implementation 3. Desire to connect science to technology, values, and personal living of the students 4. Cooperative attitude in working with peers, instructor, and school personnel 5. Willingness to incorporate technology into science instruction as appropriate for specific subject area 6. Determination to provide a safe environment in the laboratory and classroom and to create the safe and humane treatment of all living organisms. i. Portfolio entry: Computer generated materials and lesson plans; Lesson plan; Laboratory methods j. Teach lesson using technology in class k. Inquiry in Science a. Lesson plans; Units plans; Presentations in class and in schools; Written reflections b. Portfolio entry; Field Evaluation form; Written reflections; State & National curriculum goals c. Portfolio entry; Field Evaluation form; Written reflections; Issues in science reflections d. Class activities; Portfolio entry; Field Check Sheet; Written reflections e. Lesson plans; Unit plan; Portfolio inclusions; Presentations in class and in schools; Presentations using PowerPoint, SmartBoard and Webcam f. Lesson plans; Unit plan; portfolio inclusions; Safety letter/poster assessment PORTFOLIO: Select products from the assignments to partially fulfill the Phase II requirements. LIST OF KEY ASSESSMENTS: (All have rubrics for assessment) 1. State Standards and Goals: Maryland State Goals are examined via Internet and questions (SR and Brief Response types) are written corresponding to the field of licensure of the candidate. 2. Candidates construct a 5E Lesson Plan with all components for an experiment or activity in their field of licensure. Emphasis is on the inquiry and interactive aspects of planning. 3. Candidates will create a plan or strategy to evaluate the laboratory analysis written by middle and high school students for experiments or laboratory activities. 4. Candidates will participate in and complete and analysis of an inquiry laboratory using cooperative collection methods and data analysis through the use of various technologies. 5. Candidate will create a cooperative classroom or laboratory activity with student role descriptions and evaluation tools for their science classroom. 6. Candidate will create a Web quest activity using websites or information from the Internet. The activity is to be inquiry based with materials supplied for procedures and evaluation. 7. Candidates will create questions and response relative to the taxonomy of Benjamin Bloom to be used in the science classroom and laboratory. 8. Candidates will prepare a safety presentation on an area of concern for safety in the science classroom or laboratory; they will participate in a safety field experience relative to the science laboratory; they will create a set of safety guidelines to be used in their science classroom. 9. Candidates will research and prepare a presentation on an issue that the relative to the science student of the 21st century. The issue is to be controversial and presented in a non-confrontational manner. 10. Candidate will create and utilize a Pre-test/Post-test assessment in the science classroom. The questions are to correspond to Maryland/NSES Curriculum Standards and be valid with materials taught. Statistical and graphical results of the test may be included. ATTENDANCE at all classes is expected. The attendance portion of the attendance/participation grade will be lowered for more than one unexcused absence as follows: 0-1 absence Attendance Grade is A 2-3 absences Maximum attendance grade is B 4 absences Maximum attendance grade is C 5 absences Maximum attendance grade is D 6 absences Maximum attendance grade is F 6 or more Student may be asked to withdraw from the course Class input will generate 33.3% of the attendance/in-class activities/assignments grade. The in-class portion of the grade will be based on activity points, on-time arrival to class, and on the subjective judgment of the instructor about the competent, concerned, and reflective participation of the student in class activities. The assignments collected will make up the balance (66.7%) along with the attendance/in-class activities/assignment grade. The assignments will be evaluated and returned to the student as soon as possible. PROJECTS FOR MAT and Undergraduate Candidates: ALL PROJECTS ARE EXPECTED TO BE OF PORTFOLIO QUALITY. USE OF A WORD PROCESSING PROGRAM AND A HIGH QUALITY PRINTER IN THE PREPARATION OF ALL GRADED PROJECTS IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. This excludes some in-class activities and assignments that will be completed and collected within the time interval of the class period. The NCATE Accreditation process has created a necessity that several of the Signature Assessments be entered through the TaskStream format for the inclusion in the candidate’s permanent record. The candidates will enter the assignments through TaskStream, and the instructor will complete the scoring rubric that is included with each TaskStream Signature Assessment for a grade on that assessment. *Therefore, each MAT and Undergraduate student must sign up for a TaskStream account (there is a fee). COURSE EVALUATION/GRADES (Subject to change) Final grades will be determined by adding the points a candidate earns, dividing the sum of the points by the number points possible, then multiplying by 100. This percentage will be converted using the following scale: 90-100% A; 80-89% B; 70-79% C; Graduates can not earn a D; A grade lower than a C denotes unsuccessful completion of the course. Point values for each assessment are given below, but are subject to change due to time constraints and the constraints of the class: Signature assessments Reading reflections In-class assignments Model unit plan 50 points each 10 points each 20 points each 200 points total SOME IMPORTANT DATES: The dates for assignments, projects, and papers will be distributed during class as a later time. July 9 July 24 August 8 August 13-17 Classes begin in Framptom room 103. Time: 9:00-11:45 Halfway point for the Science Methods class Final Day of Summer Methods class Individual Conferences (tentative) Assignments: The assignments required to complete this course will be detailed in each class as the course progresses. The assignments, reading, and reflections will be tailored to fit the needs of the candidates and the structure of the science materials examined. Note: A general listing of assignments will be distributed in a future class. Students must be aware that university policy provides a penalty, including a lowered grade or course failure for any form of plagiarism, and for removal of a student from a course when a student’s behavior constitutes a threat or negatively impacts on learning and/or a secure environment of the classroom. See Pathfinder for details. Office Hours: Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 11:45 after class 11:45 after class 11:45 after class Other office hours are easily arranged by appointment. Resources: Batemen, W.L., 1999. Open to question: The art of teaching and learning by inquiry. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Collette, A., 2001. Science instruction in the middle and secondary schools, 4 th Edition. New York: Merrill Prentice Hall. Chin, C. and Brown, D., Learning in science: A comparison of deep and surface approaches. Journal of research in Science Teaching, 37 (2): 100-138. (Excellent for Standards) (Excellent for scoring rubrics already to use.) (This is for Signature Assessments, etc.)