Department of Child and Family Development CFD 378D-2 LABORATORY EXPERIENCES WITH CHILDREN AND FAMILIES Fall 2014 Instructor Contact Information Instructor: Hsing-chen Tung, Ed. D. Office: EBA 401 Office hours: Monday 1:15pm -- 1:45pm (By appointments only) Tuesday 11:10am -- 12:10pm (Walk-in okay); 1:40pm -- 2:40pm (By appointments only) Thursday 2pm -- 2:45pm (By appointments only) Phone: 619 594-4445 Email: The best way to contact the instructor is through Email. Please put the course number and your name in the email subject line. Emails are normally replied within 48 hours during weekdays. Students may also call during the walk-in office hour. Section and Enrollment Information Class meeting: No regular classroom meetings The first mandatory orientation meeting will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 2 at 7am in EBA 412. Students will earn five points for attending this meeting (must arrive on time). Those arriving on time will have priority in selecting their internship sites, if these required documents are submitted: a copy of the Degree Audit Report, a copy of negative TB test, Lab Request Form (included in the syllabus), the signed Student Contract (included in the syllabus), and a copy of the signed CFD Reflective Learning Portfolio Agreement. Schedule number: 20592 Course prerequisites: For CFD majors: 1. Proof of credit or concurrent registration in a CFD 375A, 375B or 375C. Submit a hard copy or upload the electronic copy of your schedule or transcript showing your name. 2 2. Signed CFD Reflective Learning Portfolio Agreement. Please find the agreement on CFD website. Submit a hard copy or upload the electronic copy. To submit the electronic copy of #1 and #2 prerequisites, copy and pasted them into a file. Click on “Submit Prerequisites Here” on the side bar after you log into Blackboard. Then click on “View/Complete” and key in your name. The submission title can be your name. (If you are taking multiple courses with the instructor, put all the course numbers in the submission title.) Then you will browse your computer to attach the file. 3. Completion of all lower division preparation for the major courses with a grade of C (2.0) or better. 4. (For crashers) If you do not have a degree audit report to show your preparation for the major, you may submit your unofficial transcript with the following 9 courses highlighted. Each of these needs a C or better: Bio 100, Psy 101, Soc 101, Psy 280 (or Soc 201 or an elementary statistics class), CFD 135, CFD 270, CFD 270L, CFD 272, and CFD 275. For Psych majors minoring CFD: Completion of all lower division preparation for the major courses with a grade of C (2.0) or better For all other CFD Minors: Completion of all lower division preparation for the major courses with a grade of C (2.0) or better Psy 101, CFD270 and CFD 270L, each with a D- or better. Enrollment and crashing policies: Students will be dropped from the class if prerequisites are not submitted by Tuesday Sept. 2. Crashers with prerequisites will be accepted if there are spaces. Course Description This one-unit course allows students the opportunity to work in the San Diego community in settings that serve families and children. Students will spend 40 hours during the semester in their community placements. This opportunity gives students practical field experience and allows them to apply theoretical knowledge in real world settings. Students will earn credit or no credit for this course. Letter grades will not be assigned. Student Learning Outcomes 1. Gain practical field experience in child and family settings. 2. Increase one’s knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of programs for children and families. 3. Observe firsthand the development and interaction of those in the program. 4. Apply theoretical knowledge in real world settings. CFD Departmental Goals this Course Meets: Goal #1: Students know and understand typical and atypical development characteristics and needs across the lifespan. Goal #3: Students use their understanding of and relationships with children and families to design, implement, and evaluate experiences that promote positive learning and development for all children and families. 2 3 Goal: #5: Students possess high-level communication skills. Goal #6: Students demonstrate a high level of cultural competence. Goal #7: Students identify and conduct themselves as a member of the child and family profession. Course Materials A valid negative tuberculosis skin test (Dec 2013 or more recent). Assessment and Grading Assignments Required assignments Points possible Attendance: Arrive on time to earn points!! Class orientation (5 points) Class meeting on 10/17/14 (10 points) One-on-one conference with instructor (5 points) 20 points Documentation: Completed accurately Midterm timesheet (5 points) Midterm evaluation and meeting with supervisor (10 points) Final timesheet (5 points) Final evaluation and meeting with supervisor (10 points) 30 points Written Assignments Letter of introduction – hard copy (5 points) Thank-you letter – hard copy (10 points) Reflective journal #1 – Blackboard (10 points) Reflective journal #2 – Blackboard (10 points) Final Reflective Journal – Blackboard (15 points) 50 TOTAL 100 Final Grades This class is graded on a credit/no credit basis. You will earn credit for the class if you complete each assignment, submit required paperwork, earn a minimum of 80 points out of a possible 100, and complete 40 hours of lab experience. In addition, you will not receive credit for this class if your supervisor gives you a poor evaluation. Make sure you always show professionalism while working. This includes being punctual, respectful, caring, reliable, ethical, etc. Students will earn no-credit if the above requirements are not met. Grading Policies In additional to working in the community and completing 40 hours of service, students will complete various assignments. All assignments, instructions, and forms are included in the syllabus packet and are available on Blackboard. No late assignments will be accepted for this course. 3 4 CFD 378D-2 Course Activities and Schedule Week Assignments/Due Dates 1 Tuesday * Mandatory Orientation Meeting at 7-7:50am in EBA 412 9/2 * Submit Lab Placement Request Form, copy of negative TB test, DAR, Student Contract, and Portfolio Agreement 2 8/31 * After receiving an Email with information on your assigned site, do an Internet search of your site and then contact your lab supervisor to arrange your first meeting. If possible, begin working this week and submit TB test, letter of introduction, etc. 3 9/7 * If possible, begin working this week 4 9/14 * First week of work (begin working earlier if possible). Submit TB test, letter of introduction, etc. * Due: Copy of Letter of Introduction and Release of Liability Form by 11am in EBA 401 on Friday, Sept 19 5 9/21 * Second week of work (“No credit” for course if students not working by Fri. Sept 26) 6 9/28 * Third week of work 7 10/5 * Fourth week of work * Submit Reflective Journal #1 through Blackboard by 8pm on Friday, Oct.10 * Give evaluation form to supervisor and set up appointment 8 10/12 * Fifth week of work * Meet with your supervisor this week for first performance review * Mandatory Class Meeting (room to be determined) at 7-8am on Friday, Oct. 17 9 10/19 * Sixth week of work *Due: Practicum Evaluation #1 and time sheet #1 by 11am in EBA 401 on Friday Oct. 24 * Meet with Hsing-chen Tung this week or the next week 10 10/26 * Seventh week of work * Meet with Hsing-chen Tung this week if you have not done so 11 11/2 * Eighth week of work * Submit Reflective Journal #2 through Blackboard by 8pm on Friday Nov. 7 12 11/9 * Ninth week of work * Give evaluation form to supervisor and set up appointment 13 11/16 * Tenth week of work * Meet with your supervisor this week for final performance review * Submit thank-you letter to your supervisor 14 11/23 Thanksgiving’s Week Make up missing hours if necessary 15 11/30 * Due: Time sheet #2, Practicum Evaluation #2, and copy of thank-you letter by 11am in EBA 401 on Friday Dec. 5 * Submit Final Reflective Journal through Blackboard by 8pm on Friday Dec. 5 4 5 Course Assignments Lab Experience Students will be placed in the San Diego community in settings that serve children and/or families. Here students will work 40 hours or approximately 4 hours per week during the semester. Students will request their placements, but requests are not guaranteed. Please read about each placement before the orientation meeting and be ready to submit your completed Lab Placement Request Form. Following the meeting on Sept. 2, students will receive an Email informing them of their lab placements. Students will then contact their lab supervisors to begin their field experience. Supervisors must be contacted right away! Students who do not contact their supervisors by Friday Sept. 12 will receive a 5-point deduction in Grade Center. Most placements will require paperwork, background check, fingerprinting, etc. This may take several weeks so again, it is imperative that students get started right away. Students will begin working in their assigned placements no later than Friday Sept. 26. Failure to do so will result in “No credit” for the course! Please note that a copy of the negative TB screen must also be given to the supervisor at the first visit, no exceptions, along with the letter of introduction and any additional documentation they may require. Documentation and Assignments Time sheets, evaluations, and letters must be submitted by sliding a hard copy under the door of EBA 401. Put the course number and instructor’s name on the top of your assignments. If you are taking CFD 375B or CFD 375C with the instructor, you may bring your assignments to the classes by the due dates. Due dates are noted on the course calendar. DO NOT EMAIL ASSIGNMENTS. They will not be accepted. Assignments will be graded and posted on Blackboard within two weeks. TIME SHEETS, EVALUATIONS, AND LETTERS WILL NOT BE RETURNED, SO MAKE SURE TO KEEP COPIES OF EVERYTHING SUBMITTED. Journals will be submitted on-line through Blackboard. Blackboard support for students can be found at the following link: If you need help, do not wait until the last minute to get help! Students are responsible for their own computing needs. If a technical problem occurs on the student's end, the STUDENT is responsible for fixing it. An instructional technology problem that the student encounters does not constitute an acceptable excuse for non-completion of coursework. Student/Instructor Conference Students are expected to meet with Hsing-chen Tung during the weeks of Oct 19 or Oct 26 to discuss their lab experiences. This meeting will take about five minutes. Sign-up sheet will be provided a couple of weeks ahead of time through Blackboard. Do not wait until the last minute to have your conference. If students do not participate in this meeting, they will not earn credit for the class. If students miss their appointments for no valid reasons, they will not be allowed to make up for the appointments and will then earn no credit for this course. 5 6 Performance Meetings and Reviews Twice during the semester you will schedule time to meet with your internship supervisors to discuss your job performance. These meetings must take place during the weeks of Oct. 12 and Nov. 16. Give your supervisors plenty of time to arrange these meetings. Do not ask for a meeting at the last minute. Prior to each meeting, ask your supervisors to complete the Practicum Evaluation. Make sure to give the evaluations to your supervisors well in advance of the meeting. The completed evaluations will be used as a basis for discussion. Course Policies and Expectations Time Commitment Students will work at least 40 hours during the semester for CFD 378D. If you work less than 40 hours, you will earn “No Credit,” no exceptions. Please plan to work at least four hours straight. You may not break up your hours into smaller timeframes (unless approved by the instructor). Doing so is not good for you, your supervisor, or the clients you serve. You are responsible for keeping track of your hours (keep copies of your time sheets). This is a semester-long internship. You are responsible for spreading your hours evenly over the course of the semester. You may not complete most or all of your hours in the first half of the semester, and you may not complete most or all of your hours in the second half of the semester. Doing so will result in “no credit” for this class. Also, you are responsible for working through the week of Nov. 16, even if you have already completed the required hours. We made a commitment to our community partners that students will work through the week of Nov. 16. If you need to reschedule a day, please be courteous and provide necessary cause to your supervisor with plenty of notice. Make-up times will be assigned at the discretion of the supervisor. If you request to reschedule more than four times, you will earn “No Credit” in the class. Your supervisors are expecting you on your assigned days, and cancellations are very inconvenient for them. Professional Expectations Be absolutely professional and cordial at all times in behavior, attitude, maturity, and dress. Please consult your supervisor for the dress code and regulations at your facility. Be mindful that you are representing the San Diego State University community under a service-learning course. Do not participate in any behavior that will embarrass you, SDSU, your instructor, or our CFD department. Please be responsible and reliable. Show respect and kindness to supervisors, clients, and staff. Always be punctual and show up as expected. If you are late for more than three times and/or you do not show up as scheduled more than three times, you will be terminated from your internship and will earn “No Credit” for this class. Be mindful that any population of children and families you work with may be considered “vulnerable” regardless of where you are placed. Thus, any personal 6 7 information collected for the purpose of this course shall be treated as confidentially sensitive. While at your site, your focus must be on your assigned duties and on the site’s clients. Do not make personal phone calls, use your computer, do homework, text, etc. Blackboard and Email Since there are no regular classroom meetings for this course, communication will take place through Blackboard and Email. The course syllabus, assignments, forms, grades, and announcements will be posted on Blackboard. Announcements might also be sent via Email. Students must provide a valid Email and check for course communication on a daily basis. Students must also check Blackboard on a regular basis. Student Blackboard Support: Note to Students on the Catalogs of 2011/2012 and later Students under the catalogs of 2011/2012 and later are required to compile a reflective learning portfolio comprised of various CFD assignments. There are seven mandatory signature assignments, which must be included in the portfolio. One of the required assignments includes the two Practicum Evaluations (mid-semester and final evaluations) from one of the CFD 378 classes. Students must include the two evaluations from either CFD 378A, CFD 378B, CFD 378C, or CFD 378D. Make sure to save these evaluations to be included in the reflective learning portfolio, which will be finalized while enrolled in CFD 598 before graduation. Further information on the reflective learning portfolio is available on the CFD web site, Click on “Current Students” and “Developing Your Portfolio.” Remember, it is your responsibility to save your assignments. Taskstream CFD Majors who are enrolled in this course will need to have a TaskStream electronic portfolio subscription, and be enrolled in the appropriate TaskStream "Program" which contains your program portfolio. More information about purchasing a TaskStream subscription and enrolling into a TaskStream Program is available in the “CFD Portfolio” section of the Child and Family Development website: Note to Future Elementary School Teachers If you plan to become an elementary school teacher and attend the Credential Program at SDSU, you must complete at least 30 hours of work or volunteer experience in a public elementary school before applying to the Credential Program. This class will give you at least 40 hours of experience if you are placed in one of the public elementary schools. If this applies to you, visit for further information on the Credential Program and for the Early Field Experience Verification Form. This form will be used to document your hours of service at the school. This form is for your use in applying to the Credential Program. It is not needed for this class. 7 8 CFD Mentor Center The CFD Department has a Mentor Center where you can receive assistance with your writing and your projects. The Center is located in EBA 409. You can sign up at the Center to be matched with a peer mentor, or you can sign up in the CFD Department Office in EBA 403. You can also receive help on a drop-in basis. If your professor(s) refer you to the Mentor Center, please go. Do not ignore the referral(s). Student Disability Services ( If you are a student with a disability and believe you will need accommodations for this class, it is your responsibility to contact Student Disability Services at (619) 594-6473. To avoid any delay in the receipt of your accommodations, you should contact Student Disability Services as soon as possible. Please note that accommodations are not retroactive, and that I cannot provide accommodations based upon disability until I have received an accommodation letter from Student Disability Services. Your cooperation is appreciated. 8 9 STUDENT CONTRACT FOR CFD 378D-2 Submit to instructor at orientation meeting [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] I confirm that I have read and understand the syllabus for this class. I understand that I am expected to behave professionally while working at my community placement. I understand that unprofessional behavior will result in “No Credit” for this class. I understand that not contacting my supervisor by Sept. 12 will result in 5-point reduction in my grade. I understand that not beginning to work in my assigned placement by Sept. 26 will result in “No Credit” for this class. I understand that I am responsible for keeping track of my hours, and working less than 40 hours will result in “No Credit” for this class. I understand that in order to earn points for the class meetings, I must arrive on time. I understand that my assignments (time sheets, evaluation forms, journals, etc.) must be submitted on time and that no late assignments will be accepted. I understand that I am responsible for my own computing needs and for fixing my own technical problems. I further understand that a technology problem does not constitute an acceptable excuse for non-completion of coursework. I understand that the work I submit to my professor will not be returned and I must keep copies of everything I submit (time sheets, evaluation forms, etc.). I understand that twice during the semester I must meet with my practicum supervisor for a performance review. I understand that my assignments must be well written, and if I need assistance, I should use the CFD Mentor Center. I understand that I must schedule my performance reviews with my supervisor well in advance, and give him/her the paperwork in advance. I understand that I must submit all paperwork and complete all assignments in order to pass this class. I understand that I cannot pass this class without meeting with the course instructor during the weeks of Oct. 19 or Oct. 26. I understand that if I am late and/or do not show up more than three times, I will not be able to continue with this internship and I will earn “No Credit” for this class. I understand that if I cancel/ reschedule more than four times, I will not be able to continue with this internship and I will earn “No Credit” for this class. I understand that I must work a four-hour shift or longer at my site unless approved by the instructor. I understand that this is a semester-long experience and I must work throughout the entire semester. I understand that I must uphold the confidentiality and privacy of the clients at my site. _____________________________________ Student Name _____________________________________ Signature _____________________________________ 9 10 Date CFD 378D-2 Lab Placement Request Form SUBMIT THIS FORM AT ORIENTATION MEETING Name of Student: Email: Cell Number: What should I know about you to help in your placement (speak Spanish, available on the weekends, have experience with infants, have worked in licensed childcare, etc.)? LIST YOUR LAB PREFERENCES BELOW First Choice (indicate what days you can work, location, Spanish-speaking, age of children, etc.) Second Choice (indicate what days you can work, location, Spanish-speaking, age of children, etc.) Third Choice (indicate what days you can work, location, Spanish-speaking, age of children, etc.) 10 11 11 12 CFD 378D-2 Warning, Waiver, and Release of Liability Due by 11am in EBA 401 on Friday Aug. 19 I understand that participation in CFD 378D during the Fall 2014 semester requires participating in off-campus community service. I hereby waive, release and discharge any and all claims for damages for death, personal injury or property damage which I may have, or which hereafter accrue to me, against San Diego State University, Hsing-chen Tung, and _____________________________________ as a result of my participation in (Service Agency) community service. This release is intended to discharge the University, its trustees, officers, employees, and volunteers, and any public agencies from and against any and all liability arising out of or connected in any way with my participation in the event. I further understand that accidents and injuries can arise out of the event which may cause personal injury; knowing the risks, nevertheless, I hereby agree to assume risks and to release and to hold harmless all of the persons or agencies mentioned above who might otherwise be liable to me (or my heirs or assignees) for damages. It is further understood and agreed that this waiver, release and assumption of risk is to be binding on my heirs and assigns. It is the intention of the parties hereto that the provisions of this paragraph be interpreted to impose on each party responsible for their own negligence. I acknowledge that I have been fully informed of the risks and dangers involved in this Community Service class. I have been made aware that when using my own vehicle I must have current automobile insurance. I acknowledge that I have read and fully understood the above Warning, Waiver, and Release of Liability. I further acknowledge that the reasons for my being requested to sign this Release have been fully explained to me and I understand them. I am signing this Release of my own free will and I have not been influenced or coerced by any representative or employee of the State (students under age of eighteen (18) must have the signature of their parent or guardian). Participant’s Name (print): Participant’s Signature Red ID # Date Emergency Contact Information (Name and Phone Number) 12 13 CHILD AND FAMILY DEVELOPMENT CFD 378D-2 Letter of Introduction Due by 11am in EBA 401 on Friday Aug. 19 Five Points You will present this letter of introduction to your supervisor at your first meeting, along with a copy of your negative TB test. Points will be deducted for failing to give this to your supervisor at your first meeting. Points will also be deducted for writing errors (you are expected to write at an advanced college level), an unclear photo, not following assignment instructions, etc. An additional copy will be submitted to Hsing-chen Tung on by 11am in EBA 401 on Friday Aug. 19. Do an Internet search of your assigned agency before you compose this letter! This assignment consists of a one-page letter that introduces you to your lab supervisor. Include a 2” X 2” color head shot or picture as part of the one-page letter (not attached to it). In the letter indicate your major, your class standing (sophomore, junior, or senior), and the class you are taking for this internship (CFD 378C). 1. Discuss your background, noting any experience you may have related to your assigned organization and pertinent interests. 2. Explain why you are excited to work for this site and what learning you are looking forward to by relating to the work of the agency (refer to the knowledge you gained from the internet search). 3. Lastly, explain what you plan to offer them. 4. Include a professional salutation and closing. AN EXAMPLE OF THIS LETTER IS INCLUDED ON BLACKBOARD UNDER “COURSE DOCUMENTS” 13 14 CHILD AND FAMILY DEVELOPMENT CFD 378D-2 Thank-you Letter Due by 11am in EBA 401 on Friday Dec. 5 Ten Points This assignment consists of a one-page thank-you letter to your supervisor. The letter must be well-written and professional in appearance. For guidelines on writing business letters, visit the SDSU Career Services Department. Make sure to include a professional salutation and closing. In your letter, thank your supervisor for your experience and his/her guidance. 1. Point out specifically what you have appreciated in your supervisor’s practice with the children/families. 2. Make sure to also indicate what you learned during your internship and how you intend to apply that knowledge to your future career. You will present this letter to your supervisor on your last day of work (during the week of Nov. 16). An additional copy of the letter will be submitted to Hsing-chen Tung by 11am in EBA 401 on Friday Dec. 5. Points will be deducted for writing errors (you are expected to write at an advanced college level), not following assignment instructions, etc. 14 15 CHILD AND FAMILY DEVELOPMENT CFD 378D-2 Reflective Journal One Due by 8pm on Friday, Oct.10 Ten Points Reflection is an essential component of effective practice, and provides an opportunity for personal and professional growth. This journal assignment provides an opportunity for you to reflect on the activities in and around your placement, to ask questions, seek support, and make connections to your coursework. Your journal will be graded as follows: 0: No entry 1-5: Entry is poorly written and/or shows minimal insight or reflection 6-10: Entry is written clearly and shows evidence of reflection and analysis All three of your reflective journals will be submitted through the “Journals” portal on Blackboard. You should compose your journals off-line. After a journal entry is finished, click on “Journals” on the side bar on Blackboard. Click into “Journal #1” and then click on “Create Journal.” Finally, copy and paste your journal entry into the box for “message entry” to submit it, and do not use attachment. Also, do not email your journal! They will not be accepted. If you need assistance please refer to the “On Demand Help and Learning Catalog” located on the home page of your Blackboard. Please discuss the items below. Number each of your discussion items (1 through 4). 1. Using your own words, briefly describe your agency, school, or project. What are your impressions of this organization? What specific positive aspects have you observed in your supervisor’s practice? How do you feel the practice has influenced you? 2. What are your roles within this organization? How are you making a difference in the population you serve? Give specific examples of what you are doing. 3. If you were your supervisor, how would you rate your performance? What have you done, or not done, to deserve your rating? What are some initiatives you can take to further your own learning? What can you do from now on to make an even bigger difference in the lives of those you serve? 4. Have you been late to your internship? Have you had to cancel and reschedule? If so, please explain. 15 16 CHILD AND FAMILY DEVELOPMENT CFD 378D-2 Reflective Journal Two Due by 8pm on Friday Nov. 7 Ten Points See instructions of how to submit journals through Blackboard in Reflective Journal One guidelines. Please discuss the items below. Number each of your discussion items (1 through 6). 1. Now that you have been working at your site for about seven weeks, reflect on your experience. I. How do you feel about this experience and this organization? II. What have you learned from the population you serve (e.g. abilities, strengths, needs, etc.) What human development knowledge from the previous course work has helped you in this experience? III. Do you feel you are positively contributing to the population you serve? How so? Give specific examples. IV. Have you improved over the course of the semester? How so? Give specific examples. 2. Have you been late to your internship since submitting your first reflective journal? Have you had to cancel and reschedule since submitting your first reflective journal? If so, please explain. 3. Reflect on your meeting with your supervisor. What did he/she discuss during the meeting? 4. Reflect on your written evaluation. Was it a fair evaluation? According to your supervisor, what are your areas of strength and how can you improve? 5. What is the plan that you and your supervisor came up with for you to further benefit this organization? Discuss this plan in detail. Remember, you must put this plan into action and it will be part of your final evaluation and final reflective journal. 6. Reflect on your personal demeanor and your professionalism (behaving in a positive way for this volunteer work, establishing good communication with the clients and your supervisor, taking initiatives, etc.) at this site. How can you improve? Put your ideas into action during the remaining weeks at your internship site. 16 17 CHILD AND FAMILY DEVELOPMENT CFD 378D-2 Final Reflective Journal Due by 8pm on Friday Dec. 5 Fifteen Points See instructions of how to submit journals through Blackboard in Reflective Journal One guidelines. Your journal will be graded as follows: 0: No entry 1-5: Entry is poorly written and/or shows minimal insight or reflection 6-10: Entry is mediocre and/or shows some insight or reflection 11-15: Entry is written clearly and shows strong evidence of reflection and analysis Please discuss the items below. Number each of your discussion items (1 through 5). 1. During your first performance review with your supervisor, the two of you came up with a plan for you to further benefit the site. Discuss how you implemented this plan. Give details of what you did to put your plan into action. How do you feel about the outcome of this plan? How did others at your site (supervisor, children, clients, etc.) respond? 2. In your second reflective journal, you came up with ideas to improve your personal demeanor and your professionalism (behaving in a positive way for this volunteer work, establishing good communication with the clients and your supervisor, taking initiatives, etc.). Discuss how you put these ideas into action. How do you feel about the outcome? 3. Have you been late to your internship since submitting your second reflective journal? Have you had to cancel and reschedule since submitting your second reflective journal? If so, please explain. 4. Think about the time you spent at your internship site. What was the most meaningful experience you had here? Why do you think this was so meaningful to you? 5. Discuss what you learned. Share what you gained personally and professionally from experiences of working with your supervisor and serving the population. What important values were demonstrated in your supervisor’s practice? What were your relationships like with your supervisor and clients? What have you learned about establishing positive relationships? What did you learn about your school/agency that you had not expected to learn? 17 18 SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY CHILD AND FAMILY DEVELOPMENT 378D-2 PRACTICUM EVALUATION #1 Due to instructor by 11am in EBA 401 on Friday Oct. 24 Student Name: Date of Performance Review: Internship Site: Please meet with your student to conduct a performance review during the week of Oct. 12. Comment below on the student’s performance during his/her first few weeks of work. We want him/her to grow from this experience, so please be candid. What are the student’s strengths? How can he/she improve? With your student, come up with a plan of ways he/she can further benefit your organization. Please note the details below so he/she may implement your ideas during the remaining semester. Page 1 of 2 18 19 Please comment on the student’s punctuality and reliability. Has he/she been late, cancelled, or rescheduled workdays? If so, please give details. Additional comments: Lab Supervisor Name Telephone Number and Email Lab Supervisor Signature Date Please contact Hsing-chen Tung, course instructor, with any questions or concerns, or 619 594-4445. Thank you very much for guiding our student! Page 2 of 2 19 20 SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY CHILD AND FAMILY DEVELOPMENT 378D-2 PRACTICUM EVALUATION #2 Due to instructor by 11am in EBA 401 on Friday Dec. 5 Student Name: Date of Performance Review: Internship Site: Please meet with your student to conduct a final performance review during the week of Nov. 16. Use your responses to the following questions as a basis for your discussion. Please be open and honest so he/she can grow from this experience. Did the student carry out your plan for ways in which he/she could further benefit your organization? What specifically did he/she do? Please comment on the student’s punctuality and reliability. Since the first performance review, has he/she been late, cancelled, or rescheduled workdays? If so, please give details. Page 1 of 2 20 21 Please use the space below to comment on the student’s performance this semester. Please discuss his/her strengths, as well as ways he/she can continue to improve. Lab Supervisor Name Telephone Number and Email Lab Supervisor Signature Date Please contact Hsing-chen Tung, course instructor, with any questions or concerns, or 619 594-4445. Thank you very much for guiding our student! Page 2 of 2 21 22 SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY CHILD AND FAMILY DEVELOPMENT 378D-2 STUDENT TIME SHEET # 1 Due by 11am in EBA 401 on Friday Oct. 24 Student Name: Internship Site: Monday 9/8/14 through Saturday 10/18/14 * Before you leave for each day, fill in the information and ask your supervisor to sign! You need to work at least 4 hours straight each time unless approved by Hsing-chen Tung. Week Date time time # of hours-toStudent Supervisor Signature in out hours date Initial 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 TOTAL HOURS: Before submitting, copy the number of total hours into the first cell of “hour-to-date” on Time Sheet #2. Supervisor Name ____________________________ Supervisor Email Supervisor Signature Date Supervisor Telephone Number 22 23 SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY CHILD AND FAMILY DEVELOPMENT 378D-2 STUDENT TIME SHEET # 2 Due by 11am in EBA 401 on Friday Dec. 5 Student Name: Internship Site: Sunday 10/19/14 through Thursday 12/04/14 * Before you leave for each day, fill in the information and ask your supervisor to sign! You need a total of 40 hours for the entire semester. Hours from Time Sheet #1: Week Date time in 1 time out # of hours hours-todate Student Initial Supervisor Signature 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TOTAL HOURS: Supervisor Name ____________________________ Supervisor Email Supervisor Signature Date Supervisor Telephone Number 23 24 CFD 378D Lab Placements Students will work in one of the following programs. Thoroughly read about each placement and complete the Lab Request Form (included in the syllabus) to indicate your preferences. Please give this form to Hsing-chen Tung at the orientation meeting, along with a copy of the Degree Audit Report, copy of negative TB test, the signed Student Contract, and a copy of the signed CFD Reflective Learning Portfolio Agreement. Do not contact agencies until you receive your placements and instructions via Email from Hsing-chen Tung. * Students in the Early Care and Education Certificate Program should see Hsingchen Tung before filling out the Lab Request Form. Bright Horizons – (The Academy at Bright Horizons in Encinitas) Encinitas Five students may work here This childcare facility in North County cares for children from two years to five years. Students may work in the morning or afternoon, but not during nap time (12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.). The center is open between 7:30 a.m. and 6 p.m Monday through Friday. For students volunteering with this facility there may be a $15 fee for a Livescan. Cherokee Point Elementary School – Circle of Education School Readiness Music Program: Early Childhood Teacher and Parent Support: Preschool to First Grade Classes (#1) City Heights 10 students can work here Learn Circle of Education music program that helps young children learn school readiness skills. Learn songs that focus on social and emotional skills (e.g., affective education, anger control, social problem solving), and accompanying activities for teachers and parents. Responsibilities: Help preschool, kindergarten, and 1st grade teachers with their class; includes leading activities that teach social-emotional skills. Help parents learn the musicbased activities and help support parent-teacher communication by shared classroom and home-based lessons. Time Commitments: On-site school visits: TBD (Mon – Fri, 7:30 – 2:30); starts Sept 17th 9 – 11:30 for orientation and training; Work with parents primarily Wed and Fri 8-11 (most parents are monolingual Spanish-speaking). Clay Elementary School The College Area Several students may work here Clay Elementary School is a public school in the Rolando neighborhood of San Diego. Clay offers great diversity in its student population. In addition to regular classrooms, they have GATE and special education programs. Students will observe teachers’ teaching and children’s development, as well as help teachers according to their instructions (e.g. work with individual or small group of children, plan small group learning activities, maybe lead a short whole-group story time or lesson toward the end of the semester, etc.). Their hours 24 25 are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, 9am to 3:25pm and Wednesday, 9am to 1pm. Check their web site to review their academic calendar and holidays to make sure you will be able to complete all your hours. Chula Vista Elementary School District Various locations in Chula Vista Several students may work in different elementary schools Students may choose to work in K through Grade 5 classrooms in elementary schools of the district. Students will observe teachers’ teaching and children’s development, as well as help teachers according to their instructions (e.g. work with individual or small group of children, plan small group learning activities, maybe lead a short whole-group story time or lesson toward the end of the semester, etc.). Students need to indicate on the Lab Request Form their preferences for working with K to Grade 2 or Grade 3 to 5. After the requests are sent, the district office will notify us what classes and schools students are placed in. Check their web site to review their academic calendar and holidays to make sure you will be able to complete all your hours. Delibrainy Parenting Workshops Central and East San Diego 10 students may work here Delibrainy is hosting free workshops to parents of children ages birth to five years across Central and East San Diego. Students will assist the parent educators in various capacities at these workshops. Each workshop is 1-2 hours in length plus setup time. Students must have a flexible schedule and be available to work on weekends. Spanish-speaking students are preferred, but it is not necessary. At the workshops, students will interact with children through enrichment activities, assist with administration of developmental screenings, co-teach with the educator, and help parents to understand the development of their children. This is a great opportunity to gain experience working directly with children and parents. Students must be fingerprinted (about $20) and a background check may be required. Students are allowed to break the four-hour shift to meet the requirements of the program. Students who are interested in volunteering for Delibrainy Parenting Workshops can reference the calendar posted under “course documents” on Blackboard to identify whether the program would match with their schedule/ availability for placement. A mandatory orientation session for the Parenting Workshops volunteers will be held on Friday Sept. 5 at 4-5:30pm in EBA 409. The student volunteers will complete paperwork/background check forms at the orientation. Student volunteers need to bring the following items to this orientation: 1) Current class schedule printout, and 2) Fall calendar (September - December) so you can start to schedule workshops. If you are interested in this program but unable to attend, you will need to notify Jen Goins at by Thursday Sept. 4. 25 26 Episcopal Community Services Head Start Several centers throughout South San Diego Several students may work here Episcopal Community Services Head Start (serving children between the ages of 3 to 5) and Early Head Start (serving ages newborn to 3) are comprehensive child development programs serving low income preschool children and their families. ECS is more than a school readiness program; they ensure that families who are struggling with poverty are able to access social services and other resources so they may thrive. The goal of Head Start and Early Head Start is to break the cycle of poverty one family at a time. The majority of their centers are located in the south bay area-National City, Chula Vista, Imperial Beach and San Ysidro and two centers in San Diego. The information about their site locations are posted under “course documents” on Blackboard. Their hours of operation vary depending on the option--Traditional Centers: Monday through Thursday from 8am-11:30am or 12:30pm-4pm, and Full Day centers (including Early Head Start): five days a week from 7am-5:30pm. The Traditional Centers start on Sept 15 for the Fall. They require a criminal record clearance through CCLD (They will pay.), current TB reading (no older than 6 months) and completion of their Community Volunteer Application. If a student has a current clearance through CCLD they can transfer the licensing information number to their administration site ECS Oxford Head Start site. Students placed in the traditional Centers may work 31/2 hours each time, but will work for 12 shifts total. Hannah’s House Farnham St. Two (2) students may work here Hannah’s House provides supervised visitation for children and their parents. At Hannah’s House, non-custodial parents have the opportunity to spend time with their children under the supervision of Hannah's House staff. Students who work at Hannah’s House may participate in supervised visitations. Those twenty-one years of age and older may conduct their own visitations and those under twenty-one will shadow visitations or conduct exchanges (taking children from one parent to the other). Visitations take place in the office or outside. Weekends during the day are the best times to work as there are several visitations taking place. After the tentative assignment is made, the student volunteer needs to schedule an initial orientation with their volunteer manager before they can decide if it is a good fit. Afterwards, a routine schedule can be determined. Students need to submit proof of a negative TB test and complete volunteer paperwork. Healthy Toddlers Care Several students may work here College Area Healthy Toddlers Care is a family childcare center for children two months to five years of age. Currently they have about 10 children. Students may volunteer for the morning (9am 26 27 to 1pm) or afternoon (1pm to 5 pm) shifts. The center is open between 6am to 6pm Monday through Friday. Students must submit a TB test in order to volunteer. To learn more please visit MAAC Head Start North County 10 students may work here MAAC Head Start has centers that provide part-day or full-day child development programs for preschool children. They have 10 sites in the North Coastal (Carlsbad, Vista, Oceanside) and Inland (San Marcos, Escondido, Fallbrook, Pauma) areas. Students may choose to work in either area, in the morning or afternoon, but not during the naptime. Student will take direction from both the center director and the lead teacher in the classroom. Student would also develop a plan in collaboration with the lead teacher and the center director for high quality interactions with children each week. These could be specific teacher directed group activities or assigned areas of the class to facilitate play. Students must submit proof of a negative TB test and a background check may be required. Re Spectrum Community La Mesa Three students may work here Re Spectrum Community is a non-profit organization that provides therapeutic support to children, adolescents, adults and their families. They work primarily with families and individuals impacted by autism spectrum disorders, behavioral concerns, learning challenges, social skills difficulties, developmental disabilities, and other like concerns. They are looking for volunteers to help with their recreation program that includes soccer clinics and nature walks around east county (La Mesa area). Students must submit proof of a negative TB test and a background check and some paper work may be required before volunteering can start. The program may last less than four hours each time, so students are allowed to break the four-hour shift but work for more shifts to complete the 40 hours. Saint Vincent Preschool Mission Hills Five students may work here Students volunteering at Saint Vincent Preschool may assist in a preschool classroom serving children ages 3-4 or in a classroom serving ages 4-5. Students may work Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. (not during lunch/nap). Duties include one-on-one work with the children, assisting during circle times, assisting on the playground, and playing with the children. Students may also design and implement their own lessons. Students must show proof of a negative TB test. 27 28 San Diego Youth Services (SDYS) Adoption Support Services Program Four regions in the County: Point Loma, Chula Vista, Spring Valley, and Vista 8 students may work here The SDYS Adoption Support Services Program provides a variety of valuable services to families who have adopted or are in the process of adopting children who have come to their permanent placements through the Child Welfare System (CWS). The program’s emphasis is on attachment and the use of trauma informed care to address the developmental needs of parents and children. Students must have flexible schedules and are willing to drive up to 20 miles to get to different regions. There are a number of opportunities available to student volunteers who work with this program: 1. Friday movie nights that focus on a strength based social skills building model. These events are held from 5:30pm to 9:30pm the first 4 Fridays of each month and rotate regions. The first Friday is in Point Loma, the 2nd is in Chula Vista, the 3rd is in Spring Valley and the 4th is in Vista. 2. Monday night support groups are shortened versions of #1. The first Monday is in Spring Valley and the 2nd is in Chula Vista (6:30pm to 8:30pm). 3. Mentor/tutor support is generally a one-on-one weekly session with child/teen. These sessions are held “in-home,” at a library or at an after-school program. Times and days are flexible and determined by the individual family and the student volunteer. 4. Family festivals are held twice yearly and specialized workshops are also held twice each year. Student volunteers help facilitate the festivals (about 150-190 parents and children attend). Student volunteers are also welcome to attend the two adoptions’ trainings as well as the many informative trainings and workshops offered free of charge by SDYS. SDYS Adoptions prefers a six-month commitment for the mentor/tutor program, but there is some flexibility. For students who intern with this program there is a $35 fee for a required drug screen and a fee for Livescan (about $15). Students also need to submit proof of a negative TB test and complete volunteer paperwork. After providing 78 hours of volunteer service to the program, these fees will be reimbursed when students present the original receipts to the program manager. To learn more, read the information posted under “course documents” on Blackboard. SDSU Child and Family Development Department Mentor Center SDSU Several students may work here The CFD Department has a mentor center to assist our students. Students may work in the center as mentors and as assistants in managing the center. Mentors will assist students with CFD coursework, research, writing, etc. Mentors must be strong students (over 3.0 GPA and good writers) who have been at SDSU for at least one year. Students may work in the center around their school schedules, but the center is not open on the weekends. 28 29 Special Olympics Practice sites are everywhere in San Diego Several students may work here Special Olympics is a year-round worldwide program of sports training and athletic competition for all children and adults with intellectual disabilities. Special Olympics is unique in that it provides for competition at all levels of ability by assigning them to competition divisions based on both age and actual performance. Even athletes in the lowest divisions may advance all the way to the World Finals. The purpose of Special Olympics is to contribute to the physical, social and psychological development of persons with intellectual disabilities. Through positive successful experiences in sport, they can gain confidence and self-mastery and start to build a self-image associated with success rather than failure. Success on the playing field often has carry over value into the classroom, home, and work place. Special Olympics offer different levels of volunteering with different time/background requirements. There are no fees for background checks. A signed contract and some paper work are required before volunteering can start. Students may break up the four-hour shift to meet the requirements of this organization. Below are possible duties: 1. Coaching: Requires a weekly commitment to a practice site, Class A paperwork, Copy of Drivers’ License, Signed coaches code of conduct, and a Background Check. 2. Event Committee: Class A paperwork, Copy of Drivers’ License, Signed committee agreement, and a Background Check 3. Games Management Team (GMT): Class A paperwork, Copy of Drivers’ License, and a Background Check. They will provide training in the area interested. 4. Days of Volunteer: Events on certain dates for longer hours. Volunteers just need to register online for the hours they would like to work that day. 5. Office Support Spring Valley Community Center Spring Valley 10 students may work here The Spring Valley Community Center is located in East County. The children served in this program will be in grade levels 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade. The goal is to encourage a fun learning environment for children in the Spring Valley community. Students will gain valuable experience from retired school teachers, community volunteers and recreation professionals. Training and materials are provided; no teaching experience is needed. Duties include assisting children with homework such as reading and mathematics. Students will have the opportunity to interact with children on the playground and in a classroom setting. Students may work in the evenings but not during weekend. The Intergenerational Program operates between 3:00 and 6:00pm Wednesdays and Thursdays. Students may break up the four-hour shift to meet the requirements of this organization. 29