The Marketing Research Project Purposes of the Project 1. Give you practical experience at conducting a marketing research project. 2. Develop a systematic understanding of consumer perceptions of e-security. 3. Develop a systematic understanding of consumers’ role in e-security. Benefits to be Gained 1. Practical experience 2. Exposure to a professional experience 3. Satisfaction of producing a product 4. Application of skills Major Project Phases 1. 2. 3. 4. Questionnaire Development Primary Data Collection Data Input and Analysis Marketing Research Report Outline of the Research Report • • • • Title Page Introduction Objectives Research Design and Methodology – – – – – Research Method Sampling Data Collection Tabulation and Analysis Procedures Sample Description Continued on next slide Outline of the Research Report • Results – Description of outcomes associated with each statistical procedure employed – Description of outcomes associated with each hypothesis • • • • Conclusions Recommendations Limitations Appendices Description of the Sample • Meant to familiarize the reader with the characteristics of the respondents • Thus, primarily want summary tables or graphs of key descriptive characteristics • Use percentages, not the raw numbers • Mention 2 or 3 of the key characteristics of the sample. • Refer your reader to the Annotated Questionnaire (in the Appendix) for a complete analysis of the sample Statistical Outcomes • Discuss outcome of all statistical procedures • Describe the findings for EACH hypothesis. • Do not simply repeat the information in your data tables. • Do not explain what the results mean – you’ll do that in the Conclusions section. Conclusions & Recommendations • While not the most extensive, are the most important • They tell the client what the results mean and what should be done • Conclusions are statements of what the analyst believes the findings mean • Recommendations suggest courses of action that should be pursued Limitations •ALL marketing research studies have limitations • Highlight the key limitations of the project • Briefly discuss the expected impact of each and/or the concern that should be given to each Annotated Questionnaire • Simple matter of extracting key figures from your computer printouts and placing them on a clean copy of the questionnaire used Example Your electric utility company is considering a proposal to allow you to pay your monthly bill at the customer service desk of local supermarkets. If this option were available, would you: Definitely use the service 7.2% Probably use the service 24.2% Might use the service 23.4% Probably not or definitely not use the service 38.1% Refused to answer or Don’t Know Average value 6 Missing values 2.81 Format Requirements 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Due NLT Monday, November 29th Must be typed & double-spaced. Use Times New Roman 12-pt. font. Page numbers must be included. Length is NOT a grading criterion. Must be securely bound in some type of a binder (this does NOT mean a staple or an envelope). All references must adhere to Journal of Marketing style. No print-outs (originals or copies) from SPSS allowed. All tables must be the student’s original work.