Name(s) (Bib_.doc) Edit the following list of works cited by using track changes and by inserting comments to query the author. Please follow Chicago style for reference lists in author-date style. When finished, delete these instructions. Turn off track changes when inserting comments and deleting the instructions. Save your file as Bib_y3i.doc (for example, Bib_rdn.doc). Works Cited Bruza, P., R. McArthur, and S. Dennis. 2000. Interactive Internet search: Keyword, directory and query reformulation mechanisms compared. Communications of the ACM: 280–287. Cockburn, A., and S. Jones. 1996. Which way now? Analysing and easing inadequacies in WWW navigation. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 45: 105–129. Feasey, D. 2002. Simple presentation. Eyespopping Design. < on.htm>. Accessed 18 January 2003. Glover, E., Lawrence, S., Gordon, M., Birmingham, W., and C. Giles. 2001. Web search—your way. Communication of the ACM 44 (12): 97–102. Masalonis, A. 1999. Use of Search Tools on Home Pages. Internetworking. <>. Accessed 18 January 2003. Nielsen, J.. 1997. Search and you may find. Jakob Nielsen's Website. <>. Accessed 18 January 2003. ______. 1999. Designing web usability. Indianapolis: New Riders Publishing. ______. 2001. Search: visible and simple. Jakob Nielsen's Website. <>. Accessed 18 January 2003. Park, J., and J. Kim. 2000. Effects of contextual navigation aids on browsing diverse web systems. CHI 2000 Conference Proceedings: 257-264. Spool, J. 2001. Are there users who always search? User Interface Engineering. <>. Accessed 2002 September 10. ———. 2001. People search once, maybe twice. User interface engineering. <>. Accessed 18 September 2002. ———. 2001. Users don't learn to search better. User Interface Engineering. <htp://>. Accessed 18 September 2002. Stanton, N. and C. Baber. 1994. The myth of navigating in hypertext: How a “bandwagon” has lost its course! Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia 3 (3–4): 235–249. Walker, D. 2000. Back to the basics of site searching. Shorewalker. <>. Accessed 18 January 2003. Zimmerman, D., and P. Walls. 2000. Exploring navigational patterns on the web. IEEE International Conference on Communication: 581–591.