300MB Storage Plus Your Own Personal Web Site

300MB Storage
Plus Your Own Personal Web Site
New! Backup Your Files to MavDISK
Save your notes, research, assignments and presentations to MavDISK where they’ll be safe, backed up
and available to you anywhere in the world that you have an Internet connection. Memory sticks can get
lost, hard drives can crash, laptops can be stolen, but your important files can be safe and available on
MavDISK. Choose the option below that works best for you.
Backup Your Files From:
A) Campus Computers
- Redirected “My Documents” Folder -When you login and use a public campus computer, you can
save files in your computer’s “My Documents” folder and they will actually be saved on MavDISK.
We’ll back them up for you and keep them safe. Login to another computer and your files will be right
there in your “My Documents” folder plus you can access these files from any computer connected to
the Internet ANYWHERE. Click for more…
B) Laptop Computers
- “Offline Files and Folders” – Makes it seem like your MavDISK folders are always on your laptop.
Synchronize files between your laptop and MavDISK. If your laptop is ever lost or stolen, your
important files and academic history are still safe on MavDISK.
Once you setup Offline Files and Folders and synchronize to MavDISK, a full copy of your MavDISK
files and folders are copied to your laptop. You can open, update and save files just like you are
directly connected to MavDISK - even if you are off campus and no network connection is available.
When you return to campus and connect to the MavNET wireless network, your changed files are
synchronized and copied to MavDISK. Click for more…
- SSL VPN – A new way to copy or to read files from MavDISK using a web browser from anywhere
in the world from any computer. The easiest and quickest way to access your files. Click for more…
- Map a Network Drive – While on campus (or off campus using VPN) you can map a drive to
MavDISK. Now MavDISK looks like it’s your laptop’s hard disk drive. Read and write files as you
always do. Files saved on MavDISK are safe and backed up.
- SSH – FTP or Explorer-like experience to securely drag and drop files to or from MavDISK. Works
from off campus just like you are on campus. Click for more…
- Full VPN Client – The safest most secret way to use your laptop using MavNET wireless network
on campus or from anywhere in the world. VPN allows your computer to seem like it’s right on
campus so you can map a network drive It’s also most secure since the network communication is
encrypted and difficult for somebody else to capture and eavesdrop on your work. Click for more…
C) Home Computers
- SSL VPN – A new way to copy to or read files from MavDISK using a web browser from anywhere
in the world from any computer. The easiest and quickest way to access your files. Click for more…
- SSH – FTP or Explorer-like experience to securely drag and drop files to or from MavDISK. Works
from off campus just like you are on campus. Click for more…
- Full VPN Client – The safest most secret way to use your laptop using MavNET wireless network
on campus or from anywhere in the world. VPN allows your computer to seem like it’s right on
campus so you can map a network drive It’s also most secure since the network communication is
encrypted and difficult for somebody else to capture and eavesdrop on your work. Click for more…
New! Share Your Files with Students / Faculty
MavDISK is great for sharing files. Having problems sending someone files using e-mail? MavDISK
Dropboxes are built for this.
Send files to any Minnesota State Mankato students, faculty or staff with an easy to use web browser
interface. It works from any computer anywhere in the world. Even your family and friends can send
you files using your MavDISK Dropbox. Send presentations, pictures, assignments or any type of
computer file. It’s as easy as attaching a file using e-mail. When a file arrives in your dropbox, you
receive an e-mail notification. You can then use a web browser to download the file to your desktop,
delete it, or move it to your MavDISK My_Private_Files folder. Click here to use Dropbox…
Course Folders
When you register for a class, you are provided
access to the course folder for the respective class.
Professors can place files in the “ClassWorkspace”
folder and students can submit and share files in the
Documents folder. Course folders are available under
your R: drive on campus public computers, my using
SSL VPN to open \\mavdisk\msu, or by mapping a
drive to \\mavdisk\msu. Classes in which students are
not registered are not visible. Class folders remain
visible for one semester after the course completion.
What is MavDISK and MavWEB?
MavDISK is a secure file storage facility and web server for the Minnesota State Mankato students,
faculty and staff
MavWEB is your personal web server and web site contained within your "My_Website folder on
MavDISK You can create your own web site and copy it to your "My_Website" folder. You can then
instantly browse to your URL address: http://mavweb.mnsu.edu/username from anywhere in the
world. If you've always wanted to make your own web site, MavWEB is the easiest way to
Quotas: students = 300 MB, faculty/staff = 2 GB
How to use MavDISK and MavWEB
Setting up your MavDISK Account. (Do this before anything else)
Connecting to MavDISK
Windows (PC) Systems
Macintosh Systems
iPAQ Pocket PC
Flash Instructions (Includes: Using Mavdisk, 802.11x Wireless, Installing College of Business
printers... and more!)
About the folders
Publishing your pages on the Internet
Training, troubleshooting, fixes & related information
Web Directory - All users with MavDISK websites
MavDISK special features
Dropbox -Submit a file to a dropbox
Dropbox -Manage your dropbox files
Old Dropbox system: To use the old dropbox system click here
Off-line Files and Folders for Windows 2000 and XP workstations
Using MavDISK Drop Boxes with Windows (NOTE: Connecting with Web DAV or SSH does not
allow Drop Box support.)
Using MavDISK Drop Boxes with Macintosh computers.
MSU's Virtual Private Networking