Memorandum To: Desktop Publishing (Eng 4/573) Participants From: Roland Nord Date: July 28, 2016 Re: Design of white papers (whitepapers_design.doc) Please respond to this assignment in memorandum form, providing the following information: an introductory paragraph that identifies the purpose(s) of the assignment (what you are to learn from completing the assignment) the three white papers that you will describe in the assignment; list the white papers using bib entry style and providing full bibliographic information (author, date, paper (page) title, website/publisher <URL> and date you accessed the document); please locate white papers from three different sources/websites (i.e., businesses) a second paragraph in which you identify the white paper you believe is best designed and a brief rationale for your decision; include screen shots (reduced to appear much like thumbnails) from the document short titles for the white papers to serve as column heads (to replace WhitePaper1, WhitePaper2, and WhitePaper3) measurements and descriptions to complete the table, adding design any significant design elements in the last row Provide a print copy of your memo. White paper 1 Page (trim) size (inches) Manuscript vs. facing pages Margins (inches) top outside bottom inside White paper 2 White paper 3 Your Name Description of whitepapers Page 2 White paper 1 Paragraph text baseline-to-baseline (points) line length (picas) 1st line indention (yes/no) Page header (content and format) verso recto Page footer (content and format) verso recto Typeface (serif vs. sans serif) and typesize (estimate) titles (paper, section, chapter) level-1 headings level-2 headings level-3 headings paragraph text headers/footers/pagination Documentation Number vs. author-year style Typography Color # of colors used use (typography, graphics, etc.) Graphics types (graphs, photos, etc.) placement Navigation TOC bookmarks index White paper 2 White paper 3