NEW GRADUATE PROGRAM REVIEW External Reviewers’ Report Form External Reviewers are asked to submit a joint report which addresses the following criteria that appraises the standards and quality of the proposed new Graduate Program at the conclusion of the site visit or within one month. The completed report should be submitted to: Office of the Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic), Suite 353 Richardson Hall, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, K7L 3N6, Attention Claire O’Brien, or email NOTE: this a “fillable” template and each textbox will expand as needed. Name of Proposed Program(s): Faculty(ies)/School(s): Date(s) of Site Visit: External Reviewer No. 1: Surname Given Name Middle Initial(s) Title Dr. Ms. Institution Mr. Prof. Mrs. Mailing Address Current Position Tel. E-mail URL (if available) External Reviewer No. 2: Surname Given Name Middle Initial(s) Title Dr. Ms. Institution Mr. Prof. Mrs. Mailing Address Current Position Tel Last Revised: July 28, 2016 E-mail URL (if available) Page 1 of 9 External Reviewer No. 3: (if applicable) Surname Middle Initial(s) Given Name Title Dr. Ms. Institution Mr. Prof. Mrs. Mailing Address Current Position Tel E-mail URL (if available) Outline of the Review A description of the Site Visit should be provided below. Provide the names of individual and/or groups who were interviewed.(may attach itinerary) Indicate which facilities were visited. Describe any other activities relevant to the appraisal. Last Revised: July 28, 2016 Page 2 of 9 Evaluation Criteria Provide a brief analysis of the proposed Program against the evaluation criteria outlined below 1. Program Objectives Comment on the consistency of the proposed Program with the academic goals of the Faculty(ies) and Academic Unit(s). Provide comments on the clarity, appropriateness and alignment of the program objectives, requirements and learning outcomes with the Graduate Degree Level Expectations (GDLEs). [refer to appendix 1 of QUQAP] Comment on the appropriateness of the proposed degree nomenclature (e.g. MA, MSc, MEng). 2. Admission Requirements Comment on whether the admission requirements are appropriately aligned with the learning outcomes established for completion of the new Program. If applicable, indicate if there is sufficient explanation about alternative requirements, if any, above those set by the School of Graduate Studies (SGS) such as minimum grade point average, additional languages or portfolios, recognition of prior work or learning experience, etc. If applicable, comment on any language requirements that exceed the minimum set by the SGS. Last Revised: July 28, 2016 Page 3 of 9 3. Program Requirements and Structure Comment on the appropriateness of the Program’s requirements and structure to meet specified program learning outcomes and degree level expectations. Comment on the appropriateness of the program length, the stated milestones, plans to monitor student achievement of milestones and progress and whether the program requirements can be reasonably completed within the proposed time period. For a research-focused Program, comment on the nature and suitability of the major research requirements for degree completion and access to appropriate mentorship. Comment on the evidence that students in the new Graduate Program are required to pass a minimum of twothirds of their course requirements from among graduate-only level courses. Last Revised: July 28, 2016 Page 4 of 9 4. Program Content and Delivery As appropriate, provide comments on (i) how the curriculum addresses the current state of the discipline or area of study; (ii) any special matters, innovations and/or creative components of the Program; (iii) appropriateness of modes of delivery to meet identified learning outcomes;(iv) other issues considered relevant to the proposed Program content and delivery. Comment on how the Program will educate students on matters of academic integrity and intellectual property. Last Revised: July 28, 2016 Page 5 of 9 Comment on evidence that the Program will address the University’s equity and accessibility goal. Refer to: Senate Educational Equity Policy; Employment Equity Policy; Federal Contractor’s Program; Accessibility for Ontarians with Disability Act (2005). 5. Assessment of Teaching and Learning Comment on the appropriateness and effectiveness of the methods proposed to assess student achievement of the intended learning outcomes and Degree Level Expectations (refer to appendix 1 of QUQAP). Comment on the plans for documenting and demonstrating the level of performance of students, their progress toward degree completion and achievement of Degree Level Expectations. Last Revised: July 28, 2016 Page 6 of 9 6. Resources Provide comments on the evidence of and planning for adequate numbers and quality of (a) faculty and staff; (b) resources for implementation. Also comment on planned/anticipated class sizes, supervision of experiential learning opportunities, and the role of adjunct and part-time faculty (as applicable). Human - Comment on the adequacy and appropriateness of (i) faculty to deliver the proposed Program including course delivery, student supervision and research and (ii) staff to support the Program Support Services - Comment on the appropriateness and adequacy of other academic support services (e.g. Library, Information Technology, School of Graduate Studies, etc.) to support the Program. Physical Resources - Comment on the appropriateness and adequacy of the physical resources (e.g. space, laboratory access, equipment, offices, etc.) to support the new Program (as applicable). Institutional Commitment - Comment on the appropriateness and adequacy of institutional commitment for the Program. Last Revised: July 28, 2016 Page 7 of 9 Research Funding – Comment on evidence of adequate research funding to sustain the research activities of faculty and graduate students (as applicable). Student Funding – If appropriate to the Program, comment on evidence that financial support for students will be sufficient to ensure quality and numbers of students. 7. Quality Indicators Comment on the qualifications of the faculty (e.g., their recent research, innovation, and scholarly records and/or professional/clinical expertise, proportion of program delivered by core (tenured, tenure-track, emeriti and continuing adjunct) faculty, qualifications of participating term adjunct faculty, commitment to professional and transferable skills, etc). Comment on the overall quality and availability of graduate supervision and mentorship in the program(s). If applicable, comment on how supervisory responsibilities (‘loads’) will be distributed. Note: Reviewers are urged to avoid using references to individuals. Rather, they are asked to assess the ability of the faculty as a whole to deliver the Program and to comment on the appropriateness of the expertise and scholarly productivity of the faculty. Comment on the aspects of the Program’s structure and faculty research that contribute to the intellectual quality of the student experience (e.g. program symposia, conferences, seminars). Refer to evidence that faculty have the recent research or professional/clinical expertise needed to sustain the Program, promote innovation and foster an appropriate intellectual environment. Last Revised: July 28, 2016 Page 8 of 9 Summary and Recommendations Provide a summary of your evaluation and list recommendations that addresses the quality of the Program and identify any matters of concern Authorization External Reviewer No. 1 Signature Date Signature Date External Reviewer No. 2 External Reviewer No. 3 (if applicable) Last Revised: July 28, 2016 Signature Date Page 9 of 9