SJSU is recruiting students who will graduate soon to participate... evaluates public speaking skills.

SJSU is recruiting students who will graduate soon to participate in a project that
evaluates public speaking skills.
To participate in this project, all you have to do is record a 5-10 minute presentation
(separately from your classroom presentation) and upload it to a secure website.
This speech will not be available to the public, it will only be used by trained
evaluators to view and rate your speech. This evaluation will not affect your grade in
your class and will not be connected to your name or ID.
All participating students will receive a booklet that includes a guide to public
speaking with advice on outlining and organization and tips for delivery.
You will gain experience in recording and uploading speeches, a skill transferrable
to other courses and the workplace.
This is a great opportunity to hone your public speaking skills and practice the
presentation assigned in this class. Practice generally improves in-class
We’ll provide you with A Brief Guide to Public Speaking to help you prepare and
present your speech. This booklet also has complete instructions for accessing the
website and uploading your video.
The Communication Center (Hugh Gillis Hall 229, is
available to support students’ recording of presentations. You can make an
appointment for a communication coach to help you record and your their speech.
Your participation in this project will help SJSU show that our students are excellent
To participate, please contact Dr. Anne Marie Todd, Communication Studies,