Cultural Studies Program MA in Cultural Studies Annual Progress Report for Masters Students Once per year, reports on the progress of graduate students toward completion of the degree requirements should be submitted to the program director. Failure to submit a progress report will result in an “unsatisfactory” evaluation. Students and advisors/supervisors please complete all sections and return one copy to Danielle Gugler, Cultural Studies Program Office by September 20. Student and advisor/supervisor each retain a copy. Information to be completed by the student Student Name (Please print) Progress for the year: 20_____-20_____ Contact with your Advisor/Supervisor (circle one): Initial registration (mo/yr) None Very Little Regular Frequent My accomplishments in the past year (include courses taken): My plans for this year: Progress rating by the student Satisfactory Needs improvement Student Signature Unsatisfactory Date Progress Rating by Advisor/Supervisor Satisfactory Needs improvement Unsatisfactory Note to Advisor/Supervisor: please provide a comment below if you have checked “Needs improvement” or “Unsatisfactory”: Advisor/Supervisor Signature Date Student signature Date (confirming student has read the advisor/supervisor evaluation) Director Date