Following guidelines established by the WLN Collection Assessment Service, which... framework for evaluating a Library's current holdings and the level... POLITICAL SCIENCE AND PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION

Submitted by Doug Taylor
March, 2015
Following guidelines established by the WLN Collection Assessment Service, which provide a
framework for evaluating a Library's current holdings and the level of activity of the collection
development, the Political Science and Public Administration collection is rated an overall 3cP
(Advanced Study or Instruction Support Level, predominantly in the Primary Language). This
level supports all courses of undergraduate study and master's degree programs as well as the
more advanced independent study needs of the patrons of public and special libraries. Refer to
the Political Science and Public Administration conspectus sheets and checklist analysis for a
more detailed examination of the Library's holdings.
The Political Science and Public Administration collection contains 23,780 items in the Library of
Congress classification scheme: J and K. Included in this collection are e-books, microfilm and
microfiche titles. In comparison, the 2010 assessment had 21,535 titles. This represents an
increase of 2,245 titles or a healthy 10.4% increase in holdings.
JX (Closed and Weeded, See
J - JZ
K - KZ
Electronic Books
Official Documents
Political Science (General)
Political Theory
Pub Admin (General)
Pub Amin & Politics – U.S.
Pub Amin & Politics – Canada
& Latin America
Pub Amin & Politics – Europe
Pub Amin & Politics – Asia,
Africa, Australia, Pacific Area
Local & Municipal Government
Colonies & Colonization.
Emigration & Immigration.
Internal Migration
International Law
International Relations
Law of Nations
Below is a table comparing Library holdings of Universities of comparable student population size
who offer a Political Science Undergraduate degree. As you can see, the Houston Cole Library
collection is ranked number one in the number of titles held.
Peer Institution Comparison for Political Science
University Name
Library OCLC Code1
Jacksonville State
Sonoma State
Pittsburgh State
Morehead State
Slippery Rock
McNeese State
Armstrong Atlantic
State University
Number of title
searches by
Subject: “Political
Below is a table comparing Library Holdings of Universities of comparable student population size
who offer a NASPAA accredited Public Administration Masters’ Degree program. With the
exception of Tennessee State and SUNY College at Brockport, the Houston Cole Library
collection compares favorably with the others in the number of titles held.
Peer Institution Comparison for Public Administration
University Name
Library OCLC Code
Tennessee State
SUNY College at
Jacksonville State
University of South
Jackson State
Morehead State
Indiana University,
South Bend
Number of title
searches by
Subject: “Public
Code from
Titles by keyword search from WorldCat with Indexed Keyword Search
Titles by subject search from WorldCat with Subject Search
2009 – 2010
2010 - 2011
2011 – 2012
2012 - 2013
2013- 2014
Titles Added 2009 - 2014
Monograph Expenditures for Political Science and Public Administration
Fiscal Year
2009 – 2010
2010 – 2011
2011 – 2012
2012 – 2013
2013 – 2014
The following bibliographies were checked against the Library’s holdings revealing the
corresponding percentages:
American Reference Book Annual
Titles Held
Titles Listed
Choice Outstanding Academic Titles
Titles Held
Titles Listed
Political Science fund code
Yankee Book Publisher Core Titles
Titles Held
Titles Listed
The currency of information is very important in the Political Science & Public Administration
collection; therefore, older books are withdrawn on a regular basis. The table below shows
withdrawals from the J-JZ and K-KZ classification ranges.
Fiscal Years
2012 – 2014
J-JZ & K-KZ Titles Withdrawn
The following major Political Science and Public Administration indices were checked against the
Library’s access to full-text journals. Note: this may include duplicate titles that are indexed in
multiple indices and total amounts show all subject areas.
Political Science Complete5
Proquest Social Science Journals
Gale Global Issues in Context6
Percentage Held
The bibliography Magazines for Libraries was used to measure the quality of the Library’s
Subject Area
General and Political
Comparative and
American Politics
International Relations
Magazines for Libraries, 20th edition
"PSC also provides over 340 full-text reference books and monographs and over 38,000 full-text
conference papers, which includes those from the International Political Science Association. PSC
provides a subject-specific thesaurus with over 17,500 terms to provide subject searching
guidance to researchers."
Periodicals, Newspapers and Video News sources
Serial Expenditures for Political Science and Public Administration 7
Fiscal Year
2009 – 2010
2010 – 2011
2011 – 2012
2012 – 2013
2013 – 20148
The Political Science and Public Administration AV collection contains numerous audiovisual
titles within the collection and links to other audio and video sources. We also have two
extraordinary video databases with access to numerous titles.
Academic Video Online: Premium (Also known as Alexander Street Press) – Has 40,000+
videos on numerous topics. It includes the following subject areas:
American History in Video; American Newsreels in Video; Art and Architecture in Video; Asian
Film Online: Volume I; Asian Film Online: Volume II; Black Studies in Video; Business Education
in Video; Counseling and Therapy in Video; Criminal Justice and Public Safety in Video; Current
Affairs in Video; Dance in Video; Dutch Newsreels in Video; Education in Video; Engineering
Case Studies Online; Environmental Studies in Video; Ethnographic Video Online: Volume I;
Ethnographic Video Online: Volume II; Ethnographic Video Online: Volume III; Fashion Studies
Online: The Video Fashion Library; Film Makers Library Online; French Newsreels in Video;
Health and Society in Video; Human Resource Management Online; International Business
Online; Japanese Newsreels in Video; LGBT Studies in Video; Meet the Press; Music Online:
Classical Music in Video; Music Online: Opera in Video; New World Cinema: Independent
Features and Shorts, 1990-Present; Nursing Education in Video; Psychological Experiments
Online; Silent Film Online; The March of Time; The PBS Video Collection; The Video Journal of
Counseling and Therapy; Theatre in Video; VAST: Academic Video Online; World History in
Video; and World Newsreels Online: 1929-1966
Films on Demand – Has approximately 20,000 titles in the following subject areas:
Anthropology; Archival Films & Newsreels; Area Studies; Art & Architecture; Biology; Business
and Economics; Communication; Criminal Justice & Law; Earth Science; Education;
Engineering; English; Environmental Science; Geography; Health & Medicine; History;
Mathematics; Music & Dance; Philosophy & Religion; Physical Science; Political Science:
Psychology; Sociology; Technology & Society; and World Languages.
Includes print and electronic subscriptions, databases and standing orders. Expenditures for
serials have migrated away from the individual subscription model to the aggregator database
model. Dollar amounts spent on aggregator databases cannot be sub-divided into subject
categories. A more accurate reporting of Library subject support for serials is represented in the
title subject listings in EBSCO’s A to Z database:
8 Complete FY data not yet available
Extensive coverage of Political Science & Public Administration periodicals and statistical
information is available through the following databases:
Alabama Department of Archives and History (ADAH) Digital Collection
“The ADAH Digital Collections consist of digitized photographs, documents,
audio, and video material drawn from the vast holdings of the Alabama
Department of Archives and History.”
CQ Press Library
“CQ Press Library - the place to search or browse resources on American
government, current affairs, history, politics, public policy, and data analysis for
the social sciences.
CQ Researcher
“A database of in-depth, authoritative reports on a full range of political and
social-policy issues extending back to 1923 — each report is footnoted and
includes an overview, background section, chronology, bibliography and debatestyle pro-con feature, plus tools to study the evolution of the topic over time.”
CQ Weekly
“A weekly news magazine featuring in-depth reporting on public policy, politics,
congressional legislation, and elections extending back to 1983, including: a
complete wrap-up of news on Congress, the status of bills in play, behind-thescenes maneuvering, committee and floor activity, debates, and all roll-call
Europa World
“Europa World is the online version of the Europa World Year Book, the
indispensable source of information on world-wide affairs. First published in
1926, the year book is renowned as one of the world's leading reference works,
covering political and economic information in over 250 countries and territories,
from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe.”
Expanded Academic ASAP
“This database contains more than 5,300 titles and 3,000+ full-text titles in a wide
variety of disciplines. It also includes more than 3,800 peer-reviewed journals
and balanced coverage on a wide variety of subjects.”
FDsys – Federal Digital System
“GPO’s Federal Digital System (FDsys) provides free online access to official
publications from all three branches of the Federal Government."
Global Issues in Context
“Global Issues in Context spans continents and cultures to bring essential,
balanced information to researchers across many academic disciplines.
Integrating news, global viewpoints, reference, country information, primary
source documents, videos, statistics and more in a single search,
Global Issues in Context not only focuses on broad issues such as poverty,
global warming and nuclear proliferation, it also prompts a close appraisal of
targeted issues, including the North Korea/South Korea conflict and many
“This comprehensive resource draws on the connections between the
environment and a variety of disciplines such as agriculture, education, law,
health and technology. Topics covered include global climate change, green
building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling and
more. This collection of scholarly, government and general-interest titles
includes content on the environmental effects of individuals, corporations and
local/national governments, and what can be done at each level to minimize
these effects.”
“GREENR is interactive and current, allowing users to navigate issues,
organizations and country portals. It is a one-stop site dedicated to studying
sustainability and the environment.”
“JSTOR currently includes more than 2,000 academic journals, dating back to
the first volume ever pulished, along with thousands of monographs and other
materials relevant to all aspects of education.”
Military and Government Collection
“This database is designed to offer current news though a collection of
periodicals, academic journals and other content pertinent to the increasing
needs for all branches of the military and government. This collection provides
full text for hundreds of journals and periodicals.”
Military Collection
“This database covers topics across all government and military branches,
including international relations, political science, criminology, defense,
aeronautics and space flight, communications, civil engineering and more. It
includes over 550 titles, with more than 370 available in full-text, allowing you to
search over 3.5M records, dating back to the early 1990's.”
Opposing Viewpoints In Context
“Opposing Viewpoints in Context is the premier online resource covering today’s
hottest social issues, from Offshore Drilling to Climate Change, Health Care to
Immigration. Opposing Viewpoints in Context helps students research, analyze
and organize a broad variety of data for conducting research, completing writing
assignments, preparing for debates, creating presentations and more.”
Points of View Reference Center
“Providing a balance of materials from all viewpoints, Points of View Reference
Center includes over 1,300 main essays, leading political magazines from all
sides of the political spectrum, newspapers, radio & TV news transcripts, primary
source documents and reference books. The database also offers guides for
writing position papers, developing arguments and debating.”
Political Science Complete
“This database provides extensive coverage of global political topics with a
worldwide focus, reflecting the globalization of contemporary political discourse.
Designed specifically for students, researchers and government institutions,
Political Science Complete (PSC) contains full text for hundreds of journals along
with indexing and abstracting for thousands of publications.”
Proquest Congressional
“ProQuest Congressional service provides users with efficient, targeted access to
the most comprehensive collection of historic and current congressional
information available anywhere online. This collection includes the full text of
congressional publications, finding aids, a bill tracking service, and the full text of
public laws and other research materials to enable both novice and experienced
researchers to complete many types of research projects using a single, userfriendly interface.”
Proquest Social Science Journals
“This database offers indexing and full text for hundreds of academic journals,
providing extensive coverage across a wide range of social science disciplines
including anthropology, criminology, economics, education, political science,
psychology, social work and sociology.”
Statistical Abstracts of the United States
“Published annually by the federal government since 1878, The Statistical
Abstract of the United States is the best known statistical reference publication in
the country, and perhaps the world. You’ll find it behind nearly every reference
desk in U.S. libraries as the authoritative go-to source. ProQuest has now taken
on responsibility for updating and releasing this publication.”
Coverage of Political Science and Public Administration journals and resources is also available
through these databases:
Academic Search Premier
InfoTrac OneFile
Newspaper Source
Proquest Newspapers.
Oxford Reference Online Premium
The Library has also acquired access to full-text electronic books that enhance our distance
education efforts. Within the Political Science and Public Administration subject area there are
Number electronic books. A couple examples are:
Alabama State Constitution: A Reference Guide
Encyclopedia of Political Communication
See the Appendix for a more complete listing of our electronic books. This area will continue to
grow in importance in the coming years.
Defined Access means more than simply providing patrons with access to the Internet through
one or more Internet browsers. It refers to menu options on the Library’s or institution's
homepage, which link the user to owned or remotely accessible electronic resources selected by
the Library with the needs of its patrons in mind. The Library maximizes access to Internet
resources through several means: LibGuides or Subject Guides; Cataloging Librarian requested
resource; regular updating of records when information, particularly the site's URL, changes;
provision, maintenance, preparation, and loading of necessary software and hardware;
appropriate staff and user support; and training. Because the Library provides access to
electronic databases that encompass the area of Political Science and Public Administration, the
Library's electronic collection in this subject is rated a 3cP (Advanced Study or Instructional
Support Level, predominantly in the Primary language.
Holdings in the related subject collections of Law, History, Communications, Commerce and
Business Administration, Sociology and Social Work, Education, Criminal Justice, Military
Science, Emergency Management, and Geography provide supplemental support to the Political
Science and Public Administration collection.
Total holdings, WLN conspectus evaluation, and checklist comparisons indicate the overall
Political Science and Public Administration collection is more than adequate to support the
curricula. Of particular note are the holdings in the subject areas of:
JA – Official Documents – Many publications are now being classified in other areas.
JC – Collections & General Works – 180 titles added to the collection. A good 7.5% increase.
JF – Constitutional History – 94 titles added to the collection. An excellent 9.3% increase.
JK – United States – 473 titles added. An increase of 54.6%.
JL – Canada & Latin America – 28 titles added. An increase of 9.8%.
JQ – Asia, Africa, Australia, Oceania – 112 titles added. An increase of 16.2%
JV – Colonization and Immigration – 164 titles added for a 29.2% increase.
JZ-- International Relations- 335 titles added for a 102.0% increase.
The over-all growth rate is a strong 4.2% increase for the Political Science Collection. The
Collection has also been weeded for out-of-date materials in order to bring the Collection up-todate. As a result the Collection is rated a 3cP (Advanced Study or Instructional Support Level,
predominantly in the Primary language). The Collection supports a Master’s degree level of
research in this subject area.
A review of the journal holdings reveals that the Political Science and Public Administration
collection is adequate to support the curricula and is also rated a 3cP (Advanced Study or
Instructional Support Level, predominantly in the Primary language) which supports a Master’s
degree level of research in this subject area. The addition of the following databases to our
collection provides strong access to many full text journals:
Political Science Complete
Global Issues in Context
Points of View Reference Center
Proquest Congressional
Total holdings, WLN conspectus evaluations, and checklist comparisons indicate that the
weakest areas of the Political Science Collection are:
JN – Europe – 42 titles added. An increase of 2.9%.
JS – Local Government – 22 titles added for a 2.7% increase.
Since the monographic collection is strong and serials holdings have grown, recommend
maintaining the growth of the collection with an emphasis on the Europe (JN) and Local
Government (JS) subject areas.
A Selection of Full-Text Electronic Political Science and Public Administration Journals
(A complete list can be found at EBSCO’s A to Z:
Public Administration Journals
Administration & Society: 1974 – Present
Administrative Science Quarterly: 1956 – Present
American Review of Public Administration: 1989 – Present
Canadian Public Administration: 1997 – Present
International Journal of Electronic Government Research: 2005 – Present
International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior: 1998 – 1 year ago
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management: 1981 – Present
Journal of Public Administration Research & Theory: 1991 – Present
Journal of Public Management & Social Policy: 2008 – Present
Public Administration: 1965 – Present
Public Administration and Development: 1981 – Present
Public Administration Quarterly: 1983 – Present
Public Administration Review: 1940 – Present
Public Manager: 1992 – Present
Publius: 1971 – Present
Political Science Journals
American Journal of Political Science: 1973 – Present
American Political Science Review: 906 – Present
American Politics Quarterly: 1998 – Present
Australian Journal of Politics and History: 1997 – Present
British Journal of Politics and International Relations: 1999 – 1 year ago
Canadian Parliamentary Review: 1994 – Present
China Journal: 1995 – Present
Chinese Law and Government: 1999 – Present
Comparative Political Studies: 1972 – Present
Electoral Studies: 1995 – Present
Foreign Affairs: 1922 – Present
Governance: 1999 – Present
International Political Science Review: 1999 – Present
Journal of Latin American Studies: 1969 – Present
Journal of Politics: 1939 – One Year Age
Annals of Congress, 1789-1873
Register of Debates in Congress, 1825 –1838
Congressional Globe, 1834-1838
Congressional Record, 1873-1987
U.S. Government Publications, Serial Set, 1789-2000
U.S. Government Printing Office, Hearings and Committee Prints, 1981-2004
Library of Congress, Presidential Papers
Records of the States of the United States, 1818-1863
Library of Congress, Mississippi Legislature, 1800-1867
Library of Congress, South Carolina General Assembly
Great Britain Privy Council. Acts of the Privy Council of England, 1890-1949
British Parliamentary Papers, 1731-1994
Journals of the House of Commons, 1547-1900
Archives Parlementaires, V.1-V. 33, 1787-1860
Congressional Information Service
Major Studies and Issue Briefs of the Congressional Research Service
1964- Present
Third Party Presidential Nomination Convention, 1846-1968
Democratic Campaign Book
Democratic Party National Convention, 1832-1968
Republican Campaign Text Book
Republican Party National Convention, 1856-1968
Alabama Constitution
Archives of the British Labour Party, 1900-1959
Great Britain Colonial Office – Annual Report on the Colonies
British and Foreign State Papers, 1812-1934
U.S. Department of State. Foreign Relations of the United States
1861-1909 and 1952-1992
United Nations Publications, Documents
1946-1975 and 1982-1985
This is a selective list of our ebooks. To see a full listing search our JaxCat Library Catalog.
Call Number
J15 .M2 1965
J81.4 .S64 2001eb
JA61 .B43 1999eb
JA61 .C665 2003
JA61 .D536 2004eb
JA61 .E515 2010eb
JA61 .E53 2010
JA61 .H65 2007eb
JA61 .I58 2011eb
JA61 .O95 2001
JA61 .P55 2007eb
JA61 .S37 2007eb
JA66 .T35 2002eb
JA71 .G58 2002eb
JA71 .P6332 2000eb
JA71 .P64185 2013eb
JA71 .T52 2003eb
JA71 .W4559 2012eb
JA74.5 .P74 2012
JA75.8 .M49 2001eb
JA75.8 .S56 2003eb
Journal of William Maclay, United States Senator from Pennsylvania,
1789-1791. Introd. by Charles A. Beard.
Speeches of the American presidents [electronic resource] / edited
by Janet Podell, Steven Anzovin.
Blackwell dictionary of political science [electronic resource] : a
user's guide to its terms / Frank Bealey.
Concise Oxford dictionary of politics [electronic resource] / edited by
Iain McLean and Alistair McMillan.
Dictionary of politics and government [electronic resource].
Encyclopedia of political theory [electronic resource] / Mark Bevir,
Encyclopedia of political science [electronic resource] / George
Thomas Kurian, editor in chief ; James E. Alt ... [et al.], associate
editors ; prepared with the assistance of the American Political
Science Association.
Glossary of political theory [electronic resource] / John Hoffman.
International encyclopedia of political science [electronic resource] /
editors, Bertrand Badie, Dirk Berg-Schlosser, Leonardo Morlino.
Oxford companion to politics of the world / editor in chief, Joel
Krieger ; editors, Margaret E. Crahan ... [et al.].
Political philosophy A-Z [electronic resource] / Jon Pike.
Palgrave Macmillan dictionary of political thought [electronic
resource] / Roger Scruton.
Process of government [electronic resource] / Arthur F. Bentley ;
edited by Peter H. Odegard.
Politics, the basics [electronic resource] / Stephen D. Tansey.
Global justice and transnational politics [electronic resource] : essays
on the moral and political challenges of globalization / edited by
Pablo De Greiff and Ciaran Cronin.
Political theory in transition [electronic resource] / edited by Noël
Politics book [electronic resource].
Thinking politics [electronic resource] : perspectives in ancient,
modern, and postmodern political theory / Leslie Paul Thiele.
Political philosophy : a historical introduction [electronic resource] /
Michael J. White.
Psychoanalysis and politics [electronic resource] : histories of
psychoanalysis under conditions of restricted political freedom /
[edited by] Joy Damousi and Mariano Ben Plotkin.
Political nature [electronic resource] : environmentalism and the
interpretation of Western thought / John M. Meyer.
Deliberative democracy and the environment [electronic resource] /
Graham Smith.
JA75.8 .W55 2002eb
JA76 .C54 2001eb
JA76 .H383 2005eb
JA80 .B635 2002eb
JA83 .C43 2012
JA83 .D47 2002eb
JA84.G7 B575 2000eb
JA85 .E65 2008
JA85 .L45 2006eb
JA85 .M36 1999eb
JA85 .P583 2003eb
JA85.2.U6 H68 2001eb
JA85.2.U6 M373
JA86 .R68 2002eb
JA86 .S55 2003eb
Divided natures [electronic resource] : French contributions to
political ecology / Kerry H. Whiteside.
Political genealogy after Foucault [electronic resource] : savage
identities / Michael Clifford.
Handbook of political sociology [electronic resource] : states, civil
societies, and globalization / edited by Thomas Janoski ... [et al.].
Biology and political science [electronic resource] / Robert H. Blank
and Samuel M. Hines, Jr.
Foundations of modern political thought [electronic resource] /
Quentin Skinner.
In search of wealth and power [electronic resource] : Yen Fu and the
West / Benjamin Schwartz.
Reimagining democracy [electronic resource] : on the political
project of Adriano Olivetti / Davide Cadeddu.
Development of political science [electronic resource] : a
comparative survey / edited by David Easton, John G. Gunnell, and
Luigi Graziano.
Arabic thought in the liberal age, 1798-1939 [electronic resource] /
Albert Hourani.
Uncertain victory [electronic resource] : social democracy and
progressivism in European and American thought, 1870-1920 / James
T. Kloppenberg.
Neither right nor left : fascist ideology in France [electronic resource]
/ Zeev Sternhell ; translated by David Maisel.
British idealism and political theory [electronic resource] / David
Boucher and Andrew Vincent.
Modern Islamic political thought [electronic resource] / Hamid
Studies in the intellectual history of Tokugawa Japan [electronic
resource] / Masao Maruyama ; translated by Mikiso Hane.
Encyclopedia of political communication [electronic resource] /
[editors] Lynda Lee Kaid, Christina Holtz-Bacha.
Key concepts in political communication [electronic resource] /
Darren G. Lilleker.
Introduction to political communication [electronic resource] / Brian
Death of spin [electronic resource] / George Pitcher.
Rhetoric as currency [electronic resource] : Hoover, Roosevelt, and
the Great Depression / Davis W. Houck.
Strategy in information and influence campaigns : how policy
advocates, social movements, insurgent groups, corporations,
governments, and others get what they want [electronic resource] /
Jarol B. Manheim.
Routledge reader in politics and performance [electronic resource] /
edited by Lizbeth Goodman and Jane De Gay.
Doing dissertations in politics [electronic resource] : a student guide
/ David M. Silbergh.
JC11 .B37 2001eb
JC11 .V35 1999eb
JC111 .C33 1996eb
JC143.M4 P6
JC153.L87 G63 1992eb
JC177 .A3 1969
JC179.R9 T73 1993eb
JC179.R9 W55 2000eb
JC181.K4 F58 1999eb
JC181.K4 F585 2000eb
JC211 .C56
JC212 .G86
JC212 .G87 1968
JC212 .H64
JC212 .L72 1891
JC223.M66 H363
Critique of the state [electronic resource] / Jens Bartelson.
Rise and decline of the state [electronic resource] / Martin van
History of medieval political thought, 300-1450 [electronic resource]
/ Joseph Canning.
German knighthood 1050-1300 [electronic resource] / Benjamin
Defender of peace [electronic resource] = The Defensor pacis /
Marsilius of Padua ; translated with an introduction by Alan Gewirth.
Machiavelli & the Renaissance [electronic resource] / Federico
Chabod ; translated from the Italian by David Moore ; with an
introduction by A.P. D'Entrèves.
Machiavellian moment [electronic resource] : Florentine political
thought and the Atlantic republican tradition / J.G.A. Pocock.
Machiavellian moment : Florentine political thought and the Atlantic
republican tradition / J.G.A. Pocock.
Education of a Christian prince [electronic resource] / by Desiderius
Erasmus ; translated with an introduction on Erasmus and on ancient
and medieval political thought by Lester K. Born.
Private and public [electronic resource] : individuals, households,
and body politic in Locke and Hutcheson / Daniela Gobetti.
Writings of Thomas Paine. Collected and edited by Moncure Daniel
Making citizens [electronic resource] : Rousseau's political theory of
culture / Zev M. Trachtenberg.
Rousseau's republican romance [electronic resource] / Elizabeth
Rose Wingrove.
Third concept of liberty [electronic resource] : judgment and
freedom in Kant and Adam Smith / Samuel Fleischacker.
Kant and modern political philosophy [electronic resource] / Katrin
Principles of government; a treatise on free institutions. Including
the Constitution of the United States. By Nathaniel Chipman.
Nature and tendency of free institutions [electronic resource] / by
Frederick Grimke ; edited by John William Ward.
Considerations upon the nature and tendency of free institutions. By
Frederick Grimke.
Nature and tendency of free institutions. Edited by John William
Theory of politics microform : an inquiry into the foundations of
governments, and the causes and progress of political revolutions.
On civil liberty and self-government.
John Stuart Mill on liberty and control [electronic resource] / Joseph
Commager on Tocqueville [electronic resource] / Henry Steele
Critical theories of the state [electronic resource] : Marxist, Neo-
JC251.A74 V55 1996eb
JC251.A74 V57 1999eb
JC251.D48 S18 2002eb
JC257.P662 S47 1996eb
JC261 .P37 2000eb
JC261.D39 T56 2003eb
JC265.G68 S26 2000eb
JC311 .B478 1989eb
JC311 .C6135 2002eb
JC311 .D53 1996eb
JC311 .E4996 2001eb
JC311 .E4996 2001eb
JC311 .M54 2012eb
JC311 .N324 1996eb
JC311 .P683 2003eb
JC311 .W35 1997eb
JC319 .H47 1998eb
JC323 .S55 2013eb
JC328.3 .B53 2000eb
JC328.3 .L454 2003eb
Marxist, Post-Marxist / Clyde W. Barrow.
Arendt and Heidegger [electronic resource] : the fate of the political
/ Dana R. Villa.
Politics, philosophy, terror [electronic resource] : essays on the
thought of Hannah Arendt / by Dana R. Villa.
John Dewey and American democracy [electronic resource] / Robert
B. Westbrook.
John Dewey's liberalism [electronic resource] : individual,
community, and self-development / Daniel M. Savage.
Political thought of Karl Popper [electronic resource] / Jeremy
Deleuze and the political [electronic resource] / Paul Patton.
Deleuze, Marx and politics [electronic resource] / Nicholas Thoburn.
Gramsci and contemporary politics [electronic resource] : beyond
pessimism of the intellect / Anne Showstack Sassoon.
Nations and nationalism since 1780 [electronic resource] :
programme, myth, reality / E.J. Hobsbawm.
Imagined communities [electronic resource] : reflections on the
origin and spread of nationalism / Benedict Anderson.
Nationalism and national integration [electronic resource] / Anthony
H. Birch.
Passion and paradox [electronic resource] : intellectuals confront the
national question / Joan Cocks.
National identity and geopolitical visions [electronic resource] : maps
of pride and pain / Gertjan Dijkink.
Encyclopedia of nationalism. volume 1, Fundamental themes
[electronic resource] / editor-in-chief, Alexander Motyl.
Encyclopedia of nationalism. volume 2, Leaders, movements, and
concepts [electronic resource] / editor-in-chief, Alexander Motyl.
Symbols of defeat in the construction of national identity [electronic
resource] / Steven Mock.
Nationalism in Europe, 1815 to the present [electronic resource] : a
reader / edited by Stuart Woolf.
Class, nation, and identity [electronic resource] : the anthropology of
political movements / Jeff Pratt.
Limits of independence [electronic resource] : relations between
states in the modern world / Adam Watson.
Unruly world? [electronic resource] : globalization, governance, and
geography / Andrew Herod, Gearóid Ó Tuathail and Susan M.
Nation shapes : the story behind the world's borders [electronic
resource] / Fred M. Shelley.
Study of political commitment [electronic resource] / by John
Popular dissent, human agency, and global politics [electronic
resource] / Roland Bleiker.
Political economy of rule evasion and policy reform [electronic
JC328.5 .S25x 2010
JC328.5 .T
JC328.6 .F76 2003eb
JC328.7 .F73x 2005
JC328.7 .P43x 2013
JC330 .I54 2002eb
JC330 .P69 2013
JC330 .R87 2004eb
JC330.15 .H66 2002eb
JC330.3 .B33 2001eb
JC330.3 .E43 2001eb
JC359 .B69 1990eb
JC362 .M55 2000eb
JC375 .B53 2003eb
JC421 .V26 2003eb
resource] / Jim Leitzel.
Transnational insurgencies and the escalation of regional conflict
[electronic resource] : lessons for Iraq and Afghanistan / Idean
Human factors considerations of undergrounds in insurgencies / Paul
J. Tompkins Jr., USASOC Project Lead, Nathan Bos, editor.
From civil strife to civil society [electronic resource] : civil and
military responsibilities in disrupted states / edited by William Maley,
Charles Sampford, and Ramesh Thakur.
Pre-conflict management tools [electronic resource] : winning the
peace / Aaron B. Frank.
State collapse, insurgency, and counterinsurgency : lessons from
Somalia / J. Peter Pham.
Information technologies and global politics [electronic resource] :
the changing scope of power and governance / edited by James N.
Rosenau and J.P. Singh.
Power, voting, and voting power [electronic resource] : 30 years
after / Manfred J Holler, Hannu Nurmi, editors.
Power [electronic resource] : a new social analysis / Bertrand Russell
; with a new preface by Samuel Brittan ; with an introduction by Kirk
Civic republicanism [electronic resource] / Iseult Honohan.
Legitimating identities [electronic resource] : the self-presentation of
rulers and subjects / Rodney Barker.
Political leadership [electronic resource] / Howard Elcock.
Restoring civil societies / edited by Kai J. Jonas and Thomas A.
Toward a civil discourse [electronic resource] : rhetoric and
fundamentalism / Sharon Crowley.
Empires [electronic resource] / Michael W. Doyle.
Imperial rule [electronic resource] / edited by Alexei Miller and
Alfred J. Rieber.
Marxist theories of imperialism [electronic resource] : a critical
survey / Anthony Brewer.
End of internationalism [electronic resource] : or world governance?
/ J. Ørstrøm Møller ; foreword by Jacques Santer.
Media, monarchy and power [electronic resource] / Neil Blain and
Hugh O'Donnell.
King's two bodies [electronic resource] : a study in mediaeval
political theology / by Ernst H. Kantorowicz ; with a new preface by
William Chester Jordan.
Shadow king [electronic resource] : rex inutilis in medieval law and
literature, 751-1327 / by Edward Peters.
Oriental despotism [electronic resource] : a comparative study of
total power / by Karl A. Wittfogel.
Democratization [electronic resource] : a comparative analysis of
170 countries / Tatu Vanhanen.
JC423 .B2635 2003eb
JC423 .C794 2002eb
JC423 .D4312 2003eb
JC423 .D4344 2002eb
JC423 .D46 2012
JC423 .D494 2003eb
JC423 .F767 2004eb
JC423 .G59 2001eb
JC423 .H7536 2002eb
JC423 .S53 2002eb
JC423 .T66 2002eb
JC423 .T6637 1999eb
JC479 .S9 2002eb
JC481 .L494 2002eb
JC481 .P375 2000eb
JC481 .R45 1999eb
JC49 .P75 2013eb
JC497 .C67 2003eb
JC571 .A38 2013eb
JC571 .C613 2001eb
Battle for hearts and minds [electronic resource] : using soft power
to undermine terrorist networks / edited by Alexander T.J. Lennon.
Theories of democracy [electronic resource] : a critical introduction /
Frank Cunningham.
Democracy sourcebook [electronic resource] / edited by Robert
Dahl, Ian Shapiro, and José Antonio Cheibub.
Democracy reader [electronic resource] / Sondra Myers, editor.
Democratic competences and social practices in organizations
[electronic resource] / Wolfgang G. Weber ... [et al.] (eds.).
Development and democracy [electronic resource] : what have we
learned and how? / edited by Ole Elgström and Goran Hyden.
From liberal values to Democratic transition [electronic resource] :
essays in honor of János Kis / edited by Ronald Dworkin ; editorial
board, Viktor Bohm ... [et al.].
Global divergence of democracies [electronic resource] / edited by
Larry Diamond and Marc F. Plattner.
Specter of democracy [electronic resource] / Dick Howard.
Democracy owners' manual [electronic resource] : a practical guide
to changing the world / Jim Shultz.
Transnational democracy [electronic resource] : political spaces and
border crossings / edited by James Anderson.
Transitions to democracy [electronic resource] / Lisa Anderson,
New world disorder [electronic resource] : the Leninist extinction /
Ken Jowitt.
Global capital, political institutions, and policy change in developed
welfare states [electronic resource] / Duane Swank.
Latin fascist elites [electronic resource] : the Mussolini, Franco, and
Salazar regimes / Paul H. Lewis.
History of fascism, 1914-1945 [electronic resource] / Stanley G.
Fascism [electronic resource] : theory and practice / Dave Renton.
Princeton encyclopedia of Islamic political thought [electronic
resource] / editor, Gerhard Bowering ; associate editors, Patricia
Crone ... [et al.] ; assistant editor, Mahan Mirza.
Political economy of a plural world [electronic resource] : critical
reflections on power, morals and civilization / Robert W. Cox ; with
Michael G. Schechter.
God who deconstructs himself [electronic resource] : sovereignty
and subjectivity between Freud, Bataille, and Derrida / Nick
Politics in the ancient world [electronic resource] / M.I. Finley.
Pragmatism, rights, and democracy [electronic resource] / Beth J.
Advancing the human right to health [electronic resource] / edited
by Jose M. Zuniga, Stephen P. Marks, Lawrence O. Gostin.
Diplomacy of conscience [electronic resource] : Amnesty
JC571 .E673 2009
JC571 .E853 2001eb
JC571 .F233 2010eb
JC571 .H363 2001eb
JC571 .H7626 2006
JC571 .L2747 1999eb
JC574 .B47 1999eb
JC574 .M39 2001eb
JC574.2.P7 J3613
JC574.2.U6 C96 2002eb
JC574.2.U6 Z47 2012eb
JC578 .J87 2012
JC585 .D4 1997eb
JC585.M75 G73 1996eb
JC585.M75 J15 1991eb
JC591 .H38 2002eb
JC596 .F67x 2004
JC596 .P7425 2011eb
JC596.2.U5 M317
JC596.2.U5 O34x 2012
JC598 .O64x 2009
International and changing human rights norms / Ann Marie Clark.
Encyclopedia of human rights [electronic resource] / edited by David
P. Forsythe.
Politics of human rights [electronic resource] : a global perspective /
Tony Evans.
Atlas of human rights : mapping violations of freedom around the
globe / Andrew Fagan.
Unspeakable truths [electronic resource] : confronting state terror
and atrocity / Priscilla B. Hayner.
Human and civil rights [electronic resource] : essential primary
sources / K. Lee Lerner, Brenda Wilmoth Lerner, and Adrienne
Wilmoth Lerner, editors.
Encyclopedia of human rights issues since 1945 [electronic resource]
/ Winston E. Langley.
Virtue and the making of modern liberalism [electronic resource] /
Peter Berkowitz.
Love is a sweet chain [electronic resource] : desire, autonomy, and
friendship in liberal political theory / James R. Martel.
Australian liberals and the moral middle class [electronic resource] :
from Alfred Deakin to John Howard / Judith Brett.
Australian liberals and the moral middle class [electronic resource] :
from Alfred Deakin to John Howard / Judith Brett.
Polish liberal thought before 1918 [electronic resource] / by Maciej
Janowski ; [translated by Danuta Przekop].
National Civic Federation and the making of a new liberalism, 19001915 [electronic resource] / Christopher J. Cyphers.
Why America needs a left : a historical argument [electronic
resource] / Eli Zaretsky.
Justice and conflicts [electronic resource] : theoretical and empirical
contributions / Elisabeth Kals, Jürgen Maes, editors.
Against politics [electronic resource] : on government, anarchy, and
order / Anthony de Jasay.
Mill on liberty [electronic resource] : a defence / John Gray.
J.S. Mill, On liberty in focus [electronic resource] / edited by John
Gray and G.W. Smith.
Free speech [electronic resource] / Alan Haworth.
Forum guide to protecting the privacy of student information
[electronic resource] : state and local education agencies.
Privacy and identity mangement for life [electronic resource] / Jan
Camenisch, Simone Fischer-Hubner, Kai Rannenberg, editors.
Privacy handbook [electronic resource] : guidelines, exposures,
policy implementation, and international issues / Albert J. Marcella,
Jr., Carol Stucki.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection privacy stewardship /
Department of Homeland Security, Office of Inspector General.
Open government [electronic resource] : a progress report to the
American people.
JC599.B28 N38 2011
JC599.B28 T73 2013
JC599.C49 W36 2001eb
JC599.C6 A54 2002eb
JC599.E18 B45 2000eb
JC599.G8 G98 2003eb
JC599.J3 N43 2003eb
JC599.U5 B353 2000eb
JC71.P6 B33 2002eb
JC71.P6 P36 1995eb
JC73 .A48 2002eb
JC73 .D47 1997eb
JC73 .E93 1997eb
JC75.D36 M65 2000eb
JC79.A8 O24 1989eb
Environmental and food safety and security for South-East Europe
and Ukraine [electronic resource] / edited by Ksenija Vitale.
Transitional justice and civil society in the Balkans [electronic
resource] / Olivera Simić, Zala Volčič, editors.
Human rights in Chinese foreign relations [electronic resource] :
defining and defending national interests / Ming Wan.
Human rights and Chinese thought [electronic resource] : a crosscultural inquiry / Stephen C. Angle.
Counting the dead [electronic resource] : the culture and politics of
human rights activism in Colombia / Winifred Tate.
East meets West [electronic resource] : human rights and democracy
in East Asia / Daniel A. Bell.
Guatemala [electronic resource] : human rights and the Myrna Mack
case / Torsten Wiesel and Carol Corillon, editors ; Committee on
Human Rights, National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of
Engineering, Institute of Medicine of the National Academies.
Human rights in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan [electronic resource]
/ Ian Neary.
Freedom, loyalty, dissent [electronic resource] / by Henry Steele
Devising liberty [electronic resource] : preserving and creating
freedom in the new American Republic / edited by David Thomas
Roger Nash Baldwin and the American Civil Liberties Union
[electronic resource] / Robert C. Cottrell.
Of myth, life, and war in Plato's Republic [electronic resource] /
Claudia Baracchi.
Routledge philosophy guidebook to Plato and the Republic
[electronic resource] / Nickolas Pappas.
Alternatives to Athens [electronic resource] : varieties of political
organization and community in ancient Greece / editors, Roger
Brock, Stephen Hodkinson.
Development of the polis in archaic Greece [electronic resource] /
edited by Lynette G. Mitchell and P.J. Rhodes.
Corrupting youth [electronic resource] : political education,
democratic culture, and political theory / J. Peter Euben.
Plato's democratic entanglements [electronic resource] : Athenian
politics and the practice of philosophy / S. Sara Monoson.
Mass and elite in democratic Athens [electronic resource] : rhetoric,
ideology, and the power of the people / Josiah Ober.
Mass and elite in democratic Athens [electronic resource] : rhetoric,
ideology, and the power of the people / by Josiah Ober.
Roman citizenship [electronic resource] / by A. N. Sherwin-White.
New men in the Roman senate, 139 B.C. - A.D. 14 [electronic
resource] / T.P. Wiseman.
Senate of Imperial Rome [electronic resource] / Richard J.A. Talbert.
Imperial administrative system in the ninth century [electronic
JF1001 .A47 2000eb
JF1001 .F446 1998eb
JF1001 .M475 1999eb
JF1001 .R39 2001eb
JF1075.U6 A49 2002eb
JF1075.U6 R55 2001eb
JF1081 .G44 2002eb
JF1081 .P653 2001eb
JF1351 .B49 2009eb
JF1351 .C574 2002eb
JF1351 .S24 2011eb
JF1501 .C35 2011
JF1501 .P43 2001eb
JF1525 .P85
JF1525.A8 .R69 2013
JF1525.A8 A38 2002eb
JF1525.A8 D43 2002eb
JF1525.A8 G55 2012
JF1525.A8 H65 2001eb
resource] : with a revised text of the Kletorologion of Philotheos / by
J.B. Bury.
Behind the ballot box [electronic resource] : a citizen's guide to
voting systems / Douglas J. Amy.
Measurement of voting power [electronic resource] : theory and
practice, problems and paradoxes / Dan S. Felsenthal, Moshé
Unified theory of voting [electronic resource] : directional and
proximity spatial models / Samuel Merrill III, Bernard Grofman.
Democracy in divided societies [electronic resource] : electoral
engineering for conflict management / Benjamin Reilly.
Real choices/new voices [electronic resource] : how proportional
representation elections could revitalize American democracy /
Douglas J. Amy.
Whose vote counts? [electronic resource] / Robert Richie and Steven
Hill ; edited by Joshua Cohen and Joel Rogers for Boston Review ;
[foreward by Lani Guinier].
Corruption, capitalism and democracy [electronic resource] / John
Political economy of corruption [electronic resource] / edited by
Arvind K. Jain.
Public administration [electronic resource] : the interdisciplinary
study of government / Jos C.N. Raadschelders.
Key concepts in governance [electronic resource] / Mark Bevir.
Effective public manager [electronic resource] : achieving success in
a changing government / Steven Cohen, William Eimicke.
Sage Handbook of Governance [electronic resource] / ǂc edited by
Mark Bevir.
Governance structures and mechanisms in public service
organizations [electronic resource] : theories, evidence and future
directions / Andrea Calabrò.
Politics of bureaucracy [electronic resource] / B. Guy Peters.
Technology transfer in a global economy [electronic resource] /
David B. Audretsch ... [et al.], editors.
From machinery to mobility [electronic resource] : government and
democracy in a participative age / Jeffrey Roy.
Advances in digital government [electronic resource] : technology,
human factors, and policy / edited by William J. McIver, Jr., Ahmed K.
Delivering the vision [electronic resource] : public services for the
information society and the knowledge economy / edited by Eileen
M. Milner.
Enacting electronic government success [electronic resource] : an
integrative study of government-wide websites, organizational
capabilities, and institutions / J. Ramon Gil-Garcia.
eGov [electronic resource] : eBusiness strategies for government /
Douglas Holmes.
JF1525.A8 M45 2012
eDemocracy & eGovernment [electronic resource] : stages of a
democratic knowledge society / Andreas Meier ; translated by
Wiltrud Henkel.
JF1525.A8 R46 2002eb
Reinventing government in the information age [electronic resource]
: international practice in IT-enabled public sector reform / edited by
Richard Heeks.
JF1525.C59 P65 2003eb Political communications in greater China [electronic resource] : the
construction and reflection of identity / edited by Gary D. Rawnsley
and Ming-Yeh T. Rawnsley.
JF1525.C66 P45 2011
Corruption, development and the environment [electronic resource]
/ Lorenzo Pellegrini.
JF1525.E8 P8 2002eb
Public sector ethics [electronic resource] : finding and implementing
values / edited by Charles Sampford and Noel Preston with C-A Bois.
JF1525.I6 E63 2004eb
Encyclopedia of espionage, intelligence, and security [electronic
resource] / K. Lee Lerner and Brenda Wilmoth Lerner, editors.
JF1525.I6 E64 2005eb
Encyclopedia of intelligence and counterintelligence [electronic
resource] / edited by Rodney P. Carlisle.
JF1525.P6 D54 2011
Entrepreneurship in the public sector [electronic resource] : when
middle managers create public value / Fabian E. Diefenbach ; with a
foreword by Peter Gomez.
JF1525.P85 D47 2012
Designing public procurement policy in Developing Countries
[electronic resource] : how to foster technology transfer and
industrialization in the global economy / Murat A. Yülek, Travis K.
Taylor, editors.
JF1525.T67 N58 2003eb Balanced scorecard step-by-step for government and nonprofit
agencies [electronic resource] / Paul R. Niven.
JF195 .S58x 2012
Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way [electronic resource] :
rethinking and refining the civil-military relationship / Mark R.
JF2051 .E44 2012
Electoral systems [electronic resource] : paradoxes, assumptions,
and procedures / Dan S. Felsenthal, Moshé Machover, editors.
JF2051 .P5675 2001eb
Political parties and democracy [electronic resource] / edited by
Larry Diamond and Richard Gunther.
JF2112.C3 I34 2002eb
Idea of political marketing [electronic resource] / Nicholas J.
O'Shaughnessy, editor ; Stephan C.M. Henneberg, associate editor.
JF494 G64 2002eb
Government by the people [electronic resource] : direct democracy
in America, 1890-1940 / Thomas Goebel.
JF51 .L346 2003eb
Issues and methods in comparative politics [electronic resource] : an
introduction / Todd Landman.
JF515 .S88 2001eb
Standard code of parliamentary procedure [electronic resource] /
original edition by Alice Sturgis.
JF515 .W42 2001beb
Webster's New World Robert's rules of order [electronic resource] :
simplified and applied / by Robert McConnell Productions.
Vital statistics on interest groups and lobbying [electronic resource] /
by Holly Brasher.
Interest groups in Soviet politics [electronic resource] / edited by H.
Gordon Skilling and Franklyn Griffiths.
JF529 .P75 2000eb
JF799 .H38 2014
JF801 .C581
JK1021 .S35 2001eb
JK1041 .I58 1999eb
JK1083 .E53 2003eb
JK1118 .D64 2014
JK1118 .G85 2012
JK1118 .H37 2001eb
JK1123.A2 B78 2011
JK1161 .A8 2012eb
JK1161 .B45 2011
JK1319 .U556 2007
JK141 1836c
JK141 1836d
Private organisations in global politics [electronic resource] / edited
by Karsten Ronit and Volker Schneider.
Encyclopedia of social media and politics [electronic resource] /
Kerric Harvey, George Washington University, editor.
Citizen's almanac : fundamental documents, symbols, and anthems
of the United States.
Suffrage and beyond [electronic resource] : international feminist
perspectives / edited by Caroline Daley and Melanie Nolan.
Myth of Seneca Falls : memory and the women's suffrage
movement, 1848-1898 [electronic resource] / Lisa Tetrault.
Disjointed pluralism [electronic resource] : institutional innovation
and the development of the U.S. Congress / Eric Schickler.
Inventing Congress [electronic resource] : origins and establishment
of the First Federal Congress / edited by Kenneth R. Bowling and
Donald R. Kennon.
Insider's guide to political jobs in Washington [electronic resource] /
William T. Endicott.
Making the empire work [electronic resource] : London and
American interest groups, 1690-1790 / Alison Gilbert Olson.
Dirty deals? : an encyclopedia of lobbying, political influence, and
corruption [electronic resource] / Amy Handlin, editor.
Guide to interest groups and lobbying in the United States / Burdett
A. Loomis, editor ; Peter L. Francia & Dara Z. Strolovitch, associate
Who speaks for the poor [electronic resource] : national interest
groups and social policy / R. Allen Hays.
Congress investigates : a critical and documentary history / edited by
Roger A. Bruns, David L. Hostetter, Raymond W. Smock ; Robert C.
Byrd Center for Legislative Studies.
Defending the filibuster : the soul of the senate [electronic resource]
/ Richard A. Arenberg and Robert B. Dove ; foreword by Senator
Mark Udall and Senator Ted Kaufman.
Filibustering in the U.S. Senate / Lauren C. Bell.
Green the Capitol Initiative [electronic resource] : final report /
submitted to Nancy Pelosi, Steny H. Hoyer ; by Daniel P. Beard.
Debates in the several state conventions on the adoption of the
federal Constitution, as recommended by the general convention at
Philadelphia, in 1787. Together with the journal of the Federal
convention, Luther Martin's letter, Yates's minutes, Congressional
opinions, Virginia and Kentucky resolutions of '98-'99, and other
illustrations of the Constitution. 2d ed., with considerable additions.
Collected and rev. from contemporary publications by Jonathan
Elliot. Published under the sanction of Congress.
Debates in the several state conventions on the adoption of the
federal Constitution, as recommended by the general convention at
Philadelphia, in 1787. Together with the Journal of the federal
convention, Luther Martin's letter, Yates's minutes, Congressional
JK141 1836g
JK141 1836h
JK141 1911
JK141 1966a
JK141 1968
JK1411 .G767 2009eb
JK1521 .S407 1830
JK154 1942
JK154 1961a
JK155 .P67 2002eb
JK1613 .S73 2003eb
JK1672 .U55x 2013
JK1673 .U525x 2009
opinions, Virginia and Kentucky resolutions of '98-'99, and other
illustrations of the Constitution.
Debates in the several state conventions on the adoption of the
federal Constitution, as recommended by the general convention at
Philadelphia, in 1787. Together with the journal of the Federal
convention, Luther Martin's letter, Yates's minutes, Congressional
opinions, Virginia and Kentucky resolutions of '98-'99, and other
illustrations of the Constitution. 2d ed., with considerable additions.
Collected and rev. from contemporary publications by Jonathan
Elliot. Published under the sanction of Congress.
Debates in the several State conventions on the adoption of the
Federal Constitution as recommended by the general convention at
Philadelphia in 1787 ... Collected and rev. from contemporary
publications by Johathan Elliot.
Records of the Federal convention of 1787 / edited by Max Farrand.
Records of the Federal Convention of 1787 / edited by Max Farrand.
Debates in the several State conventions on the adoption of the
Federal Constitution as recommended by the general convention at
Philadelphia in 1787 ... Collected and rev. from contemporary
publications by Johathan Elliot.
Speakers of the House of Representatives, 1789-2009 [electronic
resource] / Mark Grossman.
Constitutional law. Being a view of the practice and jurisdiction of
the courts of the United States, and of constitutional points decided.
By Thomas Sergeant, esq.
Federalist [electronic resource] / by Alexander Hamilton, James
Madison, and John Jay ; edited by Benjamin Fletcher Wright.
Federalist : a commentary on the Constitution of the United States /
written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay ;
including the complete text of the Constitution ; with an introduction
by Edward Gaylord Bourne.
Federalist, by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay.
Edited by Benjamin Fletcher Wright.
Majority rule and minority rights [electronic resource] / by Henry
Steele Commager.
Federalist's vision of popular sovereignty in the new American
republic [electronic resource] / Kathleen O. Potter.
Starting smart [electronic resource] : key practices for developing
scopes of work for facility projects / authored by G. Edward G.
Edward Gibson, Jr. and Michael P. Pappas in conjuction with the
Federal Facilities Council, Standing Committee on Organizational
Performance and Management.
Doing business with GSA : quick guide 2013 .
Buying commercial [electronic resource] : gaining the cost/schedule
benefits for defense systems : report of the Defense Science Board
Task Force on Integrating Commercial Systems into the DOD,
Effectively and Efficiently.
JK1726 .S55 2002eb
JK1758 .C48
JK1764 .C5264x 2009
JK1764 .S2 2002eb
JK1896 .B366 1996eb
JK1899.S7 A3 1970
JK1899.S7 A3 1971
JK18L .T2
JK1911.O7 D85 2000eb
JK1924 .W36 2012
JK1929.A2 G65 2001eb
JK1965 .A57 2003
JK1976 .I56 no.10
JK1976 .I56 no.11
JK1976 .I56 no.12
Winning message [electronic resource] : candidate behavior,
campaign discourse, and democracy / Adam F. Simon.
Citizen's almanac : fundamental documents, symbols, and anthems
of the United States.
Civic wars [electronic resource] : democracy and public life in the
American city during the nineteenth century / Mary P. Ryan.
Millennial makeover [electronic resource] : MySpace, YouTube, and
the future of American politics / Morley Winograd, Michael D. Hais.
Avoiding politics [electronic resource] : how Americans produce
apathy in everyday life / Nina Eliasoph.
Citizen's briefing book [electronic resource] : to President Barack
Obama from the American people.
Ruling passions [electronic resource] : political offices and
democratic ethics / Andrew Sabl.
Right to vote [electronic resource] : the contested history of
democracy in the United States / Alexander Keyssar.
American suffrage [electronic resource] : from property to
democracy, 1760-1860 / by Chilton Williamson.
Splintered sisterhood [electronic resource] : gender and class in the
campaign against woman suffrage / Susan E. Marshall.
African American women in the struggle for the vote, 1850-1920
[electronic resource] / Rosalyn Terborg-Penn.
Why movements succeed or fail [electronic resource] : opportunity,
culture, and the struggle for woman suffrage / Lee Ann Banaszak.
Eighty years and more (1815-1897); reminiscences of Elizabeth Cady
Eighty years and more; reminiscences, 1815-1897. With a new
introd. by Gail Parker.
Construction construed, and constitutions vindicated. By John
"Yours for liberty" [electronic resource] : selections from Abigail
Scott Duniway's suffrage newspaper / edited by Jean M. Ward &
Elaine A. Maveety.
African American electorate : a statistical history [electronic
resource] / Hanes Walton, Jr., Sherman C. Puckett, Donald R. Deskins,
Free ballot and a fair count [electronic resource] : the Department of
Justice and the enforcement of voting rights in the South, 1877-1893
/ Robert M. Goldman.
American presidential campaigns and elections / William G. Shade,
Ballard C. Campbell, editors ; Craig R. Coenen, documents editor.
Ballot security and accountability / author, Marie Garber ; managed
and edited by William C. Kimberling.
All-mail-ballot elections / author, Margaret Rosenfield ; managed
and edited by William C. Kimberling.
Electronic transmission of election materials / author Ralph C.
Keikkila ; managed and edited by William C. Kimberling.
JK1976 .I56 no.13
JK1976 .I56 no.15 1996
JK1976 .I56 no.16
JK1976 .I56 no.17
JK1976 .I56 no.18
JK1976 .I56 no.19
JK1976 .I56 no.2
JK1976 .I56 no.3
JK1976 .I56 no.4
JK1976 .I56 no.5
JK1976 .I56 no.6 1992
JK1976 .I56 no.7
JK1976 .I56 no.8
JK1976 .I56 no.9
JK1991 .D67 2001eb
JK211 .S7 1873
JK211 .S72
JK216 .L5
JK216 .T24
JK216 .T7 1835
JK216.T7193 M58
JK2249 .G767 2008eb
Simplifying election forms and materials / author, Mike Fox ;
managed and edited by William C. Kimberling.
Ensuring the accessibility of the election process / produced by
Paradigm Design Group/Paralyzed Veterans of America ; managed
and edited by William C. Kimberling.
Using the Internet in election offices / author, David Maidenberg ;
managed and edited by William C. Kimberling.
Acquiring election systems and equipment / author, Marie Garber ;
managed and edited by William C. Kimberling.
Using biometric identification technologies in the election process /
author, Jim Wayman ; managed and edited by William C. Kimberling.
Provisional balloting / author, James A. Palmer ; managed and edited
by William C. Kimberling.
Optical scanning technology for purposes other than ballot counting
/ author Barbara Rossetti ; managed and edited by William C.
Election signature retrieval systems / author Ralph C. Heikkila ;
managed and edited by William C. Kimberling.
Using NCOA files for verifying voter registration lists / author:
Charlotte G. Mullins ; managed and edited by: William C. Kimberling.
Agency voter registration program / author Margaret Rosenfield ;
managed and edited by William C. Kimberling.
Motor voter registration programs [electronic resource] / author,
Robert S. Montjoy ; managed and edited by William C. Kimberling.
Mail voter registration programs [electronic resource] / author,
Robert S Montjoy ; managed and edited by William C. Kimberling.
Election document retention in an age of high technology / author,
Marie Garber ; managed and edited by William C. Kimberling.
Early voting / author, Margaret Rosenfield ; managed and edited by
William C. Kimberling.
Are elections for sale? [electronic resource] / David Donnelly, Janice
Fine, and Ellen S. Miller ; edited by Joshua Cohen and Joel Rogers for
Boston review ; [foreword by Gore Vidal].
Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States: with a
preliminary review of the constitutional history of the colonies and
states before the adoption of the Constitution.
Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States [microform] :
with a preliminary review of the constitutional history of the colonies
and states before the adoption of the Constitution / by Joseph Story
Collection of the political writings of William Leggett, selected and
arranged with a preface by Theodore Sedgwick, Jr.
New views of the Constitution of the United States. By John Taylor.
Democracy in America. By Alexis de Tocqueville. Tr. by Henry Reeve.
America after Tocqueville [electronic resource] : democracy against
difference / Harvey Mitchell.
Political corruption in America [electronic resource] : an
JK2261 .C696 2003eb
JK2261 .S45 1994eb
JK2265 .D565 2002eb
JK2281 .G36 2012
JK2316 .G4 1970
JK2317 1896a
JK2336.A6 G2 1970
JK2341.A6 V67 2002eb
JK2356 .B52 2002eb
JK2408 .P623 2009
JK2445.A8 W38 2003eb
JK2447 .D83 2010eb
JK2447 .D835 2013eb
JK246 .H28 2000eb
JK2488 .H39 2001eb
encyclopedia of scandals, power, and greed / Mark Grossman.
American party battle [electronic resource] : election campaign
pamphlets, 1828-1876 / edited and with an introduction by Joel H.
Presidency, Congress, and divided government [electronic resource]
: a postwar assessment / Richard S. Conley.
Political parties and the state [electronic resource] : the American
historical experience / Martin Shefter.
Tyranny of the two-party system [electronic resource] / Lisa Jane
Mobilizing inclusion : transforming the electorate through get-outthe-vote campaigns / Lisa García Bedolla & Melissa R. Michelson.
Building a new American state [electronic resource] : the expansion
of national administrative capacities, 1877-1920 / Stephen
Democracy in the United States. What it has done, what it is doing,
and what it will do.
First battle. A story of the campaign of 1896, by William J. Bryan,
together with a collection of his speeches and a biographical sketch
by his wife ...
Great issue; or, The three presidential candidates, being a brief
historical sketch of the free soil question in the United States, from
the Congresses of 1774 and '87 to the present time.
Beyond party [electronic resource] : cultures of antipartisanship in
northern politics before the Civil War/ Mark Voss-Hubbard.
Birth of the Grand Old Party [electronic resource] : the Republicans'
first generation / edited by Robert F. Engs and Randall M. Miller ;
afterword by James M. McPherson.
Origins of the Republican Party, 1852-1856 [electronic resource] /
William E. Gienapp.
Wool-hat boys [electronic resource] : Georgia's Populist Party /
Barton C. Shaw.
Social scientists explain the Tea Party movement : with a selection of
primary documents [electronic resource] / edited by Roger chapman
; with a foreword by John Calhoun.
Political encyclopedia of U.S. states and regions [electronic resource]
/ general editor, Donald P. Haider-Markel ; regional editors, Michael
A. Card ... [et al.].
ERP implementation in state government [electronic resource] / Ed
Watson ... [et al.].
United States gubernatorial elections, 1861-1911 : the official results
by state and county [electronic resource] / Michael J. Dubin.
United States gubernatorial elections, 1912-1931 : the official results
by state and county [electronic resource] / Michael J. Dubin.
Governmentality and the mastery of territory in nineteenth- century
America [electronic resource] / Matthew G. Hannah.
African American legislators in the American states [electronic
JK271 .A76x 2004
JK275 .B37 2011eb
JK275 .T46 2007eb
JK3416 .S25 2001eb
JK39 .D76 1866
JK411 .M57 2008eb
JK421 .G84 2010eb
JK4525 1977
JK467 .B75 2003eb
JK468.A8 D53 2004eb
JK468.A8 D54x 2012
JK468.A8 G68 2003eb
JK468.I6 .P76x 2013
JK468.I6 C74x 2007
JK468.I6 I54x 2010
JK468.I6 L544x 2008
JK468.I6 O75x
JK468.I6 P45x 2011
JK468.I6 S5235 2008eb
JK468.I6 S74x 2010
resource] / Kerry L. Haynie.
About America [electronic resource] : how the United States is
governed / writer, editor, Paul Arnold ; executive editor, George
Clack ; editor, Paul Malamud.
Battleground [electronic resource] : government and politics /
Kathleen Uradnik, Lori A. Johnson, and Sara Hower, editors.
Glossary of US politics and government [electronic resource] / Alex
Seedtime of the Republic [electronic resource] : the origin of the
American tradition of political liberty / Clinton Rossiter.
Not in our own backyard [electronic resource] : Posse Comitatus and
the challenge of government reorganization / by James P. Harvey.
New York politics [electronic resource] : a tale of two states / Edward
Schneier and John Brian Murtaugh.
Thoughts on the future civil policy of America. By John William
Mismanaging mayhem [electronic resource] : how Washington
responds to crisis / edited by James Jay Carafano and Richard Weitz.
Guide to federal terms and acronyms [electronic resource] / edited
by Don Philpott.
Politics and power in a slave society [electronic resource] : Alabama,
1800-1860 / J. Mills Thornton III.
Iron triangle [electronic resource] : inside the secret world of the
Carlyle Group / Dan Briody.
Digital government [electronic resource] : principles and best
practices / [edited by] Alexei Pavlichev and G. David Garson.
Digital government [electronic resource] : building a 21st century
platform to better serve the American people.
Government data centers [electronic resource] : meeting increasing
demands / Committee on Coping with Increasing Demands on
Government Data Centers, Committee on Geophysical and
Environmental Data Board on Earth Sciences and Resources, Division
on Earth and Life Studies, National Research Council of the National
Profiles in leadership : directors of the Central Intelligence Agency &
its predecessors.
Creation of the intelligence community : founding documents.
In honor of those members of the Central Intelligence Agency who
gave their lives in the service of their country.
Life in intelligence [electronic resource] : the Richard Helms
Original wizards of Langley [electronic resource] : overview of the
Office of Scientific Intelligence.
Penetrating the Iron Curtain : resolving the missile gap with
technology / Joan Bird & John Bird, editors.
Sites to see [electronic resource].
Human intelligence [electronic resource] : all humans, all minds, all
JK468.I6 U5355 2005
JK468.I6 U5453 2008
JK468.I6 V57 2008eb
JK468.P64 Q55 2011eb
JK468.P64 S56 2003eb
JK469 1995g
JK511 .C76 2002eb
JK511 .G48 2000eb
JK511 .L37 2002eb
JK511 .P775 2013eb
JK516 .C57 2013eb
JK516 .P73 2000eb
JK516 .W484 2003eb
JK524 .B46 1999eb
JK526 2000 .F53
JK526 2012 .B37
JK528 .C44 2002eb
JK528 .P38 2000eb
the time / Robert D. Steele.
OIG report on CIA accountability with respect to the 9/11 attacks
[electronic resource] : executive summary.
United States intelligence community, information sharing strategy
[electronic resource].
Vision 2015 [electronic resource] : a globally networked and
integrated intelligence enterprise.
Governing America [electronic resource] : major decisions of federal,
state, and local governments from 1789 to the present / Paul J.
Quirk, William Cunion.
Our culture of pandering [electronic resource] / Paul Simon.
Common sense government : works better and costs less / Vice
President Al Gore.
Defeat of America [electronic resource] : presidential power and the
national character / Henry Steele Commager.
Opposition presidency [electronic resource] : leadership and the
constraints of history / David A. Crockett.
George Washington and the origins of the American presidency
[electronic resource] / edited by Mark J. Rozell, William D. Pederson,
and Frank J. Williams.
Presidents and the people [electronic resource] : the partisan story
of going public / Melvin C. Laracey.
Presidency A to Z [electronic resource] / Gerhard Peters, John T.
Guide to the presidency and the executive branch [electronic
resource] / Michael Nelson, editor.
Presidential power [electronic resource] : forging the presidency for
the twenty-first century / Robert Y. Shapiro, Martha Joynt Kumar,
Lawrence R. Jacobs, editors.
White House world [electronic resource] : transitions, organization,
and office operations / edited by Martha Joynt Kumar and Terry
Seeing spots [electronic resource] : a functional analysis of
presidential television advertisements, 1952-1996 / William L. Benoit.
Political culture and voting systems in the United States [electronic
resource] : an examination of the 2000 presidential election / Brian L.
Fife and Geralyn M. Miller.
Barack Obama and the new America : the 2012 election and the
changing face of politics [electronic resource] / edited by Larry J.
Choosing a president [electronic resource] : the electoral college and
beyond / edited by Paul D. Schumaker and Burdett A. Loomis.
Realignment and party revival [electronic resource] : understanding
American electoral politics at the turn of the twenty-first century /
Arthur Paulson.
Negotiated authorities [electronic resource] : essays in colonial
political and constitutional history / Jack P. Greene.
JK552 .K68 2002eb
JK585 .F75 2008
JK609.5 .K56 2000eb
JK716 .T73 2004eb
JK723 .S606 1852
JK776 .H8
JK8278 .R45 2000eb
JK853 .H8 1914
JK9 .B56 1999eb
JK9 .O94 2012eb
JK9 .P384 2001
JK9 .W38 2010eb
JK97.A3 B6 1970
JK99.S5 W6 1969
JL1010 .L67 2002eb
JL1410 .M34 2001eb
Character of the good ruler [electronic resource] : a study of Puritan
political ideas in New England, 1630-1730 / by T.H. Breen.
Groupthink or deadlock [electronic resource] : when do leaders learn
from their advisors? / by Paul A. Kowert.
Jimmy Carter and the water wars : presidential influence and the
politics of pork / Scott A. Frisch and Sean Q. Kelly ; with a foreword by
Les Francis and an afterword by Jim Free.
Heirs apparent [electronic resource] : solving the vice presidential
dilemma / Vance R. Kincade, Jr.
Federal resume guidebook [electronic resource] : write a winning
federal resume to get in, get promoted, and survive in a government
job / Kathryn Kraemer Troutman.
Essay on the trial by jury. By Lysander Spooner.
Alternative approaches to adjusting compensation for federal
bluecollar employees / the Congress of the United States,
Congressional Budget Office.
Representing women [electronic resource] : sex, gender, and
legislative behavior in Arizona and California / by Beth Reingold.
Department of state of the United States; its history and functions,
by Gaillard Hunt.
Encyclopedia of American parties, campaigns, and elections
[electronic resource] / William C. Binning, Larry E. Esterly, and Paul A.
Oxford encyclopedia of American political and legal history
[electronic resource] / Donald T. Critchlow, Philip R. VanderMeer,
editors in chief.
Oxford guide to the United States government / John J. Patrick,
Richard M. Pious, Donald A. Ritchie.
Dictionary of American government and politics [electronic resource]
/ Duncan Watts.
History of elections in the American Colonies. New York, Columbia
College, 1893.
Government of the Colony of South Carolina, by Edson L. Whitney.
Cuba [electronic resource] : order and revolution / Jorge I.
Democracy delayed [electronic resource] : the case of Castro's Cuba
/ Juan J. López.
Bureaucracy and bureaucrats in Mexico City, 1742-1835 [electronic
resource] / Linda Arnold.
Legacies of liberalism [electronic resource] : path dependence and
political regimes in Central America / James Mahoney.
Belonging [electronic resource] : the meaning and future of Canadian
citizenship / edited by William Kaplan.
Breakdown of democratic regimes, Chile [electronic resource] /
Arturo Valenzuela.
Secession of Quebec and the future of Canada [electronic resource] /
Robert A. Young.
JL956.C58 C583 2001eb
JL966 .A99 2002eb
JL966 .B73x 2009
JL969.A45 C655 2000eb
JN12 .S58 2000eb
JN231 .B72 2000eb
JN2341 .P36 1996eb
JN238 .W38 2007eb
JN30 .B89 2000eb
Reimagining Canada [electronic resource] : language, culture,
community and the Canadian constitution / Jeremy Webber.
Civil-military relations in Latin America [electronic resource] : new
analytical perspectives / edited by David Pion-Berlin.
Democracy and the public space in Latin America [electronic
resource] / Leonardo Avritzer.
Dealing with political ferment in Latin America : the populist revival,
the emergence of the center, and implications for U.S. policy / Hal
Conservative parties, the right, and democracy in Latin America
[electronic resource] / edited by Kevin J. Middlebrook.
European politics into the twenty-first century [electronic resource] :
integration and division / Hans Slomp.
English government at work, 1327-1336 [electronic resource] /
edited by James F. Willard and William A. Morris.
Ancient constitution and the feudal law [electronic resource] : a
study of English historical thought in the seventeenth century : a
reissue with a retrospect / J.G.A. Pocock.
State formation in early modern England, c. 1550-1700 [electronic
resource] / Michael J. Braddick.
Government and politics in Hungary [electronic resource] / András
Roundtable talks of 1989 [electronic resource] : the genesis of
Hungarian democracy : analysis and documents / edited by András
Eighteenth-century commonwealthman [electronic resource] :
studies in the transmission, development and circumstance of English
liberal thought from the restoration of Charles II until the war with
the thirteen colonies / Caroline Robbins.
British political process [electronic resource] : an introduction /
edited by Tony Wright ; with Rob Clements ... [et al.].
Carolingian Renaissance and the idea of kingship [electronic
resource] / Walter Ullmann.
Class and state in ancien régime France [electronic resource] : the
road to modernity? / David Parker.
Glossary of UK government and politics [electronic resource] /
Duncan Watts.
Absolutism and society in seventeenth-century France [electronic
resource] : state power and provincial aristocracy in Languedoc /
William Beik.
Imperialism [electronic resource] : a study / by J.A. Hobson.
Citizenship and nationhood in France and Germany [electronic
resource] / Rogers Brubaker.
Women's suffrage and social politics in the French Third Republic
[electronic resource] / Steven C. Hause with Anne R. Kenney.
Federalism and European union [electronic resource] : the building
of Europe, 1950-2000 / Michael Burgess.
JN30 .C53 2003eb
JN30 .E52 2000eb
JN30 .E7413 2012eb
JN30 .E82485 2003eb
JN30 .E942 2001eb
JN30 .G65 2001eb
JN30 .H35 2001eb
JN30 .K56 2001eb
JN30 .R37 2011
JN30 .T49 1997eb
JN30 .U5 2002eb
JN30 .W53 2003eb
JN32 .A34 1996eb
JN3221 .M37 2002eb
JN33.5 .H66 2001eb
JN36 .S345 2002eb
JN3971.A98 P3767
JN40 .D47 2000eb
JN40 .P673 2012eb
JN50 .S57 2000eb
JN5231 .I73 2012eb
Changing Europe [electronic resource] : identities, nations and
citizens / David Dunkerley ... [et al.].
Encyclopedia of the European Union [electronic resource] / edited
by Desmond Dinan.
Schuman report on Europe [electronic resource] : state of the Union
2012 / by the Robert Schuman Foundation for Springer Verlag ;
publication edited by Thierry Chopin and Michel Foucher.
Europe unbound [electronic resource] : enlarging and reshaping the
boundaries of the European Union / edited by Jan Zielonka.
European Union [electronic resource] : power and policy-making /
edited by Jeremy Richardson.
Constituting federal sovereignty [electronic resource] : the European
Union in comparative context / Leslie Friedman Goldstein.
European integration and the postmodern condition [electronic
resource] : governance, democracy, identity / Peter van Ham.
Europeanisation of national administrations [electronic resource] :
patterns of institutional change and persistence / Christoph Knill.
Schuman report on Europe [electronic resource] : State of the Union
2011 / by the Robert Schuman Foundation for Springer Verlag ;
publication edited by Thierry Chopin and Michel Foucher.
Historical introduction to the European Union [electronic resource] /
Philip Thody.
Understanding European Union institutions [electronic resource] /
edited by Alex Warleigh.
Widening the European Union [electronic resource] : the politics of
institutional change and reform / edited by Bernard Steunenberg.
French communism in the making, 1914-1924 [electronic resource] /
Robert Wohl.
Adjusting to Europe [electronic resource] : the impact of the
European Union on national institutions and policies / edited by Yves
Mény, Pierre Muller, and Jean-Louis Quermonne.
Emancipation of writing [electronic resource] : German civil society
in the making, 1790s-1820s / Ian F. McNeely.
European Commission and the integration of Europe [electronic
resource] : images of governance / Liesbet Hooghe.
Machiavelli in Brussels [electronic resource] : the art of lobbying the
EU / Rinus van Schendelen.
Party that came out of the Cold War [electronic resource] : the Party
of Democratic Socialism in United Germany / Franz Oswald.
Democracy in the European Union [electronic resource] : integration
through deliberation? / edited by Erik Oddvar Eriksen and John Erik
Populism in Europe and the Americas : threat or corrective for
democracy? / edited by Cas Mudde & Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser.
Comparative European party systems [electronic resource] / Alan
Italian renaissance state [electronic resource] / edited by Andrea
JN5451 .N45 1996eb
JN5477.R35 P866
JN5657.C63 G86
JN6581 .N35x 2014
JN6581 .S55x 2009
JN6693.5.C58 C585x
JN6693.5.C58 M67
JN6693.5.C58 R87x
Gamberini and Isabella Lazzarini.
New Italian Republic [electronic resource] : from the fall of the Berlin
Wall to Berlusconi / edited by Stephen Gundle and Simon Parker.
Making democracy work [electronic resource] : civic traditions in
modern Italy / Robert D. Putnam with Robert Leonardi and Raffaella
Y. Nanetti.
Moscow and the Italian Communist Party [electronic resource] :
from Togliatti to Berlinguer / Joan Barth Urban.
Between Hollywood and Moscow [electronic resource] : the Italian
communists and the challenge of mass culture, 1943-1991 / Stephen
Democratization and revolution in the USSR, 1985-1991 [electronic
resource] / Jerry F. Hough.
Red sunset [electronic resource] : the failure of Soviet politics / Philip
G. Roeder.
State-building [electronic resource] : a comparative study of Ukraine,
Lithuania, Belarus, and Russia / Verena Fritz.
Development of a Russian legal consciousness [electronic resource] /
Richard S. Wortman.
Stalin's successors [electronic resource] : leadership, stability, and
change in the Soviet Union / Seweryn Bialer.
Democratization and instability in Ukraine, Georgia, and Belarus /
Robert Nalbandov.
Russian elite image of Iran : from the late Soviet era to the present /
Dmitry Shlapentokh.
Democracy from scratch [electronic resource] : opposition and
regime in the new Russian Revolution / M. Steven Fish.
Soviet prefects [electronic resource] : the local party organs in
industrial decision-making / Jerry F. Hough.
Communist Party membership in the U.S.S.R., 1917-1967 [electronic
resource] / T. H. Rigby.
Liberals in the Russian Revolution [electronic resource] : the
Constitutional Democratic Party, 1917-1921 / by William G.
Civil-military relations in Medvedev's Russia / Stephen J. Blank,
From Garrison State to Nation-State [electronic resource] : political
power and the Russian military under Gorbachev and Yeltsin / John P.
Russian military politics and Russia's 2010 defense doctrine
[electronic resource] / Stephen J. Blank, editor.
Elections and political order in Russia [electronic resource] : the
implications of the 1993 elections to the Federal Assembly / edited
by Peter Lentini.
Kalmykia in Russia's past and present national policies and
administrative system [electronic resource] / Konstantin N.
JN94.A58 P65 2003eb
JN94.A979 B87 2002eb
JN94.A979 R46 2003eb
JN96.A58 H34 2003eb
JN96.A58 P69 2002eb
JN96.A91 C65 2000eb
JQ1062.A91 P655
JQ1080 .O39 2003eb
JQ1499.A58 H58
JQ1499.A792 P5395
JQ1499.A91 E44
JQ1506.C58 L52x 2010
JQ1516 .H8 2000eb
JQ1519.A5 G76 2004eb
JQ1519.A598 R47
JQ1539.5.A58 H65
JQ1615 1967
JQ1729.A15 B43
Enlightenment and the birth of modern nationhood [electronic
resource] : Polish political thought from noble republicanism to
Tadeusz Kościuszko / Andrzej Walicki ; translated by Emma Harris.
Political institutions in Europe [electronic resource] / edited by Josep
Evolution of green politics [electronic resource] : development and
change within European Green Parties / Jon Burchell.
Regionalist parties in Western Europe [electronic resource] / edited
by Lieven De Winter and Huri Türsan.
Democracy and enlargement in post-Communist Europe [electronic
resource] : the democratisation of the general public in fifteen
Central and Eastern European countries, 1991-1998 / Christian W.
Power and limits of NGOs [electronic resource] : a critical look at
building democracy in Eastern Europe and Eurasia / Sarah E.
Mendelson and John K. Glenn, editors.
Strategic transitions [electronic resource] : game theory and
democratization / Josep M. Colomer.
Politics of multiculturalism [electronic resource] : pluralism and
citizenship in Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia / edited by Robert
W. Hefner.
Oil, transition and security in Central Asia [electronic resource] /
edited by Sally N. Cummings.
Historical injustice and democratic transition in eastern Asia and
northern Europe [electronic resource] : ghosts at the table of
democracy / edited by Kenneth Christie and Robert Cribb.
Pacific Asia [electronic resource] : the politics of development /
Yumei Zhang.
Emerging market democracies [electronic resource] : East Asia and
Latin America / edited by Laurence Whitehead.
Chinese civil-military relations in the post-Deng era [electronic
resource] : implications for crisis management and naval
modernization / Nan Li.
Lost modernities [electronic resource] : China, Vietnam, Korea, and
the hazards of world history / Alexander Woodside.
Explaining Chinese democratization [electronic resource] / Shaohua
Managing transitions [electronic resource] : the Chinese Communist
Party, united front work, corporatism, and hegemony / Gerry Groot.
Rethinking China's provinces [electronic resource] / edited by John
Hong Kong in transition [electronic resource] : one country, two
systems / edited by Robert Ash ... [et al.].
Foundations of constitutional government in modern Japan, 18681900 [electronic resource] / George Akita.
Transformation of South Korea [electronic resource] : reform and
reconstitution in the sixth republic under Roh Tae Woo, 1987-1992 /
Robert E. Bedeski.
JQ1729.A15 K68
Korean society [electronic resource] : civil society, democracy, and
the state / edited by Charles K. Armstrong.
JQ1758.A58 E43
Politics of the dispossessed [electronic resource] : superpowers and
developments in the Middle East / Hafizullah Emadi.
JQ1758.A91 D466
Democratization in the Middle East [electronic resource] :
experiences, struggles, challenges / edited by Amin Saikal and
Albrecht Schnabel.
JQ1769.A5 W67
Learning from women's success in the 2010 Afghan elections
2012eb online
[electronic resource] / Scott Worden and Nina Sudhakar.
Bureaucratic reform in the Ottoman Empire [electronic resource] :
the Sublime Porte, 1789-1922 / Carter V. Findley.
Old social classes and the revolutionary movements of Iraq
[electronic resource] : a study of Iraq's old landed and commercial
classes and of its Communists, Baʻthists, and Free Officers / Hanna
JQ1830.A91 (INTERNET) Being Israeli [electronic resource] : the dynamics of multiple
citizenship / Gershon Shafir, Yoav Peled.
JQ1830.A91 S53
Being Israeli [electronic resource] : the dynamics of multiple
citizenship / Gershon Shafir, Yoav Peled.
JQ1830.A95 B4413
Elections in Israel, 1999 [electronic resource] / edited by Asher Arian
and Michal Shamir in conjunction with the Israel Democracy Institute.
JQ1830.A98 (INTERNET) Resistance, repression, and gender politics in occupied Palestine and
Jordan [electronic resource] / Frances S. Hasso.
JQ1833.A58 M37
Colonial effects [electronic resource] : the making of national
identity in Jordan / Joseph A. Massad.
JQ1840 .G66 2003eb
Good governance in the Middle East oil monarchies [electronic
resource] / edited by Tom Pierre Najem and Martin Hetherington.
JQ1840 .K425 2008eb
Power and succession in Arab monarchies [electronic resource] : a
reference guide / Joseph A. Kéchichian.
JQ1849.A91 M37
Iraq's new political map [electronic resource] / Phebe Marr.
JQ1849.A99 K87
Iraqi Kurdistan [electronic resource] : political development and
emergent democracy / Gareth R.V. Stansfield.
JQ1879.A15 B68x 2010
Security and stability in Africa [electronic resource] : a development
approach / Clarence J. Bouchat.
Empire and information [electronic resource] : intelligence gathering
and social communication in India, 1780-1870 / C.A. Bayly.
Unhappy valley [electronic resource] : conflict in Kenya and Africa /
Bruce Berman & John Lonsdale.
JQ3096 .D55 1997eb
Dilemmas of democracy in Nigeria [electronic resource] / edited by
Paul A. Beckett and Crawford Young.
JQ3376.A91 (INTERNET) Wives of the leopard [electronic resource] : gender, politics, and
culture in the Kingdom of Dahomey / Edna G. Bay.
JQ3619.A55 (INTERNET) Political protest in the Congo [electronic resource] : the Parti
solidaire africain during the independence struggle / Herbert F.
JQ38 .H69 2002eb
JQ4005 .P465 1988eb
JS1239 .Z7 1969
JS2061 .G73 2000eb
JS2120.L2 N84 2003eb
JS422 .E68 2002eb
JS5817.3 .N34 1982eb
JS78 .L653 1993eb
How Asia votes [electronic resource] / John Fuh-sheng Hsieh, David
Penguin Macquarie dictionary of Australian politics [electronic
resource] / [Richard Tardif, executive editor].
Colonial liberalism [electronic resource] : the lost world of three
Victorian visionaries / Stuart Macintyre.
Sentimental nation [electronic resource] : the making of the
Australian Commonwealth / John Hirst.
Light on the hill [electronic resource] : the Australian Labor Party,
1891-1991 / Ross McMullin.
Vietnam and the Chinese model [electronic resource] : a
comparative study of Vietnamese and Chinese government in the
first half of the nineteenth century / Alexander Barton Woodside.
City in the republic [electronic resource] : antebellum New York and
the origins of machine politics / Amy Bridges.
New York City "Ring:" its origin, maturity and fall, discussed in a reply
to the New York times.
Audacious reforms [electronic resource] : institutional invention and
democracy in Latin America / Merilee S. Grindle.
Power, community and the state [electronic resource] : the political
anthropology of organisation in Mexico / Monique Nuijten.
Kingdoms and communities in Western Europe, 900-1300 [electronic
resource] / Susan Reynolds.
Borough and town [electronic resource] : a study of urban origins in
England / Carl Stephenson.
History of the London County Council, 1889-1939 [electronic
resource] / [by] Sir Gwilym Gibbon and Reginald W. Bell.
Equality of opportunity and the importance of place [electronic
resource] : summary of a workshop / Joah G. Iannotta and Jane L.
Ross ; Center for Social and Economic Studies, Division of Behavioral
and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council.
Peaceable kingdoms [electronic resource] : New England towns in
the eighteenth century / Michael Zuckerman.
Corporatism and consensus in Florentine electoral politics, 12801400 [electronic resource] / John M. Najemy.
Muslim cities in the later Middle Ages [electronic resource] / by Ira
Marvin Lapidus.
Liberty in absolutist Spain [electronic resource] : the Habsburg sale
of towns, 1516-1700 / Helen Nader.
Government and local power in Japan, 500 to 1700 [electronic
resource] : a study based on Bizen Province / by John Whitney Hall.
Local government in liberal democracies [electronic resource] : an
introductory survey / edited by J.A. Chandler.
Adelaide and the country, 1870-1917 [electronic resource] : their
social and political relationship / J. B. Hirst.
British colonial policy in the age of Peel and Russell [electronic
resource] / W. P. Morrell.
JV185 .D43 2004eb
JV22 .E535 2007
JV51 .P74 2000eb
JV6006 .W67
JV6012 .I56 2005eb
JV6013 .H36 2000eb
JV6021 .C64 2001eb
JV6217 .B63 2013
JV6271 .D86 2001eb
JV6342 .M36 2001eb
JV6346 .R45 2012
JV6346.R4 R45 2003eb
JV6450 .A67 2011
JV6450 .I5536 2013
JV6455 .N49 2007eb
JV6461 .A47x
JV6463 .B8
After colonialism [electronic resource] : imperial histories and
postcolonial displacements / edited by Gyan Prakash.
Peripheries and center [electronic resource] : constitutional
development in the extended polities of the British Empire and the
United States, 1607-1788 / Jack P. Greene.
Decolonization [electronic resource] : perspectives from now and
then / edited by Prasenjit Duara.
Encyclopedia of Western colonialism since 1450 [electronic
resource] / Thomas Benjamin, editor in chief.
Intimate enemy [electronic resource] : loss and recovery of self
under colonialism / Ashis Nandy.
Pre-occupation of postcolonial studies [electronic resource] / edited
by Fawzia Afzal-Khan and Kalpana Seshadri-Crooks.
World migration report [electronic resource].
Immigration and asylum from 1900 to present [electronic resource] /
Matthew J. Gibney and Randall Hansen, editors.
Moving families [electronic resource] : expatriation, stress and
coping / Mary Haour-Knipe.
Global diasporas [electronic resource] : an introduction / Robin
Economics of immigration [electronic resource] : theory and policy /
Örn B. Bodvarsson, Hendrik Van den Berg.
On immigration and refugees [electronic resource] / Michael
Manifest destinies [electronic resource] : Americanizing immigrants
and internationalizing Americans / edited by David W. Haines and
Carol A. Mortland.
Refugees worldwide [electronic resource] / Doreen Elliott and Uma
A. Segal, editors.
Refugees and forced displacement [electronic resource] :
international security, human vulnerability, and the state / Edward
Newman and Joanne van Selm, editors.
Anti-immigration in the United States : a historical encyclopedia
[electronic resource] / Kathleen Arnold, editor.
Immigrants in American history : arrival, adaptation, and integration
[electronic resource] / Elliott Robert Barkan, editor.
New Americans [electronic resource] : a guide to immigration since
1965 / edited by Mary C. Waters & Reed Ueda ; with Helen B.
Description of the immigrant population [electronic resource] : an
update / [Nabeel Alsalam and Jonathan Schwabish].
History of immigration to the United States, exhibiting the number,
sex, age, occupation, and country of birth, of passengers arriving ...
by sea from foreign countries, from September 30, 1819 to
December 31, 1855; compiled entirely from official data: with an
introductory review of the progress and extent of immigration to the
United States prior to 1819, and an appendix, containing the
JV6463 .B8 1969
JV6465 I4737 2006
JV6483 .D68 2003eb
JV6483 .F79 2001eb
JV6483 .K73x 2006
JV6483 .N47 2002eb
JV6483 .T494 2002eb
JV6483 .U55x 2012
JV6483 .W54x 2011
JV6483 U55x 2012
JV6484 .S73 2003
JV6543 .C7 1969
JV6625 1969
JV6625. 1873 .B9
JV6875.1871 .C7
JV7491 .K95 2000eb
JV7590 .E957 2003eb
naturilization and passenger laws of the United States. By William J.
History of immigration to the United States; exhibiting the number,
sex, age, occupation, and country of birth of passengers arriving from
foreign countries by sea, 1819 to 1855.
Immigration and multiculturalism [electronic resource] : essential
primary sources / K. Lee Lerner, Brenda Wilmoth Lerner, and
Adrienne Wilmoth Lerner, editors.
Legacies [electronic resource] : the story of the immigrant second
generation / Alejandro Portes, Rubén G. Rumbaut.
Anti-immigrantism in Western democracies [electronic resource] :
statecraft, desire and the politics of exclusion / Roxanne Lynn Doty.
Responding to immigration [electronic resource] : perceptions of
promise and threat / Brian N. Fry.
Temporary migration to the United States [electronic resource] :
nonimmigrant admissions under U.S. immigration law / [written by
Rebecca S. Kraus].
Operation Gatekeeper [electronic resource] : the rise of the "illegal
alien" and the making of the U.S.-Mexico boundary / Joseph Nevins.
Dividing lines [electronic resource] : the politics of immigration
control in America / Daniel J. Tichenor.
CBP information technology management : strengths and challenges
(redacted) / Department of Homeland Security, Office of Inspector
Fundamentals of immigration law [electronic resource] / by Charles
A. Wiegand.
Visa Waiver Program / Department of Homeland Security, Office of
Inspector General.
Cultural landscape report for Ellis Island [electronic resource] :
Statue of Liberty National Monument : site history, existing
conditions, analysis / by J. Tracy Stakely.
Manual for emigrants to America.
Irish emigration to the United States.
Irish emigration to the United States: what it has been, and what it
is; facts and reflections especially addressed to Irish people intending
to emigrate from their native land, and to those living in the large
cities of Great Britain and of the United States.
Why and how. Why the Chinese emigrate, and the means they adopt
for the purpose of reaching America. With sketches of travel,
amusing incidents, social customs, &c. By Russell H. Conwell. With
illustrations by Hammatt Billings.
Transnational peasants [electronic resource] : migrations, networks,
and ethnicity in Andean Ecuador / David Kyle.
Europeans on the move [electronic resource] : studies on European
migration, 1500-1800 / [edited by] Nicholas Canny.
Europe's invisible migrants [electronic resource] / Andrea L. Smith
JV7590 .H39 2000eb
JV7590 .M62 2002eb
JV7925 .S56 1992eb
JV8132 .C56 1991eb
JV8138 .S47 2000eb
JV8152 .L48 2003eb
JX1295 .U4 vol. 63
JX1295 .U4 vol. 64
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JX1295 .U4 vol. 77
JX1295 .U4 vol. 78
JX1295 .U4 vol. 80
JX1295 .U4 vol. 81
JX1295 .U4 vol.65
Open borders [electronic resource] : the case against immigration
controls / Teresa Hayter.
Managing migration [electronic resource] : civic stratification and
migrants' rights / Lydia Morris.
Deconstructing the nation [electronic resource] : immigration,
racism, and citizenship in modern France / Maxim Silverman.
Immigrants in the lands of promise [electronic resource] : Italians in
Buenos Aires and New York City, 1870-1914 / Samuel L. Baily.
National integration of Italian return migration, 1870-1929
[electronic resource] / Dino Cinel.
Politics of exile in Renaissance Italy [electronic resource] / Christine
Looking for loopholes [electronic resource] : processes of
incorporation of illegal immigrants in the Netherlands / Joanne van
der Leun.
Emigrants and society [electronic resource] : Extremadura and
America in the sixteenth century / Ida Altman.
Inventing home [electronic resource] : emigration, gender, and the
middle class in Lebanon, 1870-1920 / Akram Fouad Khater.
Law of piracy / Alfred P. Rubin.
Law of naval operations / edited by Horace B. Robertson, Jr.
Excessive maritime claims / J. Ashley Roach and Robert W. Smith.
Readings on international law from the Naval War College review,
1978-1994 / edited by John Norton Moore and Robert F. Turner.
Protection of the environment during armed conflict / edited by
Richard J. Grunawalt, John E. King and Ronald S. McClain.
Law of military operations : liber amicorum professor Jack Grunawalt
/ Michael N. Schmitt, editor.
Annotated supplement to The commander's handbook on the law of
naval operations / A.R. Thomas and James C. Duncan, editors.
Tanker war, 1980-88 : law and policy / George K. Walker.
International law across the spectrum of conflict : essays in honour
of Professor L.C. Green on the occasion of his eightieth birthday /
Michael N. Schmitt, editor.
Computer network attack and international law / Michael N. Schmitt
& Brian T. O'Donnell, editors.
Lillich on the forcible protection of nationals abroad : in memory of
professor Richard B. Lillich / Thomas C. Wingfield, James E. Meyen,
Legal and ethical lessons of NATO's Kosovo campaign / Andru E.
Wall, editor.
Issues in international law and military operations / Richard B.
Jaques, editor.
International law challenges : homeland security and combating
terrorism / Thomas McK. Sparks and Glenn M. Sulmasy, editors.
Targeting enemy merchant shipping / edited by Richard J.
JX1295 .U4 vol.67
JX1295 .U4 vol.79
JX1305 .W38 1992eb
JX1414 .B4
JX1662 .H56x 2009
JX1948 .B807
JX1963 .G8 1832a
JX1974 .E27 2003eb
JX4084.G5 M67 2002eb
JZ1160 .N65 2002eb
JZ1242 .B54 1999eb
JZ1242 .C67x 2007
JZ1242 .P76 2003eb
JZ1253 .H63 2000eb
JZ1253.2 .S95 2002eb
JZ1305 .L47 2001eb
JZ1305 .W37 2001eb
JZ1306 .E872 2001eb
JZ1306 .E873 2001eb
Legal and moral constraints on low-intensity conflict / edited by
Alberto R. Coll, James S. Ord and Stephen A. Rose.
International law and the war on terror / Fred L. Borch & Paul S.
Wilson, editors.
Evolution of international society [electronic resource] : a
comparative historical analysis / Adam Watson.
Precedents of American neutrality, in reply to the speech of Sir
Roundell Palmer, attorney-general of England, in the British House of
Commons, May 13, 1864 [microform]. By George Bemis.
Media as global diplomat [electronic resource] / Sheldon Himelfarb
... [et al.].
Lectures and speeches.
Address on the truth, dignity, power and beauty of the principles of
peace, and on the unchristian character and influence of war and the
warrior: the request of the Connecticut
Peace Society on...the 6th of May, 1832. Hartford, [P]rinted by G. F.
Olmsted, 1832.
East-West arms control [electronic resource] : challenges for the
western alliance / edited by David Dewitt and Hans Rattinger.
Ribbon around the Pentagon [electronic resource] : peace by
piecemakers / Linda Pershing.
Trends In Packaging Of Food, Beverages And Other Fast-Moving
Consumer Goods (Fmcg) [electronic resource] : Markets, Materials
And Technologies.
Britain, Spain, and Gibraltar, 1945-1990 [electronic resource] : the
eternal triangle / D.S. Morris and R.H. Haigh.
Greenwood encyclopedia of international relations [electronic
resource] / Cathal J. Nolan.
Must global politics constrain democracy? [electronic resource] :
great-power realism, democratic peace, and democratic
internationalism / Alan Gilbert.
Coping with the Dragon [electronic resource] : essays on PLA
transformation and the U.S. military.
Progress in international relations theory [electronic resource] :
appraising the field / Colin Elman and Miriam Fendius Elman, editors.
State and international relations [electronic resource] / John M.
Feminist international relations [electronic resource] : an unfinished
journey / Christine Sylvester.
Beyond the ivory tower [electronic resource] : international relations
theory and the issue of policy relevance / Joseph Lepgold and
Miroslav Nincic.
War, peace, and world orders in European history [electronic
resource] / edited by Anja V. Hartmann and Beatrice Heuser.
Ethics and foreign policy [electronic resource] / edited by Karen E.
Smith and Margot Light.
Ethics and international affairs [electronic resource] : extent and
JZ1306 .S52 2001eb
JZ1307 .D66 2000eb
JZ1308 .N38 2000eb
JZ1312 .J67 2003eb
JZ1318 .B74 2003eb
JZ1318 .B83 2012
JZ1318 .W48 2002eb
JZ1318 .W67 2013
JZ1405 .B47 2014eb
JZ1405 .H68x 2011
JZ1469 .S77 2008
JZ1480 .C66 2012
JZ1480 .D565 2005
JZ1480 .G73x 2011
JZ1480 .K84 2007eb
JZ1480.A19 K84x 2007
JZ1480.A57 A3 2000eb
JZ1480.A57 C6 2011c
JZ1480.A57 I7 2000eb
JZ1548.A57 B733x 2011
limits / edited by Jean-Marc Coicaud and Daniel Warner.
Justice, community, and dialogue in international relations
[electronic resource] / Richard Shapcott.
Realism and international relations [electronic resource] / Jack
Internationalism and the state in the twentieth century [electronic
resource] / Cornelia Navari.
Hegemony [electronic resource] : a realist analysis / Jonathan
Globalization and nationalism [electronic resource] : the cases of
Georgia and the Basque country / Natalie Sabanadze.
Globalization and its terrors [electronic resource] / Teresa Brennan.
Building successful partnerships [electronic resource] : a micro
economic production theory of global multi-stakeholder
collaboration / Sebastian Buckup.
Which "global village"? [electronic resource] : societies, cultures, and
political-economic systems in a Euro-Atlantic perspective / edited by
Valeria Gennaro Lerda.
Resistance in the age of austerity : nationalism, the failure of the left
and the return of God [electronic resource] / Owen Worth.
Palgrave Macmillan dictionary of diplomacy / G.R. Berridge, Alan
James, Lorna Lloyd ; editorial consultants, Brian Barder, Laurence E.
Pope, and Kishan S. Rana.
History of the Bureau of Diplomatic Security of the United States
Department of State [electronic resource] / [Mark Hove]
Strategic challenges [electronic resource] : America's global security
agenda / edited by Stephen J. Flanagan and James A. Schear.
National security doctrines of the American presidency : how they
shape our present and future [electronic resource] / Lamont Colucci.
Diplomatic security protects [electronic resource] : a global force.
Hard power and soft power [electronic resource] : the utility of
military force as an instrument of policy in the 21st century / Colin S.
Future directions for U.S. foreign policy [electronic resource] :
balancing status quo and reform / Richard L. Kugler and Hans
Future directions for U.S. foreign policy [electronic resource] :
balancing status quo and reform / Richard L. Kugler and Hans
Unholy wars [electronic resource] : Afghanistan, America, and
international terrorism / John K. Cooley.
Paradox of power : Sino-American strategic restraint in an age of
vulnerability / by David C. Gompert and Phillip C. Saunders.
Failing the crystal ball test [electronic resource] : the Carter
administration and the fundamentalist revolution in Iran / Ofira
Brazil and the United States [electronic resource] : the need for
JZ1570 .G76 2009
JZ1682 .D43 2001eb
JZ1711.5 .C66 2012eb
JZ1720 .B67 2011
JZ4841 .R64 2013
JZ4850 .A73 2001eb
JZ4850 .E54 2002eb
JZ4971 .E57 2009
JZ5330 .L46 2002eb
JZ5538 .G35 2013
JZ5538 .H47x 2009
JZ5538 .I58 2013
JZ5538 .P3744 2011
JZ5538 .P68 2001eb
JZ5538 .P79 2012
JZ5538 .S635 2009eb
JZ5560 .G69 1999eb
JZ5566.4 .G58 2001eb
JZ5578 .M37x 2011
JZ5584.A33 S35x 2011
strategic engagement / by Luigi R. Einaudi.
Europeanization of national foreign policy [electronic resource] :
continuity and change in European crisis management / Eva Gross.
On the edge [electronic resource] : Ukrainian-Central EuropeanRussian security triangle / edited by Margarita M. Balmaceda.
Disarming Iraq [electronic resource] : monitoring power and
resistance / Michael V. Deaver.
Great games, local rules : the new great power contest in Central
Asia [electronic resource] / Alexander Cooley.
Borderlands of Southeast Asia : geopolitics, terrorism, and
globalization / edited by James Clad, Sean M. McDonald, and Bruce
Global community [electronic resource] : the role of international
organizations in the making of the contemporary world / Akira Iriye.
Diplomacy and negotiation for humanitarian NGOs [electronic
resource] / Larry Winter Roeder, Jr., Albert Simard.
International organizations [electronic resource] / Clive Archer.
Enhancing global governance [electronic resource] : towards a new
diplomacy? / edited by Andrew F. Cooper, John English, and Ramesh
United Nations and the rationale for collective intelligence / Bassey
Regions of war and peace [electronic resource] / Douglas Lemke.
Johan Galtung [electronic resource] : pioneer of peace research /
Johan Galtung, Dietrich Fischer.
On peace [electronic resource] : peace as a means of statecraft /
James H. Herrera.
International handbook of peace and reconciliation [electronic
resource] / Kathleen Malley-Morrison, Andrea Mercurio, Gabriel
Twose, editors.
Peacemaking : from practice to theory [electronic resource] / Susan
Allen Nan, Zachariah Cherian Mampilly, and Andrea Bartoli, editors.
Power in transition [electronic resource] : the peaceful change of
international order / Charles A. Kupchan ... [et al.] ; with the
assistance of Jason Davidson and Mira Sucharov.
Psychological components of a sustainable peace [electronic
resource] / edited by Peter T. Coleman.
Islamic peacemaking since 9/11 [electronic resource] / David Smock
and Qamar-ul Huda.
Ballots and bullets [electronic resource] : the elusive democratic
peace / Joanne Gowa.
Global governance and the United Nations system [electronic
resource] / edited by Volker Rittberger.
Women in religious peacebuilding [electronic resource] / Katherine
Marshall ... [et al.].
Designing a comprehensive peace process for Afghanistan
[electronic resource] / Lisa Schirch ; with contributions from Aziz
JZ5584.C16 N44x 2011
JZ5584.F8 M596
JZ5584.U6 P38 no.5
JZ5588 .C66x 2013
JZ5588 .C67 2013
JZ5588 .G87 2013
JZ5588 .M37x 2011
JZ5595 .O38 2001eb
JZ5597 .L66 2003eb
JZ5665 .N45x 2010
JZ5675 .C66x 2008
JZ5675 .F68x 2013
JZ5675 .M68x 2014
JZ5675 .N83825x 2010
JZ5865.B56 R4747x
JZ6009.A75 C46x 2013
JZ6009.B28 B84x 2013
JZ6009.L29 S73 2010
JZ6009.M628 S45 2013
JZ6010 .C65 2003eb
JZ6300 .M36 2011
Rafiee, Nilofar Sakhi, and Mirwais Wardak.
Continuation of politics by other means [electronic resource] : the
"politics" of a peacekeeping mission in Cambodia (1992-93) /
Boraden Nhem.
From revolutionaries to citizens [electronic resource] : antimilitarism
in France, 1870-1914 / Paul B. Miller.
Haiti after the earthquake : [electronic resource] / by Robert M.
Perito and members of USIP's Haiti team.
Conflict management and peacebuilding : pillars of a new American
grand strategy / Volker C. Franke, Robert H. Dorff, editors.
Security concerns of the Baltic states as NATO allies / James S.
Using social media for global security [electronic resource] / Ravi
Gupta, Hugh Brooks.
Skin in the game : partnership in establishing and maintaining global
security and stability / by Jeffery E. Marshall ; preface by James G.
Of fears and foes [electronic resource] : security and insecurity in an
evolving global political economy / edited by Jose V. Ciprut.
War and reconciliation [electronic resource] : reason and emotion in
conflict resolution / William J. Long and Peter Brecke.
Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty / by Lt Col Jeffrey D.
Neischel, USAF.
Interim report [electronic resource] / The Congressional Commission
on the Strategic Posture of the United States ; facilitated by the
United States Institute of Peace.
Four-year effort : contributions of the Global Threat Reduction
Initiative to secure the world's most vulnerable nuclear material by
December 2013.
Moving beyond pretense : nuclear power and nonproliferation /
Henry Sokolski, editor.
Nuclear power's global expansion : weighing its costs and risks /
Henry Sokolski, editor.
Report of the Defense Science Board Task Force on Department of
Defense biological safety and security program [electronic resource].
Central Asia after 2014 / editor, Stephen J. Blank.
Return of the Balkans : challenges to European integration and U.S.
disengagement / Janusz Bugajski.
Partnership for the Americas : Western Hemisphere strategy and
U.S. Southern Command / James Stavridis.
Global and regional approaches to arms control in the Middle East
[electronic resource] : a critical assessment from the Arab world /
Gamal M. Selim.
Conflict prevention [electronic resource] : path to peace or grand
illusion? / edited by David Carment and Albrecht Schnabel.
Managing fragile regions [electronic resource] : method and
application / Rongxing Guo, Carla Freeman, editors.
JZ6300 .M66 2011
JZ6368 .M63x 2013
JZ6368 .O36 2003eb
JZ6369 .J47x 2011
JZ6373 .S58 1999eb
JZ6374 .B43 2001eb
JZ6374 .S63x 2007
JZ6374 .U555 2001eb
JZ6377.J3 D63 2003eb
Call Number
K1066 .M37 2012eb
K1089 .S74 2000eb
K1114 .C57 2012eb
K1330 .F56 2013
K1401 .C43 2013
K1401 .C66 2002eb
K1401 .D728 2002eb
K1401 .M378 2003eb
K1401 .O84 2003eb
K1401.A54 2011 A36x
K1420.5 .C675 2002eb
Monopoly of force : the nexus of DDR and SSR / edited by Melanne
A. Civic and Michael Miklaucic ; with a foreword by James N. Mattis.
Avoiding the slippery slope : conducting effective interventions /
Thomas R. Mockaitis.
Expanding global military capacity for humanitarian intervention
[electronic resource] / Michael E. O'Hanlon.
Humanitarianism in crisis [electronic resource] / Søren JessenPetersen.
Imposing economic sanctions [electronic resource] : legal remedy or
genocidal tool? / Geoff Simons.
Right backed by might [electronic resource] : the international air
force concept / Roger Beaumont.
U.S. support for UN peacekeeping [electronic resource] : areas for
additional DOD assistance / Nancy Soderberg.
United Nations peacekeeping operations [electronic resource] : ad
hoc missions, permanent engagement / edited by Ramesh Thakur
and Albrecht Schnabel.
Japan and United Nations peacekeeping [electronic resource] : new
pressures, new responses / Hugo Dobson.
Islamic law in the modern world [electronic resource] / J.N.D.
Economics of bank bankruptcy law [electronic resource] / Matej
Marinc̆, Razvan Vlahu.
Money laundering [electronic resource] : a new international law
enforcement model / Guy Stessens.
Global financial crisis [electronic resource] : triggers, responses and
aftermath / Tony Ciro.
Financial supervision in the 21st century [electronic resource] / A.
Joanne Kellermann, Jakob de Haan, Femke de Vries, editors.
Protecting your intellectual property rights [electronic resource] :
understanding the role of management, governments, consumers
and pirates / Peggy Chaudhry, Alan Zimmerman.
Patents, profits and power [electronic resource] : how intellectual
property rules the global economy / Curtis Cook.
Information feudalism [electronic resource] : who owns the
knowledge economy? / Peter Drahos with John Braithwaite.
Managing intellectual assets in the digital age [electronic resource]
/ Jeffrey H. Matsuura.
Development dilemma [electronic resource] : the political economy
of intellectual property rights in the international system / Robert L.
Ostergard, Jr.
Administration's white paper on intellectual property enforcement
legislative recommendations [electronic resource].
Copyright in the cultural industries [electronic resource] / edited by
Ruth Towse.
K1441 .S73 2002eb
K150 .W37 2000eb
K1519.B54 H83 2012
K1519.B54 S76 2012
K1528 .L47 2002eb
K2100 .C665 2001eb
K213 .P493 2003eb
K2251 .H36 2011
K2271.5 .C49 2002eb
K230.D92 G83 2012
K230.H88 A35 2000eb
K230.V56 F76 1995eb
K240 .H36 2002eb
K2400 .R847 2002eb
K2405.B84 E35 2003eb
K246 .D36 2002eb
K247.6 .A43 2001eb
K3165 .P474 2003eb
K3239.6 .C66 2004eb
K3240 .I54x 2008
Copyright and multimedia products [electronic resource] : a
comparative analysis / Irini A. Stamatoudi.
Evolution of Western private law [electronic resource] / Alan
Biopatent law [electronic resource] : patent strategies and patent
management / by Andreas Hübel, Thilo Schmelcher, Ulrich Storz.
Intellectual property issues [electronic resource] : therapeutics,
vaccines and molecular diagnostics / Ulrich Storz, Wolfgang Flasche,
Johanna Driehaus.
Licensing best practices [electronic resource] : the LESI guide to
strategic issues and contemporary realities / Robert Goldscheider,
Asia-Pacific disaster management : comparative and socio-legal
perspectives [electronic resource] / Simon Butt, Hitoshi Nasu, Luke
Nottage, editors.
Comprehensive legal and judicial development [electronic resource]
: toward an agenda for a just and equitable society in the 21st
century / edited by Rudolf V. van Puymbroeck.
Lawyers' language [electronic resource] : how and why legal
language is different / Alfred Phillips.
Handbook of trial consulting [electronic resource] / Richard L.
Wiener, Brian H. Bornstein, Editors.
Children's testimony [electronic resource] : a handbook of
psychological research and forensic practice / edited by Helen L.
Westcott, Graham M. Davies, and Ray H.C. Bull.
Ronald Dworkin [electronic resource] : Third Edition.
It's all in the game [electronic resource] : a nonfoundationalist
account of law and adjudication / Allan C. Hutchinson.
From Newton's sleep [electronic resource] / Joseph Vining.
Handbook of justice research in law [electronic resource] / edited
by Joseph Sanders and V. Lee Hamilton.
Online dispute resolution for business [electronic resource] : B2B, ecommerce, consumer, employment, insurance, and other
commercial conflicts / Colin Rule.
Dispute resolution in construction management [electronic
resource] / Ian M. Eilenberg.
Harmful thoughts [electronic resource] : essays on law, self, and
morality / Meir Dan-Cohen.
Rule of rules [electronic resource] : morality, rules, and the
dilemmas of law / Larry Alexander and Emily Sherwin.
Economic effects of constitutions [electronic resource] / Torsten
Persson and Guido Tabellini.
Handbook on international human rights terminology [electronic
resource] / H. Victor Condé.
Information sharing environment--suspicious activity reporting
functional standard and evaluation environment [electronic
resource] : initial privacy and civil liberties analysis.
K3240.4 .H845 2000eb
K3247 .S73 2013
K3269 .C58 2002eb
K3275 .P65x 2013
K3278 .C37 2007
K346 .H36 2003eb
K346 .P76 2013
K3585 .C658 2002eb
K3585 .L39 2001eb
K3585 .T73 2002eb
K3585.4 .K53 1999eb
K3608 .M46 2003eb
K370 .S63 2002eb
K3840 .R436 2002eb
K3943 .Y5 2012
K4240 .P75 2002eb
K4345 .I58 2012eb
K4365 .M47 2001eb
K4475 .B37 2012
K4486 .E84 2012
Human rights and comparative foreign policy [electronic resource] /
edited by David P. Forsythe.
Pioneer on indigenous rights [electronic resource] / Rodolfo
Peasants, culture and indigenous peoples [electronic resource] :
critical issues / Rodolfo Stavenhagen.
Civil disobedience in focus [electronic resource] / edited by Hugo
Adam Bedau.
Points-based immigration systems : Australia, Canada, United
Global legal challenges : command of the commons, strategic
communications, and natural disasters / Michael D. Carsten, editor.
Prince and the law, 1200-1600 [electronic resource] : sovereignty
and rights in the western legal tradition / Kenneth Pennington.
Handbook of psychology in legal contexts [electronic resource] /
edited by David Carson and Ray Bull.
Problem solving courts [electronic resource] : social science and
legal perspectives / Richard L. Wiener, Eve M. Brank, editors.
Pollution and property [electronic resource] : comparing ownership
institutions for environmental protection / Daniel H. Cole.
Law and economics of the environment [electronic resource] /
edited by Anthony Heyes.
Transboundary environmental negotiation [electronic resource] :
new approaches to global cooperation / edited by Lawrence
Susskind, William Moomaw, Kevin Gallagher.
Earth on trial [electronic resource] : environmental law on the
international stage / Paul Stanton Kibel.
Mental health legislation & human rights [electronic resource] /
World Health Organization.
Feminism and the power of law [electronic resource] / Carol Smart.
Regulation and organizations [electronic resource] : international
perspectives / edited by Glenn Morgan and Lars Engwall.
World trade regulation [electronic resource] : international trade
under the WTO mechanism / Eun Sup Lee.
Media and sovereignty [electronic resource] : the global
information revolution and its challenge to state power / Monroe E.
Investigating cyber law and cyber ethics : issues, impacts and
practices [electronic resource] / Alfreda Dudley, James Braman and
Giovanni Vincenti, [editors].
Errors, medicine, and the law [electronic resource] / Alan Merry and
Alexander McCall Smith.
Taxation of hybrid financial instruments and the remuneration
derived therefrom in an international and cross-border context
[electronic resource] : issues and options for reform / Sven-Eric
Ethics of tax evasion [electronic resource] : perspectives in theory
K4550 .F86 2012
K46 .N5 25016- 25019
K48 .W34 2008
K487.A57 N33 2002eb
K487.C8 B56 2000eb
K487.E3 M354 2000eb
K487.E3 Z47 2001eb
K487.P65 L34 2001eb
K487.P65 T73 2012eb
K50 .O94 2009
K5103 .C73 2003eb
K5194 .H34 2012eb
K52.L37 F45 2009eb
K52.S63 D53 1999eb
K5250 .B45 2013
K5302 .P76 2000eb
K5302 .S32 2000eb
K564.C6 M38 2013
K627 .B48 2002eb
and practice / Robert W. McGee, editor.
Fundamentals of international transfer pricing in law and
economics [electronic resource] / Wolfgang Schön, Kai A. Konrad
Essays in the constitutional history of the United States in the
formative period, 1775-1789 microform / by graduates and former
members of the Johns Hopkins University ; edited by J. Franklin
New Oxford companion to law [electronic resource] / edited by
Peter Cane, Joanne Conaghan.
Life of the law [electronic resource] : anthropological projects /
Laura Nader.
Literary criticisms of law [electronic resource] / Guyora Binder and
Robert Weisberg.
Law and market economy [electronic resource] : reinterpreting the
values of law and economics / Robin Paul Malloy.
Economic efficiency in law and economics [electronic resource] /
Richard O. Zerbe, Jr.
Legalization and world politics [electronic resource] / edited by
Judith Goldstein ... [et al.].
Transitions : legal change, legal meanings [electronic resource] /
edited by Austin Sarat.
Oxford international encyclopedia of legal history [electronic
resource] / Stanley N. Katz, editor in chief.
Practice of punishment [electronic resource] : towards a theory of
restorative justice / Wesley Cragg.
Cyber crime and the victimization of women : laws, rights and
regulations [electronic resource] / by Debarati Halder and K.
Guide to Latin in international law [electronic resource] / Aaron X.
Fellmeth & Maurice Horwitz.
Spanish law dictionary [electronic resource] : Spanish/English,
English/Spanish = Diccionario de términos jurídicos : espanõl-inglés,
inglés-español / [editorial team, P.H. Collin ... et al.].
Remaking transitional justice in the United States [electronic
resource] : the rhetorical authorization of the Greensboro Truth and
Reconciliation Commission / James Edward Beitler, III.
Protection against genocide [electronic resource] : mission
impossible? / edited by Neal Riemer.
Genocide in international law [electronic resource] : the crimes of
crimes / William A. Schabas.
Disclosure of security vulnerabilities : legal and ethical issues
[electronic resource] / Alana Maurushat.
Commercial appropriation of personality [electronic resource] /
Huw Beverley-Smith.
Women in Muslim family law [electronic resource] / John L.
KBM2430 .N68 2000eb
KBM2467.D58 M37
KBP940.2 .B348 2011eb
KBR1360.7 .W56 2000eb
KD1269 .S53 1999eb
KD1284.52 .A16 S48
KD1483 .S78 2002eb
KD3095 .C87 2002eb
KD3103.W6 C56 2001eb
KD313 .C64 2007eb
KD313 .C66 2009
KD313 .S74 2006eb
KD4080 .C55 2000eb
KD758 .P37 1989eb
Philosophical origins of modern contract doctrine [electronic
resource] / by James Gordley.
Covenantal rights [electronic resource] : a study in Jewish political
theory / David Novak.
Disability in Jewish law [electronic resource] / Tzvi C. Marx.
Renewal of Islamic law [electronic resource] : Muhammad Baqer asSadr, Najaf, and the Shi'i International / Chibli Mallat.
Sharīʻa in Songhay [electronic resource] : the replies of al-Maghīlī to
the questions of Askia al-Ḥājj Muḥammad / edited and translated
with an introduction and commentary by John O. Hunwick.
Women, family, and gender in Islamic law [electronic resource] /
Judith E. Tucker.
Islamic finance and law [electronic resource] : theory and practice
in a globalized world / Maha-Hanaan Balala.
Making of Gratian's Decretum [electronic resource] / Anders
Making of modern intellectual property law [electronic resource] :
the British experience, 1760-1911 / Brad Sherman and Lionel Bently.
Literary copyright reform in early Victorian England [electronic
resource] : the framing of the 1842 Copyright Act / Catherine Seville.
Private trustee in Victorian England [electronic resource] / Chantal
Employer's handbook [electronic resource] : an essential guide to
employment law, personnel policies, and procedures / Barry
Women's rights at work [electronic resource] : a handbook of
employment law / Alison Clarke.
Dictionary of law [electronic resource] / [consultant editor, Ned
Dictionary of law [electronic resource] / edited by Jonathan Law,
Elizabeth A. Martin.
Collins dictionary of law [electronic resource] / W.J. Stewart.
Your rights [electronic resource] : the Liberty guide to human rights
/ edited by John Wadham and Gareth Crossman.
Oxford history of the laws of England [electronic resource] /
[general editor, Sir John Baker].
Leading cases in the common law [electronic resource] / A.W. Brian
County courts of medieval England, 1150-1350 [electronic resource]
/ Robert C. Palmer.
Women and marriage in nineteenth-century England [electronic
resource] / Joan Perkin.
Crime and the courts in England, 1660-1800 [electronic resource] /
J.M. Beattie.
History of the land law [electronic resource] / A.W.B. Simpson
Legal framework of English feudalism [electronic resource] : the
Maitland lectures given in 1972 / S. F. C. Milsom.
Verdict according to conscience [electronic resource] : perspectives
on the English criminal trial jury, 1200-1800 / Thomas Andrew
KD854 .B53 2001eb
Fee tail and the common recovery in medieval England, 1176-1502
[electronic resource] / Joseph Biancalana.
London church courts and society on the eve of the Reformation
[electronic resource] / Richard M. Wunderli.
KDC766 .T388 2002eb
Scotland's Parliament [electronic resource] : triumph and disaster /
Brian Taylor.
KDC766 .T39 2002eb
Road to the Scottish Parliament [electronic resource] / Brian Taylor.
KF 27 .F6489 2014a
Is Al-Qaeda winning? : grading the Administration's
counterterrorism policy : hearing before the Subcommittee on
Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade of the Committee on Foreign
Affairs, House of Representatives, One Hundred Thirteenth
Congress, second session, April 8, 2014.
Impossible subjects [electronic resource] : illegal aliens and the
making of modern America / Mae M. Ngai.
KF1202.F5 U54 2007
Mandatory purchase of flood insurance guidelines [electronic
resource] / Federal Emergency Management Agency.
KF1257.Z9 A38 2001eb
Winning your personal injury claim [electronic resource] : with
sample forms and worksheets / Evan K. Aidman.
"Trivial complaints" [electronic resource] : the role of privacy in
domestic violence law and activism in the U.S. / Kirsten S. Rambo.
KF1296 .B64 2001eb
Why lawsuits are good for America [electronic resource] :
disciplined democracy, big business, and the common law / Carl T.
KF1296 .M66 2001eb
Product liability entering the twenty-first century [electronic
resource] : the U.S. perspective / Michael J. Moore, W. Kip Viscusi.
KF1308.A3 .C58x 2013
Civil liabilities and other legal issues for probation/parole officers
and supervisors / Phillip Lyons, Todd Jermstad.
KF1328.Z9 R47 2002
Restitution [electronic resource] : making it work.
KF1375.Z9 H36 2002eb
How to form your own partnership [electronic resource] / Edward
A. Haman.
KF1380.Z9 M363 2001eb Nolo's quick LLC [electronic resource] / by Anthony Mancuso.
KF1380.Z9 M363 2003eb Nolo's quick LLC [electronic resource] / by Anthony Mancuso.
KF1388.Z9 M36 2002eb
How to form a nonprofit corporation [electronic resource] / by
Anthony Mancuso.
KF1389.5 .H66 2002eb
Law of fundraising [electronic resource] / Bruce R. Hopkins.
Enterprise and American law, 1836-1937 [electronic resource] /
Herbert Hovenkamp.
KF1414.6 .E29 2001eb
How to form your own corporation [electronic resource] : with
forms / W. Kelsea Eckert, Arthur G. Sartorius III, Mark Warda.
KF1414.6 .M36 2002eb
Corporate minutes book [electronic resource] : the legal guide to
taking care of corporate business / by Anthony Mancuso.
KF1420.Z9 .M36 2001eb Incorporate your business [electronic resource] / by Anthony
KF1420.Z9 M36 2004eb
KF1501.Z9 L46 2002eb
KF1501.Z9 L46 2003eb
KF1524.6 .E4 2002eb
KF1524.6 .H36 2002eb
KF1524.6 .L46 2003eb
KF1524.6 .V463 2003eb
KF1536.P74 P74 2003eb
KF1539.Z9 N534 2001eb
KF154 .E528 2012eb
KF154 .O96 2002
KF154 .W47 2010
KF154 .W47 Suppl.
KF156 .M47 1996eb
KF156 .O69 2000eb
KF1655 .H67x 2010
KF1659.A65 S74 2004eb
KF1659.Z9 M36 2003eb
KF1659.Z9 S76 2001eb
KF170 .L46 2001eb
KF1893.B56 R44 2013
KF1976 .S73x 2007
KF2042.P45 D75 2002eb
Incorporate your business [electronic resource] / by Anthony
Money troubles [electronic resource] : legal strategies to cope with
your debts / by Deanne Loonin & Robin Leonard.
Money troubles [electronic resource] : legal strategies to cope with
your debts / by Robin Leonard.
How to file for chapter 7 bankruptcy [electronic resource] / by
Stephen Elias ... [et al.].
How to file your own bankruptcy (or how to avoid it) [electronic
resource] / Edward A. Haman.
Chapter 13 bankruptcy [electronic resource] : repay your debts / by
Robin Leonard.
Business turnaround & bankruptcy kit [electronic resource] / John
Preference in bankruptcy [electronic resource] / [authored by Mark
A. Berkoff and Deborah M. Gutfeld]
Your rights when you owe too much [electronic resource] / Gudrun
M. Nickel.
Encyclopedia of American law and criminal justice [electronic
resource] / [edited by] David Schultz.
Oxford companion to American law / editor in chief, Kermit L. Hall ;
editors, David S. Clark ... [et al.].
Gale encyclopedia of American law [electronic resource] / project
editor, Donna Batten.
American law yearbook.
Merriam-Webster's dictionary of law [electronic resource].
Oran's dictionary of the law [electronic resource] / Daniel Oran ;
Mark Tosti, contributing author.
Horizontal merger guidelines [electronic resource] / [issued by the]
U.S. Dept. of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission.
Legal forms for starting & running a small business [electronic
resource] / by Fred Steingold.
Buy-sell agreement handbook [electronic resource] : plan ahead for
changes in the ownership of your business / by Anthony Mancuso &
Bethany K. Laurence.
Legal guide for starting & running a small business [electronic
resource] / by Fred S. Steingold ; edited by Ilona Bray.
101 law forms for personal use [electronic resource] / by Ralph
Warner & Robin Leonard.
Regulation of agricultural biotechnology [electronic resource] : the
United States and Canada / Chris A. Wozniak, Alan McHughen,
Strategy to enhance international supply chain security [electronic
Law (in plain English) for photographers [electronic resource] /
Leonard D. DuBoff.
Works of James Wilson [electronic resource] / edited by Robert
KF220 .J64 2011eb
KF223.P56 D38 2012
KF2231.Z9 B76 2003eb
KF224.M48 P48 2000eb
KF224.R8 C38 2000eb
KF224.S34 S35 2013eb
KF228.B76 H63 2013eb
KF228.B76 J33 2001eb
KF228.S74 S74 1993eb
KF228.S78 T54 1995eb
KF228.U5 M53 2002eb
KF240 .E35 2002eb
KF240 .E35 2003eb
KF2400 .S68 2003eb
Green McCloskey.
Trials of the century [electronic resource] : an encyclopedia of
popular culture and the law / Scott P. Johnson.
Plessy v. Ferguson [electronic resource] / Thomas J. Davis.
Brief narrative of the case and trial of John Peter Zenger [electronic
resource] : printer of the New York weekly journal / by James
Alexander ; edited by Stanley Nider Katz.
Beat your ticket [electronic resource] : go to court & win! / by David
Sign of the cross [electronic resource] : the prosecutor's true story
of a landmark trial against the Klan / John W. Phillips.
Jack Ruby trial revisited [electronic resource] : the diary of jury
foreman Max Causey / edited by John Mark Dempsey.
Summer for the gods [electronic resource] : the Scopes trial and
America's continuing debate over science and religion / Edward J.
They shall not die! [electronic resource] : the story of Scottsboro in
pictures : stop the legal lynching!
Scottsboro [electronic resource] : a tragedy of the American South /
Dan T. Carter.
Scottsboro, Alabama [electronic resource] : a story in linoleum cuts
/ by Lin Shi Khan and Tony Perez ; edited by Andrew H. Lee ;
foreword by Robin D.G. Kelley.
Scottsboro boys in their own words : selected letters, 1931-1950
[electronic resource / edited by Kwando M. Kinshasa.
Prison religion [electronic resource] : faith-based reform and the
constitution / Winnifred Fallers Sullivan.
Storm over this court : law, politics, and Supreme Court decision
making in Brown v. Board of Education [electronic resource] /
Jeffrey D. Hockett.
Social scientists for social justice [electronic resource] : making the
case against segregation / John P. Jackson, Jr.
Inside a class action [electronic resource] : the Holocaust and the
Swiss banks / Jane Schapiro.
Gays and the military [electronic resource] : Joseph Steffan versus
the United States / Marc Wolinsky and Kenneth Sherrill, editors.
Standing Bear and the Ponca chiefs [electronic resource] / Thomas
Henry Tibbles ; edited with an introduction by Kay Graber.
Microsoft, antitrust and the new economy [electronic resource] :
selected essays / edited by David S. Evans.
Legal research [electronic resource] : how to find and understand
the law / by Stephen Elias and Susan Levinkind ; edited by Richard
Legal research [electronic resource] : how to find & understand the
law / by Stephen Elias and Susan Levinkind ; edited by Richard Stim.
Aircraft ownership [electronic resource] : a legal and tax guide /
Raymond C. Speciale.
KF2400.A3 .S86x 2009
KF250 .J835x 2013
KF250 .P87 1998eb
KF26 .A6463 2008
KF26 .A7 2001
KF26 .A7 2008j
KF26 .A7 2012a
KF26 .A7 2013a
KF26 .A7x 2008l
KF26 .C69 2011x
KF26 .C69 2012e
KF26 .F6 2009g
KF26 .F6 2012I
Financing federal aviation programs [electronic resource] :
statement of Robert A. Sunshine, deputy director before the
Committee on Ways and Means, U.S. House of Representatives.
Judicial writing manual : a pocket guide for judges / Federal Judicial
Legal analysis and writing for paralegals [electronic resource] /
William H. Putman.
IT security risk management [electronic resource] : perceived IT
security risks in the context of cloud computing / Tobias Ackermann.
Department of Defense appropriations for fiscal year 2009
[electronic resource] : hearings before a subcommittee of the
Committee on Appropriations, United States Senate, One Hundred
Tenth Congress, second session : Department of Defense;
nondepartmental witnesses.
Department of Defense's implementation of the President's military
order on detention treatment and trail by military commission of
certain noncitizens in the war on terrorism : hearing before the
Committee on Armed Services, United States Senate, One Hundred
Seventh Congress, first session, December 12, 2001.
Situation in Iraq and Afghanistan [electronic resource] : hearing
before the Committee on Armed Services, United States Senate,
One Hundred Tenth Congress, second session, September 23, 2008.
Situation in Afghanistan [electronic resource] : hearing before the
Committee on Armed Services, United States Senate, One Hundred
Twelfth Congress, second session, March 22, 2012.
Department of Defense's response to the attack on U.S. facilities in
Benghazi, Libya, and the findings of its internal review following the
attack : hearing before the Committee on Armed Services, United
States Senate, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, second session,
February 7, 2013.
Treatment of detainees in U.S. custody [electronic resource] :
hearings before the Committee on Armed Services, United States
Senate, One Hundred Tenth Congress, second session, June 17 and
September 25, 2008.
Turning the investigation on the science of forensics : hearing
before the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation,
United States Senate, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, first session,
December 7, 2011.
Science and standards of forensics : hearing before the Committee
on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, United States Senate,
One Hundred Twelfth Congress, second session, March 28, 2012.
U.S.-Mexican border violence [electronic resource] : hearing before
the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, One
Hundred Eleventh Congress, first session, March 30, 2009.
Benghazi : the attacks and the lessons learned : hearing before the
Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, One
Hundred Twelfth Congress, second session, December 20, 2012.
KF26 .F6 2013d
KF26 .J8 2004x
KF26 .J8 2013f
KF26 .J8327 2009d
KF26 .J868 2011a
KF26 .L27 2012
KF26.5 I5 2009
KF27 .A7 2007d
KF27 .A7 2007k
KF27 .A7 2008a
KF27 .A7 2008h
KF27 .A7 2008l
Benghazi : the attacks and the lessons learned : hearing before the
Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, One
Hundred Thirteenth Congress, first session, January 23, 2013.
Preserving traditional marriage [electronic resource] : a view from
the states : hearing before the Committee on the Judiciary, United
States Senate, One Hundred Eighth Congress, second session, June
22, 2004.
From Selma to Shelby County : working together to restore the
protections of the Voting Rights Act : hearing before the Committee
on the Judiciary, United States Senate, One Hundred Thirteenth
Congress, first session, July 17, 2013.
Reauthorizing the USA PATRIOT Act [electronic resource] : ensuring
liberty : hearing before the Subcommittee on Administrative
Oversight and the Courts of the Committee on the Judiciary, United
States Senate, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, first session,
September 23, 2009.
Protecting mobile privacy : your smartphones, tablets, cell phones
and your privacy : hearing before the Subcommittee on Privacy,
Technology and the Law of the Committee on the Judiciary, United
States Senate, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, first session, May 10,
Lyme disease : a comprehensive approach to an evolving threat :
field hearing of the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and
Pensions, United States Senate, One Hundred Twelfth Congress,
second session ... August 30, 2012 (Stamford, CT).
Current and projected national security threats to the United States
[electronic resource] : hearing before the Select Committee on
Intelligence of the United States Senate, One Hundred Eleventh
Congress, first session, February 12, 2009.
Assessment of security and stability in Afghanistan and
development in U.S. Strategy and operations [electronic resource] :
Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One
Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, hearing held, February 13,
Way forward in Iraq [electronic resource] / Committee on Armed
Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Tenth Congress,
first session.
Current status of U.S. ground forces [electronic resource] /
Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One
Hundred Tenth Congress, second session.
Global security assessment [electronic resource] / Committee on
Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Tenth
Congress, second session.
Hearing on National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008
and oversight of previously authorized programs before the
Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One
Hundred Tenth Congress, first session [electronic resource] : full
KF27 .A7 2012n
KF27 .A7656 2012
KF27 .B56 2013e
KF27 .E5515 2010l
KF27 .E553 2007j
KF27 .E5546 2007e
KF27 .F6 2008i
KF27 .F6 2008k
KF27 .F6 2013y
KF27 .F6 2014e
KF27 .F632 2013x
committee hearing on budget request from the Department of
Defense, hearing held, February 7, 2007.
Disclosures of national security information and impact on military
operations : Committee on Armed Services, House of
Representatives, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, second session,
hearing held July 18, 2012.
Expert assessments on the Afghan National Security Forces
[electronic resource] : resources, strategy, and timetable for security
lead transition : hearing before the Subcommittee on Oversight and
Investigations of the Committee on Armed Services, House of
Representatives, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, second session,
hearing held June 29, 2012.
Fed turns 100 : lessons learned over a century of central banking :
hearing before the Subcommittee on Monetary Policy and Trade of
the Committee on Financial Services, U.S. House of Representatives,
One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, first session, September 11,
BP oil spill and Gulf Coast tourism : assessing the impact : hearing
before the Subcommittee on Commerce, Trade, and Consumer
Protection of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of
Representatives, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, second session,
July 27, 2010.
Living without health insurance [electronic resource] : why every
American needs coverage : hearing before the Subcommittee on
Health of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of
Representatives, One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, April
25, 2007.
Germs, viruses, and secrets [electronic resource] : the silent
proliferation of bio-laboratories in the United States : hearing before
the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations of the
Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives,
One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, October 4, 2007.
U.S. policy toward Iran [electronic resource] : hearing before the
Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives, One
Hundred Tenth Congress, second session, July 9, 2008.
China on the eve of the Olympics [electronic resource] : hearing
before the Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives,
One Hundred Tenth Congress, second session, July 23, 2008.
Syria : weighing the Obama administration's response : hearing
before the Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives,
One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, first session, September 4, 2013.
U.S. foreign policy toward Ukraine : hearing before the Committee
on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives, One Hundred
Thirteenth Congress, second session, March 6, 2014.
Continuing threat of Boko Haram : joint hearing before the
Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights, and
International Organizations and the Subcommittee on Terrorism,
KF27 .F638 2013ac
KF27 .F638 2014a
KF27 .F6422 2013e
KF27 .F64826 2014h
KF27 .F6489 2008b
KF27 .F6489 2014f
KF27 .G663 1997k
KF27 .H5716 2007
KF27 .H5716 2009a
KF27 .J856 2007q
Nonproliferation, and Trade of the Committee on Foreign Affairs,
House of Representatives, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, first
session, November 13, 2013.
U.S. relations with Vietnam : hearing before the Subcommittee on
Asia and the Pacific of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of
Representatives, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, first session,
June 5, 2013.
Shocking truth about North Korean tyranny : hearing before the
Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific of the Committee on Foreign
Affairs House of Representatives One Hundred Thirteenth Congress
second session, March 26, 2014.
Kosovo and Serbia : a pathway to peace : hearing before the
Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia, and Emerging Threats of the
Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives, One
Hundred Thirteenth Congress, first session, April 24, 2013.
Humanitarian crisis in Syria : views from the ground : hearing before
the Subcommittee on the Middle East and North Africa of the
Committee on Foreign Affairs, House Of Representatives, One
Hundred Thirteenth Congress, second session, May 21, 2014.
Genetics and other human modification technologies [electronic
resource] : sensible international regulation or a new kind of arms
race? : hearing before the Subcommittee on Terrorism,
Nonproliferation, and Trade of the Committee on Foreign Affairs,
House of Representatives, One Hundred Tenth Congress, second
session, June 19, 2008.
Bergdahl exchange : implications for U.S. National Security and the
fight against terrorism : joint hearing before the Subcommittee on
Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade and the Subcommittee on
the Middle East and North Africa of the Committee on Foreign
Affairs, House of Representatives, One Hundred Thirteenth
Congress, second session, June 18, 2014.
Restructuring VA medical services : measuring and maintaining the
quality of care : hearing before the Subcommittee on Human
Resources of the Committee on Government Reform and Oversight,
House of Representatives, One Hundred Fifth Congress, first session,
August 4, 1997.
Crossing the border [electronic resource] : immigrants in detention
and victims of trafficking. Pt. I and II : hearing before the
Subcommittee on Border, Maritime, and Global Counterterrorism of
the Committee on Homeland Security, House of Representatives,
One Hundred Tenth Congress, first session, March 15, 2007.
Human trafficking [electronic resource] : recent trends : hearing
before the Subcommittee on Border, Maritime, and Global
Counterterrorism of the Committee on Homeland Security, House of
Representatives, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, first session,
March 19, 2009.
Straightening out the mortgage mess [electronic resource] : how
KF27 .J856 2007r
KF27 .J8588x 2011
KF27 .J863 2013d
KF27 .O94 2012
KF27 .O94 2012f
KF27 .O94 2013zb
KF27 .O94 2013zc
KF27 .O94 2013ze
KF27 .O94 2013zf
KF27 .O94 2014e
can we protect home ownership and provide relief to consumers in
financial distress? Pt. 1 : hearing before the Subcommittee on
Commercial and Administrative Law of the Committee on the
Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Tenth Congress,
first session, September 25, 2007.
Straightening out the mortgage mess [electronic resource] : how
can we protect home ownership and provide relief to consumers in
financial distress? Pt. 2 : hearing before the Subcommittee on
Commercial and Administrative Law of the Committee on the
Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Tenth Congress,
first session, October 30, 2007.
USA Patriot Act [electronic resource] : dispelling the myths : hearing
before the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland
Security of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of
Representatives, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, first session, May
11, 2011.
Legal Workforce Act : hearing before the Subcommittee on
Immigration and Border Security of the Committee on the Judiciary,
House of Representatives, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, first
session, on H.R. 1772, May 16, 2013.
Security failures of Benghazi : hearing before the Committee on
Oversight and Government Reform, House of Representatives, One
Hundred Twelfth Congress, second session, October 10, 2012.
Food stamp fraud as a business model [electronic resource] :
USDA's struggle to police store owners : hearing before the
Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, House of
Representatives, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, second session,
March 8, 2012.
Obamacare implementation : sticker shock of increased premiums
for healthcare coverage : hearing before the Committee on
Oversight and Government Reform, House of Representatives, One
Hundred Thirteenth Congress, first session, November 22, 2013.
Collected and wasted : the IRS spending culture and conference
abuses : hearing before the Committee on Oversight and
Government Reform, House of Representatives, One Hundred
Thirteenth Congress, first session, June 6, 2013.
Obamacare implementation : who are the navigators? : hearing
before the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, House
of Representatives, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, first session,
December 16, 2013.
Roll out of : the limitations of big government :
hearing before the Committee on Oversight and Government
Reform, House of Representatives, One Hundred Thirteenth
Congress, first session, December 4, 2013.
Waste in government : what's being done? : hearing before the
Committee on Government Reform, House of Representatives, One
Hundred Thirteenth Congress, second session, January 9, 2014.
KF27 .O94 2014g
KF27 .P896 2010f
KF27 .S64418x 2013a
KF27.P89627 C35x 2011
KF272 .L426 2000eb
KF2765 .C67 2002eb
KF285.Z9 K65 2011eb
KF2905 .H64 2003eb
KF2915.N8 O38 2001eb
KF297 .C337x 2014
KF297 .C375 2014
KF297.Z9 T84 2002eb
KF2979 .H468 2001eb
KF2980 .E44 2003eb
KF2980 .P65 2002eb
KF2983 .G58 2003eb
Behghazi, instability, and a new government : success and failures
of U.S. intervention in Libya : hearing before the Committee on
Oversight and Government Reform, House of Representatives, One
Hundred Thirteenth Congress, second session, May 1, 2014.
Deepwater Horizon [electronic resource] : oil spill prevention and
response measures and natural resource impacts : hearing before
the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, House of
Representatives, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, second session,
May 19, 2010.
Health insurance fee : impact on small businesses : hearing before
the Subcommittee on Health and Technology of the Committee on
Small Business, United States House of Representatives, One
Hundred Thirteenth Congress, first session, hearing held May 9,
Deepwater Horizon [electronic resource] : Coast Guard and Interior
could improve their offshore energy inspection programs :
testimony before the Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime
Transportation, Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure,
House of Representatives / statement of Stephen L. Caldwell, and
Frank Rusco.
Legal canons [electronic resource] / edited by J.M. Balkin and
Sanford Levinson.
Cost proxy models and telecommunications policy [electronic
resource] : a new empirical approach to regulation / Farid Gasmi ...
[et al.].
Freedom of the air and the public interest [electronic resource] :
First Amendment rights in broadcasting to 1935 / Louise M.
Master the LSAT [electronic resource] / Jeff Kolby.
Unhealed wounds [electronic resource] : medical malpractice in the
twentieth century / Neal C. Hogan.
Nursing practice and the law [electronic resource] : avoiding
malpractice and other legal risks / Mary E. O'Keefe.
Careers in law, criminal justice & emergency services / editor,
Michael Shally-Jensen, Ph. D.
Careers in law, criminal justice & emergency services / editor,
Michael Shally-Jensen, Ph. D.
20 top law firms [electronic resource].
Controlling voices [electronic resource] : intellectual property,
humanistic studies, and the Internet / TyAnna K. Herrington ; with a
foreword by Jay David Bolter.
Patent, copyright & trademark [electronic resource] / by Stephen
Elias and Richard Stim.
Essentials of intellectual property [electronic resource] / Alexander
Poltorak and Paul Lerner.
Intellectual property damages [electronic resource] : guidelines and
analysis / Mark A. Glick, Lara A. Reymann, Richard Hoffman.
KF2983 .P76x 2006
KF2995 .F53 2002eb
KF2995 .U55x 2013
KF3022.Z9 F57 2001eb
KF3024.C6 D59 2004eb
KF303 .T35 2002eb
KF303 B54 2002eb
KF31 .E55 2014x
KF31 .J8 2013b
KF311.Z9 H39 1999eb
KF3114.6 .P737 2002eb
KF3114.6 .P74 2002eb
KF3120.Z9 S75 2002eb
KF3120.Z9 S75 2003eb
KF3131.Z9 F57 2003eb
KF3145.Z9 P65 2004eb
KF3145.Z9 S75 2002eb
KF3180.Z9 S48 2002eb
KF3197.Z9 F57 2001eb
KF320.L4 W37 2004eb
KF3319.A1 D57 2011
KF336 .Q35x 2008
Prosecuting intellectual property crimes [electronic resource] /
Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section, Criminal Division.
Copyright handbook [electronic resource] : how to protect & use
written works / by Stephen Fishman.
Copyright policy, creativity, and innovation in the digital economy /
Department of Commerce, Internet Policy Task Force.
Public domain [electronic resource] : how to find copyright-free
writings, music, art & more / by Stephen Fishman.
Open source software law [electronic resource] / Rod Dixon.
Mastering the MBE [electronic resource] : test-taking strategies for
scoring high on the multistate bar exam / John J. Talamo.
Bigwig briefs test prep. The Bar [electronic resource] : real world
intelligence, strategies & experience from industry experts to
prepare you for everything the classroom and textbooks won't teach
you / [edited by Laurie Mingolelli].
Keystone XL pipeline : report (to accompany S. 2254).
Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration
Modernization Act : report together with additional and minority
views (to accompany S. 744).
Help your lawyer win your case [electronic resource] / J. Michael
Nolo's patents for beginners [electronic resource] / by David
Pressman and Richard Stim.
Patent it yourself [electronic resource] / by David Pressman.
Patent pending in 24 hours [electronic resource] / by Richard Stim
& David Pressman.
Patent pending in 24 hours [electronic resource] / by Richard Stim
& David Pressman.
Inventor's guide to law, business & taxes [electronic resource] / by
Stephen Fishman.
Essentials of licensing intellectual property [electronic resource] /
Alexander I. Poltorak, Paul J. Lerner.
License your invention [electronic resource] / by Richard Stim.
Essentials of trademarks and unfair competition [electronic
resource] / Dana Shilling.
Nondisclosure agreements [electronic resource] : protect your
trade secrets and more / by Rich Stim & Stephen Fishman.
Independent paralegal's handbook [electronic resource] : how to
provide legal services without becoming a lawyer / by Ralph Warner,
Catherine Elias-Jermany, and Stephen Elias.
Disability and aging discrimination [electronic resource] :
perspectives in law and psychology / edited by Richard L. Wiener,
Steven Willborn.
Quality and equal justice [electronic resource] : the role of
executive directors.
Law, labor, and ideology in the early American republic [electronic
resource] / Christopher L. Tomlins.
KF3455.Z9 D45 2002eb
KF3455.Z9 G84 2001eb
KF3455.Z9 M85 2003eb
KF3457 .E4565 2008eb
KF3457.Z9 D45 2003eb
KF3463.Z9 M54 2001eb
KF350 .D43x 2013
KF3510.Z9 S55 2002eb
KF3650 .T65 2001eb
KF368.L847 H53 2002eb
KF3750 .B38 2007
KF3775 .S53 2003eb
KF3775.A3 U55x 2010
Legal resource guide to the Federal Bureau of Prisons 2008
[electronic resource].
Federal employment laws [electronic resource] : a desk reference /
by Amy DelPo and Lisa Guerin.
Everyday employment law [electronic resource] : the basics / by
Lisa Guerin and Amy DelPo.
Manager's guide to employment law [electronic resource] : how to
protect your company and yourself / Dana M. Muir.
Employment law guide [electronic resource] : laws, regulations, and
technical assistance services / prepared by the Office of the
Assistant Secretary for Policy.
Dealing with problem employees [electronic resource] : a legal
guide / by Amy DelPo and Lisa Guerin ; edited by Janet Portman.
How to create a noncompete agreement [electronic resource] / by
Shannon Miehe.
Realities of affirmative action in employment [electronic resource] /
Barbara F. Reskin.
Legalizing gender inequality [electronic resource] : courts, markets,
and unequal pay for women in America / Robert L. Nelson, William
P. Bridges.
Debates on the federal judiciary : a documentary history.
IRAs, 401(k)s & other retirement plans [electronic resource] : taking
your money out / by Twila Slesnick & John C. Suttle ; edited by Amy
American law and the constitutional order [electronic resource] :
historical perspectives / edited by Lawrence M. Friedman and Harry
N. Scheiber.
Accidental republic [electronic resource] : crippled workingmen,
destitute widows, and the remaking of American law / John Fabian
Social security benefits handbook [electronic resource] / Stanley A.
Tomkiel III.
Law and the conditions of freedom in the nineteenth-century
United States [electronic resource] / James Willard Hurst.
Transformation of American law, 1780-1860 [electronic resource] /
Morton J. Horwitz.
James Kent [electronic resource] : a study in conservatism, 17631847 / by John Theodore Horton.
Joseph Henry Lumpkin [electronic resource] : Georgia's first Chief
Justice / Paul DeForest Hicks.
Law of the Commonwealth and Chief Justice Shaw [electronic
resource] / Leonard W. Levy.
When nature strikes : weather disasters and the law / Marsha L.
Risk regulation at risk [electronic resource] : restoring a pragmatic
approach / Sidney A. Shapiro and Robert L. Glicksman.
Citizen's guide [electronic resource].
KF3791.A56 U55x 2011
KF3794 .P658 2003eb
KF3821 .R54 2002eb
KF3827.R4 I47 2000eb
KF3827.R4 P32 2003eb
KF3827.R4 S48 1999eb
KF385.A4 G68 1999eb
KF385.A4 U15 2010
KF3869 .W53 2011
KF387 .G27 2013eb
KF387 .K573 2001eb
KF387 .N65 2003eb
KF3871.A1 G85x 2002
KF3875.A25 U55x 2000
KF3890 .S43 2003
KF390.5.C6 F57 2002eb
KF390.5.C6 S74 2001eb
KF390.5.C6 W49 2003
KF390.A69 S75 2003eb
Natural resource damage assessment [electronic resource] :
evolution, current practice, and preliminary findings related to the
Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
Drinking water regulation and health [electronic resource] /
Frederick W. Pontius.
Lost world of classical legal thought [electronic resource] : law and
ideology in America, 1886-1937 / William M. Wiecek.
Strange bedfellows [electronic resource] : how medical
jurisprudence has influenced medical ethics and medical practice /
Ben A. Rich.
Improving access to and confidentiality of research data [electronic
resource] : report of a workshop / Christopher Mackie and Norman
Bradburn, editors.
HIPAA certification [electronic resource] / Uday O. Ali Pabrai.
Medical records review and analysis [electronic resource] / Charles
C. Sharpe.
Great American court cases [electronic resource] / Mark Mikula and
L. Mpho Mabunda, editors ; Allison McClintic Marion, associate
U.S. court cases [electronic resource] / edited by Thomas Tandy
A-Z Encyclopedia of Food Controversies and the Law [electronic
resource] / Elizabeth M. Williams and Stephanie Jane Carter.
Gale encyclopedia of everyday law [electronic resource] / Donna
Batten, editor.
Know your legal rights [electronic resource] / by the editors of
Kiplinger's personal finance.
Nolo's encyclopedia of everyday law [electronic resource] : answers
to your most frequently asked legal questions / by Shae Irving &
Nolo editors.
Guide to resources on the history of the Food and Drug
Administration [electronic resource].
United States food safety system [electronic resource].
Public domain drug court software [electronic resource] : functions
and utility / Search, the National Consortium for Justice Information
and Statistics, Bureau of Justice Assistance.
Web & software development [electronic resource] : a legal guide /
by Stephen Fishman.
How to get your business on the Web [electronic resource] : a legal
guide to e-commerce / by Fred S. Steingold.
Who goes there? : authentication through the lens of privacy /
Committee on Authentication Technologies and Their Privacy
Implications ; Computer Science and Telecommunications Board ;
Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences ; National Research
Council of the National Academies ; Stephen T. Kent and Lynette I.
Millett, editors.
Your crafts business [electronic resource] : a legal guide / by Richard
KF390.A96 C734 2002eb
KF390.I54 F57 2002eb
KF3941.A68 U88 2011eb
KF3945 .U55x 2007
KF3958 .T48 2002eb
KF3989 .P67 2012
KF3989 .W66 2010eb
KF4117 .E53 2008
KF4137 .L85 2003eb
KF4155 .B68 1999eb
KF4155 .S87 2013eb
KF4166 .T58x 2010
KF4209.3 .C645 2013eb
KF4209.3 Z9 S573
KF4242 .L85 2012
KF4310 .A3 2006
KF4515 .F4 2001
KF4527 .U543 2007
Writer's legal guide [electronic resource] : an authors guild desk
reference / Tad Crawford and Kay Murray.
Working for yourself [electronic resource] : law and taxes for
independent contractors, freelancers, and consultants / by Stephen
Encyclopedia of gun control and gun rights [electronic resource] /
Glenn H. Utter, Robert J. Spitzer.
Action plan for import safety [electronic resource] : a roadmap for
continual improvement : a report to the President / Interagency
Working Group on Import Safety.
Complying with TSCA inventory requirements [electronic resource] :
a guide with step-by-step processes for chemical manufacturers,
processors, and importers / Chan B. Thanawalla.
Supreme Court and the NCAA : the case for less commercialism and
more due process in college sports [electronic resource] / Brian L.
Essentials of sports law [electronic resource] / Glenn M. Wong.
Encyclopedia of education law [electronic resource] / editor,
Charles J. Russo.
Courts as policymakers [electronic resource] : school finance reform
litigation / Anna Lukemeyer.
Quest to define collegiate desegregation [electronic resource] :
Black colleges, Title VI compliance, and post-Adams litigation / M.
Christopher Brown II ; foreword by Charles V. Willie ; afterword by
Robert M. Hendrickson.
Equality in education law and policy, 1954-2010 [electronic
resource] / Benjamin M. Superfine, University of Illinois Chicago.
Title IX athletics [electronic resource] : accommodating interests
and abilities : a briefing before the United States Commission on
Civil Rights, Washington, DC.
Disabled education : a critical analysis of the Individuals with
Disabilities Education Act [electronic resource] / Ruth Colker.
Nolo's IEP guide [electronic resource] : learning disabilities / by
Lawrence M. Siegel.
Law of higher education : a comprehensive guide to legal
implications of administrative decision making [electronic resource]/
William A. Kaplin, Barbara A. Lee.
Unlearning Liberty : Campus Censorship and the End of American
Debate [electronic resource]
Federal historic preservation laws [electronic resource] : the official
compilation of U.S. cultural heritage statutes.
Federalist / by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison ;
edited, with an introduction, reader's guide, constitutional crossreference, index, and glossary by George W. Carey and James
Constitution of the United States of America as amended :
KF4541 .A2J3 1970b
KF4541 .S7 1970
KF4541.A2 J3 1970
KF4545.S5 A955 2012eb
KF4545.S5 F565 2001eb
KF4548 .E53 2000
KF4548.5 .O97 2009
KF4548.5 .S38 2009eb
KF4550 .R579 2011eb
KF4550 .R5975 2014 v.
KF4550 .S73 2002eb
KF4550 .U76 2012eb
KF4550 .V55 2001eb
KF4550 .W45 2002eb
KF4552 .W55 2012eb
unratified amendments, analytical index / presented by Mr. Brady of
Rethinking the new deal court [electronic resource] : the structure
of a constitutional revolution / Barry Cushman.
Transatlantic constitution [electronic resource] : colonial legal
culture and the empire / Mary Sarah Bilder.
Essays in the constitutional history of the United States in the
formative period, 1775-1789, by graduates and former members of
the Johns Hopkins University.
Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States; with a
preliminary review of the constitutional history of the Colonies and
States before the adoption of the Constitution. New introd. by
Arthur E. Sutherland.
Essays in the constitutional history of the United States in the
formative period, 1775-1789.
American law of slavery, 1810-1860 [electronic resource] :
considerations of humanity and interest / Mark V. Tushnet.
Sources of antislavery constitutionalism in America, 1760-1848
[electronic resource] / William M. Wiecek.
Reflections on slavery and the constitution [electronic resource] /
George Anastaplo.
Slavery and the founders [electronic resource] : race and liberty in
the age of Jefferson / Paul Finkelman.
Encyclopedia of the American Constitution / edited by Leonard W.
Levy and Kenneth L. Karst.
Oxford guide to United States Supreme Court decisions [electronic
resource] / edited by Kermit L. Hall and James W. Ely.
Encyclopedia of the United States Constitution [electronic resource]
/ David Schultz.
United States constitutional law : an introduction [electronic
resource] / Paul Rodgers.
American constitutional law.. Volume 1,, The structure of
government / Ralph A. Rossum, Claremont McKenna College ; G.
Alan Tarr, Rutgers University, Camden.
Prohibited government acts [electronic resource] : a reference
guide to the United States Constitution / Jack Stark ; foreword by
Tom Barrett.
Supreme decisions : great constitutional cases and their impact /
Melvin I. Urofsky.
Companion to the United States Constitution and its amendments
[electronic resource] / John R. Vile.
Constitutional remedies [electronic resource] : a reference guide to
the United States Constitution / Michael L. Wells and Thomas A.
Eaton ; foreword by Marshall S. Shapo.
Cosmic constitutional theory [electronic resource] : why Americans
are losing their inalienable right to self-governance / J. Harvie
Wilkinson III.
KF4557 .G76 2012
KF4557 .G76 2012eb
KF4557 .V555 2010
KF4557 ǂb .P46 2001
KF4568 .A25x 2011
KF4575 .L33 2002eb
KF4575 .L47 2000eb
KF4575 .S53 2001eb
KF4600 .B59 2013eb
KF4600 .D87 2002eb
KF4700 .S38 2001eb
KF4710 .R98x 2008
KF4710.Z9 B73 2003eb
KF4744 2011eb
KF4749 .M39 2000eb
KF4750 .B55 2002eb
KF4754.5.Z9 R54 1992eb
Constitutional amendments : an encyclopedia of the people,
procedures, politics, primary documents and campaigns for the 27
amendments of the Constitution of the United States / by Mark
Grossman ; contributing author: Scott Derks.
Constitutional amendments : an encyclopedia of the people,
procedures, politics, primary documents, campaigns for the 27
Amendments to the Constitution of the United States / Mark
Grossman ; [contributing author, Scott Derks].
Encyclopedia of constitutional amendments, proposed
amendments, and amending issues, 1789-2010 [electronic resource]
/ John R. Vile.
Constitutional amendments [electronic resource] : from freedom of
speech to flag burning.
Compilation of federal ethics laws / prepared by the United States
Office of Government Ethics.
Judicial review in state supreme courts [electronic resource] : a
comparative study / Laura Langer.
Constitutional revolutions [electronic resource] : pragmatism and
the role of judicial review in American constitutionalism / Robert
Justin Lipkin.
Constitutional interpretation [electronic resource] : illusion and
reality / Jeffrey M. Shaman.
Federalism : a reference guide to the United States Constitution
[electronic resource] / Susan Low Bloch and Vicki C. Jackson.
State sovereign immunity [electronic resource] : a reference guide
to the United States Constitution / Melvyn R. Durchslag ; foreword
by William P. Marshall.
Belonging to America [electronic resource] : equal citizenship and
the constitution / Kenneth L. Karst.
Bargaining with the state from afar [electronic resource] : American
citizenship in treaty port China, 1844-1942 / Eileen P. Scully.
Timing of naturalization in the United States through 1996
[electronic resource] : the experience of the legal immigrant cohorts
of 1977 and 1982 / Nancy Rytina.
Becoming a U.S. citizen [electronic resource] : a guide to the law,
exam, and interview / by Ilona M. Bray.
Civil liberties and the state [electronic resource] : a documentary
and reference guide / Christopher Peter Latimer.
Constitutional history of the American Revolution [electronic
resource] / John Phillip Reid.
Inherent rights, the written constitution, and popular sovereignty
[electronic resource] : the founders' understanding / Thomas B.
Bill of Rights [electronic resource] / edited by Thomas T. Lewis.
Rights of lesbians and gay men [electronic resource] : the basic
ACLU guide to a gay person's rights / Nan D. Hunter, Sherryl E.
Michaelson, Thomas B. Stoddard.
KF4755 .D454 2001eb
KF4757 .B37 2000eb
KF4757 .S29 2000eb
KF4765 .P48 2001eb
KF4770 .G69 2002eb
KF4770 .P75 1995eb
KF4772 .G63 2003eb
KF4772 .P54 2012eb
KF4783 .G67 2002eb
KF480.Z9 Q47x 2012
KF4819 .C36 2003eb
KF4819 .H36x 2011
KF4819.6 .B73 2001eb
KF4819.85 .C57 2010
KF4850 .B67x 2008
KF4850 .M53 2002eb
KF4850 .U53x 2009
KF4850 .U55x 2009
Critical race theory [electronic resource] : an introduction / Richard
Delgado and Jean Stefancic ; foreword by Angela Harris.
Fourteenth Amendment [electronic resource] : from political
principle to judicial doctrine / William E. Nelson.
Courage to dissent [electronic resource] : Atlanta and the long
history of the civil rights movement / Tomiko Brown-Nagin.
New birth of freedom [electronic resource] : the Republican Party
and freedmen's rights, 1861 to 1866 / Herman Belz.
Supreme Court's retreat from Reconstruction [electronic resource] :
a distortion of constitutional jurisprudence / Frank J. Scaturro.
Lochner court, myth and reality [electronic resource] : substantive
due process from the 1890s to the 1930s / Michael J. Phillips.
Liberty and authority in free expression law [electronic resource] :
the United States and Canada / Karla K. Gower.
SLAPPs [electronic resource] : getting sued for speaking out /
George W. Pring and Penelope Canan.
"Speech acts" and the First Amendment [electronic resource] /
Franklyn S. Haiman ; with a foreword by Abner J. Mikva.
Cyber rights [electronic resource] : defending free speech in the
digital age / Mike Godwin.
Brandishing the First Amendment : commercial expression in
America [electronic resource] / Tamara R. Piety.
Mormon question [electronic resource] : polygamy and
constitutional conflict in nineteenth-century America / Sarah
Barringer Gordon.
Questions and answers : the Americans with Disabilities Act and
persons with HIV/AIDS.
U.S. immigration made easy [electronic resource] / by Laurence A.
Canter & Martha S. Siegel ; edited by Ilona Bray.
Handbook for employers : instructions for completing form I-9
(Employment eligibility verification form).
Fiance and marriage visas [electronic resource] : a couple's guide to
U.S. immigration / by Ilona M. Bray.
Citizenship foundation skills and knowledge clusters / U.S.
Citizenship and immigration Services.
Brief documentary history of the Department of Homeland Security,
2001-2008 [electronic resource] / [written by ELizabeth C. Borja,
History Associates Incorporated].
No greater threat [electronic resource] : America after September
11 and the rise of a national security state / by C. William Michaels.
Unclassified report on the President's Surveillance Program
[electronic resource] / prepared by the Offices of Inspectors General
of the Department of Defense ... [et al.].
Reauthorizing the USA PATRIOT Act [electronic resource] : ensuring
liberty : hearing before the Subcommittee on Administrative
Oversight and the Courts of the Committee on the Judiciary, United
States Senate, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, first session,
KF4865 .L39 2000eb
KF4865.A68 A54 2009eb
KF4869.N45 E38 2003eb
KF4891 .M67 2012eb
KF4960.A1 U55x
KF4961.B83 U55x 2013
KF4961.B834 U55x 2013
KF4961.C65 U55x 2011
KF4961.D53 U55x 2009
KF4961.H55 U55x 2010
KF4961.J33 U55x 2009
KF4961.K37 U55x 2009
September 23, 2009.
Law and religion [electronic resource] : a critical anthology / edited
by Stephen M. Feldman.
Encyclopedia of religion and the law in America / Christopher
Thomas Anglim.
Pagans and the law [electronic resource] : understand your rights /
Dana Eilers ; [edited by Lauren Manoy]
American sovereigns [electronic resource] : the people and
America's Constitutional tradition before the Civil War / Christian G.
Most fundamental right contrasting perspectives on the Voting
Rights Act / [electronic resource] : edited by Daniel McCool.
Report and findings : transmitted to the Committee on Standards of
Official Conduct, July 30, 2010 and released publicly pursuant to H.
Res. 895 of the 110th Congress as amended / Office of
Congressional Ethics, United States House of Representatives.
Report and findings : transmitted to the Committee on Standards of
Official Conduct on November 8, 2011 and released publicly
pursuant to H. Res. 895 of the 110th Congress as amended [subject,
Representative Vern Buchanan] / Office of Congressional Ethics,
United States House of Representatives.
Report and findings : transmitted to the Committee on Standards of
Official Conduct on February 9, 2012 and released publicly pursuant
to H. Res. 895 of the 110th Congress as amended [subject,
Representative Vern Buchanan] / Office of Congressional Ethics,
United States House of Representatives.
Report and findings : transmitted to the Committee on Ethics on
May 18, 2011 and released publicly pursuant to H. Res. 895 of the
110th Congress as amended [subject, Michael Collins] / Office of
Congressional Ethics, United States House of Representatives.
Report and findings : transmitted to the Committee on Standards of
Official Conduct on December 2, 2009 and released publicly
pursuant to H. Res. 895 of the 110th Congress as amended [subject,
Representative Norman Dicks] / Office of Congressional Ethics,
United States House of Representatives.
Report and findings : transmitted to the Committee on Ethics on
May 18, 2011 and released publicly pursuant to H. Res. 895 of the
110th Congress as amended [subject, Greg Hill] / Office of
Congressional Ethics, United States House of Representatives.
Report and findings : transmitted to the Committee on Standards of
Official Conduct on August 6, 2009 and released publicly pursuant to
H. Res. 895 of the 110th Congress as amended [subject, Rep. Jesse
Jackson, Jr.] / Office of Congressional Ethics, United States House of
Report and findings : transmitted to the Committee on Standards of
Official Conduct on December 2, 2009 and released publicly
pursuant to H. Res. 895 of the 110th Congress as amended [subject,
KF4961.M67 U55x 2009
KF4961.M87 U55x 2009
KF4961.P75 U55x 2010
KF4961.R53 U55x 2013
KF4961.W38 U55 2009
KF4961.Y68 U55x 2009
KF5053 .D63 2013eb
KF5053 .M39 2001eb
KF5060 .G73 2013eb
KF5060 .N3 2008
KF5076.C57 M35
KF5107 .A22 2008
Representative Marcy Kaptur] / Office of Congressional Ethics,
United States House of Representatives.
Report and findings : transmitted to the Committee on Standards of
Official Conduct on December 2, 2009 and released publicly
pursuant to H. Res. 895 of the 110th Congress as amended [subject,
Rep. Jim Moran] / Office of Congressional Ethics, United States
House of Representatives.
Report and findings : transmitted to the Committee on Standards of
Official Conduct on December 2, 2009 and released publicly
pursuant to H. Res. 895 of the 110th Congress as amended [subject,
Rep. John Murtha] / Office of Congressional Ethics, United States
House of Representatives.
Report and findings : transmitted to the Committee on Standards of
Official Conduct on September 1, 2010 and released publicly
pursuant to H. Res. 895 of the 110th Congress as amended [subject,
Rep. Thomas Price] / Office of Congressional Ethics, United States
House of Representatives.
Report and findings : transmitted to the Committee on Standards of
Official Conduct on August 6, 2009 and released publicly pursuant to
H. Res. 895 of the 110th Congress as amended [subject,
Representative Laura Richardson] / Office of Congressional Ethics,
United States House of Representatives.
Report and findings : transmitted to the Committee on Standards of
Official Conduct on August 6, 2009 and released publicly pursuant to
H. Res. 895 of the 110th Congress as amended [subject, Rep. Maxine
Waters] / Office of Congressional Ethics, United States House of
Report and findings : transmitted to the Committee on Standards of
Official Conduct on December 2, 2009 and released publicly
pursuant to H. Res. 895 of the 110th Congress as amended [subject,
Rep. C.W. Bill Young] / Office of Congressional Ethics, United States
House of Representatives.
Take up your pen : unilateral presidential directives in American
politics [electronic resource] / Graham G. Dodds.
With the stroke of a pen [electronic resource] : executive orders
and presidential power / Kenneth R. Mayer.
Long wars and the constitution [electronic resource] / Stephen M.
National War Powers Commission report [electronic resource] /
James A. Baker III, Warren Christopher, co-chairs.
Starr report disrobed [electronic resource] / Fedwa Malti-Douglas.
Man and wife in America [electronic resource] : a history / Hendrik
Investigation of allegations of politicized hiring by Monica Goodling
and other staff in the Office of the Attorney General [electronic
resource] / U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Professional
KF5107 .A65 2009
KF5107 .K405
KF524.Z9 W66 2002eb
KF5319.A9 B38x
KF535 .B367 2002eb
KF535 .B88 2003eb
KF535.Z9 H35 2001eb
KF539 .L44 2002eb
KF539 .L44 2004eb
KF5425 .W38 2002eb
KF547 .T65 2012
KF547.Z9 B65 2001eb
KF547.Z9 L97 2003eb
KF547.Z9 T78 2001eb
KF5599 .O43 2003eb
KF5605 .M47 2002eb
KF5753 .F745 2006
KF590.Z9 P67 2002eb
KF590.Z9 P673 2002eb
Responsibility, U.S. Department of Justice, Office of the Inspector
Investigation of allegations of politicized hiring and other improper
personnel actions in the Civil Rights Division [electronic resource] /
U.S. Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General, U.S.
Department of Justice Office of Professional Responsibility.
Memoirs of the life of William Wirt, Attorney-General of the United
States [microform].
Conservative crisis and the rule of law [electronic resource] :
attitudes of bar and bench, 1887-1895 / by Arnold M. Paul.
Divorce and money [electronic resource] : how to make the best
financial decisions during divorce / by Violet Woodhouse with Dale
Office of mayor in the United States; a study in administrative law.
Investigative accounting in divorce [electronic resource] / Kalman A.
Divorce and domestic relations litigation [electronic resource] :
financial adviser's guide / Thomas F. Burrage, Sandra Morgan Little.
How to file your own divorce [electronic resource] : with forms /
Edward A. Haman.
Legal guide for lesbian and gay couples [electronic resource] / by
Hayden Curry, Denis Clifford, and Frederick Hertz.
Legal guide for lesbian and gay couples [electronic resource] / by
Hayden Curry, Denis Clifford, and Frederick Hertz.
Constitution besieged [electronic resource] : the rise and demise of
Lochner era police powers jurisprudence / Howard Gillman.
Administrative statutory interpretation [electronic resource] : the
aftermath of Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council / Ruth
Ann Watry.
Improving the quality of child custody evaluations [electronic
resource] : a systematic model / Lauren Woodward Tolle, William T.
Your right to child custody, visitation, and support [electronic
resource] / Mary L. Boland.
Child custody [electronic resource] : building parenting agreements
that work / by Mimi E. Lyster.
Grandparents' rights [electronic resource] : with forms / Traci Truly.
This land is your land, this land is my land [electronic resource] : the
property rights movement and regulatory takings / Alfred M.
Olivetti, Jr., and Jeff Worsham.
Public lands and political meaning [electronic resource] : ranchers,
the government, and the property between them / Karen R. Merrill.
Freedom of Information Act reference guide [electronic resource].
Every tenant's legal guide [electronic resource] / by Janet Portman
& Marcia Stewart.
Renters' rights [electronic resource] : the basics / by Janet Portman
& Marcia Stewart.
KF590.Z9 S744 2002eb
KF590.Z9 W368 2001eb
KF5900 .H37 2013
KF6289 .J87 2012eb
KF6297 .P75 2003eb
KF6297 T39 2003eb
KF6297.Z9 B678 2003eb
KF6297.Z9 S36 2003eb
KF6310.Z9 W45 2002eb
KF6324 .U53x 2004
KF6369.6 .C37 2003eb
KF6369.6 .D45 2003eb
KF6369.6 .E76 2004eb
KF6385.Z9 R63 2004eb
KF639 .B73 2002eb
KF639.Z9 W37 1999eb
KF6419 .L37 2004eb
KF6436.Z95 C33 2001eb
KF6449 .H63 2003eb
KF6455 .K37 2002eb
Leases & rental agreements [electronic resource] / by Marcia
Stewart & Ralph Warner & Janet Portman.
Essential guide to real estate leases [electronic resource] / Mark
From the American Civil War to the War on Terror : three models of
emergency law in the United States Supreme Court [electronic
resource] / Emily Hartz.
Tax reform : a reference handbook [electronic resource] / James
John Jurinski.
PricewaterhouseCooper's guide to the new tax rules [electronic
resource] / PricewaterhouseCooper.
Taxes and investing [electronic resource] : why pay Uncle Sam any
more than necessary? / by the editors of Kiplinger's Personal
Finance magazine.
Lower your taxes-big time! [electronic resource] : wealth-building,
tax reduction secrets from an IRS insider / Sandy Botkin.
How to pay zero taxes, 2003 [electronic resource] / Jeff A.
J.K. Lasser's online taxes [electronic resource] / Barbara Weltman.
Settlement reference manual [electronic resource] / Department of
Justice, Tax Division ; co-authors: Mildred L. Seidman, John A.
DiCicco, Deborah S. Meland.
J.K. Lasser's taxes made easy for your home-based business
[electronic resource] : the ultimate tax handbook for the selfemployed / Gary W. Carter.
J.K. Lasser's year-round tax strategies 2003 [electronic resource] /
David S. De Jong & Ann Gray Jakabcin.
Ernst & Young tax guide 2004 [electronic resource] / by the tax
partners and professionals of Ernst & Young LLP ; Peter W.
Bernstein, editor.
J.K. Lasser's homeowner's tax breaks [electronic resource] : your
complete guide to finding hidden gold in your home / Gerald J.
Evidence and procedures for boundary location [electronic
resource] / by Walter G. Robillard, Donald A. Wilson ; based on the
original concept of Curtis M. Brown ; chapter 7 contributed by
George Cole.
Neighbor vs. neighbor [electronic resource] : over 400 informative
and outrageous cases of neighbor disputes / Mark Warda.
International applications of U.S. income tax law [electronic
resource] : inbound and outbound transactions / Ernest R. Larkins.
CCH state payroll law handbook [electronic resource] / CCH
editorial staff publication.
Private foundations [electronic resource] : tax law and compliance /
Bruce R. Hopkins, Jody Blazek.
Strategic corporate tax planning [electronic resource] / John E.
Karayan, Charles W. Swenson, Joseph W. Neff.
KF6491 .D35 2002eb
KF6491 .D35 2003eb
KF6491 .W45 2002eb
KF6566 .W55 2003eb
KF6585 .S36 2001eb
KF665.Z9 W368 2001eb
KF6694 .U55x 2009
KF6733.A6 F42
KF697.F6 F67x 2012
KF7225 .F67 2008
KF7252 .L63 2002eb
KF734.Z9 C57 2002eb
KF734.Z9 C57 2004eb
KF7345 .N3 vol. 63
KF7345 .N3 vol. 64
KF7345 .N3 vol. 65
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KF7345 .N3 vol.68
KF7345 .N3 vol.69
KF7345 .N3 vol.70
KF7345 .N3 vol.71
Tax savvy for small business [electronic resource] : year-round tax
strategies to save you money / by Frederick W. Daily.
Tax savvy for small business [electronic resource] : year-round tax
trategies to save you money / by Attorney Frederick W. Daily.
J.K. Lasser's new rules for small business taxes [electronic resource]
/ Barbara Weltman.
Selling real estate without paying taxes [electronic resource] : a
guide to capital gains tax alternatives / Richard T. Williamson.
How to pay zero estate taxes [electronic resource] / Jeff A.
Essential guide to real estate contracts [electronic resource] / Mark
Know before you go [electronic resource] : regulations for
international travel by U.S. residents / U.S. Customs and Border
Federal grants management handbook.
Foreclosure counseling [electronic resource] : outcome study : final
report : housing counseling outcome evaluation / prepared for U.S.
Dept. of Housing and Urban Development, submitted by Abt
Associates, Inc., Anna Jefferson ... [et. al.] in partnership with IMPAQ
International, LLC.
Forged in the fire [electronic resource] : lessons learned during
military operations (1994-2008).
Victory on the Potomac [electronic resource] : the GoldwaterNichols Act unifies the Pentagon / James R. Locher, III ; foreword by
Sam Nunn.
Make your own living trust [electronic resource] / by Denis Clifford ;
illustrated by Mari Stein.
Make your own living trust [electronic resource] / by Denis Clifford ;
illustrated by Mari Stein.
Law of piracy / Alfred P. Rubin.
Law of naval operations / edited by Horace B. Robertson, Jr.
Targeting enemy merchant shipping / edited by Richard J.
International law across the spectrum of conflict : essays in honour
of Professor L.C. Green on the occasion of his eightieth birthday /
Michael N. Schmitt, editor.
Excessive maritime claims / J. Ashley Roach and Robert W. Smith.
Legal and moral constraints on low-intensity conflict / edited by
Alberto R. Coll, James S. Ord and Stephen A. Rose.
Readings on international law from the Naval War College review,
1978-1994 / edited by John Norton Moore and Robert F. Turner.
Protection of the environment during armed conflict / edited by
Richard J. Grunawalt, John E. King and Ronald S. McClain.
Levie on the law of war / Michael N. Schmitt, Leslie C. Green,
Law of armed conflict : into the next millenium / Michael N. Schmitt
KF7345 .N3 vol.72
KF7345 .N3 vol.73
KF7345 .N3 vol.74
KF7345 .N3 vol.76
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KF7345 .N3 vol.88
KF750.Z9 B365 2002eb
KF750.Z9 C585 2001eb
KF750.Z9 C59 2002eb
KF750.Z9 K498 2003eb
KF750.Z9 P5843 2003eb
KF750.Z9 R36 2003eb
KF753.Z9 S52 2003eb
KF755.Z9 C54 2001eb
KF755.Z9 C54 2003eb
KF755.Z9 C55 2003eb
KF755.Z9 H47 2003eb
& Leslie C. Green, editors.
Law of military operations : liber amicorum professor Jack
Grunawalt / Michael N. Schmitt, editor.
Annotated supplement to The commander's handbook on the law
of naval operations / A.R. Thomas and James C. Duncan, editors.
Tanker war, 1980-88 : law and policy / George K. Walker.
Computer network attack and international law / Michael N.
Schmitt & Brian T. O'Donnell, editors.
Lillich on the forcible protection of nationals abroad : in memory of
professor Richard B. Lillich / Thomas C. Wingfield, James E. Meyen,
Legal and ethical lessons of NATO's Kosovo campaign / Andru E.
Wall, editor.
International law and the war on terror / Fred L. Borch & Paul S.
Wilson, editors.
Issues in international law and military operations / Richard B.
Jaques, editor.
International law challenges : homeland security and combating
terrorism / Thomas McK. Sparks and Glenn M. Sulmasy, editors.
Law of war in the 21st century : weaponry and the use of force /
Anthony M. Helm, editor.
Global legal challenges : command of the commons, strategic
communications, and natural disasters / Michael D. Carsten, editor.
International law and military operations / Michael D. Carsten,
War in Afghanistan : a legal analysis / Michael N. Schmitt, editor.
War in Iraq : a legal analysis / Raul A. "Pete" Pedrozo, editor.
International law and the changing character of war / Raul A. "Pete"
Pedrozo and Daria P. Wollschlaeger, editors.
Non-international armed conflict in the twenty-first century /
Kenneth Watkin and Andrew J. Norris, editors.
Best intentions [electronic resource] : ensuring your estate plan
delivers both wealth and wisdom / Colleen Barney, Victoria Collins.
Estate planning basics [electronic resource] / by Denis Clifford.
Plan your estate [electronic resource] / by Denis Clifford & Cora
Disinherit the IRS [electronic resource] : stop Uncle Sam from
claiming half of your estate ... or more / by E. Michael Kilbourn.
Your will & estate plan [electronic resource] : how to protect your
estate and your loved ones / Harvey J. Platt.
8 ways to avoid probate [electronic resource] / by Mary Randolph.
Inherit more [electronic resource] / Martin M. Shenkman.
Nolo's simple will book [electronic resource] / by Denis Clifford.
Nolo's simple will book [electronic resource] / by Denis Clifford.
Quick & legal will book [electronic resource] / by Denis Clifford.
Simplified guide to creating a personal will [electronic resource] /
Deborah Levine Herman, Robin L. Bodiford.
KF755.Z9 W35 2000eb
KF7641 .L69 1998eb
KF7685.A25 .U55x 2011
KF7695.S3 P83 2007
KF7695.S3 U55x 2008
KF778.Z9 C48 2001eb
KF801 .F74 2000eb
KF8205 .D63 2000eb
KF8205 .R87 2000eb
KF8210.R37 B76 1999eb
KF8228.C5 G37 2002eb
KF8228.C505 S7
KF8228.N315 U55 2005
KF8700 .D806
KF8700 .G85 2010
KF8700.A68 U27 2012eb
How to make your own will [electronic resource] : with forms /
Mark Warda.
Tarnished eagles [electronic resource] : the courts-martial of fifty
Union colonels and lieutenant colonels / Thomas P. Lowry ; with a
foreword by William C. Davis.
Major management challenges facing the Department of Homeland
Security [electronic resource].
Improving declassification [electronic resource] : a report to the
President / from the Public Interest Declassification Board.
Report of investigation regarding allegations of mishandling of
classified documents by Attorney General Alberto Gonzales
[electronic resource] / Office of the Inspector General, Oversight
and Review Division.
How to administer an estate [electronic resource] : a step-by-step
guide for families and friends / by Stephen G. Christianson.
Calculating promises [electronic resource] : the emergence of
modern American contract doctrine / Roy Kreitner.
Introduction to the law of contracts [electronic resource] / Martin
A. Frey, Terry H. Bitting, Phyllis Hurley Frey.
State and freedom of contract [electronic resource] / edited by
Harry N. Scheiber.
Documents of United States Indian policy [electronic resource] /
edited by Francis Paul Prucha.
Fateful time [electronic resource] : the background and legislative
history of the Indian Reorganization Act / Elmer R. Rusco.
Religion, law, and the land [electronic resource] : Native Americans
and the judicial interpretation of sacred land / Brian Edward Brown.
Legal ideology of removal [electronic resource] : the southern
judiciary and the sovereignty of Native American nations / Tim Alan
Fire and the spirits : Cherokee law from clan to court / by Rennard
Strickland ; foreword by Neill H. Alford, Jr.
Farmington report [electronic resource] : civil rights for Native
Americans 30 years later / New Mexico Advisory Committee to the
U.S. Commission on Civil Rights.
Dissertation on the nature and extent of the jurisdiction of the
courts of the United States, being a valedictory address delivered to
the students of the Law Academy of Philadelphia ... on the 22d April,
1824. By Peter S. Du Ponceau ... To which are added, A brief sketch
of the national judiciary powers exercised in the United States prior
to the adoption of the present Federal Constitution, by Thomas
Sergeant ... and the author's discourse on legal education, delivered
at the opening of the Law academy, in February, 1821. With an
appendix and notes ...
Guide to research in federal judicial history [electronic resource] /
Federal Judicial Center, Federal Judicial History Office.
U.S. justice system : an encyclopedia [electronic resource] / Steven
KF8742 .B473 2002eb
KF8742 .G68 2000eb
KF8742 .H37 2012
KF8742 .S78 2010
KF8742 .W567 2010
KF8742.A35 E525
KF8742.A35 O93 1992
KF8742.A35 O93 2005eb
KF8745.M3 .U384 2014
KF8745.S83 N48 1985eb
KF8776 .B38 2002eb
KF8776 .G65 1997eb
KF8841 .B47 2001eb
KF8858 .D8 1972
KF8915.Z9 .L36x 2008
Harmon Wilson, editor.
Warren court and American politics [electronic resource] / Lucas A.
Powe, Jr.
Judicial power and Reconstruction politics [electronic resource] /
Stanley I. Kutler.
Character of justice [electronic resource] : rhetoric, law, and politics
in the Supreme Court confirmation process / Trevor Parry-Giles.
Law clerks, support personnel, and the decline of consensual norms
on the United States Supreme Court, 1935-1995 [electronic
resource] / Bradley J. Best.
Morality imposed [electronic resource] : the Rehnquist Court and
liberty in America / Stephen E. Gottlieb.
Landmark Supreme Court cases : the most influential decisions of
the Supreme Court of the United States [electronic resource] /
Richard A. Leiter, Roy M. Mersky.
Student's guide to the Supreme Court [electronic resource] /
advisory editor, Bruce J. Schulman.
Guide to the U.S. Supreme Court [electronic resource].
Encyclopedia of the Supreme Court of the United States [electronic
resource] / David S. Tanenhaus, editor in chief.
Oxford companion to the Supreme Court of the United States /
Kermit L. Hall, editor in chief ; James W. Ely, Jr., Joel B. Grossman,
William M. Wiecek, editors.
Oxford companion to the Supreme Court of the United States
[electronic resource] / edited by Kermit L. Hall.
Abe Fortas [electronic resource] : a biography / Laura Kalman.
Jurisprudence of John Marshall [electronic resource] / by Kenneth
John Marshall : The Chief Justice Who Saved the Nation [electronic
Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story [electronic resource] :
statesman of the Old Republic / R. Kent Newmyer.
Supreme Court justices in the post-Bork era [electronic resource] :
confirmation politics and judicial performance / Joyce A. Baugh.
Picking federal judges [electronic resource] : lower court selection
from Roosevelt through Reagan / Sheldon Goldman.
Represent yourself in court [electronic resource] : how to prepare
and try a winning case / by Paul Bergman & Sara J. Berman-Barrett ;
edited by Ralph Warner.
Litigation and inequality [electronic resource] : federal diversity
jurisdiction in industrial America, 1870-1958 / Edward A. Purcell, Jr.
Dissertation on the nature and extent of the jurisdiction of the
courts of the United States, being a valedictory address delivered to
the students of the Law Academy of Philadelphia, at the close of the
academical year on 22d April, 1824.
Civil bench and jury trials in state courts, 2005 [electronic resource]
/ by Lynn Langton, and Thomas H. Cohen.
KF8935 .D53x 2012
KF8961.A75 S35 2000eb
KF8972.A5 .R54 2005
KF8979 .K74 2002eb
KF898 .F567 2002eb
KF8982 .C66 2014eb
KF9011 .H34 2011eb
KF902 .K45 2013
KF9085.A68 D53 1999eb
KF9219.6 .M33 1999eb
KF9223.4 .F35 2002eb
KF9226.Z9 R63 2003eb
KF9227.C2 ǂb T48 2006
KF9227.C2 B478 2012
KF9227.C2 M4158
KF9245 .T48 1998eb
KF9323.A315 A2 2003
DNA for the defense bar [electronic resource] / DNA Initiative.
Age of expert testimony [electronic resource] : science in the
courtroom : report of a workshop / Science, Technology, and Law
Panel, Policy and Global Affairs.
Bill of Rights [electronic resource] / edited by Kristin O'Donnell
Stack and sway [electronic resource] : the new science of jury
consulting / Neil J. Kressel and Dorit F. Kressel.
Consultant & independent contractor agreements [electronic
resource] / by Stephen Fishman ; edited by Amy DelPo & Lisa
Jury nullification : the evolution of a doctrine [electronic resource] /
Clay S. Contrad.
Habeas corpus after 9/11 [electronic resource] : confronting
America's new global detention system / Jonathan Hafetz.
Construction law : an introduction for engineers, architects, and
contractors [electronic resource] / Gail S. Kelley.
Dictionary of conflict resolution [electronic resource] / compiled
and edited by Douglas H. Yarn ; in cooperation with the Society of
Professionals in Dispute Resolution and with the support of the
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and the Georgia Consortium
on Negotiation and Conflict Resolution.
Layperson's guide to criminal law [electronic resource] / Raneta
Lawson Mack.
Crime and punishment in American history [electronic resource] /
Lawrence Friedman.
Fair trial rights of the accused [electronic resource] : a documentary
history / edited by Ronald Banaszak, Sr.
Murder, courts, and the press [electronic resource] : issues in free
press/fair trial / Peter E. Kane ; with a foreword by Franklyn S.
Persistent offender law [electronic resource] : racial disparity,
patterned offenses, and unintended effects / Nancy Rodriguez.
Capital punishment [electronic resource] / Bruce E.R. Thompson ;
Mary Jo Poole, consulting editor.
Cruel & unusual : the American death penalty and the founders'
Eighth Amendment [electronic resource] / John D. Bessler.
Capital punishment [electronic resource] / Joseph A. Melusky and
Keith Alan Pesto.
Double jeopardy [electronic resource] : the history, the law /
George C. Thomas III.
Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act [electronic resource] :
including Adoption Opportunities & the Abandoned Infants
Assistance Act as amended by the Keeping Children and Families
Safe Act of 2003 / U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
Administration for Children and Families, Administration on
Children, Youth and Families, Children's Bureau, Office on Child
KF9325 .C64 2002eb
KF9325 .O45 2013
KF9329.Z9 D38 2000
KF9350 .B73 2012
KF9350.A15 F56x
KF9430 .B48 2008
KF9444.A3 U55x 2012
KF9630 .S43x 2009
KF9630.A68 E53 2013
KF9646 .T66 2002eb
KF9664 .B46 2002eb
KF9666.5 .F56x 2011
KF970.6 .F56 2011
KF9725 .P35 2013eb
KF974 .F56x 2009
KF9751 .U55x 2008
KF9763.Z9 B65 2001eb
KF9774.538 .A15 1981a
KF9779 .J87 2011eb
KFA401 1901.A6 S74
KFC592.Z9 B35 2002eb
Abuse and Neglect.
Regulating intimacy [electronic resource] : a new legal paradigm /
Jean L. Cohen.
Sexually motivated crimes : understanding the profile of the sex
offender and applying theory to practice [electronic resource] /
Janet R. Oliva.
State legislators' handbook for statutory rape issues / Noy S. Davis,
Jennifer Twombly.
Cybercrime and the law : challenges, issues, and outcomes / Susan
W. Brenner.
Financial crimes report to the public [electronic resource].
Necessary evil of preventive detention in the war on terror : a plan
for a more moderate and sustainable solution / Stephanie Cooper
Federal child pornography offenses / United States Sentencing
Searching and seizing computers and obtaining electronic evidence
in criminal investigations [electronic resource] / Computer Crime
and Intellectual Property Section, Criminal Division.
Encyclopedia of the Fourth Amendment / edited by John R. Vile,
David L. Hudson, Jr.
Right to the assistance of counsel [electronic resource] : a reference
guide to the United States Constitution / James J. Tomkovicz ;
foreword by Yale Kamisar.
U.S. Court of Appeals and the law of confessions [electronic
resource] : perspectives on the hierarchy of justice / Sara C. Benesh.
Fingerprint sourcebook [electronic resource].
Financial market regulation [electronic resource] : legislation and
implications / John A. Tatom, editor.
Death penalty in the United States : a complete guide to federal and
state laws [electronic resource] / Louis J. Palmer, Jr.
Financial regulatory reform [electronic resource] : a new foundation
: rebuilding financial supervision and regulation.
Review of the Department of Justice's implementation of the Sex
Offender Registration and Notification Act [electronic resource] /
U.S. Department of Justice, Office of the Inspector General,
Evaluation and Inspections Division.
Crime victim's guide to justice [electronic resource] / Mary L.
Indexed legislative history of the "Juvenile Justice Amendments of
Justice for kids : keeping kids out of the juvenile justice system
[electronic resource] / edited by Nancy E. Dowd.
Alabama state constitution : a reference guide / William H. Stewart
; foreword by Donald Patterson.
Take charge of your workers' compensation claim [electronic
resource] : an A to Z guide for injured employees / by Christopher A.
KFF139.L3 W37 2002eb
KFF144.Z9 W37 2001eb
KFF207.5.Z9 W37
KFF213.5.Z9 W37
KFF521.Z9 W37 2002eb
KFG144.Z9 M67 2002eb
KFG205.Z9 .R63 2001eb
KFG560.3 .H37 2002eb
KFM2478.8.W5 W44
KFN5078 .N45 2001eb
KFN5145 .M33 2001eb
KFN5955.5 .O64 1997eb
KFN7544.Z9 N39 2001eb
KFW505.5.C63 M55
KHD520 .L49 2003eb
KHD520 .L49 2003eb
Land trusts in Florida [electronic resource] / Mark Warda.
How to make a Florida will [electronic resource] : with forms / Mark
How to form a limited liability company in Florida [electronic
resource] / Mark Warda.
How to form a corporation in Florida [electronic resource] / Mark
How to win in small claims court in Florida [electronic resource] /
Mark Warda.
How to make a Georgia will [electronic resource] / Edward P.
Moses, Mark Warda.
How to start a business in Georgia [electronic resource] : with forms
/ Charles T. Robertson II, Mark Warda.
Alternative dispute resolution in civil justice systems [electronic
resource] / Roger E. Hartley.
Witchcraft, magic, and religion in 17th-century Massachusetts
[computer file] / Richard Weisman.
Legalist reformation [electronic resource] : law, politics, and
ideology in New York, 1920-1980 / William E. Nelson.
In the eyes of the law [electronic resource] : women, marriage, and
property in nineteenth-century New York / Norma Basch.
Anti-rent era in New York law and politics, 1839-1865 [electronic
resource] / Charles W. McCurdy.
Open courtroom [electronic resource] : cameras in New York courts
/ New York State Committee to Review Audio-Visual Coverage of
Court Proceedings.
How to make a North Carolina will [electronic resource] : with
forms / Jacqueline D. Stanley, Mark Warda.
Law and economic growth [electronic resource] : the legal history of
the lumber industry in Wisconsin, 1836-1915 / James Willard Hurst.
Problem of justice [electronic resource] : tradition and law in the
Coast Salish world / Bruce G. Miller.
Empowering women [electronic resource] : land and property rights
in Latin America / Carmen Diana Deere and Magdalena León.
Justice by insurance [electronic resource] : the General Indian Court
of Colonial Mexico and the legal aides of the half-real / Woodrow
Surprise heirs. Volume 1, Illegitimacy, patrimonial rights, and legal
nationalism in Luso-Brazilian inheritance, 1750-1821 [electronic
resource] / Linda Lewin.
Surprise heirs. Volume 2, Illegitimacy, inheritance rights, and public
power in the formation of Imperial Brazil, 1822-1889 [electronic
resource] / Linda Lewin.
Shifting landmarks [electronic resource] : property, proof, and
dispute in Catalonia around the year 1000 / Jeffrey A. Bowman.
Medieval origins of the legal profession [electronic resource] :
KJA147 .T4513 1993eb
KJA2192 .G78 2002eb
KJA2930 .G37 2002eb
KJA3612 .B38 1996eb
KJC406 .C34 2002eb
KJC5272 .E96 2002eb
KJC6155 .G76 2013
KJC984.9 .Z56 2002eb
KJE6245 .E97 2011eb
KJE6577 .T85 2012
KJE7010 .L9 2002eb
canonists, civilians, and courts / James A. Brundage.
Law, sex, and Christian society in medieval Europe [electronic
resource] / James A. Brundage.
Encyclopedic dictionary of Roman law [electronic resource] / Adolf
Historical introduction to the study of Roman law [electronic
resource] / by the late H. F. Jolowicz and Barry Nicholas.
Short history of Roman law [electronic resource] / Olga TellegenCouperus.
Women and the law in the Roman Empire [electronic resource] : a
sourcebook on marriage, divorce and widowhood / Judith Evans
Roman marriage [electronic resource] : iusti coniuges from the time
of Cicero to the time of Ulpian / Susan Treggiari.
Landlords and tenants in imperial Rome [electronic resource] / by
Bruce W. Frier.
Laws of the Roman people [electronic resource] : public law in the
expansion and decline of the Roman Republic / Callie Williamson.
Being a Roman citizen [electronic resource] / Jane F. Gardner.
Crime and punishment in ancient Rome [electronic resource] /
Richard A. Bauman.
Women and law in late antiquity [electronic resource] / Antti
Law, marriage, and society in the later Middle Ages [electronic
resource] : arguments about marriage in five courts / Charles
Donahue, Jr.
Marriage exchange [electronic resource] : property, social place,
and gender in cities of the Low Countries, 1300-1550 / Martha C.
European law in the past and the future [electronic resource] : unity
and diversity over two millennia / R.C. van Caenegem.
Evolution of electoral and party systems in the Nordic countries
[electronic resource] / by Bernard Grofman, Arend Lijphart, coeditors.
Co-evolution of standards in innovation systems [electronic
resource] : the dynamics of voluntary and legal building codes /
Stefan N. Grösser.
Post-communist restitution and the rule of law [electronic resource]
/ Csongor Kuti.
Comparative foundations of a European law of set-off and
prescription [electronic resource] / Reinhard Zimmermann.
European Landscape Convention [electronic resource] : challenges
of participation / Michael Jones, Marie Stenseke, ed.
Cross-border-only regulation for consumer transactions in the EU
[electronic resource] : a fresh approach to EU consumer law /
Christian Twigg-Flesner.
Law and regulation [electronic resource] : scenarios for the
KKX517.5 .P45 2003eb
KL4115.3 .C37 2003eb
KMC459 .B76 1997eb
KMJ41.H87 M48x 2010
KMK3466 .K74 2002eb
KNC403 .L39 2003eb
KNQ1155 .G37 2013
information age / by B.M.J. van Klink & J.E.J. Prins.
Power, caste, and law [electronic resource] : social conflict in
fourteenth-century Montpellier / Jan Rogoziński ; foreword by
Joseph R. Strayer.
Contested paternity [electronic resource] : constructing families in
modern France / Rachel G. Fuchs.
Bloodtaking and peacemaking [electronic resource] : feud, law, and
society in Saga Iceland / William Ian Miller.
Law, family & women [electronic resource] : toward a legal
anthropology of Renaissance Italy / Thomas Kuehn.
Heirs, kin, and creditors in Renaissance Florence [electronic
resource] / Thomas Kuehn.
Earliest Norwegian laws [electronic resource] : being the Gulathing
law and the Frostathing law / translated from the Old Norwegian by
Laurence M. Larson.
Morality tales [electronic resource] : law and gender in the
Ottoman court of Aintab / Leslie Peirce.
Morality tales [electronic resource] : law and gender in the
Ottoman court of Aintab / Leslie Peirce.
Moulding of Ukraine [electronic resource] : the constitutional
politics of state formation / by Kataryna Wolczuk.
Law collections from Mesopotamia and Asia Minor [electronic
resource] / by Martha T. Roth ; with a contribution by Harry A.
Hoffner, Jr. ; volume editor Piotr Michalowski.
Trials from classical Athens [electronic resource] / [edited by]
Christopher Carey.
Hittite diplomatic texts [electronic resource] / by Gary Beckman ;
edited by Harry A. Hoffner, Jr.
Medieval Russian laws [electronic resource] / translated by George
Women, the state, and revolution [electronic resource] : Soviet
family policy and social life, 1917-1936 / Wendy Z. Goldman.
Rule of law in the Arab world [electronic resource] : courts in Egypt
and the Gulf / Nathan J. Brown.
Decision making in Operation Iraqi Freedom [electronic resource] :
removing Saddam Hussein by force / Steven Metz ; John R. Martin,
executive editor.
Outlawed pigs [electronic resource] : law, religion, and culture in
Israel / Daphne Barak-Erez.
Occupation of justice [electronic resource] : the Supreme Court of
Israel and the Occupied Territories / David Kretzmer.
Law and labour market regulation in East Asia [electronic resource]
/ edited by Sean Cooney, Tim Lindsey, Richard Mitchell, and Ying
Criminal justice in China [electronic resource] : a history / Klaus
Profiting from innovation in China [electronic resource] / Oliver
KNQ1155 .I58 2011
KNQ3550 .C45 2011
KNX42.T45 M58 2002eb
KQC705 .B45 2002eb
KTL1221.O74 D48 2013
KTL2467.M56 H46
KU822 .S65 2013
KZ1242 .B43 2001eb
KZ1301 .T69 2000eb
KZ3410 .B433 2002eb
KZ3684 .G56 2002eb
KZ4041 .P76 2001eb
KZ4850 .L44 2001eb
KZ5675 .A89 2000eb
KZ5825.3 .B8 2002eb
KZ5865.B56 T85x 2011
KZ6311 .M33x 2005
KZ6355 .I58 2006
Gassmann, Angela Beckenbauer, Sascha Friesike.
Intellectual property rights in China [electronic resource] / Chris
Devonshire-Ellis, Andy Scott, Sam Woollard, editors.
China tax guide [electronic resource] / Chris Devonshire-Ellis, Sam
Woollard, Andy Scott, Editors.
Sex, law, and society in late imperial China [electronic resource] /
Matthew H. Sommer.
Spirit of Hindu law [electronic resource] / Donald R. Davis, Jr.
Justice in Japan [electronic resource] : the notorious Teijin scandal /
Richard H. Mitchell.
Tort, custom, and karma [electronic resource] : globalization and
legal consciousness in Thailand / David M. Engel and Jaruwan S.
Legal and regulatory framework for environmental impact
assessments [electronic resource] : a study of selected countries in
Sub-Saharan Africa / Mohammed A. Bekhechi, Jean-Roger Mercier.
Developing geographical indications in the south [electronic
resource] : the Southern African experience / Cerkia Bramley, Estelle
Bienabe, Johann Kirsten, editors.
Minority protection in post-apartheid South Africa [electronic
resource] : human rights, minority rights, and self-determination /
Kristin Henrard.
Electronic signatures for B2B contracts [electronic resource] :
evidence from Australia / Aashish Srivastava.
Law and colonial cultures [electronic resource] : legal regimes in
world history, 1400-1900 / Lauren Benton.
International law in antiquity [electronic resource] / David J.
Democracy and peacemaking [electronic resource] : negotiations
and debates, 1815-1973 / Philip Towle.
Spirit of international law [electronic resource] / by David J.
Global boundaries [electronic resource] / edited by Clive H.
Problematic sovereignty [electronic resource] : contested rules and
political possibilities / Stephen D. Krasner, editor.
Legitimacy of international organizations [electronic resource] /
edited by Jean-Marc Coicaud and Veijo Heiskanen.
Nuclear disarmament in international law [electronic resource] / by
Haralambos Athanasopulos.
Surveillance and detection [electronic resource] : a public health
response to bioterrorism / by Barbara F. Bullock.
U.S. ratification of the Chemical Weapons Convention [electronic
resource] / by Jonathan B. Tucker.
International Criminal Court [electronic resource] : why we need it,
how we got it, our concern about it / Donald A. MacCuish.
International law challenges : homeland security and combating
KZ6355 .L39 1998
KZ6355 .W37 2009
KZ6355 .W39 2010
KZ6368 .I58 2008
KZ6374 .D56 2001eb
KZ6374 .F73 2002eb
KZ6385 .I87 2006
KZ6385 .L385 2006
KZ6385 .L39x
KZ6385 .L49 1997
KZ6385 .N66 2012
KZ6495 .R48x 2009
KZ6496 .U55x 2010
KZ6515 .M65 2002eb
KZ6718 .I58 2011
KZA1145 .C43 2012
terrorism / Thomas McK. Sparks and Glenn M. Sulmasy, editors.
Law of armed conflict : into the next millenium / Michael N. Schmitt
& Leslie C. Green, editors.
War in Afghanistan : a legal analysis / Michael N. Schmitt, editor.
War in Iraq : a legal analysis / Raul A. "Pete" Pedrozo, editor.
International law and military operations / Michael D. Carsten,
War, aggression, and self-defense [electronic resource] / Yoram
Recourse to force [electronic resource] : state action against threats
and armed attacks / Thomas M. Franck.
Issues in international law and military operations / Richard B.
Jaques, editor.
Law of war in the 21st century : weaponry and the use of force /
Anthony M. Helm, editor.
Law of war deskbook [electronic resource].
Levie on the law of war / Michael N. Schmitt, Leslie C. Green,
Non-international armed conflict in the twenty-first century /
Kenneth Watkin and Andrew J. Norris, editors.
Review of Department compliance with President's Executive Order
on detainee conditions of confinement [electronic resource].
Final report [electronic resource] / Guantanamo Review Task Force
; Department of Justice ... [et al.]
Law of internal armed conflict [electronic resource] / Lindsay Moir.
International law and the changing character of war / Raul A. "Pete"
Pedrozo and Daria P. Wollschlaeger, editors.
Ocean governance [electronic resource] : a way forward / YenChiang Chang.