Criminal Justice Collection Assessment Submitted by Doug Taylor February 9, 2011 INTRODUCTION Following guidelines established by the WLN Collection Assessment Service, which provide a framework for evaluating a library's current holdings and the level of activity of the collection development, the Criminal Justice collection is rated an overall 3cP (Advance Study or Instructional Support Level; predominantly in the Primary Language). This level supports all courses of undergraduate study and master's degree programs as well as the more advanced independent study needs of the patrons of public and special libraries. Refer to the Criminal Justice conspectus sheets and checklist analysis for a more detailed examination of the library's holdings. HOLDINGS The Criminal Justice collection contains 14,291 titles in the Library of Congress classification scheme HV6001 - HV9960. This number includes 6,579 titles from the Crime and Juvenile Delinquency microform collection and 147 e-books. In comparison, the 2005 assessment had 12,988 titles. Since the last assessment, 86 titles were withdrawn from the collection as out-of-date materials. The 20052010 expenditures in this area totaled $87,494. 96 and added 1,293 new titles. This comprises 9% of the current Criminal Justice collection. SUPPLEMENTAL SUPPORT The Criminal Justice subject areas also extend beyond the boundaries of the disciplines. A wide range of subject areas such as Law, Sociology and Social Work, Nursing, Philosophy, Ethics and Religion, Forensic Sciences, Psychology, Political Science and Public Administration, or Emergency Management are also important areas of research. Number of titles held for various subdivisions outside the HV6000-HV9999 Classifications: Classification B1-BX9999 HM1-HN9999 HV1-HV5999 J1-JZ9999 K1-KZ9999 RA1001-RA1171 RA1190-RA1270 RC512-RC569.5 RT1-RT120 Category Philosophy, Psychology and Religion Sociology and Social History Social and Public Welfare Political Science and Public Administration Law Forensic Medicine Toxicology Psychopathology Nursing 1 Totals 29,863 7,462 6472 21,196 12,882 167 342 1467 1,754 TITLES ADDED/TITLES PUBLISHED Titles/Volumes Added 2005-2010 Date HV6001HV9960 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 Total 207 225 187 168 140 927 Blackwell Approval Program Coverage and Cost Study for HV6001 – HV9960 789 585 603 8051 818 3600 Percent Held 26.2% 38.5% 31.0% 20.9% 17.1% 25.8% Compiled from Blackwell Approval Program Coverage and Cost Study reports and the YPB – Domestic New Titles Reports cataloging statistics 2005-2010 According to the WLN manual, a reasonable guideline to consider for assigning an acquisition indicator of 3 or higher would be a book acquisition rate that is equal to at least 15-25% or more of the appropriate universe of titles published annually in a division. The average acquisitions rate for the period between 2005 and 2010 is 25.8%. Monograph Expenditures for Fund Account = Criminal Justice 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 Total $18,337.23 $18,155.51 $19,153.98 $17,110.97 $14,737.272 $87,494.96 The following bibliographies were checked against the library's holdings revealing the corresponding percentages: Publication ARBA, 2005 - 2010 Yankee Book Core 1000 Resources for College Libraries 2007 TOTALS 1 2 Held 57 60 Listed 123 76 Percentage 46.3% 78.9% 101 132 76.5% 218 331 65.9% 2008-2009 & 2009-2010 are provided by the Yankee Book Publisher site Incomplete fiscal year figure 2 PERIODICALS ASSESSMENT Using the Serials Solutions database, the Criminal Justice collection contains 67 print periodical titles and 418 full-text electronic journals in the following classifications: Criminology, Family Violence, Law, Penology and Substance Abuse. See the Appendix for the complete list. The bibliographies Magazines for Libraries and Proquest Criminal Justice Periodical Index were used to measure the quality of the Library’s collection: Title ProQuest Criminal Justice Periodical Index Magazines for Libraries Total Collected/Accessed 100 Listed 250 Percentage 40.0% 37 137 55 305 67.3% 44.9% Serial Expenditures for Fund Account = Criminal Justice3 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 Total $16,236.22 $12,952.83 $7,486.584 $18,356.06 $9,975.095 $65,006.78 NONPRINT MEDIA ASSESSMENT The Criminal Justice collection contains 111 audiovisual titles in the HV6001 – HV9960 classification. This is an increase of 59 titles or a 53.2% increase since the 2005 assessment. The AV collection includes items such as videos, filmstrips, kits, software and audiotapes. ACCESS TO ELECTRONIC RESOURCES Extensive coverage of Criminal Justice periodicals is available through the NCJRS database. The database states: "The National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS) serves as the Information Clearinghouse of the Office of Justice Programs, the research arm of the U.S. Department of Justice. In this capacity, we house one of the largest libraries of justice-related literature in the world. Our library consists of more than 200,000 publications, journals, newsletters, unpublished research, and videos related to any and all aspects of the criminal and juvenile justice fields. Currently the Library collection 3 Includes print, electronic subscriptions and standing orders Due to acquisition of the Sage database and funding variables 5 Incomplete fiscal year figure 4 3 contains approximately 20,000 full-text electronic publications. Many of these publications (around 50 percent) reside on other Web sites and NCJRS links to them directly from the document record. The remaining documents are housed on the Web site.” Limited coverage of Criminal Justice journals is also available through Academic Search Premier; Elsevier ScienceDirect; Expanded Academic ASAP; the EBSCOhost Psychology Databases; and Sociological Abstracts. We recently increased our ability to research in the criminal justice area with the acquisition of the JSTOR database. This extends our digital collection of these journals many years, if not decades back. These databases are available via the Internet to registered students and faculty in the Library, on campus, or off campus. Further, the majority of the electronic journal titles are integrated, analyzed, and accessible through the online Voyager catalog. Also, the Library provides defined access to 147 e-books in criminal justice and police science. See the Appendix for a detailed list. Subject specialists review and recommend World Wide Web sites for inclusion in the Voyager catalog. A few of the criminal justice sites that have been added are: Combating Terrorism Center at West Point and the Sentencing Project. Because the library supports a Master’s Degree Program in Criminal Justice the growth in these areas is very strong and is expected to continue to be so. Defined Access means more than simply providing patrons with access to the Internet through one or more Internet browsers. It refers to menu options on the Library’s or institution's homepage, which link the user to owned or remotely accessible electronic resources selected by the Library with the needs of its patrons in mind. The Library maximizes access to Internet resources through several means: cataloging of each resource; regular updating of records when information, particularly the site's URL, changes; provision, maintenance, preparation, and loading of necessary software and hardware; appropriate staff and user support; and training. Because the Library provides access to electronic databases that encompass the area of Criminal Justice, the Library's electronic collection in this subject is rated a 3cP (Advanced Study or Instructional Support Level, predominantly in the Primary language). SUMMARY Strengths: Total holdings, WLN conspectus evaluation, and checklist comparisons indicate the overall Criminal Justice collection is more than adequate to support the curriculum. Of particular note are the holdings in the subject areas of: Criminal Classes; Crimes & Offenses, Offenses Against Public Order; Crimes Against the Person; Crimes Against Property; Crimes Against Public Morals; and Prison, Corrections. These areas have shown a 26.9% growth rate since the last assessment. The following bibliographies also show a strong growth in our 4 Criminal Justice collection: American Reference Book Annual, 46.3%; Yankee Book Core, 78.9%; and Resources for College Libraries 2007, 76.5%. A review of the journal holdings reveals that the Criminal Justice collection is adequate to support the curriculum. The addition of JSTOR database, with access to many of their retrospective full text journals, has made our journal support even stronger. Weaknesses: Total holdings, WLN conspectus evaluations, and checklist comparisons indicate that the weakest areas of the Criminal Justice Collection are: Criminal Psychology; Crimes and Criminals; and Guards, Watchmen, Private Security. Recommendations: Although the monographic collection continues to be strong and the serials holdings have grown in strength sufficiently to support the Department of Criminal Justice program at the Intermediate Study level, but additional monographs in the area of Criminal Psychology; Crimes and Criminals; and Guards, Watchmen, Private Security need to be collected. 5 Appendix Searching the Serials Solutions database ( 418 full-text Criminal Justice journals were found to be available either electronically or in-print. The following is an alphabetical list of these journals: Journal Title ABA journal Access control & security systems integration Accounting and financial planning for law firms Addiction (Abingdon, England) Addiction & recovery Addiction biology Addiction research & theory Addictive behaviors Administrative & regulatory law news Administrative law review Advocate (Boise, Idaho) Affiliate African journal of criminology and justice studies African terrorism bulletin Air and space lawyer Alabama lawyer Alaska justice forum Alcohol (Fayetteville, N.Y.) Alcohol alert (London, England) Alcohol and alcoholism (Oxford) Alcohol health and research world Alcohol research & health Alcoholism & addiction magazine Alcoholism & drug abuse week Alcoholism report Alternatives to incarceration, county programming ... annual report American bankruptcy law journal American criminal law review American jails American journal of Electronic Print X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 6 correction American journal of criminal justice American journal of criminal law American journal of drug and alcohol abuse American journal of family law American journal of jurisprudence (Notre Dame) American journal of police American journal of police science American journal on addictions American lawyer (New York. 1979) American University journal of gender & the law American University journal of gender, social policy & the law Amnesty International (New York, N.Y.) Amnesty International report Annual report - British Columbia. Police Complaint Commissioner Annual report, Section of Public Utility, Communications and Transportation Law Annual report - State of Tennessee, Dept. of Correction Antitrust (Chicago, Ill.) Antitrust law journal Arrests in Wisconsin Asian journal of criminology ASLH newsletter @Law (Tulsa, Okla.) Australian & New Zealand journal of criminology Banking & financial services policy report Bankruptcy developments journal Bankruptcy strategist Banks in insurance report Bar bulletin (Seattle-King County Bar Association : 1988) Bar leader Behavioral health X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 7 management Behavioral health treatment Bench and bar of Minnesota Berkeley journal of gender, law & justice Berkeley women's law journal Bifocal Boletín criminológico Brief (Chicago. 1980) British journal of addiction British journal of addiction to alcohol & other drugs British journal of criminology Broadcasting and the law Brown University digest of addiction theory and application Brown University long-term care quality advisor Bruce R. Hopkins' nonprofit counsel Bulletin on narcotics Business law today Business lawyer Business torts reporter BYU journal of public law Calendars of the United States House of Representatives and history of legislation Campus crime Canadian journal of criminology Canadian journal of criminology and criminal justice Capital University law review Capítulo criminológico Cardozo arts & entertainment law journal Case & comment Casino journal (Las Vegas, Nev.) Center court Champ pénal Child Abuse Review (Chichester, England: 1992) Clinical law review Columbia journal of gender and law Commerce business daily Commercial law bulletin (Chicago, Ill.) Commercial law journal X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 8 Commercial leasing law & strategy Communications lawyer Compliance reporter Compliance week Computer & Internet lawyer Computer fraud & security Computer lawyer Conflict resolution quarterly Congressional record (Daily ed.) Connecticut public interest law journal Construction lawyer Contemporary drug problems Contemporary justice review : CJR Contract management Corporate counsel (New York, N.Y.) Corporate counsellor Corporate governance advisor Corporate legal times CorrectCare Corrections case law quarterly Corrections compendium Corrections digest Corrections forum Corrections magazine Corrections management quarterly Corrections today Counselor (Arlington, Va.) Crime and delinquency Crime and justice (Chicago, Ill.) Crime and justice bulletin Crime & justice international Crime in Wisconsin Crime, law, and social change Crime prevention and community safety Criminal behaviour and mental health Criminal justice and behavior Criminal justice ethics Criminal justice policy review Criminal law forum Criminal science monograph Criminology (Beverly Hills) Criminology & criminal justice X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 9 X X X Criminology & public policy Crisis (Toronto) D&O advisor Daily digest (United States. Federal Communications Commission) Daily journal of commerce (Portland, Or. : 1987) Debates and proceedings in the Congress of the United States Debt3 Defense counsel journal Defense counsel journal Deviant behavior Digital investigation Disability leave & absence reporter Dispute resolution magazine Drug and alcohol dependence Drug and alcohol review X X X X Drug detection report Drug enforcement Drugs (Abingdon, England) Drugs and alcohol today Drugs in focus Duke journal of gender law & policy E-commerce law & strategy Elderlaw report Energy law journal Energy report (Washington) Enforcement journal Entertainment and sports lawyer X Entertainment law & finance Entertainment law reporter ERCES online quarterly review Estate planning review European addiction research European journal of crime, criminal law, and criminal justice European journal of criminology European journal on criminal policy and research Experience (Chicago, Ill.) Family advocate Family law quarterly X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Academic Search Premier only X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 10 Academic Search Premier only. Family process FBI law enforcement bulletin FCC record Federal communications law journal Federal probation Federal register Federal sentencing reporter Feminist criminology Fidelity & surety digest Florida bar journal Florida bar news Fordham journal of corporate & financial law Fordham urban law journal Forensic accounting review Forensic examiner Forensic science communications Franchise law journal FTC: watch GC California GC New England Georgetown journal of legal ethics Global illicit drug trends GP solo Guild notes X X X X Harm reduction journal Harvard journal of law & gender Harvard journal of law and public policy Hastings communications and entertainment law journal, Comm/Ent High yield report Homicide studies In the public interest (Amherst, N.Y.) Indian report Infrastructure (Chicago, Ill.) Inside counsel (Chicago, Ill.) Insights (Clifton, N.J.) Insights on law & society Insurance coverage law bulletin International criminal justice review International gaming & wagering business International journal of comparative and applied X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Academic Search Premier only X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 11 X criminal justice International journal of criminal justice sciences International journal of cyber criminology International journal of digital evidence International journal of drug policy International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology International journal of police science & management International journal of punishment and sentencing International journal of the sociology of law International narcotics control strategy report Internet law & strategy Investment lawyer IOMA's report on compensation & benefits for law offices IOMA's report on managing 401(k) plans IOMA's report on managing exports IOMA's report on preventing business fraud Issues in child abuse accusations Journal for juvenile justice and detention services Journal for juvenile justice services Journal - Forensic Science Society Journal of addiction and mental health Journal of addictions & offender counseling Journal of air law and commerce Journal of alcohol and drug education Journal of appellate practice and process Journal of child sexual abuse Journal of clinical forensic medicine Journal of college and university law X X X X X X X Academic Search Premier only X X X X X X X X X X X X Academic Search Premier only Academic Search Premier only Academic Search Premier only X X X X X X X X X 12 X Journal of contemporary criminal justice Journal of corporation law Journal of correctional education (1974) Journal of correctional health care Journal of credibility assessment and witness psychology Journal of crime & justice Journal of criminal justice Journal of criminal justice and popular culture Journal of criminal justice education Journal of criminal law & criminology Journal of criminal law and criminology (1931) Journal of criminal law, criminology & police science Journal of digital forensics, security and law Journal of drug issues Journal of Eder Abuse & Neglect Journal of experimental criminology Journal of family violence Journal of forensic identification Journal of genocide research Journal of global drug policy and practice Journal of hate studies Journal of health care compliance Journal of intellectual property Journal of Internet law Journal of interpersonal violence Journal of investigative psychology and offender profiling Journal of law and commerce Journal of legal aspects of sport Journal of offender counseling, services & rehabilitation Journal of offender rehabilitation Journal of online law Journal of police science and X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Academic Search Premier only X X X X X X 13 administration Journal of practical estate planning Journal of psychoactive drugs Journal of public health policy Journal of quantitative criminology Journal of research in crime and delinquency Journal of security administration Journal of social work practice Journal of sports economics Journal of studies on alcohol Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs Journal of substance abuse Journal of substance abuse treatment Journal of Supreme Court history Journal of tax practice management Journal of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers Journal of the American Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology Journal of the Association of Legal Writing Directors Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States Journal of the Institute of Justice and International Studies Journal of the legal profession Journal of the Missouri Bar Journal of the Senate of the United States of America Journal of toxicology. Clinical toxicology Journal on telecommunications & high technology law Judicature Judicial Division record Jurimetrics (Chicago, Ill.) Jury expert Justice professional Justice quarterly X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 14 X X Justice system journal Juvenile justice digest Kansas journal of law & public policy Labor & employment law Labor lawyer Law and politics book review Law and order Law enforcement bulletin (New York, N.Y.) Law enforcement news Law firm inc. Law firm partnership and benefits report Law office management & administration report Law practice Law technology news Legal information alert Legal memorandum (Reston) Legal writing : the journal of the Legal Writing Institute Litigation LJN's equipment leasing newsletter LJN's franchising business & law alert LJN's legal tech newsletter LJN's product liability law & strategy Magna's campus legal monthly Maine bar journal Marketing the law firm Matrimonial strategist Michigan Bar journal Michigan journal of gender & law Michigan journal of international law Michigan telecommunications and technology law review Mortgage-backed securities letter NAELA journal Narcotic drugs. Estimated world requirements for... Statistics for ... Narcotics enforcement & prevention digest National drug threat assessment National Institute of Justice reports X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 15 Native American report New South Wales recorded crime statistics Nonprofit counsel Northwestern journal of law and social policy Notre Dame journal of law, ethics & public policy Of counsel (New York, N.Y.) Ohio State journal on dispute resolution Older American reports Open criminology journal Open forensic science journal Organized crime digest Oxford journal of legal studies Perspective (Madison, Wis.) Perspectives (American Bar Association, Commission on Women in the Profession) Police (Carlsbad, Calif.) Police & security bulletin Police chief Police Department disciplinary bulletin Police practice & research X X Police quarterly Police studies Policing (Bradford) Policing : a journal of policy and practice Prison journal (Philadelphia, Pa.) Private equity week Probate and property Probation journal Proceedings of the annual Eastern Mineral Law Institute Proceedings of the annual Energy & Mineral Law Institute Proceedings of the Conference on Computers, Freedom, and Privacy Proceedings of the Conference on Digital Forensics, Security and Law Procurement lawyer Professional lawyer Psychology, crime & law X Psychology of addictive behaviors X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Academic Search Premier only X X X X X X X X X X X X X 16 Academic Search Premier only Public contract law journal Public lawyer Public statutes at large of the United States of America Punishment & society Quarterly bulletin - United States. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms RCR wireless news Real property, probate and trust journal Real property, trust, and estate law journal Record of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York Register of debates in Congress Researching law Review of litigation Revista - CENIPEC Revista española de investigación criminológica Revista española de sanidad penitenciaria SA crime quarterly Santa Clara computer and high-technology law journal School law news Science & justice Scitech lawyer Scribes journal of legal writing Security (Newton, Mass.) Security distributing & marketing Security journal Security letter Security management Security watch Security world Semiannual report to the Congress / Department of Homeland Security, Office of Inspector General Seton Hall journal of sports and entertainment law Sheriff (Alexandria, Va.) Slot manager Social history of alcohol and drugs Social justice (San Francisco, Calif.) Social pathology (Albany, X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 17 N.Y.) Solo (Chicago, Ill.) Southwest journal of criminal justice (Huntsville, Tex.) Stanford journal of law, business & finance State & local law news Statutes at large, the United States Student lawyer (Chicago. 1972 Studies in conflict and terrorism Superfund week Supreme Court economic review Surface Transportation Board reports : decisions of the Surface Transportation Board of the United States TELEMASP bulletin Tennessee bar journal Terrorism Terrorism update Texas journal of women and the law Texas review of entertainment & sports law Theoretical criminology Tobacco control Tort trial & insurance practice law journal TortSource (Chicago, Ill.) Trauma, Violence and Abuse Trends and issues in crime and criminal justice Trends in organized crime Trial Trial lawyer (New York, N.Y.) Tribal justice today Trusts & estates UNAFEI newsletter United States code University of Florida journal of law and public policy University of Miami entertainment & sports law review University of Pennsylvania law review and American law register Update on law-related education Urban lawyer X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Academic Search Premier only Academic Search Premier only X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 18 X Academic Search Premier only Utah Bar journal Vanderbilt journal of entertainment and technology law Vermont journal of environmental law Victimology Villanova journal of law and investment management Violence against women Virginia law weekly Virginia sports and entertainment law journal Voice of experience (Chicago, Ill.) Washington Crime News Services' crime control digest Washington State Bar news Washington University journal of law and policy Washington University journal of urban and contemporary law Western criminology review Wire (Amnesty International) Wisconsin crime and arrests Wisconsin journal of law, gender & society Wisconsin women's law journal Women's rights law reporter World drug report Yale journal on regulation Yale law journal Yearbook of education law Young lawyer (Chicago, Ill. : 1996) Youth violence and juvenile justice Total X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 418 19 67 Criminal Justice E-books Title Criminal circumstance [electronic resource] : a dynamic multi-contextual criminal opportunity theory / Pamela Wilcox, Kenneth C. Land, Scott A. Hunt. HV6023.R33 A3 2002eb Adventures in criminology [electronic resource] / Sir Leon Radzinowicz ; foreword by the Rt. Hon. the Lord Woolf. HV6025 .G53x 2009 Parents in prison and their minor children [electronic resource] / Lauren E. Glaze and Laura M. Maruschak. HV6028 .N43 2002eb Positivism in criminological thought [electronic resource] : a study in the history and use of ideas / Teresa J. Neyhouse. HV6080 M38 2004eb Matter of security [electronic resource] : the application of attachment theory to forensic psychiatry and psychotherapy / edited by Friedemann Pfafflin and Gwen Adshead. HV6158 .W56 2001eb Badfellas [electronic resource] : crime, tradition and new masculinities / Simon Winlow. HV6250.25 .L48 1993eb Hate crimes [electronic resource] : the rising tide of bigotry and bloodshed / Jack Levin and Jack McDevitt. HV6250.3.U5 W66 2008 First response to victims of crime [electronic (INTERNET) resource] : a guidebook for law enforcement officers / [Timothy O. Woods]. HV6250.4.W65 Embodied violence [electronic resource] : (INTERNET) communalising women's sexuality in South Asia / [edited by] Kumari Jayawardena, Malathi de Alwis. HV6250.4.W65 A38 Advancing the federal research agenda on violence 2004eb against women [electronic resource] / Steering Committee for the Workshop on Issues in Research on Violence Against Women ; Candace Kruttschnitt, Brenda L. McLaughlin, and Carol V. Petrie, editors ; Committee on Law and Justice, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council of the National Academies. HV6250.4.W65 R68 Bearing witness [electronic resource] : women and 2003eb the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa / Fiona C. Ross. HV6252 .H45 2003eb Blood bankers [electronic resource] : tales from the global underground economy / by James S. Henry. Call Number HV6018 .W475 2003eb 20 HV6278 .S77 2003eb HV6322.7 .A64 2002eb HV6431 .B56 2003eb HV6431 .G56 2003eb HV6431 .P3773 2005 HV6431 .P798 2002eb HV6431 .T43x 2008 HV6431 .T465 2006 HV6431 .T56 2004eb HV6431 .V56 2008 HV6431 .W35 2001eb HV6431 .W45 2003eb HV6431 .W55 1992eb HV6431 .W67 2001eb HV6431 ǂb .G735 2007 HV6431 P79 2002eb In the crosshairs [electronic resource] : famous assassinations and attempts from Julius Caesar to John Lennon / Stephen J. Spignesi ; [edited by Jodi Brandon]. Annihilating difference [electronic resource] : the anthropology of genocide / edited by Alexander Laban Hinton ; with a foreword by Kenneth Roth. Bioterrorism [electronic resource] : a medical dictionary, bibliography, and annotated research guide to Internet references / James N. Parker and Philip M. Parker, editors. Global responses to terrorism [electronic resource] : 9/11, Afghanistan, and beyond / edited by Mary Buckley and Rick Fawn. Patterns of global terrorism 1985-2005 : U.S. Department of State reports with supplementary documents and statistics / Anna Sabasteanski, editor. Psychology of terrorism. Volume II, Clinical aspects and responses [electronic resource] / edited by Chris E. Stout ; foreword by Klaus Schwab. Homegrown terrorism [electronic resource] : the threat within / Kimberley L. Thachuk, Marion E. "Spike" Bowman, and Courtney Richardson. Terrorism : essential primary sources / K. Lee Lerner and Brenda Wilmoth Lerner, editors. Dictionary of terrorism [electronic resource] / John Richard Thackrah. Violent Islamist extremism, the Internet, and the homegrown terrorist threat [electronic resource] : minority and majority staff report / United States Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs ; Joseph Lieberman, chairman, Susan Collins, ranking minority member. Lockerbie [electronic resource] : the story and the lessons / Rodney Wallis. Political parties and terrorist groups [electronic resource] / Leonard Weinberg and Ami Pedahzur. Terrorism and collective responsibility [electronic resource] / Burleigh Taylor Wilkins. High-impact terrorism [electronic resource] : proceedings of a Russian-American workshop. Terrorism [electronic resource] / by Patricia D. Netzley ; Moataz A. Fattah, consulting editor. Psychology of terrorism. Volume III, Theoretical understandings and perspectives [electronic 21 HV6431 P79 2002eb HV6432 .C63 2003eb HV6432 .C68 2002eb HV6432 .D46 2002eb HV6432 .H66 2002eb HV6432 .M3875 2006eb HV6432 .N38 2003eb HV6432 .N383 2003eb HV6432 .N385 2008 HV6432 .P76 2002 HV6432 .T56x 2005 HV6432 .T72 2003 resource] / edited by Chris E. Stout ; foreword by Klaus Schwab. Psychology of terrorism. Volume IV, Programs and practices in response and prevention [electronic resource] / edited by Chris E. Stout, foreword by Klaus Schwab. Anthrax letters [electronic resource] : a medical detective story / Leonard A. Cole. Countering bioterrorism [electronic resource] : the role of science and technology / Panel on Biological Issues, Committee on Science and Technology for Countering Terrorism, Institute of Medicine, National Research Council of The National Academies. Countering terrorism [electronic resource] : lessons learned from natural and technological disasters / by Julie L. Demuth ; forward by Rutherford H. Platt. After the terror [electronic resource] / Ted Honderich. Information sharing environment implementation plan [electronic resource] / prepared by the program manager [Thomas E. McNamara], Information Sharing Environment. Information technology for counterterrorism [electronic resource] : immediate actions and future possibilities / Committee on the Role of Information Technology in Responding to Terrorism, Computer Science and Telecommunications Board, National Research Council of the National Academies; John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson, and Herbert S. Lin, editors. Science and technology for army homeland security. Report 1 [electronic resource] / Committee on Army Science and Technology for Homeland Defense, Board on Army Science and Technology, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, National Research Council of the National Academies. National response framework [electronic resource]. Protecting the American homeland : a preliminary analysis / Michael E. O'Hanlon ... [et al.]. Bayes, bugs, and bioterrorists [electronic resource] : lessons learned from the anthrax attacks / Kimberly M. Thompson, Robert E. Armstrong, and Donald F. Thompson. Tracking and predicting the atmospheric dispersion of hazardous material releases : implications for homeland security / Committee on the Atmospheric Dispersion of Hazardous Material Releases, Board 22 on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate, Division on Earth and Life Studies, National Research Council. HV6432 .U555 2007 Review of the Federal Bureau of Investigation's use of national security letters [electronic resource] / U.S. Department of Justice, Office of the Inspector General. HV6432.4 .L377 2006eb Comparative U.S.-Israeli homeland security [electronic resource] / by Jeffrey A. Larsen, Tasha L. Pravecek. HV6432.4 .P74x 2008 Top ten challenges facing the next Secretary of Homeland Security [electronic resource] / Homeland Security Advisory Council. HV6432.5.Q2 D86 2005 Can al Qaeda be deterred from using nuclear weapons? [electronic resource] / by Lewis A. Dunn. HV6432.7 .C4618 Guerra y globalización [electronic resource] : antes 2002eb y después del XI/IX/MMI / por Michel Chossudovsky. HV6433.3 .E53 2005 Encyclopedia of bioterrorism defense / edited by Richard F. Pilch, Raymond A. Zilinskas. HV6433.3 .K45 2008eb Biological terrorism : U.S. policies to reduce global biothreats / Barry Kellman. HV6433.E85 T65 Tolerating terrorism in the West [electronic resource] 2003eb : an international survey / edited by Noemi Gal-Or. HV6433.I4 C52x 2010 Lashkar-i-Taiba [electronic resource] : the fallacy of subservient proxies and the future of Islamist terrorism in India / Ryan Clarke. HV6433.S65 H37 Land and freedom [electronic resource] : the origins 1987eb of Russian terrorism, 1876-1879 / Deborah Hardy. HV6439.G9 B73x 2010 Crime, violence, and the crisis in Guatemala [electronic resource] : a case study in the erosion of the state / Hal Brands. HV6439.U5 B47x 2008 Best practices to address community gang problems [electronic resource] : OJJDP's Comprehensive Gang Model / National Youth Gang Center. HV6439.U5 D43x 2008 Strategies to address gang crime [electronic resource] : a guidebook for local law enforcement / Scott H. Decker. HV6439.U5 W455 Contemporary gangs [electronic resource] : an 2002eb organizational analysis / Deborah Lamm Weisel. HV6452.P4 B534 Philadelphia's 'Black mafia' [electronic resource] : a 2003eb social and political history / by Sean Patrick Griffin. HV6453.A78 L56 2002eb Blood brothers [electronic resource] : crime, business and politics in Asia / Bertil Lintner. HV6453.I83 M376432 Reversible destiny [electronic resource] : mafia, 2003eb antimafia, and the struggle for Palermo / Jane C. Schneider [and] Peter T. Schneider. HV6453.K7 K36x 2010 Criminal sovereignty [electronic resource] : 23 HV6453.N4 E27513 2003eb HV6465.F6 (INTERNET) HV6465.K4 (INTERNET) HV6465.T2 (INTERNET) HV6528 .F450 2001 HV6529 .S34 2000eb HV6533.C2 M246 2002eb HV6535.J33 (INTERNET) HV6543 .H66 1990eb HV6545 .D833 2000eb HV6548.U5 R43 2002 HV6558 .E92 2003eb HV6569.G72 (INTERNET) HV6570.4.G7 C74 2003eb HV6570.7 .H66 1992eb understanding North Korea's illicit international activities / Paul Rexton Kan, Bruce E. Bechtol, Jr., Robert M. Collins. Purified by blood [electronic resource] : honour killings amongst Turks in the Netherlands / Clementine van Eck. Anatomy of a lynching [electronic resource] : the killing of Claude Neal / James R. McGovern. Racial violence in Kentucky, 1865-1940 [electronic resource] : lynchings, mob rule, and "legal lynchings" / George C. Wright. Lethal punishment [electronic resource] : lynchings and legal executions in the South / Margaret Vandiver. Homicides of children and youth [electronic resource] / David Finkelhor and Richard Ormrod. New predator--women who kill [electronic resource] : profiles of female serial killers / Deborah SchurmanKauflin. Race and homicide in nineteenth-century California [electronic resource] / Clare V. McKanna, Jr. Geisha, harlot, strangler, star [electronic resource] : a woman, sex, and morality in modern Japan / William Johnston. From autothanasia to suicide [electronic resource] : self-killing in classical antiquity / Anton J.L. van Hooff. Durkheim's Suicide [electronic resource] : a century of research and debate / edited by W.S.F. Pickering and Geoffrey Walford. Reducing suicide : a national imperative / S.K. Goldsmith ... [et al.], editors ; Committee on Pathophysiology and Prevention of Adolescent and Adult Suicide, Board on Neuroscience and Behavioral Health, Institute of Medicine. Evolution, gender, and rape [electronic resource] / edited by Cheryl Brown Travis. Women's silence, men's violence [electronic resource] : sexual assault in England, 1770-1845 / Anna Clark. Creative responses to child sexual abuse [electronic resource] : challenges and dilemmas / edited by Sue Richardson and Heather Bacon ; foreword by Frank Cook. Mothers surviving child sexual abuse [electronic resource] / Carol-Ann Hooper. 24 HV6571 .R38x 2009 HV6626 .D84 2000eb HV6626.2 .G65 1999eb HV6626.2 .K54x 2009 HV6626.2 .S654x 2008 HV6626.2 .W48 1999eb HV6626.3 .B66 2003 HV6626.52 A46 2005 HV6679 .F54x 2009 HV6679 .H36 2003eb HV6691 .K65 2003eb HV6711 .B37 2002eb HV6715 .M395 2001eb HV6773.2 (INTERNET) HV6773.2 .C66x 2001 HV6789 .N37 2005 For healthcare professionals [electronic resource] : guidelines on prevention of and response to infant abductions / John B. Rabun, Jr. It's my life now [electronic resource] : starting over after an abusive relationship or domestic violence / Meg Kennedy Dugan, Roger R. Hock. Getting out [electronic resource] : life stories of women who left abusive men / Ann Goetting. Practical implications of current domestic violence research [electronic resource] : for law enforcement, prosecutors and judges / Andrew R. Klein. State court processing of domestic violence cases [electronic resource] / by Erica L. Smith, Matthew R. Durose, and Patrick A Langan. I closed my eyes [electronic resource] : revelations of a battered woman / Michele Weldon. Elder mistreatment : abuse, neglect, and exploitation in an aging America / Panel to Review Risk and Prevalence of Elder Abuse and Neglect ; Richard J. Bonnie and Robert B. Wallace, editors. Alternative responses to child maltreatment [electronic resource] : findings from NCANDS. Fighting fraud with the red flags rule [electronic resource] : a how-to guide for business / Federal Trade Commission. Identity theft [electronic resource] : how to protect your most valuable asset / by Robert J. Hammond, Jr. ; [edited by Kate Preston] Fraud exposed [electronic resource] : what you don't know could cost your company millions / Joseph W. Koletar. Dummy up and deal [electronic resource] : inside the culture of casino dealing / H. Lee Barnes ; foreword by John L. Smith. Government and the transformation of the gaming industry [electronic resource] / Richard A. McGowan. Inside organized racism [electronic resource] : women in the hate movement / Kathleen M. Blee. Computer crime [electronic resource] : convention between the United States of America and Other Governments done at Budapest, November 23, 2001. Firearms and violence : a critical review / Committee to Improve Research Information and Data on Firearms ; Charles F. Wellford, John V. Pepper, and Carol V. Petrie, editors ; Committee on Law and 25 Justice, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education. HV6791 .D64 2004eb No way of knowing [electronic resource] : crime, urban legends, and the Internet / Pamela Donovan. HV6793.F6 (INTERNET) Rogue's paradise [electronic resource] : crime and punishment in Antebellum Florida, 1821-1861 / James M. Denham. HV6810.5 .C745 2001eb Crime and punishment in Latin America [electronic resource] : law and society since late colonial times / edited by Ricardo D. Salvatore, Carlos A. Aguirre, and Gilbert M. Joseph. HV6810.5 .R53 2002eb Seguridad ciudadana en América Latina [electronic resource] : Hacia una política integral / José María Rico, Laura Chinchilla. HV6815.M4 P53 2001eb City of suspects [electronic resource] : crime in Mexico City, 1900-1931 / Pablo Piccato. HV6949.E5 (INTERNET) Crime and conflict in English communities, 13001348 [electronic resource] / Barbara A. Hanawalt. HV7015.S24 Hooliganism [electronic resource] : crime, culture, (INTERNET) and power in St. Petersburg, 1900-1914 / Joan Neuberger. HV7419 .C743 2006 Crime and punishment : essential primary sources [electronic resource] / K. Lee and Brenda Wilmoth Lerner, editors. HV7419.5 .M43 2000eb Measurement problems in criminal justice research [electronic resource] : workshop summary / John V. Pepper and Carol V. Petrie ; Committee on Law and Justice and Committee on National Statistics, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council. HV7428 .D45 2001eb Where are all the young men and women of color? [electronic resource] : capacity enhancement practice in the criminal justice system / Melvin Delgado. HV7436 .H66 2002eb Women & guns [electronic resource] : politics and the culture of firearms in America / Deborah Homsher. HV7439.G7 S68 2002eb Gun culture or gun control? [electronic resource] : firearms, violence and society / Peter Squires. HV7911.A1 C35 2000eb Lawmen of the Old West [electronic resource] : the good guys / Del Cain. HV7936.C88 A78 2008 Artificial crime analysis systems : using computer simulations and geographic information systems / Lin Liu, John Eck [editors]. 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Investigative uses of technology : devices, tools, and techniques / [Technology Working Group for Investigative Uses of High Technology]. Use of statistics in forensic science [electronic resource] / [edited by] C.G.G. Aitken, D.A. Stoney. Art of investigative interviewing [electronic resource] : a human approach to testimonial evidence / Charles L. Yeschke. Forensic examination of glass and paint [electronic resource] : analysis and interpretation / edited by Brian Caddy. Polygraph and lie detection [electronic resource] / Committee to Review Scientific Evidence on the Polygraph, Board on Behavioral, Cognitive, and Sensory Sciences and Committee on National Statistics, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council of the National Academies. Drugs and money [electronic resource] : laundering Latin America's cocaine dollars / Robert E. Grosse. Fairness and effectiveness in policing : the evidence / Wesley Skogan and Kathleen Frydl, editors. Rethinking police culture [electronic resource] : officers' occupational attitudes / Eugene A. Paoline III. Making news of police violence [electronic resource] : a comparative study of Toronto and New York City / Jeffrey Ian Ross ; foreword by Donna C. Hale. Career experiences of African American police executives [electronic resource] : black in blue revisited / R. Alan Thompson. FBI careers [electronic resource] : the ultimate guide to landing a job as one of America's finest / Thomas H. Ackerman. Deadly force, colonialism, and the rule of law 27 2002eb HV8210.5.A45 M5665 1999eb HV8241.83.A95 H86 1994eb HV8290 .P77 2008eb HV8290 R43 2002eb HV8532.U5 E3 1969 HV8688 .F87 2002eb HV8694 .H25 1997eb HV8699.U5 (INTERNET) HV8886.U5 M365 2001eb HV8950.A8 (INTERNET) HV9025 .G34x 2001 HV9025 .W67 2002eb HV9069 .M88 2002eb HV9069 .T78 2002eb HV9104 .A825 2001eb HV9104 .M328 2002eb [electronic resource] : police violence in Guyana / Joan R. Mars. Narratives of guilt and compliance in unified Germany [electronic resource] : Stasi informers and their impact on society / Barbara Miller. Policing Athens [electronic resource] : social control in the Attic lawsuits, 420-320 B.C. / Virginia J. Hunter. PSI handbook of business security [electronic resource] / edited by W. Timothy Coombs. Principles of security consulting [electronic resource] : an introduction to professional security consulting / Charles B. Read, Jr. Curious punishments of bygone days. The illus. by Frank Hazenplug. Restorative justice [electronic resource] : prison as Hell or a chance for redemption? / Jennifer Furio. Against the death penalty [electronic resource] : Christian and secular arguments against capital punishment / Gardner C. Hanks. Death penalty [electronic resource] : an American history / Stuart Banner. Inside looking out [electronic resource] : jailed fathers' perceptions about separation from their children / Jamie S. Martin. Convict society and its enemies [electronic resource] : a history of early New South Wales / J.B. Hirst. Influence of prison gang affiliation on violence and other prison misconduct [electronic resource] / Gerald G. Gaes ... [et al.]. Situational prison control [electronic resource] : crime prevention in correctional institutions / Richard Wortley. Multi-problem violent youth [electronic resource] : a foundation for comparative research on needs, interventions, and outcomes / edited by Raymond R. Corrado ... [et al.]. Decision making and juvenile justice [electronic resource] : an analysis of bias in case processing / Paul E. Tracy. Private vs. public operation of juvenile correctional facilities [electronic resource] / Gaylene Styve Armstrong. Understanding latino delinquency [electronic resource] : the applicability of strain theory by 28 HV9104 V55x 2008 HV9106.N77 P3 HV9274 .O33 2001eb HV9305.C2 G74x 1998 HV9469 .U54x 2009 HV9471 .C657 2002eb HV9471 .G555 2002eb HV9471 .O36 2000eb HV9475.C2 B66 1991eb HV9481.M36 G75 2001eb HV9950 .C47x 2000 ethnicity / Cynthia Perez McCluskey. Violence by teenage girls [electronic resource] : trends and context / Girls Study Group ; Margaret A. Zahn ... [et al.]. Half century with juvenile delinquents; or, The New York House of refuge and its times. By B. K. Peirce. Offender rehabilitation in practice [electronic resource] : implementing and evaluating effective programs / edited by Gary A. Bernfeld, David P. Farrington, Alan W. Leschied. Three strikes revisited [electronic resource] : an early assessment of implementation and effects / Peter W. Greenwood ... [et al.] ; prepared for the National Institute of Justice. National Prison Rape Elimination Commission report [electronic resource] : executive summary. Eating the ashes [electronic resource] : seeking rehabilitation within the US penal system / Veronica Compton-Wallace. Prisonization [electronic resource] : individual and institutional factors affecting inmate conduct / Wayne Gillespie. Speaking of crime [electronic resource] : narratives of prisoners / Patricia E. O'Connor. Germ of goodness [electronic resource] : the California state prison system, 1851-1944 / Shelley Bookspan. Use of force by detention officers [electronic resource] / Marie L. Griffin. Impacts of three strikes and truth in sentencing on the volume and composition of correctional populations [electronic resource] / Elsa Chen. 29 MAJOR MICROFORM COLLECTIONS HV6025.M5239a University Microfilms International Abstracts on Crime and Juvenile Delinquency 40,000 abstracts 675 microfiche HV6025.M5248X University Microfilms International Crime and Juvenile Delinquency 6,579 full text titles 12,676 microfiche HV9104.J876x National Institute for Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Juvenile Justice Publications of the U.S. Dept. of Justice 165 Documents 301 microfiche 30