COMMUNICATION HOUSTON COLE LIBRARY COLLECTION ASSESSMENT SUBMITTED BY CARLEY KNIGHT NOVEMBER 2011 INTRODUCTION Based on guidelines provided by the WLN Collection Assessment Services, which provide a framework within which to evaluate a library's current holdings and the level of activity at which the collection is being developed, the Communication collection is rated an overall 3bP (Intermediate study and instructional support level, in the primary language). The 3b level indicates that there are “resources adequate for imparting and maintaining knowledge about more specialized subject areas, which provide a more comprehensive coverage of the subject with broader and more in-depth materials.” Please refer to the Communication conspectus sheets and checklist analysis for a more detailed examination of the Library's holdings and page 7 of the assessment for a listing of checked Bibliographies. HOLDINGS The Communication collection contains 5,613 titles in the P87- P99.6, PN 1990PN 1997, and PN 4001-5639 Library of Congress Classification ranges. There are many other call number ranges that provide supplementary support and can be found throughout the collection in varied subject areas such as public relations, advertising, communications law, and book industries and trade collections. Withdrawals from these ranges can be found in Appendix II. The numbers of titles held for the subdivisions of this subject area are listed below: Classification P87-P99.6, PN 1990-PN 1997, and PN4001-5639 E-Books (P87-P99.6, PN 1990-PN 1997, and PN4001-5639) Total Category Communication E-Books Titles Held 5,613 275 5,888 1 Titles Added/Titles Published 2006/07-2010/11 BOOKS IN PRINT◦ Year Field 2007 Held Communication in Keyword Subject Communication in Keyword Subject Communication in Keyword Subject Communication in Keyword Subject Communication in Keyword Subject 2008 2009 2010 2011 Totals for all years Communication Titles Percent Added 117 252 46% 95 228 42% 72 186 39% 104 289 36% 88 218 40% 476 1,173 41% ◦ “Books in Print was searched using a limit of College Level and Book. The Library’s collecting level was measured against the Books in Print publications. The average percentage added from 2006 to 2011 is 41%. This is well above the WLN collection level for a 3bP collection, which is usually between 16%- 20%. YANKEE BOOK PEDDLER* FISCAL YEAR 2006/07 Added to Collection P87-99.6, PN 1990-1997 and PN 40015639 117 Yankee Book Peddler Title Reports P= 583 Percent PN= 1,720 5% PN= 1,780 4% PN= 1,778 3% PN= 1,796 4% PN= 1,792 4% Total=2,303 2007/08 95 P= 648 Total=2,428 2008/09 72 P= 627 Total=2,405 2009/10 104 P= 682 2010/11 88 P= 697 Total=2,478 Total= 2,489 2 *Please note that due to the nature of the data available it is not possible to get an exact count of the number of items added in specific call number ranges for any year. The Library’s collecting level was measured against the Yankee Book Peddler Title reports which measure the level of publication in the book industry. The average percentage added from 2006 to 2011 is 4%. The percentages are low because the data is not subject specific to call number ranges within the Communication subject area. These percentages include the entire call number ranges, which overlap with drama, linguistics, and philology. These percentages include the entire call number ranges. These call number ranges overlap with Drama, Linguistics, and Philology. Monograph Expenditures for Communication In the 2006 assessment, the average for monograph spending was $3,669.17. Since the last assessment the monograph spending in Communication has risen 11% to the current average of $4,153.13. FISCAL YEAR 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 AVERAGE P87-99.6, PN 1990-1997 and PN 4001-5639 $ 4,806.84 $ 4,490.68 $ 2,771.39 $ 5,263.47 $ 3,433.27 $4,153.13 PERIODICALS AND SERIALS ASSESSMENT The Communication collection contains a total of 249 journal titles. This is an increase of over 169 titles since the last assessment was completed in 2006. The sub-headings within Communication break down into the following: Communication & Mass Media- 97 titles Journalism- 88 titles Radio & TV Broadcasting- 64 titles Authorized users are able to access these titles on any computer using their JSU ID number and last name as a log-in. An up-to-date list of journal titles can be found in Serial Solutions ( 3 Serials Expenditures for Communication FISCAL YEAR 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 P87-99.6, PN 1990-1997 and PN 4001-5639 $ 4,828.27 $ 3,630.65 $ 4,034.55 $ 3,295.24 $2,106.58 AVERAGE $3,579.06 E-BOOKS ASSESSMENT Call Number E-Books* P87 – P99 38 PN 1990 – PN 1997 201 PN 4001 – PN 5639 36 TOTALS 275 *For a complete title list of E-books, please see Appendix I NONPRINT MEDIA ASSESSMENT The Communication Collection contains 465 audiovisual titles in the P87-99.6, PN 1990-1997, and PN 4001-5639 classifications. The AV collection includes items such as videos, filmstrips, kits, and software. In 2011, the Library acquired a streaming video database called Films on Demand. This database has 392 titles listed under the subject heading “Communication.” This count was taken at the time of the assessment, and new titles are being updated continually. Call numbers P87-P 99 PN 1990- 1997 PN 4001- 5639 Totals 7 420 38 ACCESS TO ELECTRONIC RESOURCES (DEFINED ACCESS) The Library’s defined access is rated a 3 (Study or Instructional Support level). Access is provided to an extensive collection of remotely accessed electronic resources, including eBooks, bibliographic tools, texts, indexes, and journals. 4 “The Library offers a web-based catalog and an “Ask a Librarian” button which allows students to email questions to a Librarian. In 2011, the Library acquired its first streaming video database, Films on Demand. It offers streaming educational videos on various topics, and includes a link underneath its Subject headings to “Communication” with various subheadings including: Journalism & Publishing, Media & Society, Advertising & Public Relations, Film, Video & Audio Production, Film & Video Appreciation, Digital Media, Broadcasting, and Survey: Mass Communication. Another noteworthy electronic resource is Gale Cengage’s Communications and Mass Media Collections. It indexes almost 700 titles and includes helpful limiters to document type and Lexile reading levels. SUPPLEMENTAL SUPPORT Holdings providing supplemental support to the Communication Collection are: public relations (HD 59-59.6), advertising (HF 5801-6201), and communications law (KF 4770-5775), and book industries and trade (Z 116-659). Titles in these collections can be found on the 2nd, 4th, and 10th floors. SUMMARY Strengths: The total holdings, conspectus evaluations, and checklist comparisons indicate that the Communication Collection is adequate to support the Bachelor of Arts curriculum. The strongest areas of the collection are in Motion Pictures (PN 1993-1999) with 2,435 titles; Journalism, The Periodical Press (PN 4699-5650) with 1,775 titles; and Mass Media Communication with 776 titles. The most growth was seen in the sections of the Press and Journalism in Latin America (PN 4930-5106) with a 50% increase, the Press and Journalism in Africa (PN 5450-5500) with a 25% increase, and Radio Broadcasting- Scripts (PN 1991.77-1992) with a 20% increase. The acquisition of electronic journals and E-books continues to increase and will provide better, faster access to the Library’s patrons on and off campus. Since the last assessment in 2006, the number of electronic journal titles has increased by 68%. Spending in the monograph collection has also increased by 11%, which points to continued growth in the collection. Weaknesses: 5 The conspectus sheets indicate that the collection could be stronger in Television Broadcasting- History, Criticism, and Technique (PN 1992-1992.7). Recommendations: The Communication Librarian should continue to collect at the same level, but with attention to the above mentioned areas as well as seek out electronic resources pertinent to the collection. Titles which focus on Broadcasting should be collected more heavily as well as less enthusiastic purchasing of film and motion picture titles of which there is no major to support. LISTING OF CHECKED BIBLIOGRAPHIES AMERICAN REFERENCE BOOK ANNUALS 2007-2011 Year Field 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Communication Communication Communication Communication Communication Totals for all years Communication Held Listed Percent 5 5 4 7 6 25 17 18 25 23 20% 29% 22% 28% 26% 27 108 25% CHOICE’S OUTSTANDING ACADEMIC TITLES 2007-2011 Year Field 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Communication Communication Communication Communication Communication Totals for all years Communication Held Listed Percent 5 8 8 5 9 7 8 9 8 10 71% 100% 88% 63% 90% 35 42 83% 6 Appendix I E-Books by listed in order by Call Number Communication E-Books Call Number P87.5 .E496 2009eb P90 .M83 1991eb P91 .H66 2000eb P91 .R626 2001eb P91.25 .B37 2001eb P91.3 .B8 2002eb P91.3 .R53 2002eb P91.6 .R4 2003eb P92.C5 C514 2002eb P92.E9 C65 2002eb P92.U5 (INTERNET) P93.5 .A43 2001eb P93.5 .E56 2003eb P93.5 .I27 2000eb P93.5 .I84 2003eb P94 .M33 2002eb P94 .P73 2002eb P94.5.C552 U65 2003eb P94.5.M552 U646 2000eb P94.6 .D48 2001eb P94.6 .F58 2003eb P94.65.C6 C48 2002eb P94.65.U6 (INTERNET) P94.65.U6 K45 2003eb P95.82.S6 H67 2001eb P96.A83 (INTERNET) P96.E25 M4 2004eb P96.E25 W67 2002eb P96.M34 J67 2011 Title Encyclopedia of communication theory [electronic resource] / Stephen W. Littlejohn, Karen A. Foss, editors. Language of negotiation [electronic resource] : a handbook of practical strategies for improving communication / Joan Mulholland. Hidden meaning of mass communications [electronic resource] : cinema, books, and television in the age of computers / Fereydoun Hoveyda. Reading the figural, or, Philosophy after the new media [electronic resource] / D.N. Rodowick. Media lost and found [electronic resource] / Erik Barnouw ; with a foreword by Dean Duncan. Teaching communication [electronic resource] / Graeme Burton and Richard Dimbleby. Teen spirits [electronic resource] : music and identity in media education / Chris Richards. Resumes for communications careers [electronic resource] : with sample cover letters / the editors of VGM Career Books. Chinese communication theory and research [electronic resource] : reflections, new frontiers, and new directions / edited by Wenshan Jia, Xing Lu, and D. Ray Heisey. Media and identity in contemporary Europe [electronic resource] : consequences of global convergence / Richard Collins. Knowledge is power [electronic resource] : the diffusion of information in early America, 1700-1865 / Richard D. Brown. Say it with pictures [electronic resource] / Harry Alder. Eloquent images [electronic resource] : word and image in the age of new media / edited by Mary E. Hocks and Michelle R. Kendrick. Iconic communication [electronic resource] / edited by Masoud Yazdani, Philip Barker. Improvisational design [electronic resource] : continuous, responsive digital communication / Suguru Ishizaki. Media mania [electronic resource] : why our fear of modern media is misplaced / Hugh Mackay. Practicing religion in the age of the media [electronic resource] : explorations in media, religion, and culture / Stewart M. Hoover and Lynn Schofield Clark, editors. Children, teens, families, and mass media [electronic resource] : the millennial generation / Rose M. Kundanis. Media messages [electronic resource] : what film, television, and popular music teach us about race, class, gender, and sexual orientation / Linda Holtzman. Developing intercultural competence in practice [electronic resource] / edited by Michael Byram, Adam Nichols, and David Stevens. How different are we? [electronic resource] : spoken discourse in intercultural communication : the significance of the situational context / Helen Gay Fitzgerald. Chinese communication studies [electronic resource] : contexts and comparisons / edited by Xing Lu, Wenshan Jia, and D. Ray Heisey. Convergence culture [electronic resource] : where old and new media collide / Henry Jenkins. Media spectacle [electronic resource] / Douglas Kellner. Communication and democratic reform in South Africa [electronic resource] / Robert B. Horwitz. Fans, bloggers, and gamers [electronic resource] : exploring participatory culture / Henry Jenkins. Media economics [electronic resource] : theory and practice / edited by Alison Alexander ... [et al.]. Media firms [electronic resource] : structures, operations, and performance / edited by Robert G. Picard. Four stages of highly effective crisis management : how to manage the media 7 P96.M36 T56 2003eb P96.M56 S28 2002eb P96.P75 G55 2003eb P96.S45 G86 2002eb P96.T42 (INTERNET) P96.T42 D36 2001eb P99.5 .P694 2002 vol. 2eb P99.5 .P694 2002 vol. 3eb P99.5 .P694 2002eb PN 1992.5 (INTERNET) PN 1993.5 .U6 (INTERNET) PN1990.6.C2 (INTERNET) PN1990.6.U5 (INTERNET) PN1990.9 .A54 2002eb PN1990.9.H64 J64 2001eb PN1991.3.U6 C73 2000eb PN1992.3.A78 T45 2003eb PN1992.3.G7 B39 2000eb PN1992.3.U5 (INTERNET) PN1992.5 .H28 2003eb PN1992.55 .N67 2003eb PN1992.6 (INTERNET) PN1992.6 .B656 2002eb PN1992.6 .C278 1994eb PN1992.6 .H367 2002eb PN1992.6 .T379 2002eb PN1992.63 (INTERNET) PN1992.7 .G625 2003eb PN1992.75 .K44 2001eb PN1992.75 .O75 2002eb PN1992.75 .W35 2002eb PN1992.8.C66 S718 2000eb PN1992.8.H64 (INTERNET) PN1992.8.M52 (INTERNET) PN1992.8.R43 (INTERNET) PN1992.8.R43 D68 2000eb PN1992.8.S4 E58 2004eb in the digital age / Jane Jordan-Meier. Time and media markets [electronic resource] / edited by Alan B. Albarran, Angel Arrese. Say not to say [electronic resource] : new perspectives on miscommunication / edited by Luigi Anolli, Rita Ciceri, and Giuseppe Riva. Media psychology [electronic resource] / David Giles. Media sex [electronic resource] : what are the issues? / Barrie Gunter. Avatars of the word [electronic resource] : from papyrus to cyberspace / James J. O'Donnell. Cyberpl@y [electronic resource] : communicating online / Brenda Danet. Nonverbal communication across disciplines. Vol. 2, Paralanguage, kinesics, silence, personal and environmental interaction [electronic resource] / Fernando Poyatos. Nonverbal communication across disciplines. Vol. 3, Narrative literature, theater, cinema, translation [electronic resource] / Fernando Poyatos. Nonverbal communication across disciplines, Vol. 1, Culture, sensory interaction, speech, conversation [electronic resource] / Fernando Poyatos. Television will be revolutionized [electronic resource] / Amanda D. Lotz. Hollywood in the neighborhood [electronic resource] : historical case studies of local moviegoing / edited by Kathryn H. Fuller-Seeley. Missed opportunities [electronic resource] : the story of Canada's broadcasting policy / Marc Raboy. Hollywood and broadcasting [electronic resource] : from radio to cable / Michele Hilmes. VO : tales and techniques of a voice-over actor [electronic resource] / Harlan Hogan. Queer airwaves [electronic resource] : the story of gay and lesbian broadcasting / Phylis Johnson and Michael C. Keith. Fireside politics [electronic resource] : radio and political culture in the United States, 1920-1940 / Douglas B. Craig. Television, regulation, and civil society in Asia [electronic resource] / edited by Philip Kitley. Sensing the city through television [electronic resource] : urban identities in fictional drama / Peter Billingham. Fifties television [electronic resource] : the industry and its critics / William Boddy. Tele-ology [electronic resource] : studies in television / John Hartley. Opportunities in television and video careers [electronic resource] / Shonan Noronha. Beyond the multiplex [electronic resource] : cinema, new technologies, and the home / Barbara Klinger. Strange TV [electronic resource] : innovative television series from the Twilight zone to the X-files / M. Keith Booker. --And there was telev!s!on [electronic resource] / Ell!s Cashmore. Uses of television [electronic resource] / John Hartley. Television and common knowledge [electronic resource] / edited by Jostein Gripsrud. Playing with power in movies, television, and video games [electronic resource] : from Muppet Babies to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles / Marsha Kinder. Successful television writing [electronic resource] / Lee Goldberg, William Rabkin. Teaching TV production in a digital world [electronic resource] : integrating media literacy / Robert Kenny. Digital television production [electronic resource] : a handbook / Jeremy Orlebar. How to get a job in television [electronic resource] : insider secrets you need to know to get and keep your dream job in TV / Susan Walls. Blockbuster TV [electronic resource] : must-see sitcoms in the network era / Janet Staiger. Gay TV and straight America [electronic resource] / Ron Becker. Heartland TV [electronic resource] : prime time television and the struggle for U.S. identity / Victoria E. Johnson. Reality TV [electronic resource] : remaking television culture / edited by Susan Murray and Laurie Ouellette. Freakshow [electronic resource] : first person media and factual television / Jon Dovey. Entertainment-education and social change [electronic resource] : history, 8 PN1992.8.T3 (INTERNET) PN1992.8.T3 L58 1994eb PN1992.8.V55 G87 2003eb PN1992.92.N37 (INTERNET) PN1993.4 (INTERNET) PN1993.4 (INTERNET) PN1993.4 .T865 2002eb PN1993.5.A1 (INTERNET) PN1993.5.A1 (INTERNET) PN1993.5.A1 W67 2002eb PN1993.5.C2 (INTERNET) PN1993.5.C4 (INTERNET) PN1993.5.C4 C85 2003eb PN1993.5.D44 (INTERNET) PN1993.5.D44 W39 2001eb PN1993.5.F7 (INTERNET) PN1993.5.F7 G46 2001eb PN1993.5.F7 G72 1999eb PN1993.5.F7 P45 2004eb PN1993.5.F7 P64 2002eb PN1993.5.G3 (INTERNET) PN1993.5.G3 (INTERNET) PN1993.5.G3 (INTERNET) PN1993.5.G3 F37 2002eb PN1993.5.G3 K645 2002eb PN1993.5.G7 C44 2003eb PN1993.5.H6 C48 2003eb PN1993.5.I88 (INTERNET) PN1993.5.I88 (INTERNET) PN1993.5.I88 R45 2002eb PN1993.5.I88 T44 2002eb PN1993.5.M27 H45 2002eb PN1993.5.N4 B5813 2003eb PN1993.5.S7 (INTERNET) PN1993.5.S7 M55 2002eb research, and practice / edited by Arvind Singhal ... [et al.]. Freaks talk back [electronic resource] : tabloid talk shows and sexual nonconformity / Joshua Gamson. Talk on television [electronic resource] : audience participation and public debate / Sonia Livingstone and Peter Lunt. Violence on television [electronic resource] : distribution, form, context, and themes / Barrie Gunter, Jackie Harrison, Maggie Wykes. NBC [electronic resource] : America's network / Michele Hilmes, editor ; Michael Henry, photo editor. Museum movies [electronic resource] : the museum of modern art and the birth of art cinema / Haidee Wasson. Sundance to Sarajevo [electronic resource] : film festivals and the world they made / Kenneth Turan. Sundance to Sarajevo [electronic resource] : film festivals and the world they made / Kenneth Turan. Life to those shadows [electronic resource] / Noël Burch ; translated and edited by Ben Brewster. Short history of film [electronic resource] / Wheeler Winston Dixon & Gwendolyn Audrey Foster. 2000-2005 world outlook for films [electronic resource]. Embattled shadows [electronic resource] : a history of Canadian cinema, 1895-1939 / Peter Morris. Playing to the world's biggest audience [electronic resource] the globalization of Chinese film and TV / Michael Curtin. Women through the lens [electronic resource] : gender and nation in a century of Chinese cinema / Shuqin Cui. Third World film making and the West [electronic resource] / Roy Armes. Political film [electronic resource] : the dialectics of third cinema / Mike Wayne. Ciné goes to town [electronic resource] : French cinema, 1896-1914 / Richard Abel ; updated and expanded. Gender and French cinema [electronic resource] / edited by Alex Hughes and James S. Williams. Landscapes of loss [electronic resource] : the national past in postwar French cinema / Naomi Greene. City of darkness, city of light [electronic resource] : émigré filmmakers in Paris 1929-1939 / Alastair Phillips. French cinema [electronic resource] : a student's guide / Phil Powrie and Keith Reader. Dark mirror [electronic resource] : German cinema between Hitler and Hollywood / Lutz Koepnick. Gorgon's gaze [electronic resource] : German cinema, expressionism, and the image of horror / Paul Coates. New German cinema [electronic resource] : music, history, and the matter of style / Caryl Flinn. Triumph of the ordinary [electronic resource] : depictions of daily life in the East German cinema, 1949-1989 / Joshua Feinstein. Dark mirror [electronic resource] : German cinema between Hitler and Hollywood / Lutz Koepnick. Dream that kicks [electronic resource] : the prehistory and early years of cinema in Britain / Michael Chanan. Hong Kong cinema [electronic resource] : coloniser, motherland and self / Yingchi Chu. Cinema and fascism [electronic resource] : Italian film and society, 1922-1943 / Steven Ricci. Passion and defiance [electronic resource] : film in Italy from 1942 to the present / Mira Liehm. Re-viewing fascism [electronic resource] : Italian cinema, 1922-1943 / edited by Jacqueline Reich and Piero Garofalo. Italian cinema and modern European literatures, 1945-2000 [electronic resource] / Carlo Testa. Malaysian cinema, Asian film [electronic resource] : border crossings and national cultures / William van der Heide. Jean Desmet and the early Dutch film trade [electronic resource] / Ivo Blom ; [translated by James Lynn]. Blood cinema [electronic resource] : the reconstruction of national identity in Spain / Marsha Kinder. Spanish film and the postwar novel [electronic resource] : reading and watching narrative texts / Norberto Mínguez-Arranz. 9 PN1993.5.U6 (INTERNET) PN1993.5.U6 (INTERNET) PN1993.5.U6 (INTERNET) PN1993.5.U6 (INTERNET) PN1993.5.U6 (INTERNET) PN1993.5.U6 (INTERNET) PN1993.5.U6 (INTERNET) PN1993.5.U6 (INTERNET) PN1993.5.U6 (INTERNET) PN1993.5.U6 (INTERNET) PN1993.5.U6 (INTERNET) PN1993.5.U6 (INTERNET) PN1993.5.U6 (INTERNET) PN1993.5.U6 (INTERNET) PN1993.5.U6 (INTERNET) PN1993.5.U6 (INTERNET) PN1993.5.U6 C87 1998eb PN1993.5.U6 W64 2003eb PN1993.5.U77 (INTERNET) PN1993.7 .W38 2003eb PN1993.8.U5 (INTERNET) PN1994 (INTERNET) PN1994 (INTERNET) PN1994 (INTERNET) PN1994 .A523 2001eb PN1994 .C287 2003eb PN1994 .T47 2003eb PN1995 (INTERNET) PN1995 (INTERNET) PN1995 (INTERNET) PN1995 (INTERNET) PN1995 (INTERNET) PN1995 (INTERNET) PN1995 (INTERNET) PN1995 (INTERNET) PN1995 (INTERNET) American cinema of the 1910s [electronic resource] : themes and variations / edited by Charlie Keil and Ben Singer. American cinema of the 1930s [electronic resource] : themes and variations / edited by Ina Rae Hark. American cinema of the 1960s [electronic resource] : themes and variations / edited by Barry Keith Grant. American cinema of the 1970s [electronic resource] : themes and variations / edited by Lester D. Friedman. American cinema of the 1980s [electronic resource] : themes and variations / edited by Stephen Prince. American cinema of the 1990s [electronic resource] : themes and variations / edited by Chris Holmlund. American cinema's transitional era [electronic resource] : audiences, institutions, practices / edited by Charlie Keil and Shelley Stamp. Americanizing the movies and "movie-mad" audiences, 1910-1914 [electronic resource] / Richard Abel. Best years [electronic resource] : going to the movies, 1945-1946 / Charles Affron and Mirella Jona Affron. Decline of sentiment [electronic resource] : American film in the 1920s / Lea Jacobs. Hollywood and the culture elite [electronic resource] : how the movies became american / Peter Decherney. Hollywood quarterly [electronic resource] : film culture in postwar America, 1945-1957 / edited by Eric Smoodin and Ann Martin. Naked truth [electronic resource] : why Hollywood doesn't make X-rated movies / Kevin S. Sandler. Refiguring American film genres [electronic resource] : history and theory / Nick Browne, editor. Reinventing cinema [electronic resource] : movies in the age of media convergence / Chuck Tryon. Way Hollywood tells it [electronic resource] : story and style in modern movies / David Bordwell. Guide to American cinema, 1965-1995 [electronic resource] / Daniel Curran. Hollywood from Vietnam to Reagan-- and beyond [electronic resource] / Robin Wood. Hollywood on the Hudson [electronic resource] : film and television in New York from Griffith to Sarnoff / Richard Koszarski. Film and television in education [electronic resource] : an aesthetic approach to the moving image / Robert Watson. Scenes of instruction [electronic resource] : the beginnings of the U.S. study of film / Dana Polan. Fields of vision [electronic resource] : essays in film studies, visual anthropology, and photography / edited by Leslie Devereaux and Roger Hillman. Hitchcock on Hitchcock [electronic resource] : selected writings and interviews / edited by Sidney Gottlieb. How movies work [electronic resource] / Bruce F. Kawin. Studying film [electronic resource] / Nathan Abrams, Ian Bell, and Jan Udris. Camera obscura, camera lucida [electronic resource] : essays in honor of Annette Michelson / edited by Richard Allen and Malcolm Turvey. Terministic screen [electronic resource] : rhetorical perspectives on film / edited by David Blakesley. Carnal thoughts [electronic resource] : embodiment and moving image culture / Vivian Sobchack. Crisis of political modernism [electronic resource] : criticism and ideology in contemporary film theory / D.N. Rodowick. "I" of the camera [electronic resource] : essays in film criticism, history, and aesthetics / William Rothman. Invisible storytellers [electronic resource] : voice-over narration in American fiction film / Sarah Kozloff. Memory of Tiresias [electronic resource] : intertextuality and film / Mikhail Iampolski ; translated by Harsha Ram. Placing movies [electronic resource] : the practice of film criticism / Jonathan Rosenbaum. Screen writings [electronic resource] : scripts and texts by independent filmmakers / Scott MacDonald. Theorizing the moving image [electronic resource] / Noël Carroll. Window shopping [electronic resource] : cinema and the postmodern / Anne 10 PN1995 .A38 2001eb PN1995 .B266 2000eb PN1995 .B796 2000eb PN1995 .I96 2001eb PN1995 .K297 2001eb PN1995.25 (INTERNET) PN1995.5 (INTERNET) PN1995.5 (INTERNET) PN1995.5 .G66 2002eb PN1995.6.W6 F68 2000eb PN1995.62 (INTERNET) PN1995.62 (INTERNET) PN1995.62 .L47 2000eb PN1995.7 .L37 2000eb PN1995.75 (INTERNET) PN1995.75 (INTERNET) PN1995.9.A26 (INTERNET) PN1995.9.A26 H33 2003eb PN1995.9.A47 A44 1999eb PN1995.9.A5 H45 2002eb PN1995.9.A74 L63 2002eb PN1995.9.A78 (INTERNET) PN1995.9.A8 (INTERNET) PN1995.9.A8 M28 1993eb PN1995.9.B62 (INTERNET) PN1995.9.B62 (INTERNET) PN1995.9.B69 (INTERNET) PN1995.9.C45 W59 2000eb PN1995.9.C513 S535 2003eb PN1995.9.C55 (INTERNET) PN1995.9.C55 (INTERNET) PN1995.9.C55 G426 1999eb PN1995.9.D49 (INTERNET) PN1995.9.E9 (INTERNET) PN1995.9.E96 (INTERNET) PN1995.9.E96 (INTERNET) PN1995.9.E96 M38 2002eb PN1995.9.F54 (INTERNET) Friedberg. European film theory and cinema [electronic resource] : a critical introduction / Ian Aitken. From Antz to Titanic [electronic resource] : reinventing film analysis / Martin Barker, with Thomas Austin. Cognitive semiotics of film [electronic resource] / Warren Buckland. Myth, mind, and the screen [electronic resource] : understanding the heroes of our times / John Izod. Regarding film [electronic resource] : criticism and comment / Stanley Kauffmann ; foreword by Michael Wood. Designing women [electronic resource] : cinema, art deco, and the female form / Lucy Fischer. Screening the sacred [electronic resource] : religion, myth, and ideology in popular American film / edited by Joel W. Martin, Conrad E. Ostwalt, Jr. Visions of virtue in popular film [electronic resource] / Joseph H. Kupfer. Media ethics goes to the movies [electronic resource] / Howard Good, Michael J. Dillon. Filming women in the Third Reich [electronic resource] / Jo Fox. Picture personalities [electronic resource] : the emergence of the star system in America / Richard deCordova ; foreword by Corey K. Creekmur. Policing cinema [electronic resource] : movies and censorship in earlytwentieth-century America / Lee Grieveson. Hollywood v. hard core [electronic resource] : how the struggle over censorship saved the modern film industry / Jon Lewis. Sound technology and the American cinema [electronic resource] : perception, representation, modernity / James Lastra. Babel and Babylon [electronic resource] : spectatorship in American silent film / Miriam Hansen. Eloquent gestures [electronic resource] : the transformation of performance style in the Griffith Biograph films / Roberta E. Pearson. Acting in the cinema [electronic resource] / James Naremore. Acting for film [electronic resource] / Cathy Haase. Alien identities [electronic resource] : exploring differences in film and fiction / edited by Deborah Cartmell ... [et al.]. Beauty of the beasts [electronic resource] : tales of Hollywood's wild animal stars / Ralph Helfer. Filmmaker's guide to production design [electronic resource] / Vincent LoBrutto. Romance and the "yellow peril" [electronic resource] : race, sex, and discursive strategies in Hollywood fiction / Gina Marchetti. Moving viewers [electronic resource] : American film and the spectator's experience / Carl Plantinga. Cinema and spectatorship [electronic resource] / Judith Mayne. Body shots [electronic resource] : early cinema's incarnations / Jonathan Auerbach. Tactile eye [electronic resource] : touch and the cinematic experience / Jennifer M. Barker. Fight pictures [electronic resource] : a history of boxing and early cinema / Dan Streible. Children's films [electronic resource] : history, ideology, pedagogy, theory / Ian Wojcik-Andrews. Walls have feelings [electronic resource] : architecture, film and the city / Katherine Shonfield. Inside Soviet film satire [electronic resource] : laughter with a lash / editor, Andrew Horton. Comedy/cinema/theory [electronic resource] / edited by Andrew Horton. Parody as film genre [electronic resource] : "never give a saga an even break" / Wes D. Gehring ; foreword by Scott R. Olson. Overhearing film dialogue [electronic resource] / Sarah Kozloff. Closely watched films [electronic resource] : an introduction to the art of narrative film technique / Marilyn Fabe. Critical cinema [electronic resource] : interviews with independent filmmakers / Scott MacDonald. Garden in the machine [electronic resource] : a field guide to independent films about place / Scott MacDonald. From celluloid to cyberspace [electronic resource] : the media arts and the changing arts world / Kevin F. McCarthy, Elizabeth Heneghan Ondaatje. Driven to darkness [electronic resource] : Jewish émigré directors and the rise 11 PN1995.9.F54 R33 2002eb PN1995.9.G3 (INTERNET) PN1995.9.H4 (INTERNET) PN1995.9.H5 L56 2002eb PN1995.9.H5 R46 2001eb PN1995.9.H55 B46 2003eb PN1995.9.H55 D43 2001eb PN1995.9.H55 D68 2000eb PN1995.9.H55 F37 2000eb PN1995.9.H55 L37 2002eb PN1995.9.H6 (INTERNET) PN1995.9.H6 (INTERNET) PN1995.9.H6 H75 2002eb PN1995.9.L6 (INTERNET) PN1995.9.M45 S56 2001eb PN1995.9.M46 (INTERNET) PN1995.9.M46 M23 2002eb PN1995.9.N36 (INTERNET) PN1995.9.N36 S58 2001eb PN1995.9.N4 (INTERNET) PN1995.9.N4 (INTERNET) PN1995.9.N4 (INTERNET) PN1995.9.N4 (INTERNET) PN1995.9.N4 (INTERNET) PN1995.9.N67 (INTERNET) PN1995.9.P7 (INTERNET) PN1995.9.P7 (INTERNET) PN1995.9.P7 C32 2002eb PN1995.9.P7 D43 2003eb PN1995.9.P7 D46 2002eb PN1995.9.P7 S557 2002eb PN1995.9.P75 G68 2003eb PN1995.9.P75 R36 2002eb PN1995.9.P75 S34 2002eb PN1995.9.P783 (INTERNET) of film noir / Vincent Brook. Black & white & noir [electronic resource] : America's pulp modernism / Paula Rabinowitz. Bullets over Hollywood [electronic resource] : the American gangster picture from the silents to The Sopranos / John McCarty. No place like home [electronic resource] : locations of Heimat in German cinema / Johannes von Moltke. Real emotional logic [electronic resource] : film and television docudrama as persuasive practice / Steven N. Lipkin. Retrovision [electronic resource] : reinventing the past in film and fiction / edited by Deborah Cartmell, I.Q. Hunter, and Imelda Whelehan. Bent lens [electronic resource] : a world guide to gay & lesbian film / [edited by] Lisa Daniel & Claire Jackson. Gay fandom and crossover stardom [electronic resource] : James Dean, Mel Gibson, and Keanu Reeves / Michael DeAngelis. Flaming classics [electronic resource] : queering the film canon / Alexander Doty. Spectacular passions [electronic resource] : cinema, fantasy, gay male spectatorships / Brett Farmer. Masculine interests [electronic resource] : homoerotics in Hollywood films / Robert Lang. Horror film and psychoanalysis [electronic resource] : Freud's worst nightmare / edited by Steven Hay Schneider. Uncanny bodies [electronic resource] : the coming of sound film and the origins of the horror genre / Robert Spadoni. Horror, the film reader [electronic resource] / edited by Mark Jancovich. Unlikely couples [electronic resource] : movie romance as social criticism / Thomas E. Wartenberg. Melodrama and modernity [electronic resource] : early sensational cinema and its contexts / Ben Singer. This mad masquerade [electronic resource] : stardom and masculinity in the Jazz Age / Gaylyn Studlar. Love, tears, and the male spectator [electronic resource] / Kenneth MacKinnon. Ministry of illusion [electronic resource] : Nazi cinema and its afterlife / Eric Rentschler. Not so foreign affair [electronic resource] : fascism, sexuality, and the cultural rhetoric of American democracy / Andrea Slane. Returning the gaze [electronic resource] : a genealogy of Black film criticism, 1909-1949 / Anna Everett. Redefining Black film [electronic resource] / Mark A. Reid. Fire and desire [electronic resource] : mixed-race movies in the silent era / Jane M. Gaines. Migrating to the movies [electronic resource] : cinema and Black urban modernity / Jacqueline Najuma Stewart. Hollywood be thy name [electronic resource] : African American religion in American film, 1929-1949 / Judith Weisenfeld. Recycled culture in contemporary art and film [electronic resource] : the uses of nostalgia / Vera Dika. I was interrupted [electronic resource] : Nicholas Ray on making movies / Nicholas Ray ; edited and introduced by Susan Ray ; with a biographical outline by Bernard Eisenschitz. Figures traced in light [electronic resource] : on cinematic staging / David Bordwell. Technical film and TV for nontechnical people [electronic resource] / by Drew Campbell. $30 film school [electronic resource] / Michael Wareham Dean. Making your film for less outside the U.S [electronic resource] / Mark DeWayne. Shoot me [electronic resource] : independent filmmaking from creative concept to rousing release / Rocco Simonelli and Roy Frumkes. Careers for film buffs & other Hollywood types [electronic resource] / Jaq Greenspon. Surviving Hollywood [electronic resource] : your ticket to success / Jerry Rannow. Creative careers in Hollywood [electronic resource] / Laurie Scheer. Endless night [electronic resource] : cinema and psychoanalysis, parallel histories / edited by Janet Bergstrom. 12 PN1995.9.S26 P54 2002eb PN1995.9.S6 (INTERNET) PN1995.9.S6 K49 2003eb PN1995.9.S6 T87 1999eb PN1995.9.W3 (INTERNET) PN1995.9.W4 T76 1999eb PN1996 (INTERNET) PN1996 .H55 2002eb PN1996 .P73 2001eb PN1996 D48 2003eb PN1997 .E87x 1993 PN1997.2.G56 A43 2004eb PN1997.5 .W455 2002eb PN1997.8 .R55 2002eb PN1997.8 .W39 2002eb PN1997.85 .C56 2000eb PN1997.C655 (INTERNET) PN1997.F3456 (INTERNET) PN1997.L353 (INTERNET) PN1997.M25433 (INTERNET) PN1997.P464 (INTERNET) PN1997.P474 (INTERNET) PN1997.P482 (INTERNET) PN1997.R2253 (INTERNET) PN1997.R353 (INTERNET) PN1997.R657 (INTERNET) PN1997.S65733 (INTERNET) PN1997.T5953 (INTERNET) PN1997.W53613 (INTERNET) PN4121 (INTERNET) PN4129.15 .K43 2001eb PN4129.15 .K43 2002eb PN4129.15 .L44 2003eb PN4129.15 .M36 2002eb PN4162 (INTERNET) PN4181 .D3945 2003eb PN4181 .D75 2003eb PN4181 .F53 2001eb PN4181 .M38 2002eb PN4181 .M43 2003eb Special effects [electronic resource] : still in search of wonder / Michele Pierson. Cinema and the invention of modern life [electronic resource] / edited by Leo Charney, Vanessa R. Schwartz. Keyframes [electronic resource] : popular cinema and cultural studies / edited by Matthew Tinkcom and Amy Villarejo. Film as social practice [electronic resource] / Graeme Turner. Armed forces [electronic resource] : masculinity and sexuality in the American war film / Robert Eberwein. Cowboy way [electronic resource] : the western leader in film, 1945-1995 / Ralph Lamar Turner and Robert J. Higgs. Laughing out loud [electronic resource] : writing the comedy-centered screenplay / Andrew Horton. Aristotle in Hollywood [electronic resource] : the anatomy of successful storytelling / Ari Hiltinen. Complete idiot's guide to screenwriting [electronic resource] / by Skip Press. Writing your screenplay [electronic resource] / Lisa Dethridge. Ethan Frome [videorecording] / American Playhouse Theatrical Films ; Miramax Films. CGI filmmaking [electronic resource] : the creation of Ghost warrior / Timothy Albee. Animation and America [electronic resource] / Paul Wells. Key film texts [electronic resource] / Graham Roberts and Heather Wallis. Politics of contemporary European cinema [electronic resource] : histories, borders, diasporas / Mike Wayne. Classics in film and fiction [electronic resource] / edited by Deborah Cartmell ... [et al.]. Stanley Kubrick's A clockwork orange [electronic resource] / edited by Stuart Y. McDougal. Coen brothers' Fargo [electronic resource] / edited by William G. Luhr. Lawrence of Arabia [electronic resource] : a film's anthropology / Steven C. Caton. Magnificent Ambersons [electronic resource] : a reconstruction / Robert L. Carringer. Ingmar Bergman's Persona [electronic resource] / edited by Lloyd Michaels. Jane Campion's The piano [electronic resource] / edited by Harriet Margolis. Jean-Luc Godard's Pierrot le fou [electronic resource] / edited by David Wills. Martin Scorsese's Raging bull [electronic resource] / edited by Kevin J. Hayes. Alfred Hitchcock's Rear window [electronic resource] / edited by John Belton. Roberto Rossellini's Rome open city [electronic resource] / edited by Sidney Gottlieb. John Ford's Stagecoach [electronic resource] / edited by Barry Keith Grant. Ozu's Tokyo story [electronic resource] / edited by David Desser. Sam Peckinpah's The wild bunch [electronic resource] / edited by Stephen Prince. Preliminaries to speech analysis [electronic resource] : the distinctive features and their correlates / Roman Jakobson, C. Gunnar M. Fant, Morris Halle. Blank page to first draft in 15 minutes [electronic resource] : the most effective shortcut to preparing a speech or presentation / Phillip Khan-Panni. Stand and deliver [electronic resource] : leave them stirred, not shaken / Phillip Khan-Panni. PowerSpeak [electronic resource] : engage, inspire, and stimulate your audience / Dorothy Leeds. Presenting with power [electronic resource] : captivate, motivate, inspire and persuade / Shay McConnon. Vocal tracks [electronic resource] : performance and sound media / Jacob Smith. Debatabase book [electronic resource] : a must-have guide for successful debate / the editors of IDEA ; [introduction by Robert Trapp]. Discovering the world through debate [electronic resource] : a practical guide to educational debate for debaters, coaches, and judges / by William Driscoll and Joseph P. Zompetti. Gifted tongues [electronic resource] : high school debate and adolescent culture / Gary Alan Fine. Art, argument, and advocacy [electronic resource] : mastering parliamentary debate / John Meany and Kate Schuster. On that point! [electronic resource] : an introduction to parliamentary debate / John Meany, Kate Shuster. 13 PN4181 .P433 2002eb PN4181 .S66 2002eb PN4181 .T73 2002eb PN4193 .B66 2003eb PN4728 .E53 2009eb PN4751 .P65 2003eb PN4781 .E88 1998eb PN4784.F6 W35 2002eb PN4833 .H35 2001eb PN4834 (INTERNET) PN4874.M52 A3 1998eb PN4874.P8 B75 2001eb PN4874.R3 M3 PN4874.R3 M3 1970 PN4874.R565 A25 2003eb PN4877 (INTERNET) PN4882.5 .J67 2001eb PN4888.E8 J67 2003eb PN4888.P6 F54x 2009 PN4888.P6 M39 2004eb PN4899.W3 (INTERNET) PN5111.R4 M66 2003eb PN5176 .C46 1994eb PN5277.P7 (INTERNET) PN5277.W58 I48 2001eb Perspectives in controversy [electronic resource] : selected essays from Contemporary argumentation and debate / Kenneth Broda-Bahm, editor. Many sides [electronic resource] : debate across the curriculum / by Alfred Snider and Maxwell Schnurer. Transforming debate [electronic resource] : the best of The international journal of forensics / Jack E. Rogers, editor. Speak with confidence [electronic resource] : powerful presentations that inform, inspire, and persuade / Dianna Booher. Encyclopedia of journalism [electronic resource] / general editor, Christopher H. Sterling. Political journalism [electronic resource] : new challenges, new practices / edited by Raymond Kuhn and Erik Neveu. Custodians of conscience [electronic resource] : investigative journalism and public virtue / James S. Ettema and Theodore L. Glasser. Social construction of international news [electronic resource] : we're talking about them, they're talking about us / Philo C. Wasburn. Online journalism [electronic resource] : a critical primer / Jim Hall. Beyond the lines [electronic resource] : pictorial reporting, everyday life, and the crisis of gilded-age America / Joshua Brown. Confessions of a maddog [electronic resource] : a romp through the highflying Texas music and literary era of the fifties to the seventies / Jay Dunston Milner ; foreword by Larry L. King. Pulitzer [electronic resource] : a life / Denis Brian. Henry J. Raymond and the New York press, for thirty years. Progress of American journalism from 1840 to 1870. With portrait, illustrations and appendix. By Augustus Maverick. Published by subscription only. Henry J. Raymond and the New York press. Years of minutes [electronic resource] / Andy Rooney. History of American magazines, 1741-1930 [electronic resource] / by Frank Luther Mott. Black newspapers and America's war for democracy, 1914-1920 [electronic resource] / William G. Jordan. Journalism and the debate over privacy [electronic resource] / edited by Craig LaMay. 56th Presidential Inauguration [electronic resource] : Inaugural media guide / produced by the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies. Two W's of journalism [electronic resource] : the why and what of public affairs reporting / Davis Merritt, Maxwell McCombs. Press gallery [electronic resource] : Congress and the Washington correspondents / Donald A. Ritchie. Breaking news [electronic resource] : how the wheels came off at Reuters / Brian Mooney & Barry Simpson. French press in the Age of Enlightenment [electronic resource] / Jack R. Censer. Closer to the masses [electronic resource] : Stalinist culture, social revolution, and Soviet newspapers / Matthew Lenoe. Improper profession [electronic resource] : women, gender, and journalism in late Imperial Russia / Barbara T. Norton & Jehanne M. Gheith, editors. 14 Appendix II Withdrawals* Call Number P PN1-1159, PN3311-4698, PN6010 PN1560-3310 PN4699-6009 TOTALS 2006/07 25 271 75 27 398 2007/08 18 53 62 33 166 2008/09 0 6 40 3 49 2009/10 10 17 35 24 86 2010/11 26 5 52 23 106 *Please note that withdrawn titles are replaced with current titles, and that damaged items are sent for repair. 15