Minnesota State University, Mankato Professional Education Unit INITIAL LICENSURE PROGRAM UNDER the PROPOSED LICENSURE RULES (LAWS OF MINNESOTA; 1993, CHAPTER 224, ARICLE 12, SECTION 34) College: Social & Behavioral Sciences Department: Social Studies Submission Date to BOT: July 1, 2000 Studies Program: Social Studies Degree: BST Licensure Standards: Minnesota Board of Teaching Standards Date: March 1999 Program Contact Person(s): Clark Johnson Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards A. A teacher of social studies understands how human beings create, learn, and adapt culture. The teacher must understand: Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles PSYC 101 Psychology, PSYC 340 Social Psychology WOST 220 Perspectives on Women And Change GEOG 100 Elements of Geography, GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 340 United States, GEOG 341 World Regional Geography, GEOG 430 Historical Geography of The United States, GEOG 435 Urban Geography, GEOG 437 Political Geography, GEOG 445 Latin America, Practice in Applying the Standard Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools WOST 220 Perspectives on Women And Change Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios 1 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards (1) ways in which groups, societies, and cultures address human needs and concerns; Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles GEOG 446 Historical Geography of The United States, GEOG 450 Europe, GEOG 454 Russian Realm, GEOG 456 Africa, GEOG 458 West Pacific Rim, GEOG 425 Economic Geography POL 381 Citizenship, POL 431 International Relations PSYC 101 Psychology, PSYC 340 Social Psychology SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology, SOC 408 Family Life Dynamics, SOC 411 The Family Across Cultures, SOC 482 Social Change ETHN 410 Foundations of Oppression HIST 301 Readings in United States History, HIST 302 Readings in World History, HIST 442 History of Latin America, HIST 450 History of Latin America, HIST 470 American Frontier, HIST 454 Early America to 1763, HIST 475 The American South, HIST 401 Classical World of Greece And Rome, HIST 402 Foundations of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, HIST 404 , HIST 434 Modern East Asian History, HIST 406 Renaissance and Reformation, HIST 407 Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment, HIST 414 Early England to 1603, HIST 415 England Since 1603 ECON 202 Principles of Practice in Applying the Standard Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools WOST 220 Perspectives on Women And Change Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios 2 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards (2) how data and experiences may be interpreted by people from diverse cultural perspectives and frames of reference; Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles Microeconomics , ECON 314 Current Economic Issues WOST 220 Perspectives on Women And Change GEOG 100 Elements of Geography, GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 425 Economic Geography, GEOG 435 Urban Geography, GEOG 437 Political Geography SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools POL 442 South Asia: Politics and Policy PSYC 101 Psychology, PSYC 448 International Behavior SOC 409 Family Violence, SOC 411 The Family Across Cultures, SOC 446 Race, Culture, & Ethnicity ETHN 410 Foundations of Oppression HIST 260 Nature of History, HIST 320 , HIST 442 History of Latin America, HIST 301 Readings in United States History, HIST 454 Early America to 1763, HIST 455 Revolutionary and Early National America 1763-1820, HIST 477 Advanced African-American History , HIST 483 Intellectual and Cultural History, HIST 487 United States Women’s History , HIST 401 Classical World of Greece Practice in Applying the Standard Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools WOST 220 Perspectives on Women And Change Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios 3 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards (3) culture as an integrated whole, including the functions and interactions of language, literature, the arts, traditions, beliefs and values, and behavior patterns; Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles and Rome, HIST 402 Foundations of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, HIST 404, HIST 434 Modern East Asian History, HIST 407 Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment WOST 220 Perspectives on Women and Change GEOG 100 Elements of Geography, GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 341 World Regional Geography, GEOG 425 Economic Geography, GEOG 435 Urban Geography, GEOG 437 Political Geography, GEOG 420 Conservation of Natural Resources SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOST 450 Teaching Social Studies in the Secondary Schools PSYC 101 Psychology, PSYC 448 International Behavior SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology, SOC 352 American Society: A Comparative Analysis, SOC 456 The History of Social Thought HIST 487 United States Women’s History, HIST 454 Early America to 1763, HIST 455 Revolutionary and Early National America 1763-1820, HIST 401 Classical World of Greece and Rome, Practice in Applying the Standard Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools WOST 220 Perspectives on Women And Change Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios 4 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards (4) societal patterns for preserving and transmitting culture while adapting to environmental or social change; Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles HIST 402 Foundations of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, HIST 403 The Middle Ages, HIST 406 Renaissance and Reformation, HIST 407 Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment, HIST 414 Early England to 1603, HIST 415 England Since 1603, HIST 434 Modern East Asian History WOST 220 Perspectives on Women and Change GEOG 100 Elements of Geography, GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 341 World Regional Geography, GEOG 430 Historical Geography of the United States, GEOG 437 Political Geography, GEOG 445 Latin America, GEOG 446 Historical Geography of the United States, GEOG 450 Europe, GEOG 454 Russian Realm, GEOG 456 Africa, GEOG 458 West Pacific Rim SOC 482 Social Change ETHN 410 Foundations of Oppression HIST 260 Nature of History, HIST 301 Readings in United States History, HIST 302 Readings in World History, HIST 442 History of Latin America, HIST 450 History of Latin America, HIST 470 American Frontier, HIST 454 Early America to 1763, Practice in Applying the Standard Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools WOST 220 Perspectives on Women And Change Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios 5 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles HIST 475 The American South, HIST 401 Classical World of Greece and Rome, HIST 402 Foundations of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, HIST 403 The Middle Ages, HIST 406 Renaissance and Reformation, HIST 407 Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment, HIST 414 Early England to 1603, HIST 415 England Since 1603, HIST 434 Modern East Asian History WOST 220 Perspectives on Women and Change GEOG 100 Elements of Geography, GEOG 101 Introductory Physical Geography, GOEG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GOEG 313 Natural Disasters, GEOG 340 United States, GEOG 341 World Regional Geography, GEOG 410 Climatic Environments, GOEG 420 Conservation of Natural Resources, GEOG 430 Historical Geography of the United States, GEOG 435 Urban Geography, GEOG 437 Political Geography, GEOG 445 Latin America, GEOG 446 Historical Geography of the United States, GEOG 450 Europe, GEOG 454 Russian Realm, GEOG 456 Africa, Practice in Applying the Standard Course Numbers and Titles Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles 6 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards (5) benefits of cultural diversity and cohesion, within and across groups; Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles GEOG 458 West Pacific Rim SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOST 450 Teaching Social Studies in the Secondary Schools SOC 411 The Family Across Cultures, SOC 425 Social Movements, SOC 446 Race, Culture, & Ethnicity ETHN 410 Foundations of Oppression HIST 477 Advanced African-American History, HIST 483 Intellectual and Cultural History, HIST 487 United States Women’s History, HIST 455 Revolutionary and Early National America 1763-1820, HIST 454 Early America to 1763, HIST 402 Foundations of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, HIST 434 Modern East Asian History, HIST 414 Early England to 1603, HIST 415 England Since 1603, HIST 407 Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment WOST 220 Perspectives on Women and Change GEOG 100 Elements of Geography, GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 340 United States, GEOG 430 Historical Geography of the United States, GEOG 437 Political Geography, GEOG 445 Latin America, GEOG 446 Historical Geography of the United States, Practice in Applying the Standard Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools WOST 220 Perspectives on Women And Change Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios 7 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards (6) patterns of behavior reflecting values and attitudes that contribute or pose obstacles to cross-cultural understanding; Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles GEOG 450 Europe, GEOG 454 Russian Realm, GEOG 456 Africa, GEOG 458 West Pacific Rim SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOST 450 Teaching Social Studies in the Secondary Schools POL 414 Early United States Political Thought PSYC 101 Psychology, PSYC 448 International Behavior ETHN 410 Foundations of Oppression HIST 477 Advanced African-American History, HIST 483 Intellectual and Cultural History , HIST 475 The American South, HIST 487 United States Women’s History, HIST 454 Early America to 1763, HIST 455 Revolutionary and Early National America 1763-1820, HIST 402 Foundations of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, HIST 406 Renaissance and Reformation, HIST 407 Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment, HIST 435 WOST 220 Perspectives on Women and Change GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 340 United States, GEOG 341 World Regional Geography, Practice in Applying the Standard Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools WOST 220 Perspectives on Women And Change Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios 8 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards (7) the causes and effects of stereotyping on American Indians within their society and on society as a whole; (8) specific cultural responses to persistent human issues; and Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles GEOG 437 Political Geography, GEOG 445 Latin America, GEOG 446 Historical Geography of the United States, GEOG 450 Europe, GEOG 454 Russian Realm, GEOG 456 Africa, GEOG 458 West Pacific Rim POL 414 Early United States Political Thought ETHN 410 Foundations of Oppression HIST 450 Minnesota to 1880, HIST 470 American Frontier, HIST 483 Intellectual and Cultural History, HIST 454 Early America to 1763, HIST 487 United States Women’s History, HIST 455 Revolutionary and Early National America 1763-1820 WOST 220 Perspectives on Women and Change GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 340 United States, GEOG 430 Historical Geography of the United States SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOST 450 History of Latin America POL 342 Asia Pacific Rim: Politics and Policy, POL 442 South Asia: Politics and Policy PSYC 101 Psychology, PSYC 340 Social Psychology ETHN 410 Foundations of Oppression Practice in Applying the Standard Course Numbers and Titles Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools WOST 220 Perspectives on Women And Change SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools WOST 220 Perspectives on Women And Change SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios 9 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards (9) ideas, theories, and modes of inquiry drawn from anthropology and sociology in the examination of persistent issues and social problems. Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles HIST 301 Readings in United States History, HIST 302 Readings in World History, HIST 442 History of Latin America, HIST 454 Early America to 1763, HIST 455 Revolutionary and Early National America 1763-1820, HIST 475 The American South, HIST 477 Advanced African-American History, HIST 401 Classical World of Greece and Rome, HIST 402 Foundations of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, HIST 403 The Middle Ages, HIST 434 Modern East Asian History, HIST 406 Renaissance and Reformation, HIST 407 Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment WOST 220 Perspectives on Women and Change GEOG 100 Elements of Geography, GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 425 Economic Geography, GEOG 435 Urban Geography, GEOG 437 Political Geography SOC 401 American Society: A Comparative Analysis, SOC 408 Family Life Dynamics, SOC 411 The Family Across Cultures, SOC 458 Contemporary Sociological Theory, SOC 425 Social Movements, SOC 307 Sex and Gender In Contemporary Society, Practice in Applying the Standard Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools WOST 220 Perspectives on Women And Change Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios 10 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards B. A teacher of social studies understands historical roots based on what things were like in the past and how things change and develop over time. The teacher must understand: Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles SOC 255 Juvenile Delinquency, SOC 482 Social Change, SOC 409 Family Violence, SOC 479 Sociological Ethnography, SOC 480 Social Observation ETHN 410 Foundations of Oppression HIST 260 Nature of History, HIST 301 Readings in United States History, HIST 302 Readings in World History, HIST 442 History of Latin America, HIST 450 History of Latin America, HIST 454 Early America to 1763, HIST 455 Revolutionary and Early National America 1763-1820, HIST 487 United States Women’s History, HIST 475 The American South, HIST 477 Advanced African-American History, HIST 483 Intellectual and Cultural History, HIST 401 Classical World of Greece and Rome, HIST 402 Foundations of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, HIST 403 The Middle Ages, HIST 434 Modern East Asian History GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 435 Urban Geography ECON 314 Current Economic Issues WOST 220 Perspectives on Women and Change GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 340 United States , Practice in Applying the Standard Course Numbers and Titles Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools HIST 301 Readings in United States SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools HIST 301 Readings in United States 11 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards (1) that historical knowledge and the concept of time are socially influenced constructions that lead historians to be selective in the questions they seek to answer and in the evidence they use; (2) key concepts, including time, chronology, causality, change, conflict, and complexity to explain, Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles GEOG 430 Historical Geography of the United States , GEOG 435 Urban Geography SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOST 450 Teaching Social Studies in the Secondary Schools POL 200 United States Government, POL 414 Early United States Political Thought WOST 220 Perspectives on Women and Change HIST 260 Nature of History, HIST 301 Readings in United States History, HIST 302 Readings in World History, HIST 442 History of Latin America, HIST 450 History of Latin America, HIST 470 American Frontier, HIST 401 Classical World of Greece and Rome, HIST 402 Foundations of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, HIST 403 The Middle Ages, HIST 434 Modern East Asian History GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 340 United States, GEOG 430 Historical Geography of the United States, GEOG 435 Urban Geography SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOST 450 Teaching Social Studies in Practice in Applying the Standard Course Numbers and Titles History, HIST 302 Readings in World History, SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools HIST 301 Readings in United States History, HIST 302 Readings in World History, Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles History, HIST 302 Readings in World History, KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary, Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools HIST 301 Readings in United States History, HIST 302 Readings in World History, KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary, Student Portfolios 12 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards analyze, and show connections among patterns of historical change and continuity; Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles the Secondary Schools SOC 482 Social Change ETHN 410 Foundations of Oppression ECON 314 Current Economic Issues WOST 220 Perspectives on Women and Change HIST 260 Nature of History, HIST 301 Readings in United States History, HIST 302 Readings in World History, HIST 442 History of Latin America, HIST 450 History of Latin America, HIST 470 American Frontier, HIST 454 Early America to 1763, HIST 455 Revolutionary and Early National America 1763-1820, HIST 477 Advanced African-American History, HIST 401 Classical World of Greece and Rome, HIST 402 Foundations of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, HIST 403 The Middle Ages, HIST 434 Modern East Asian History, HIST 406 Renaissance and Reformation, HIST 407 Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment, HIST 414 Early England to 1603, HIST 415 England Since 1603 GEOG 100 Elements of Geography, GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 340 United States, GEOG 430 Historical Geography of the United States, GEOG 435 Urban Geography, Practice in Applying the Standard Course Numbers and Titles Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles 13 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards (3) historical periods and patterns of change within and across cultures; (4) the significance of American Indian oral tradition in the perpetuation of culture and history; (5) processes of critical historical Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles GEOG 437 Political Geography Practice in Applying the Standard WOST 220 Introduction to Social Studies HIST 401 Classical World of Greece and Rome, HIST 402 Foundations of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, HIST 403 The Middle Ages, HIST 434 Modern East Asian History, HIST 406 Renaissance and Reformation, HIST 407 Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment, HIST 414 Early England to 1603, HIST 415 England Since 1603 GEOG 100 Elements of Geography, GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 340 United States, GEOG 430 Historical Geography of the United States, GEOG 435 Urban Geography, GEOG 437 Political Geography HIST 450 History of Latin America, HIST 483 Intellectual and Cultural History, HIST 260 Nature of History GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 340 United States, GEOG 430 Historical Geography of the United States SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools HIST 301 Readings in United States History, HIST 302 Readings in World History, SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools HIST 301 Readings in United States History, HIST 302 Readings in World History, KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary, Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools HIST 301 Readings in United States History, HIST 302 Readings in World History, POL 414 Early United States Political SOST 200 Introduction to Social SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools HIST 301 Readings in United States History, HIST 302 Readings in World History, KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary, Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Course Numbers and Titles Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles 14 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards inquiry to reconstruct and reinterpret the past; (6) multiple historical and contemporary viewpoints with viewpoints within and across cultures; and Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles Thought WOST 220 Perspectives on Women and Change HIST 260 Nature of History, HIST 301 Readings in United States History, HIST 302 Readings in World History, HIST 442 History of Latin America, HIST 450 History of Latin America, HIST 470 American Frontier, HIST 455 Revolutionary and Early National America 1763-1820, HIST 475 The American South, HIST 477 Advanced African-American History, HIST 401 Classical World of Greece and Rome, HIST 402 Foundations of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, HIST 403 The Middle Ages, HIST 434 Modern East Asian History, HIST 406 Renaissance and Reformation, HIST 414 Early England to 1603, HIST 415 England Since 1603 GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 340 United States, GEOG 430 Historical Geography of the United States, GEOG 435 Urban Geography SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOST 450 Teaching Social Studies in the Secondary Schools POL 443 Middle East Politics WOST 220 Perspectives on Women Practice in Applying the Standard Course Numbers and Titles Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools HIST 301 Readings in United States History, HIST 302 Readings in World History, SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools HIST 301 Readings in United States Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools HIST 301 Readings in United States History, HIST 302 Readings in World History, KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary, Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools HIST 301 Readings in United States 15 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards (7) ideas, theories, and modes of historical inquiry to analyze historical and contemporary developments, and to inform and evaluate actions concerning public policy issues. Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles and Change HIST 301 Readings in United States History, HIST 302 Readings in World History, HIST 442 History of Latin America, HIST 454 Early America to 1763, HIST 455 Revolutionary and Early National America 1763-1820, HIST 475 The American South, HIST 427 Eastern Europe, HIST 401 Classical World of Greece and Rome, HIST 402 Foundations of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, HIST 403 The Middle Ages, HIST 434 Modern East Asian History, HIST 406 Renaissance and Reformation, HIST 407 Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment, HIST 414 Early England to 1603, HIST 415 England Since 1603 GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 340 United States, GEOG 341 World Regional Geography, GEOG 430 Historical Geography of the United States POL 200 United States Government ETHN 410 Foundations of Oppression ECON 314 Current Economic Issues HIST 301 Readings in United States History, HIST 302 Readings in World History, HIST 442 History of Latin America, HIST 450 History of Latin America, Practice in Applying the Standard Course Numbers and Titles History, HIST 302 Readings in World History, SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools HIST 301 Readings in United States History, HIST 302 Readings in World Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles History, HIST 302 Readings in World History, KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary, Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools HIST 301 Readings in United States History, HIST 302 Readings in World 16 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards C. A teacher of social studies understands the world within and beyond personal locations. The teacher must understand: (1) the relative location, direction, size, and shape of locales, regions, and the world; Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles HIST 470 American Frontier, HIST 260 Nature of History, HIST 477 Advanced African-American History, HIST 401 Classical World of Greece and Rome, HIST 402 Foundations of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, HIST 403 The Middle Ages, HIST 434 Modern East Asian History GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 340 United States, GEOG 341 World Regional Geography, GEOG 430 Historical Geography of the United States WOST 220 Perspectives on Women and Change GEOG 100 Elements of Geography, GEOG 101 Introductory Physical Geography, GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 313 Natural Disasters, GEOG 315 Geomophology, GEOG 317 Weather, GEOG 341 World Regional Geography, GEOG 410 Climatic Environments, GEOG 425 Economic Geography, GEOG 435 Urban Geography POL 371 State and Local Government, POL 431 International Relations WOST 220 Perspectives on Women and Change HIST 450 History of Latin America, Practice in Applying the Standard Course Numbers and Titles History, Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles History, KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary, Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools GEOG 340 United States, SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools GEOG 340 United States, KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary, Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools 17 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards (2) how to create, interpret, use, and synthesize information from various representations of the earth; Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles HIST 470 American Frontier, HIST 401 Classical World of Greece and Rome, HIST 432 World History: Selected Topics, HIST 403 The Middle Ages, HIST 434 Modern East Asian History, HIST 414 Early England to 1603, HIST 415 England Since 1603 GEOG 100 Elements of Geography, GEOG 101 Introductory Physical Geography, GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 341 World Regional Geography HIST 450 History of Latin America, HIST 470 American Frontier GEOG 100 Elements of Geography, GEOG 101 Introductory Physical Geography, GEOG 370 Cartographic Techniques, GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography Practice in Applying the Standard Course Numbers and Titles GEOG 340 United States, SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools GEOG 340 United States, (3) appropriate resources, data sources, and geographic tools to generate and manipulate charts, graphs, and maps and to interpret information from resources including atlases, databases, and grid systems; POL 431 International Relations GEOG 100 Elements of Geography, GEOG 101 Introductory Physical Geography, GEOG 370 Cartographic Techniques, GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools GEOG 340 United States, (4) how to determine distance, scale, area, density, and distinguish spatial distribution patterns; GEOG 100 Elements of Geography, GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 101 Introductory Physical SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles GEOG 340 United States, KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary, Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools GEOG 340 United States, KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary, Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools GEOG 340 United States, KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary, Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary 18 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards (5) the relationships among various regional and global patterns of geographic phenomena; (6) physical earth system changes to explain geographic phenomena; (7) how people create places that Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles Geography, GEOG 370 Cartographic Techniques Practice in Applying the Standard Course Numbers and Titles Schools GEOG 340 United States, SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOST 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools POL 431 International Relations ECON 314 Current Economic Issues HIST 401 Classical World of Greece And Rome, HIST 434 Modern East Asian History GEOG 100 Elements of Geography, GEOG 101 Introductory Physical Geography, GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 313 Natural Disasters, GEOG 315 Geomophology, GEOG 317 Weather, GEOG 410 Climatic Environments, GEOG 412 Advanced Weather, GEOG 420 Conservation of Natural Resources, GEOG 425 Economic Geography GEOG 100 Elements of Geography, GEOG 113 , GEOG 313 Natural Disasters, GEOG 315 Geomophology, GEOG 317 Weather, GEOG 410 Climatic Environments, GEOG 420 Conservation of Natural Resources SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools GEOG 340 United States, POL 341 Western Europe, SOST 200 Introduction to Social SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools GEOG 340 United States, Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles Schools GEOG 340 United States, KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary, Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools GEOG 340 United States, KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary, Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools GEOG 340 United States, KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary, Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social 19 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards reflect culture, human needs, government policy, and current values and ideals as they design and build specialized buildings, neighborhoods, shopping centers, urban centers, industrial parks, and the like; (8) physical and cultural patterns and their interactions; Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles POL 342 Asia Pacific Rim: Politics and Policy, POL 441 Russia and Neighboring State Politics, POL 442 South Asia: Politics and Policy, POL 443 Middle East Politics PSYC 464 Environmental Psychology ECON 314 Current Economic Issues HIST 301 Readings in United States History, HIST 302 Readings in World History, HIST 442 History of Latin America, HIST 450 History of Latin America, HIST 470 American Frontier, HIST 475 The American South, HIST 477 Advanced African-American History, HIST 401 Classical World of Greece And Rome, HIST 402 Foundations of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, HIST 403 The Middle Ages GEOG 100 Elements of Geography, GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 340 United States, GEOG 341 World Regional Geography, GEOG 425 Economic Geography, GEOG 430 Historical Geography of the United States, GEOG 435 Urban Geography HIST 301 Readings in United States History, HIST 302 Readings in World History, HIST 442 History of Latin America, Practice in Applying the Standard Course Numbers and Titles Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools GEOG 340 United States, SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools GEOG 340 United States, KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary, Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary 20 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards (9) how historical events have been influenced by, and have influenced, physical and human geographic factors in local, regional, national, and global settings; Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles HIST 450 History of Latin America, HIST 470 American Frontier, HIST 475 The American South, HIST 477 Advanced African-American History, HIST 401 Classical World of Greece And Rome, HIST 402 Foundations of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, HIST 403 The Middle Ages, HIST 434 Modern East Asian History, HIST 407 Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment GEOG 420 Conservation of Natural Resources, GEOG 313 Natural Disasters, GEOG 101 Introductory Physical Geography, GEOG 100 Elements of Geography, GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 341 World Regional Geography SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, POL 431 International Relations HIST 301 Readings in United States History, HIST 302 Readings in World History, HIST 442 History of Latin America, HIST 450 History of Latin America, HIST 470 American Frontier, HIST 421 Modern Russia, HIST 437 African History, HIST 401 Classical World of Greece And Rome, HIST 402 Foundations of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, Practice in Applying the Standard Course Numbers and Titles Schools GEOG 340 United States, SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools GEOG 340 United States, Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles Schools GEOG 340 United States, KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary, Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools GEOG 340 United States, KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary, Student Portfolios 21 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards (10) social and economic effects of environmental changes and crises resulting from phenomena; and Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles HIST 403 The Middle Ages, HIST 434 Modern East Asian History, HIST 406 Renaissance and Reformation, HIST 407 Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment, HIST 414 Early England to 1603, HIST 415 England Since 1603 GEOG 100 Elements of Geography, GEOG 101 Introductory Physical Geography, GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 315 Geomophology, GEOG 317 Weather, GEOG 341 World Regional Geography, GEOG 410 Climatic Environments, GEOG 420 Conservation of Natural Resources, GEOG 425 Economic Geography, GEOG 435 Urban Geography ECON 314 Current Economic Issues HIST 301 Readings in United States History, HIST 302 Readings in World History, HIST 442 History of Latin America, HIST 450 History of Latin America, HIST 470 American Frontier, HIST 421 Modern Russia, HIST 437 African History, HIST 434 Modern East Asian History, HIST 401 Classical World of Greece And Rome, HIST 402 Foundations of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, HIST 403 The Middle Ages, Practice in Applying the Standard Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools GEOG 340 United States, Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools GEOG 340 United States, KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary, Student Portfolios 22 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards (11) policies for the use of land and other resources in communities and regions. D. A teacher of social studies understands that personal identity is shaped by an individual's culture, by groups, and by institutional influences. The teacher must understand: (1) personal connections to time, place, and social and cultural systems; Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles HIST 406 Renaissance and Reformation GEOG 425 Economic Geography, GEOG 435 Urban Geography, GEOG 437 Political Geography, GEOG 100 Elements of Geography HIST 301 Readings in United States History, HIST 302 Readings in World History, HIST 442 History of Latin America, HIST 450 History of Latin America, HIST 470 American Frontier, HIST 437 African History, HIST 434 Modern East Asian History, HIST 427 Eastern Europe, HIST 415 England Since 1603 GEOG 437 Political Geography, GEOG 435 Urban Geography, GEOG 420 Conservation of Natural Resources, GEOG 100 Elements of Geography, GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOST 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools PSYC 101 Psychology, PSYC 340 Social Psychology SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology, SOC 351 Social Psychology WOST 220 Perspectives on Women and Change HIST 301 Readings in United States History, HIST 302 Readings in World History, HIST 442 History of Latin America, Practice in Applying the Standard Course Numbers and Titles Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools GEOG 340 United States, SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools GEOG 340 United States, KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary, Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools PSYC 473 Teaching of Psychology SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools PSYC 473 Teaching of Psychology KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios 23 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards (2) influences of various historical and contemporary cultures on an individual's daily life; Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles HIST 450 History of Latin America, HIST 470 American Frontier, HIST 260 Nature of History, HIST 483 Intellectual and Cultural History, HIST 401 Classical World of Greece and Rome, HIST 402 Foundations of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, HIST 403 The Middle Ages, HIST 434 Modern East Asian History, HIST 406 Renaissance and Reformation GEOG 100 Elements of Geography, GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 425 Economic Geography, GEOG 435 Urban Geography SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology, SOC 351 Social Psychology WOST 220 Perspectives on Women and Change HIST 301 Readings in United States History, HIST 302 Readings in World History, HIST 442 History of Latin America, HIST 450 History of Latin America, HIST 470 American Frontier, HIST 483 Intellectual and Cultural History, HIST 487 United States Women’s History, HIST 401 Classical World of Greece and Rome, HIST 402 Foundations of Judaism, Practice in Applying the Standard Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools PSYC 473 Teaching of Psychology Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools PSYC 473 Teaching of Psychology KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios 24 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards (3) the ways family, religion, gender, ethnicity, nationality, socioeconomic status, and other group and cultural influences contribute to the development of a sense of self; Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles Christianity, and Islam, HIST 403 The Middle Ages, HIST 434 Modern East Asian History, HIST 406 Renaissance and Reformation, HIST 414 Early England to 1603, HIST 415 England Since 1603, HIST 407 Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment GEOG 100 Elements of Geography, GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 430 Historical Geography of the United States PSYC 101 Psychology SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology, SOC 408 Family Life Dynamics, SOC 458 Contemporary Sociological Theory, SOC 307 Sex and Gender In Contemporary Society, SOC 351 Social Psychology ETHN 410 Foundations of Oppression WOST 220 Perspectives on Women and Change HIST 477 Advanced African-American History, HIST 487 United States Women’s History, HIST 401 Classical World of Greece and Rome, HIST 402 Foundations of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, HIST 403 The Middle Ages, HIST 434 Modern East Asian History, HIST 406 Renaissance and Reformation, Practice in Applying the Standard Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools PSYC 473 Teaching of Psychology Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools PSYC 473 Teaching of Psychology KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios 25 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards (4) the vital role the process of achieving harmony and balance and the American Indian value system play in American Indian philosophy and in the daily lives of American Indians; (5) concepts, methods, and theories about the study of human growth and development; (6) how ethnicity, nationality, and culture interact to influence specific situations or events; Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles HIST 414 Early England to 1603, HIST 415 England Since 1603 GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 437 Political Geography GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 340 United States, GEOG 430 Historical Geography of the United States SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOST 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools PSYC 101 Psychology GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 425 Economic Geography, GEOG 435 Urban Geography SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOST 450 Teaching Social Studies in the Secondary Schools POL 200 United States Government, POL 431 International Relations PSYC 448 International Behavior SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology, SOC 446 Race, Culture, & Ethnicity WOST 220 Perspectives on Women and Change HIST 301 Readings in United States History, HIST 302 Readings in World History, Practice in Applying the Standard Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools PSYC 473 Teaching of Psychology SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools PSYC 473 Teaching of Psychology SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools PSYC 473 Teaching of Psychology Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools PSYC 473 Teaching of Psychology KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools PSYC 473 Teaching of Psychology KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools PSYC 473 Teaching of Psychology KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios 26 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards (7) the role of perceptions, attitudes, values, and beliefs in the development of personal identity; (8) the impact of stereotyping, conformity, acts of altruism, and other behaviors on individuals and groups; Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles HIST 442 History of Latin America, HIST 450 History of Latin America, HIST 470 American Frontier, HIST 475 The American South, HIST 477 Advanced African-American History, HIST 454 Early America to 1763, HIST 455 Revolutionary and Early National America 1763-1820, HIST 401 Classical World of Greece and Rome, HIST 402 Foundations of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, HIST 403 The Middle Ages, HIST 434 Modern East Asian History, HIST 414 Early England to 1603, HIST 415 England Since 1603 GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 437 Political Geography, GEOG 435 Urban Geography SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies PSYC 101 Psychology SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology, SOC 351 Social Psychology, SOC 441 Social Deviance WOST 220 Perspectives on Women and Change GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 435 Urban Geography POL 381 Citizenship PSYC 101 Psychology, PSYC 340 Social Psychology SOC 255 Juvenile Delinquency, SOC 351 Social Psychology, Practice in Applying the Standard Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools PSYC 473 Teaching of Psychology Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools PSYC 473 Teaching of Psychology KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios 27 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards (9) how to work independently and cooperatively within groups and institutions to accomplish goals; and (10) factors that contribute to and damage mental health and issues that relate to mental health and behavioral disorders in contemporary society. E. A teacher of social studies Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles SOC 307 Sex and Gender In Contemporary Society, SOC 441 Social Deviance ETHN 410 Foundations of Oppression WOST 220 Perspectives on Women and Change HIST 477 Advanced African-American History, HIST 402 Foundations of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, HIST 434 Modern East Asian History, HIST 406 Renaissance and Reformation, HIST 415 England Since 1603 GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 435 Urban Geography, GEOG 437 Political Geography SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOST 450 Teaching Social Studies in the Secondary Schools *POL 381* Citizenship WOST 220 Perspectives on Women and Change GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography PSYC 101 Psychology ETHN 410 Foundations of Oppression GEOG 420 Conservation of Natural Resources, GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 435 Urban Geography, GEOG 437 Political Geography ECON 314 Current Economic Issues Practice in Applying the Standard Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools PSYC 473 Teaching of Psychology SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools PSYC 473 Teaching of Psychology SOST 200 Introduction to Social Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools PSYC 473 Teaching of Psychology KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools PSYC 473 Teaching of Psychology KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social 28 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards understands how institutions are formed, what controls and influences them, how institutions control and influence individuals and culture, and how institutions can be maintained or changed. The teacher must understand: (1) how concepts, including role, status, and social class, impact the connections and interactions of individuals, groups, and institutions in society; Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles WOST 220 Perspectives on Women and Change GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 437 Political Geography POL 200 United States Government PSYC 101 Psychology, PSYC 340 Social Psychology SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology, SOC 463 Social Stratification WOST 220 Perspectives on Women and Change HIST 301 Readings in United States History, HIST 302 Readings in World History, HIST 442 History of Latin America, HIST 450 History of Latin America, HIST 470 American Frontier, HIST 454 Early America to 1763, HIST 455 Revolutionary and Early National America 1763-1820, HIST 487 United States Women’s History, HIST 475 The American South, HIST 477 Advanced African-American History, HIST 427 Eastern Europe, HIST 437 African History, HIST 434 Modern East Asian History, HIST 401 Classical World of Greece And Rome, HIST 402 Foundations of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, HIST 403 The Middle Ages, HIST 406 Renaissance and Practice in Applying the Standard Course Numbers and Titles Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios 29 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards (2) group and institutional influences on people, events, and elements of culture in both historical and contemporary settings; Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles Reformation, HIST 407 Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment, HIST 414 Early England to 1603, HIST 415 England Since 1603 GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 435 Urban Geography, GEOG 437 Political Geography SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, POL 473 The Legislative Process SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology ETHN 410 Foundations of Oppression ECON 314 Current Economic Issues WOST 220 Perspectives on Women and Change HIST 301 Readings in United States History, HIST 302 Readings in World History, HIST 442 History of Latin America, HIST 450 History of Latin America, HIST 470 American Frontier, HIST 475 The American South, HIST 477 Advanced African-American History, HIST 483 Intellectual and Cultural History, HIST 454 Early America to 1763, HIST 455 Revolutionary and Early National America 1763-1820, HIST 487 United States Women’s History, HIST 434 Modern East Asian History, HIST 401 Classical World of Greece and Rome, HIST 402 Foundations of Judaism, Practice in Applying the Standard Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios 30 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards (3) the various forms institutions take and how they develop and change over time; Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles Christianity, and Islam, HIST 403 The Middle Ages, HIST 406 Renaissance and Reformation, HIST 407 Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment, HIST 414 Early England to 1603, HIST 415 England Since 1603 GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 113, GEOG 313 Natural Disasters, GEOG 315 Geomophology, GEOG 317 Weather, GEOG 410 Climatic Environments, GEOG 420 Conservation of Natural Resources POL 473 The Legislative Process ECON 314 Current Economic Issues WOST 220 Perspectives on Women and Change HIST 301 Readings in United States History, HIST 302 Readings in World History, HIST 442 History of Latin America, HIST 475 The American South, HIST 477 Advanced African-American History, HIST 454 Early Africa to 1763, HIST 455 Revolutionary and Early National America 1763-1820, HIST 427 Eastern Europe, HIST 434 Modern East Asian History, HIST 424 Scandinavian History GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 437 Political Geography Practice in Applying the Standard Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios 31 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards (4) how Minnesota-based Anishinabe reservations and Dakota communities are influenced by history, geography, and contemporary issues; (5) that expressions of individuality and efforts to promote social conformity by groups or institutions can result in tensions; (6) belief systems in contemporary and historical movement; Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 340 United States, GEOG 430 Historical Geography of the United States POL 381 Citizenship, POL 443 Middle East Politics PSYC 340 Social Psychology SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology, SOC 441 Social Deviance WOST 220 Perspectives on Women and Change HIST 401 Classical World of Greece and Rome, HIST 402 Foundations of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, HIST 403 The Middle Ages, HIST 434 Modern East Asian History, HIST 406 Renaissance and Reformation, HIST 415 England Since 1603 GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 435 Urban Geography, GEOG 437 Political Geography POL 414 Early United States Political Thought WOST 220 Perspectives on Women and Change HIST 301 Readings in United States History, HIST 302 Readings in World History, HIST 442 History of Latin America, HIST 483 Intellectual and Cultural Practice in Applying the Standard Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios 32 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards (7) how institutions can further both continuity and change; Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles History, HIST 477 Advanced African-American History, HIST 487 United States Women’s History, HIST 434 Modern East Asian History, HIST 421 Modern Russia, HIST 401 Classical World of Greece and Rome, HIST 402 Foundations of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, HIST 403 The Middle Ages, HIST 406 Renaissance and Reformation, HIST 407 Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment, HIST 414 Early England to 1603, HIST 415 England Since 1603 GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 430 Historical Geography of the United States, GEOG 437 Political Geography Practice in Applying the Standard Course Numbers and Titles Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOST 450 Teaching Social Studies in the Secondary Schools POL 200 United States Government, POL 433 International Organization SOC 482 Social Change, SOC 425 Social Movements WOST 220 Perspectives on Women and Change HIST 301 Readings in United States History, HIST 302 Readings in World History, 33 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards (8) how groups and institutions meet individual needs and promote the common good in contemporary and historical settings; and Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles HIST 442 History of Latin America, HIST 450 History of Latin America, HIST 470 American Frontier, HIST 454 Early America to 1763, HIST 455 Revolutionary and Early National America 1763-1820, HIST 475 The American South, HIST 477 Advanced African-American History, HIST 401 Classical World of Greece and Rome, HIST 402 Foundations of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, HIST 403 The Middle Ages, HIST 434 Modern East Asian History, HIST 406 Renaissance and Reformation, HIST 407 Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment, HIST 414 Early England to 1603, HIST 415 England Since 1603 GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 437 Political Geography POL 473 The Legislative Process ECON 314 Current Economic Issues HIST 401 Classical World of Greece and Rome, HIST 402 Foundations of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, HIST 403 The Middle Ages, HIST 434 Modern East Asian History, HIST 406 Renaissance and Reformation, HIST 407 Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment, HIST 414 Early England to 1603, Practice in Applying the Standard Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios 34 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards (9) the application of ideas and modes of inquiry drawn from behavioral science and social theory in the examination of persistent issues and social problems. F. A teacher of social studies understands the historical development of structures of power, authority, and governance and their evolving functions in contemporary United States society and other parts of the world. The teacher must understand: Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles HIST 415 England Since 1603 GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 435 Urban Geography, GEOG 437 Political Geography SOST 450 Teaching Social Studies in the Secondary Schools POL 200 United States Government, POL 431 International Relations PSYC 101 Psychology, PSYC 340 Social Psychology SOC 408 Family Life Dynamics, SOC 482 Social Change, SOC 458 Contemporary Sociological Theory, SOC 425 Social Movements, SOC 409 Family Violence, SOC 479 Sociological Ethnography, SOC 480 Social Observation, SOC 469 Survey Research ETHN 410 Foundations of Oppression WOST 220 Perspectives on Women and Change HIST 260 Nature of History GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 435 Urban Geography, GEOG 437 Political Geography ETHN 410 Foundations of Oppression ECON 314 Current Economic Issues WOST 220 Perspectives on Women and Change GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 437 Political Geography Practice in Applying the Standard Course Numbers and Titles Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios 35 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards (1) persistent issues involving the rights, roles, and status of the individual in relation to the general welfare; (2) the purpose of government and how its powers are acquired, used, and justified; Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles POL 200 United States Government ETHN 410 Foundations of Oppression WOST 220 Perspectives on Women and Change HIST 301 Readings in United States History, HIST 302 Readings in World History, HIST 442 History of Latin America, HIST 454 Early America to 1763, HIST 455 Revolutionary and Early National America 1763-1820, HIST 483 Intellectual and Cultural History, HIST 406 Renaissance and Reformation, HIST 407 Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment, HIST 414 Early England to 1603, HIST415 England Since 1603, HIST 401 Classical World of Greece and Rome, HIST 402 Foundations of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, HIST 403 The Middle Ages, HIST 434 Modern East Asian History GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 435 Urban Geography, GEOG 437 Political Geography POL 414 Early United States Political Thought, POL 200 United States Government ETHN 410 Foundations of Oppression ECON 314 Current Economic Issues HIST 301 Readings in United States History, HIST 302 Readings in World History, Practice in Applying the Standard Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios 36 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards (3) ideas and mechanisms to meet needs and wants of citizens, regulate territory, manage conflict, establish order and security, and balance competing conceptions of a just society; Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles HIST 442 History of Latin America, HIST 450 History of Latin America, HIST 454 Early America to 1763, HIST 455 Revolutionary and Early National America 1763-1820, HIST 401 Classical World of Greece and Rome, HIST 402 Foundations of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, HIST 403 The Middle Ages, HIST 434 Modern East Asian History, HIST 406 Renaissance and Reformation, HIST 407 Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment, HIST 414 Early England to 1603, HIST 415 England Since 1603 GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 437 Political Geography SOST 450 Teaching Social Studies in the Secondary Schools POL 200 United States Government, POL 431 International Relations, POL 473 The Legislative Process SOC 463 Social Stratification ETHN 410 Foundations of Oppression ECON 314 Current Economic Issues HIST 301 Readings in United States History, HIST 302 Readings in World History, HIST 442 History of Latin America, HIST 401 Classical World of Greece And Rome, HIST 402 Foundations of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, HIST 403 The Middle Ages, Practice in Applying the Standard Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios 37 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards (4) ways nations and organizations respond to conflicts between forces of unity and forces of diversity; (5) American Indian treaties and how they function, the meaning of tribal sovereignty, and the concept of sovereignty as related to tribal Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles HIST 434 Modern East Asian History, HIST 406 Renaissance and Reformation, HIST 407 Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment, HIST 414 Early England to 1603, HIST 415 England Since 1603 GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 435 Urban Geography, GEOG 437 Political Geography POL 441 Russia and Neighboring State Politics, POL 371 State and Local Government, POL 341 Western Europe, *POL 442 South Asia: Politics and Policy PSYC 448 International Behavior ETHN 410 Foundations of Oppression HIST 301 Readings in United States History, HIST 302 Readings in World History, HIST 442 History of Latin America, HIST 401 Classical World of Greece and Rome, HIST 402 Foundations of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, HIST 403 The Middle Ages, HIST 434 Modern East Asian History, HIST 415 England Since 1603 GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 437 Political Geography POL 371 State and Local Government GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 340 United States, Practice in Applying the Standard Course Numbers and Titles Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary 38 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles GEOG 430 Historical Geography of the United States Practice in Applying the Standard (6) the impact of ever changing United States policies on American Indians; POL 200 United States Government ETHN 410 Foundations of Oppression GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 340 United States, GEOG 430 Historical Geography of the United States SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools (7) existing differing political systems and the role representative political leaders from selected historical and contemporary settings have had in shaping these systems; POL 342 Asia Pacific Rim: Politics and Policy, POL 341 Western Europe, POL 441 Russia and Neighboring State Politics, POL 442 South Asia: Politics and Policy, POL 443 Middle East Politics HIST 301 Readings in United States History, HIST 302 Readings in World History, HIST 442 History of Latin America, HIST 434 Modern East Asian History, HIST 415 England Since 1603 GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 437 Political Geography POL 431 International Relations, POL 433 International Organization PSYC 448 International Behavior HIST 301 Readings in United States History, HIST 302 Readings in World History, HIST 442 History of Latin America, HIST 470 American Frontier, SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools government; (8) conditions, actions, and motivations that contribute to conflict and cooperation within and among nations; Course Numbers and Titles Schools SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios 39 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards (9) the role of technology in communications, transportation, information processing, development, or other areas as it contributes to or helps resolve conflicts; (10) how to apply ideas, theories, and modes of inquiry drawn from political science to the examination of persistent issues and social problems; Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles HIST 401 Classical World of Greece and Rome, HIST 402 Foundations of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, HIST 434 Modern East Asian History, HIST 414 Early England to 1603, HIST 415 England Since 1603 GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 437 Political Geography SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOST 450 Teaching Social Studies in the Secondary Schools HIST 407 Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 425 Economic Geography, GEOG 435 Urban Geography, GEOG 420 Conservation of Natural Resources, GEOG 101 Introductory Physical Geography POL 200 United States Government, POL 431 International Relations, *POL 414 Early United States Political Thought HIST 401 Classical World of Greece And Rome, HIST 402 Foundations of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, HIST 434 Modern East Asian History, HIST 406 Renaissance and Reformation, HIST 414 Early England to 1603, HIST 415 England Since 1603 Practice in Applying the Standard Course Numbers and Titles Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios 40 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards (11) the extent to which governments achieve their stated ideals and policies at home and abroad; and (12) how public policy is formed and expressed. G. A teacher of social studies Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 435 Urban Geography, GEOG 437 Political Geography POL 200 United States Government, POL 431 International Relations HIST 301 Readings in United States History, HIST 302 Readings in World History, HIST 442 History of Latin America, HIST 470 American Frontier, HIST 401 Classical World of Greece and Rome, HIST 402 Foundations of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, HIST 403 The Middle Ages, HIST 414 Early England to 1603, HIST 415 England Since 1603 GEOG 435 Urban Geography, GEOG 437 Political Geography, GEOG 420 Conservation of Natural Resources POL 371 State and Local Government, *POL 341 Western Europe WOST 220 Perspectives on Women and Change HIST 301 Readings in United States History, HIST 302 Readings in World History, HIST 442 History of Latin America, HIST 450 History of Latin America, HIST 415 England Since 1603 GEOG 435 Urban Geography, GEOG 437 Political Geography, GEOG 420 Conservation of Natural Resources ECON 314 Current Economic Issues Practice in Applying the Standard Course Numbers and Titles Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social SOST 200 Introduction to Social 41 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards understands how people organize for the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. The teacher must understand: (1) how the scarcity of productive human, capital, technological, and natural resources requires the development of economic systems to make decisions about how goods and services are to be produced and distributed; (2) the role that supply and demand, prices, incentives, and profits play in determining what is produced and distributed in a competitive market system; Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles HIST 401 Classical World of Greece and Rome, HIST 403 The Middle Ages, HIST 434 Modern East Asian History, HIST 415 England Since 1603 GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 425 Economic Geography ECON 201 Principles of Macroeconomics, ECON 202 Principles of Microeconomics, ECON 406 Collective Bargaining, ECON 314 Current Economic Issues HIST 301 Readings in United States History, HIST 302 Readings in World History, HIST 442 History of Latin America, HIST 450 History of Latin America, HIST 401 Classical World of Greece and Rome, HIST 403 The Middle Ages, HIST 434 Modern East Asian History, HIST 407 Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment, HIST 415 England Since 1603 GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 425 Economic Geography, GEOG 435 Urban Geography SOST 450 Teaching Social Studies in the Secondary Schools ECON 201 Principles of Macroeconomics, ECON 202 Principles of Microeconomics, ECON 406 Collective Bargaining, Practice in Applying the Standard Course Numbers and Titles Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary 42 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards (3) the costs and benefits to society of allocating goods and services through private and public sectors; (4) relationships among the various economic institutions that comprise economic systems; Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles ECON 314 Current Economic Issues HIST 401 Classical World of Greece and Rome, HIST 403 The Middle Ages, HIST 434 Modern East Asian History, HIST 415 England Since 1603 GEOG 425 Economic Geography, GEOG 435 Urban Geography POL 441 Russia and Neighboring State Politics ECON 201 Principles of Macroeconomics, ECON 202 Principles of Microeconomics, ECON 406 Collective Bargaining, ECON 314 Current Economic Issues HIST 403 The Middle Ages, HIST 434 Modern East Asian History, HIST 407 Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment, HIST 415 England Since 1603 GEOG 425 Economic Geography, GEOG 435 Urban Geography ECON 201 Principles of Macroeconomics, ECON 202 Principles of Microeconomics, ECON 314 Current Economic Issues HIST 301 Readings in United States History, HIST 302 Readings in World History, HIST 442 History of Latin America, HIST 434 Modern East Asian History, HIST 407 Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment, HIST 415 England Since 1603 GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Practice in Applying the Standard Course Numbers and Titles Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios 43 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards (5) the role of specialization and exchange in economic processes; (6) how values and beliefs influence economic decisions in different societies; Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles Geography, GEOG 425 Economic Geography, GEOG 435 Urban Geography ECON 201 Principles of Macroeconomics, ECON 202 Principles of Microeconomics, ECON 314 Current Economic Issues HIST 450 History of Latin America, HIST 470 American Frontier, HIST 401 Classical World of Greece and Rome, HIST 402 Foundations of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, HIST 403 The Middle Ages, HIST 434 Modern East Asian History, HIST 415 England Since 1603 GEOG 425 Economic Geography, GEOG 435 Urban Geography SOC 482 Social Change ECON 201 Principles of Macroeconomics, ECON 202 Principles of Microeconomics, ECON 314 Current Economic Issues HIST 301 Readings in United States History, HIST 302 Readings in World History, HIST 442 History of Latin America, HIST 401 Classical World of Greece and Rome, HIST 402 Foundations of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, HIST 403 The Middle Ages, HIST 434 Modern East Asian History, HIST 415 England Since 1603 GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Practice in Applying the Standard Course Numbers and Titles Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios 44 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards (7) basic economic systems according to how rules and procedures deal with demand, supply, prices, the role of government, banks, labor and labor unions, savings and investments, and capital; (8) how to apply economic concepts and reasoning in evaluating historical and contemporary social developments and issues; (9) differences between the domestic and global economic systems and how the two interact; and Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles Geography, GEOG 425 Economic Geography, GEOG 340 United States, GEOG 430 Historical Geography of the United States ECON 201 Principles of Macroeconomics, ECON 202 Principles of Microeconomics, ECON 406 Collective Bargaining, ECON 314 Current Economic Issues GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 425 Economic Geography POL 414 Early United States Political Thought ECON 201 Principles of Macroeconomics, ECON 202 Principles of Microeconomics, ECON 406 Collective Bargaining, ECON 314 Current Economic Issues HIST 415 England Since 1603, HIST 484 Social and Labor History, HIST 463 Contemporary US., 1945Present GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 425 Economic Geography POL 431 International Relations ECON 201 Principles of Macroeconomics, ECON 202 Principles of Microeconomics, ECON 314 Current Economic Issues HIST 415 England Since 1603, HIST 434 Modern East Asian History, Practice in Applying the Standard Course Numbers and Titles Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios 45 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards (10) the relationship of production, distribution, and consumption in establishing socially desirable outcomes for resolving public issues. H. A teacher of social studies understands the relationships among science, technology, and society. The teacher must understand: (1) both current and historical examples of the interaction and interdependence of science, technology, and society in a variety of cultural settings; Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles HIST 463 Contemporary US., 1945Present GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 425 Economic Geography ETHN 410 Foundations of Oppression ECON 201 Principles of Macroeconomics, ECON 202 Principles of Microeconomics, ECON 406 Collective Bargaining, ECON 314 Current Economic Issues HIST 415 England Since 1603, HIST 434 Modern East Asian History, HIST 421 Modern Russia, HIST 475 The American South GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 425 Economic Geography GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 425 Economic Geography, GEOG 420 Conservation of Natural Resources ECON 314 Current Economic Issues HIST 434 Modern East Asian History, HIST 403 The Middle Ages, HIST 407 Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment, HIST 415 England Since 1603 GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 420 Conservation of Natural Resources, Practice in Applying the Standard Course Numbers and Titles Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools 46 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards (2) how science and technology have transformed the physical world and human society to include its impact on time, space, place, and the interactions between humans and their environment; (3) how science and technology influence the core values, beliefs, and attitudes of society, and how core values, beliefs, and attitudes of society shape scientific and technological change; Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles GEOG 425 Economic Geography PSYC 101 Psychology HIST 434 Modern East Asian History, HIST 403 The Middle Ages, HIST 407 Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment, HIST 415 England Since 1603 GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 101 Introductory Physical Geography, GEOG 315 Geomophology, GEOG 317 Weather, GEOG 420 Conservation of Natural Resources PSYC 101 Psychology HIST 434 Modern East Asian History, HIST 415 England Since 1603 GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 425 Economic Geography, GEOG 435 Urban Geography Practice in Applying the Standard Course Numbers and Titles Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools (4) how to evaluate various policies that have been proposed as ways of dealing with social changes resulting from new technologies, for example, genetically engineered plants and animals; ETHN 410 Foundations of Oppression GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools (5) varied perspectives about human societies and the physical world using scientific knowledge, ethical standards, and technologies from diverse world cultures; and SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies ETHN 410 Foundations of Oppression GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools 47 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles GEOG 420 Conservation of Natural Resources Practice in Applying the Standard (6) strategies and policies for influencing public discussions associated with technology-society issues, such as the greenhouse effect. GEOG 101 Introductory Physical Geography, GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 317 Weather, GEOG 420 Conservation of Natural Resources SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools I. A teacher of social studies understands the relationship of global connections among world societies to global interdependence. The teacher must understand: (1) how language, art, music, belief systems, and other cultural elements can facilitate global understanding or cause misunderstanding; ECON 314 Current Economic Issues GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 420 Conservation of Natural Resources, GEOG 425 Economic Geography SOST 450 Teaching Social Studies in the Secondary Schools POL 431 International Relations PSYC 448 International Behavior WOST 220 Perspectives on Women and Change HIST 301 Readings in United States History, HIST 302 Readings in World History, HIST 442 History of Latin America, HIST 401 Classical World of Greece and Rome, HIST 402 Foundations of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, HIST 403 The Middle Ages, HIST 434 Modern East Asian History, HIST 415 England Since 1603 GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography POL 431 International Relations SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools (2) conditions and motivations that Course Numbers and Titles Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social SOST 200 Introduction to Social 48 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards contribute to conflict, cooperation, and interdependence among groups, societies, and nations; (3) the effects of changing technologies on the global community; (4) causes, consequences, and possible solutions to persistent, contemporary, and emerging global issues; Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles PSYC 101 Psychology, PSYC 340 Social Psychology WOST 220 Perspectives on Women and Change HIST 301 Readings in United States History, HIST 302 Readings in World History, HIST 442 History of Latin America, HIST 401 Classical World of Greece and Rome, HIST 402 Foundations of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, HIST 403 The Middle Ages, HIST 434 Modern East Asian History, HIST 415 England Since 1603 GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 435 Urban Geography, GEOG 437 Political Geography HIST 301 Readings in United States History, HIST 302 Readings in World History, HIST 442 History of Latin America, HIST 450 History of Latin America, HIST 403 The Middle Ages, HIST 434 Modern East Asian History, HIST 415 England Since 1603 GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 425 Economic Geography POL 431 International Relations PSYC 448 International Behavior ECON 202 Principles of Microeconomics, ECON 314 Current Economic Issues WOST 220 Perspectives on Women and Change Practice in Applying the Standard Course Numbers and Titles Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios 49 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards (5) relationships and tensions between national sovereignty and global interests; (6) the role of international and multinational organizations in the global arena; (7) how individual behaviors and decisions connect with global systems; and Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles HIST 434 Modern East Asian History, HIST 415 England Since 1603 GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 437 Political Geography POL 431 International Relations PSYC 448 International Behavior ETHN 410 Foundations of Oppression ECON 202 Principles of Microeconomics, ECON 314 Current Economic Issues HIST 301 Readings in United States History, HIST 302 Readings in World History, HIST 442 History of Latin America, HIST 434 Modern East Asian History, HIST 415 England Since 1603 GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 437 Political Geography POL 433 International Organization PSYC 448 International Behavior ECON 202 Principles of Microeconomics, ECON 314 Current Economic Issues HIST 301 Readings in United States History, HIST 302 Readings in World History, HIST 442 History of Latin America, HIST 434 Modern East Asian History, HIST 415 England Since 1603 GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 425 Economic Geography SOST 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools PSYC 448 International Behavior Practice in Applying the Standard Course Numbers and Titles Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies 50 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards (8) concerns, issues, and conflicts related to universal human rights. J. A teacher of social studies understands that civic ideals and practices of citizenship is critical to full participation in society and is the central purpose of the social studies. The teacher must understand: (1) the origins and the continuing influence of key ideals of the democratic republican form of government; Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles ECON 314 Current Economic Issues WOST 220 Perspectives on Women and Change HIST 434 Modern East Asian History, HIST 415 England Since 1603 GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 435 Urban Geography, GEOG 425 Economic Geography SOST 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools POL 431 International Relations ETHN 410 Foundations of Oppression WOST 220 Perspectives on Women and Change GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 437 Political Geography GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 437 Political Geography POL 381 Citizenship, POL 200 United States Government ECON 406 Collective Bargaining HIST 301 Readings in United States History, HIST 302 Readings in World History, HIST 442 History of Latin America, HIST 450 History of Latin America, HIST 401 Classical World of Greece And Rome, HIST 402 Foundations of Judaism, Practice in Applying the Standard Course Numbers and Titles in The Secondary Schools Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools 51 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards (2)sources and examples of citizens' rights and responsibilities; (3) how to locate, access, analyze, organize, synthesize, evaluate, and apply information about selected public issues that are representative of multiple points of view; (4) forms of civic discussion and participation that are consistent with the ideals of citizens in a democratic republic; Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles Christianity, and Islam, HIST 407 Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment, HIST 415 England Since 1603 SOST 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools POL 381 Citizenship, POL 200 United States Government ETHN 410 Foundations of Oppression ECON 406 Collective Bargaining WOST 220 Perspectives on Women and Change HIST 301 Readings in United States History, HIST 302 Readings in World History, HIST 442 History of Latin America, HIST 450 History of Latin America, HIST 401 Classical World of Greece And Rome, HIST 402 Foundations of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, HIST 407 Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment, HIST 415 England Since 1603 SOST 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools POL 381 Citizenship, POL 200 United States Government WOST 220 Perspectives on Women and Change SOST 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools POL 381 Citizenship HIST 401 Classical World of Greece And Rome, Practice in Applying the Standard Course Numbers and Titles Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools 52 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards (5) the influence of various forms of citizen action on public policy; (6) how to analyze a variety of public policies and issues from the perspective of formal and informal political actors; (7) how to evaluate the effectiveness of public opinion in influencing and shaping public policy development and decisionmaking; (8) the degree to which public policies and citizen behaviors reflect or foster the stated ideals of a democratic republican form of Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles HIST 402 Foundations of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, HIST 407 Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment, HIST 477 Advanced African-American History, HIST 415 England Since 1603 HIST 483 Intellectual and Cultural History POL 381 Citizenship, POL 200 United States Government WOST 220 Perspectives on Women and Change HIST 483 Intellectual and Cultural history, HIST 415 England Since 1603 Practice in Applying the Standard Course Numbers and Titles SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools POL 371 State and Local Government HIST 301 Readings in United States History, HIST 450 History of Latin America, HIST 470 American Frontier GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 437 Political Geography POL 200 United States Government HIST 402 Foundations of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, HIST 434 Modern East Asian History GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools POL 414 Early United States Political Thought HIST 415 England Since 1603 GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary 53 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards government; and (9) ways for strengthening the common good through citizen empowerment and action. K. A teacher of social studies must demonstrate an understanding of the teaching of social studies that integrates understanding of the social studies disciplines with the understanding of pedagogy, students, learning, classroom management, and professional development. The teacher of social studies to preadolescent and adolescent students shall: (1) understand and apply educational principles relevant to the physical, social, emotional, moral, and cognitive development of preadolescents and adolescents; (2) understand and apply the Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles Geography, GEOG 437 Political Geography Practice in Applying the Standard SOST 450 Teaching Social Studies in the Secondary Schools POL 381 Citizenship ETHN 410 Foundations of Oppression WOST 220 Perspectives on Women and Change HIST 434 Modern East Asian History GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography, GEOG 435 Urban Geography, GEOG 437 Political Geography SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOST 450 Teaching Social Studies in the Secondary Schools POL 381 Citizenship PSYC 101 Psychology, PSYC 473 Teaching of Psychology GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography SOST 200 Introduction to Social Course Numbers and Titles Schools Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Student Portfolios SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary SOST 200 Introduction to Social SOST 200 Introduction to Social 54 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards research base for and the best practices of middle and high school education; Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles Studies, SOST 450 Teaching Social Studies in the Secondary Schools POL 381 Citizenship PSYC 473 Teaching of Psychology GEOG 101 Introductory Physical Geography Practice in Applying the Standard Course Numbers and Titles Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary (3) develop curriculum goals and purposes based on the central concepts of each social studies discipline and know how to apply instructional strategies and materials for achieving student understanding of these disciplines; SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOST 450 Teaching Social Studies in the Secondary Schools PSYC 473 Teaching of Psychology HIST 260 Nature of History GEOG 103 Introductory Cultural Geography SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary (4) understand the role and alignment of district, school, and department mission and goals in program planning; SOST 450 Teaching Social Studies in the Secondary Schools SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary (5) understand the need for and how to connect students' schooling experiences with everyday life, the workplace, and further educational opportunities; SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOST 450 Teaching Social Studies in the Secondary Schools POL 381 Citizenship PSYC 473 Teaching of Psychology WOST 220 Perspectives on Women and Change SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary (6) know how to involve representatives of business, industry, SOST 450 Teaching Social Studies in the Secondary Schools SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, 55 Licensure Rule 8710.4800 Standards and community organizations as active partners in creating educational opportunities; Knowledge and Understanding of the Standard Course Numbers and Titles POL 381 Citizenship GEOG 425 Economic Geography Practice in Applying the Standard Course Numbers and Titles SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools Assessment (demonstration of Attainment of the Standard) Course Numbers and Titles SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary (7) understand the role and purpose of cocurricular and extracurricular activities in the teaching and learning process; SOST 450 Teaching Social Studies in the Secondary Schools POL 381 Citizenship SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary (8) understand the impact of reading ability on student achievement in social studies, recognize the varying reading comprehension and fluency levels represented by students, and possess the strategies to assist students to read social studies content materials more effectively; and (9) apply the standards of effective practice in teaching students through a variety of early and ongoing clinical experiences with middle level and high school students within a range of educational programming models. SOST 450 Teaching Social Studies in the Secondary Schools POL 381 Citizenship SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOST 450 Teaching Social Studies in the Secondary Schools POL 381 Citizenship PSYC 473 Teaching of Psychology SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools SOST 200 Introduction to Social Studies, SOCT 450 Teaching Social Studies in The Secondary Schools KSP 477 Student Teaching Secondary Please attach syllabi 56