-Southwestern Oklahoma State University The Department of Education SPRING 2008 COURSE SYLLABUS Principles of Teaching in the Elementary School ELEM 4833 8:00 a.m.–8:50 a.m., MWF Phone: 580-774-3276 1. Mrs. Patti Perkins School of Education, 118A 100 Campus Drive Weatherford, OK 73096 E-Mail: patti.perkins@swosu.edu Fax: 580-774-7154 Expected Learner Outcomes Through successful completion of Principles of Teaching in the Elementary School, students will acquire skills and abilities that enable them to demonstrate each of the following undergraduate competencies: 1. The teacher understands the central concepts, methods of inquiry and subject matter discipline(s) he or she teaches and can create learning experiences that make these aspects of subject matter meaningful for students. 3. The teacher understands how students differ in their approaches to learning and creates instructional opportunities that are adaptable to diverse learners. 7. The teacher plans instruction based upon curriculum goals, knowledge of the teaching/learning process, subject matter, students’ abilities and differences, and the community, and adapts instruction based upon assessment and reflection. 14. The teacher understands the Oklahoma academic core curriculum and is able to develop instructional strategies/plans based on Priority Academic Student Skills (PASS). 15. The teacher understands the state teacher evaluation process, “Oklahoma Criteria for Effective Teaching Performance,” and how to incorporate these criteria in designing instructional strategies. 2. Instructional Materials The text to be used for the course is: Kellough, R.D. & Roberts, P.L. (2006) A Resource Guide for Elementary School Teaching: Planning for Competence, (6th ed.) Merrill Prentice Hall. 3. Course Requirements a. Attendance Punctual and regular attendance is required. On the 4th absence, I have the option of lowering a student’s grade one letter grade. On the 8th absence, I have the option of lowering a student’s grade a second letter grade. On the 12th absence if the student is foolish enough not to drop, I have the option to lower a student’s grade a 3rd letter grade. A student who misses 15 minutes or more of the class (including late arrivals and/or early departures) will be counted absent. Cell phones must be turned off before entering the classroom. Twenty points will be deducted from a student’s grade each time his/her phone rings in class. b. Participation Students will derive the greatest benefit from active participation in the learning process. Students are expected to be prepared for class and to demonstrate informed participation in class discussions. Failure to prepare for class or participate may result in an absence. c. Performance Assessments Students’ achievement of learner outcomes will be measured with a series of performance assessments. Students will complete assignments that lead to mastery of standards listed as learner outcomes on page 1 of the syllabus. Assignments become artifacts for inclusion in the portfolio. The following assignments will be completed: 1. Article Critiques Articles will be assigned from the “For Further Reading” and “Notes” sections at the end of each chapter. Critiques of these articles should include a summary of the article, reaction to the reading. Follow the format provided. Due dates are noted on the calendar provided. (50 points each) 2. Presentation Students will make a presentation, researched on the Internet and professional journals, on a current issue in elementary schools. Topics and cooperative group will be assigned. This presentation must be twenty (20) minutes in length. Each member of the group must take part in the presentation. (200 points) 3. Teacher Interview Students will interview an experienced and an inexperienced teacher then work in groups to discover key trends learned in the interviews. The questionnaire is found on pages 39 and 40 of the textbook. (100 points each) 4. Service Learning – This activity is different for Fall and Spring. Students will spend ten hours in some type of Service Learning. The project must be approved by the instructor. This may be working in a public school, tutoring an elementary student in Math or Reading, etc. The hours must total ten (10) hours. A form on which to log hours is provided. Keep a journal of experiences and observations to share in class. Journals and Logs are due March 31. (200 points) 5. Book Students will read a book about education – Among Schoolchildren. While reading, a reflective journal will be kept. Journals should be brought to class on assigned days. Students will be asked to share reflections with the class and respond to the reflections of their classmates. (200 points) 6. In-class Activities Students will work in cooperative learning groups for a variety of activities as assigned in class. These activities may not be made up if the student is absent. (25 points each) 7. Board Meeting Attend a School Board Meeting. You must stay for 1 hour. A one page discussion of the meeting is required. (100 points) 8. CPA You must declare your subject area and activity with Mrs. Perkins. Only two people may do the same activity. (200 points) 4. Grading Policy: Grade Contracts The requirements to be eligible for an A, B, or C have been given as handouts and are on my share folder. To receive an A, your average on all work must equal 90 – 100%; B must equal 80 – 89%; C must equal 70 – 79%. A = 90 – 100 B = 80 - 89 C = 70 - 79 D = 60 – 69 F = 59 and below. LATE WORK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Absence on due date for work will result in a grade of zero if arrangements are not made before class time. Distance Learning students must be aware that ALL expectations, assignments, and requirements listed above apply to you also. This includes: absences, arrival/departure times, assignment due dates, class participation, i.e. talking, working on assignments for other classes, etc. 5. All students are expected to abide by the SWOSU Academic Dishonesty Policy: All forms of dishonesty such as cheating, plagiarism, unauthorized possession of examinations, using unauthorized materials, information or aids, knowingly furnishing false information to the institution, forgery, alteration or misuse or being party to the forgery, alteration or misuse of institution records or documents, including university identification cards, constitute violations of university regulations for which students are subject to disciplinary action. The penalties imposed by an individual instructor or the University may range from an unsatisfactory grade on a particular assignment or examination to expulsion from the University. (www.swosu.edu/resources/policies/students/academics/cheating.asp) 6. ADA Information Students with verified disabilities are entitled to reasonable accommodations in order to complete educational goals while attending Southwestern Oklahoma State University. Requests for accommodations should be made to the Dean of Students. Appropriate documentation must accompany the request. After review and evaluation of the request, the Dean of Students will notify faculty of the student’s specific request.