Jacksonville State University Office of Continuing Education “The End Depends Upon The Beginning” CONTINUING EDUCATION COURSE PLAN SEMESTER: ACEWARE NUMBER COURSE TITLE: INSTRUCTOR & TITLE: DATE (S): TIME: SESSION (S): COURSE FEE: NO. OF CEUs: REGISTRATION DEADLINE: NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS: Minimum: Maximum PREREQUISITES: ESTIMATED EXPENSES: INSTRUCTOR PAY: INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPLIES: (1) (2) (3) STUDENT SUPPLIES: (2) (3) OFFICE: (1) $1.50 per person APPROVED: PRINTING (per page): ________________________________ INSTRUCTOR COORDINATOR Original Completion: 5) 6) 7) 8) Renewal _________ DATE _______________________________________________ DIRECTOR OF CONTINUING EDUCATION Course Rationale Course Description Potential Audience Objectives _________ DATE ________________________________ ATTACH: 1) 2) 3) 4) $.10 _____________ DATE Activities Evaluation Course Outline Agenda Course Outline (Agenda) Complete Form__________________ 2 COURSE NEEDS FORM INSTRUCTOR NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: SOC SEC NO: MEMBER OF TEACHER RETIREMENT: Yes No SUPPLY LIST INSTRUCTOR: SUPPLY LIST STUDENT: AUDIOVISUAL EQUIPMENT NEEDS: (Please list any equipment needed for this course and subsequent date (s) required) ROOM/SPACE REQUIREMENTS: (Please list any special needs required for your classroom) COURSE RATIONALE Why is this course needed? COURSE DESCRIPTION How would I describe this course in the catalog or in advertisements? POTENTIAL AUDIENCE Who is the potential audience for this course? Why? 3 OBJECTIVES What do you plan to happen as a result of this course? Students will: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ACTIVITIES What activities do you plan to include in your presentation? (Lecture, role-play, discussion, etc.) EVALUATION How would you assess your students to see if your objectives are reached? EVALUATION OF INSTRUCTOR AND COURSE AS A WHOLE Students will be given an evaluation form at the end of each class so that they can evaluate the instructor and the success of the activity COURSE OUTLINE Please add additional pages if needed.