Analysis of Information & Communication Technology (ICT) Literacy Assessment Data Summer 2006 General Information on Test Group: 639 individuals were tested. Analyses were conducted on those students identified as Freshman, Sophomores, Juniors, or Seniors (N=616) Mostly Juniors & Seniors (73%) Similar distribution of male (49%) and female (51%) students 38% Asian, followed by 30% white, and 16% Mexican/Hispanic Similar distribution of native (47%) and transfer (50%) students 94% US citizenship or permanent resident 92% identified English as the language they know best (17% equally English and another language) 93% consider themselves full time students We had hoped to be able to disaggregate data by major, however the test recorded only general areas of study. Our campus liaison with ETS is presently working with them to insure that actual major will be identified in the fall administration of the test. Executive Summary The Information & Communication Technology (ICT) Assessment developed by ETS is comprised of 7 components (matched to the Information literacy standards developed by the American Library Association). These 7 test components assess students' skill in defining, accessing, evaluating, managing, integrating, creating, and communicating information. More information is available on the ETS web site. Our students' overall ICT Scores were below the average of all students taking the ICT test early this past Spring 2006. Our Native Juniors/Seniors' scores were stronger than their counterparts who transferred into SJSU. With respect to test components, our students appear to have the greatest difficulty in the areas of integration and evaluation of information. Though below the average of the reference group, management of information appears to be a stronger area for SJSU students. Overall Performance Test scores can range between 400 and 700. The average for all that had taken the test at the same time or earlier in 2006 as did SJSU students was 550. The range of scores for SJSU students was 455 to 625. The distribution of scores was normal with a mean of 541 (below the average of other test takers). Performance by Class Status The strongest group was comprised of Juniors followed by Sophomores, Seniors, and Freshman. Note: the size of the Freshman and Sophomore groups were notably smaller than the Juniors and Seniors. To increase the size of these groups for the fall testing, efforts will be made to specifically recruit students from the English 1a and 1b courses. ICT Reported Score class in college Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Total Mean 535.77 540.25 544.96 540.41 541.84 Median Minimum Maximum Std. Deviation 530.00 455 615 35.934 545.00 465 615 36.905 545.00 470 625 34.938 537.50 465 625 36.404 540.00 455 625 35.798 N 84 80 282 170 616 Performance by Entry Status Native and transfer students scores were comparable. This serves as an excellent baseline for future comparison. With our GE program specifically identifying information literacy (IL) as a student learning outcome, activities in our GE courses designed to improve IL should begin to affect the performance of future Juniors and Seniors and perhaps show differences in the scores of native compared to transfer students as well as Junior/Senior scores compared to native freshman/sophomores who have not yet completed their core GE. ICT Reported Score Status at SJSU Mean Median Native Transfer 544.00 539.95 545.00 540.00 Minimum Maximum 455 465 625 625 Std. Deviation N 35.245 35.889 289 307 Performance by Entry and Class Status This analysis was done to further examine the Native/Transfer scores among just our Juniors and Seniors. The spread of scores is more defined with Native Juniors/Seniors scoring better than transfer students. ICT Reported Score Status at SJSU Native Transfer class in college Junior Senior Junior Senior Total Mean 552.82 547.36 541.66 536.18 539.95 Median Minimum Maximum Std. Deviation N 555.00 480 625 32.919 94 545.00 465 620 31.238 55 540.00 480 620 35.194 184 532.50 465 625 37.547 106 540.00 465 625 35.889 307 Performance by Gender Male students scored slightly higher (greater spread of scores as well) overall than female students. It will be interesting to track this as our GE program puts in place curricular materials designed to strengthen our students' information competency skills. ICT Reported Score GENDER female male Total Mean 539.43 544.62 541.95 Median 540.00 550.00 540.00 Minimum 465 455 455 Maximum 620 625 625 Std. Deviation 33.947 37.387 35.726 N 316 299 615 Performance on Separate Components of the Information Competency Test The raw component data from ETS was not available with this administration of the exam. We have communicated that the disaggregated information is essential to us and will continue to work with both the Chancellor's office and ETS to obtain this level of detail in the future. However, ETS did provide us with overall group performance in each area. Student performance was calculated using the students' raw skill area score as a percentage of the possible points for that skill area. Two forms of the exam were administered. Therefore, what we have are component scores for each form (1A and 2A). Notes: The gray box indicates the range of student achievement for the middle half of the SJSU students tested (75th to 25th percentile). The median is indicated by the horizontal line within the box. The vertical lines extend to the highest and lowest student achievement levels. The horizontal line at 0% indicates the reference group (N=982) average. While performance on the different forms varied, our students appear to have the greatest difficulty in the areas of integration and evaluation of information. Though below the average of the reference group, management of information appears to be a stronger area for SJSU students. For a better sense of the nature of the tasks in each area, the following provides a description of what students were asked to do. Area: Define Access Evaluate Manage Integrate Create Communicate Students were asked to: Narrow a customer's particular needs; Identify appropriate features for a product to solve an office problem. Analyze the possible reasons for an internet search's poor results; Search a database to obtain information Evaluate emails from customers to determine whether they contained complete information for further action; Evaluate extent to which particular web sites are useful for a research project. Fill in an organizational chart to reflect the structure of a department; Reduce the size of an email in box by deleting some and saving some attachments to a hard drive. Complete a table comparing potential roommates according to specific criteria; Fill out a spreadsheet in order to determine the season records of teams in an ultimate frisbee league. Edit and format a document about llama farms; Create a presentation slide arguing in favor of a particular position. Format a document about a soap opera; Select and organize slides for two distinct presentations to different audiences. Feedback to students ETS sends directly to students a very complete report of their performance overall and on each component. A sample (without student identification) is provided here for review.