Department of Child and Family Development CFD 378B Laboratory Experiences: Preschool/Kindergarten

Department of Child and Family Development
CFD 378B Laboratory Experiences: Preschool/Kindergarten
Spring 2016
Instructor Contact Information
Instructor: Hsing-chen Tung, Ed. D.
Office: EBA 424
 Tuesday 1-2pm (Walk in okay)
 Thursday 1-2pm (By appointments only)
Phone: 619 594-4445
The best way to contact the instructor is through Email. Please put the course number and your name in
the email subject line. Emails are normally replied within 48 hours during weekdays. Students may also
call during the walk-in office hour.
Section and Enrollment Information
Class meeting: No regular classroom meetings
Schedule Number: 20594
Students will be dropped from the class if prerequisites are not submitted by Thursday Jan. 28. Crashers
with prerequisites will be accepted if there are spaces.
Placement Meeting
The placement meeting is Tuesday, January 19th at 7:45 - 9:00AM in EBA 408. Placements are first-come,
first-served to people who have all requirements completed. If students do not attend, or do not have the
documents ready, they will have to meet with Hsing-chen Tung at another time, and placement hours will
be limited.
To be placed students must submit:
a copy of TB test clearance completed on/after May 2015
a copy of Tdap and MMR vaccines
cleared fingerprints (Fingerprint results must be reported to Pam Gardner in the Advising office.)
course prerequisites, concurrent enrollment in a 375 class1
signed CFD Reflective Learning Portfolio Agreement (for CFD majors only, to be found on CFD
website under “CFD students”)
Print a Degree Audit Report (DAR) showing “Okay preparation for major” as well as a concurrently enrolled
CFD 375 class (or credit for it). For students not able to print DAR, please submit the semester schedule
showing a CFD 375 class, and an unofficial transcript, with 10 of the CFD major preparation courses. CFD
minors also need to submit proof of preparation for their majors plus grades for Psy 101, CFD 270 & 270L
(Psy majors do not need these three classes), but minors are not required to concurrently enroll in a CFD 375
all the documents required by the Center. (You may find these
at PRINT and sign anything that has a signature
A. Volunteer Application
B. Health Statement
C. Criminal Background Statement
D. Confidential Statistical Data Sheet
E. Employee Emergency Information
F. Injuries caused at work (signature page only)
G. Associated Students Code of Safe Practices (signature page only)
 Please also read Special Insights to Working with Preschoolers, 3-4 Years, which is included in
the listing.
Mandatory Course Orientation
The mandatory orientation meeting (combined with CFD 378A) will be held on Thursday, January 28 at
7AM-7:45AM in EBA 437. Students will earn eight points for attending this meeting (may not be late for
more than five minutes).
Course Description
This one-unit course allows students the opportunity to work in the San Diego community in settings that
serve families and children. Students will spend 40 hours during the semester in their community
placements. This opportunity gives students practical field experience and allows them to apply
theoretical knowledge in real world settings. Students will earn credit or no credit for this course. Letter
grades will not be assigned.
Student Learning Outcomes
The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) has implemented Professional
Preparation core standards for Professional Teaching Standards for PreK-3 teachers. This course utilizes
these standards in identifying course goals/objectives, course instructional activities, assigning course
requirements, and creating assessments. The following table identifies how these standards are aligned
with the Student Learning Objectives for the course, as well as with each course assessment.
Student Learning Objectives
Incorporate knowledge of early childhood
development and practices to design and
implement developmentally appropriate activities.
Midterm and Final Evaluations
Midterm and Final Reflections
NAEYC 1, 4, 5
Plan, implement, and evaluate instructional
activities for preschoolers with an understanding of
content knowledge in early education.
Create healthy, respectful, supportive, and challenging
environments for preschoolers.
Collaborate with classroom teachers and involve
oneself with the early childhood community field.
Individualize developmentally effective approaches
that connect with children and families.
Utilize observation, documentation and other
appropriate assessment tools.
Midterm and Final Evaluations
Midterm and Final Reflections
NAEYC 4, 5
Midterm and Final Evaluations
Midterm and Final Reflections
Midterm and Final Evaluations
Midterm and Final Reflections
Midterm and Final Evaluations
Midterm and Final Reflections
Midterm and Final Evaluations
Midterm and Final Reflections
NAEYC 2, 3, 4
Student Learning Objectives
Implement and uphold ethical standards and other
professional guidelines.
Integrate knowledgeable, critical, and reflective
perspectives on early care and education.
Introduction and Thank-You
Midterm and Final Evaluations
Midterm and Final Reflections
Midterm and Final Evaluations
Midterm and Final Reflections
NAEYC 6, 7
NAEYC 6, 7
Assessment and Grading
No late assignments will be accepted for this course.
Students will earn credit for the class if they:
☐ complete each assignment and
☐ submit required paperwork and
☐ earn a minimum of 80 points (out of a possible 100) and
☐ complete 40 hours of lab experience in your assigned site and
☐ earn a minimum of a “2” on each evaluation criterion. The evaluation criteria are described in the
Performance Indicators (posted on Blackboard).
Points are earned for orientation and meeting attendances. If students miss more than one
orientation/class meeting, or if they miss the one-on-one conference with the Hsing-chen Tung, they
cannot pass the class. In the chart below, items marked with an asterisk (*) are “all or nothing”
points. Points are awarded if you attend the meeting on the scheduled dates, from beginning to end.
Other items are graded.
Attendance: No points will be earned if students are more than five minutes late!
Class orientation at 7-7:45 A.M. on Thursday 1/28/16
Children’s Center orientation at 6-7 P.M. on Friday 1/29/16
Midterm class meeting 7-7:45 A.M. Thursday 3/3/16
One-on-one conference with instructor
Documentation: Completed accurately with appropriate signatures
Midterm timesheet
Midterm evaluation (includes meeting and completed evaluation form)
Final timesheet
Final evaluation (includes meeting and completed evaluation form)
Written Assignments:
Letter of introduction (to mentor teacher and a copy to professor)
Thank-you letter (to mentor teacher and a copy to professor)
Midterm Reflection (submit online to professor; a hard copy to mentor)
Final Reflection (submit online to professor; a hard copy mentor)
CFD 378C Course Activities and Schedule
1/18 Placement sign-up - Tuesday, Jan 19 at 7:45-9am in EBA 408 (First come,
first served to select the day and time to work, with all required
All required paperwork, see pp. 12 of syllabus
Read Syllabus before meeting.
Submit signed student contract
(posted on Bb).
Class orientation meeting - Thursday Jan 28 at 7-7:45AM in EBA 437.
(No points will be earned if students are more than five minutes late.)
Children’s Center Cottage Orientation – Friday Jan 29 at 6-7pm at the
Children’s Center in your assigned cottage. Arrive in time to sign the
attendance sheet and find your assigned classroom.
If you haven’t received your placement in the Children’s Center, meet
with professor to submit paperwork and receive placement.
*First week of work
Learn children’s names. Observe, and introduce yourself to families and
colleagues. Talk with your mentor about responsive caregiving and
primary care assignments.
Give your mentor teacher your time
sheets. Make sure to complete the
top portion of each time sheet.
Give letter of introduction to mentor
Submit a copy of your letter of
introduction to Hsing-chen Tung (slide
under EBA 424 door) by 7pm on Wed
*Second week of work
Read about the CA Preschool
Get to know children and families. Talk with your mentor about ideas for Learning Foundations – the link to
the website is in “Course
professional development. Remember, you cannot pass this class
Documents” on Bb.
without taking part in at least one professional development activity.
This activity must be completed by April 16 (no exceptions).
*Third week of work
Read about “DRDP goals for spring
Continue to get to know children and families. Review the NAEYC Code of 2016” in your classroom and “DRDP
Ethical Conduct with your mentor teacher (in “course documents” on
2015” on Bb.
Bb). Start applying the code in your everyday work with the children.
Observe how children use play as a vehicle for learning. Talk with your
mentor about Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP) and start
participating in DAP. Be sure to design and implement at least one
activity based on observations of children prior to the mid-term
evaluation with your mentor. This means you must implement your
first activity by Friday, March 4.
*Fourth week of work
Talk with mentor about communicating with and supporting parents.
Begin supporting families.
Submit three evaluation documents
to mentor and set up mid-term
Talk with your mentor about observation and assessment. Begin to
observe and assess.
Attend class meeting on Thursday
March 3 at 7am-7:45am (location to
be determined).
This week is the deadline to implement your first DAP activity.
Submit the signed NAEYC Code of
Ethical Conduct Form and sign up for
one-on-one conference at the
*Fifth week of work
Meet with mentor for mid-term review.
*Sixth week of work
Discuss with mentor how to implement activities that support specific
content areas.
*Seventh week of work
Continue to observe, assess, support families, and implement contentbased developmentally appropriate activities.
Slide completed evaluation, time
sheet, and Mentor Feedback Form
under EBA 424 door by 7PM on Wed
3/16. (Take a photo of the evaluation
and time sheet and save them. Then
upload the evaluation to Taskstream.)
Submit midterm reflective journal
online through Bb by 7 P.M. on
Friday 3/18. Give a hard copy of your
journal to your mentor.
Read about “DRDP goals for spring
2016” in your classroom and “DRDP
2015” on Bb.
Make sure to design and implement your second activity by the week
of April 11.
Meet with Hsing-chen Tung this week if you have not done so.
Spring Break – no work required this week. You may make up your
hours if necessary since the center will be open for four days this week.
*Eighth week of work
Discuss with your mentor how technology is used in your classroom.
Begin thinking about your views on technology in preschool settings.
Submit final evaluation form to
mentor and schedule for final
performance review.
Meet with Hsing-chen Tung this week if possible.
*Ninth week of work
Continue to observe, assess, support families, and implement contentbased developmentally appropriate activities.
This week is the deadline to implement your second DAP activity. Make
sure to do this by Friday, April 15.
Your professional development activity must be completed no later
than this Saturday, April 16.
*Tenth week of work
Continue to observe, assess, support families, and implement contentbased developmentally appropriate activities.
Meet with mentor for your final performance review.
Work in your classroom this week if you have hours to make up.
Give your mentor your thank-you
Submit final reflective journal online
by 7 P.M. on Friday 4/29.
Give a hard copy of your journal to
your mentor.
Slide copy of your thank-you letter,
final evaluation, time sheet, and
Mentor Feedback Form by 7pm on
Wed 5/4 under EBA 424 door.
Take a photo of the evaluation and
time sheet and save them. Then
upload the evaluation to Taskstream.
Course Assignments
Letter of Introduction
This is an opportunity to introduce yourself to the staff and the parents of the children in your
classroom. It should be one page long, include a recent, clear, color photograph of you, and
describe your experiences working with children and your careers goals. It should convey enthusiasm
and professionalism. PLEASE proofread carefully as this will be posted in your classroom for all to
read. Provide one copy to your classroom teacher and another copy to your instructor on the duedate. Please make the letter personal to your teacher and his/her classroom. An example is posted on
Blackboard under “Course Documents.”
Online Reflection Assignments
Reflection is an essential component of effective practice, and provides an opportunity for personal and
professional growth. You will submit a midterm and a final reflection by clicking into “Journals” on
Blackboard. This assignment provides an opportunity for you to reflect on the activities in and around
your placement.
Thank-you Letter
This is an opportunity for you to thank your mentor teacher for the opportunity to work in his/her
classroom and share any insight, learning, or other information that you feel reflects the time spent
with the children, families, and staff of your center. This should be a professional business letter.
Provide one copy to your classroom teacher and another copy to your instructor on the due-date. An
example is posted on Blackboard under “Course Documents.”
One-on-One Meeting with Instructor
Students are expected to meet with Hsing-chen Tung during the week of March 14 or 21 to discuss their
lab experiences. This meeting will take about five minutes. Students will sign up at the mid-semester
meeting. If students do not participate in this meeting, they will not earn credit for the class.
Performance Meetings and Reviews
Twice during the semester you will schedule time to meet with your mentor teacher to discuss
your job performance. These meetings must take place during the weeks of March 7 and April 18.
Give your mentor plenty of time to arrange these meetings. Do not ask for a meeting at the last
minute. Prior to each meeting, ask your mentor to complete the Practicum Evaluation. Make sure to
give 1) the evaluation form, 2) the instructions for the evaluations, and 3) performance
indicators to your mentor well in advance of the meeting (at least two weeks in advance). These
three documents are posted under “course documents” on Blackboard. The completed
evaluations will be used as a basis for discussion.
This is a semester-long experience. You must complete 40 hours of lab work in a preschool classroom.
Give your mentor teacher your time sheets at the cottage orientation on Jan 29. Make sure to
complete the top portion of both time sheets. He/she will keep them in the classroom. Each day you
work, ask your mentor for your time sheet. Make sure to fill in “Time In,” “Time Out,” and “Total
Hours/Minutes,” and then have your mentor sign it. You must arrive in your classroom on or before your
scheduled time to begin. If you are late, you may not work late that day to make up for your
tardiness. To pass this class, you cannot miss or be late more than two times. You may not leave
early for your four-hour shift, even if it is just a few minutes.
 You are expected to work four consecutive hours each visit for a total of 40 hours, and work
through the end of the semester, not missing any scheduled days.
*If you are late or do not show up as expected more than twice, a grade of “No Credit” will
be earned. No exceptions.
*Do not divide your hours into smaller timeframes.
*Distribute your hours evenly over the course of the semester, four hours each week.
*DO NOT ask for extra hours at the end of the semester because you have not planned well.
Likewise, DO NOT finish early in the semester.
 You will document your hours accurately.
 You are expected to participate in planning and implementing at least two thoughtful activities in
concert with your mentor teacher. In addition, you will participate in one professional development
event of the center (e.g. staff meeting, parent/teacher conference). These opportunities are posted
under “course documents” on Blackboard.
 You will support your center’s parent involvement program. This may include creating such
communication tools as documentation boards, letters, brochures, workshops, or posters.
 You will participate in observation and assessment.
 You will maintain confidentiality and privacy of the children and families of your center. If you have
concerns about a child or family, speak with the center directors, teachers, or course instructor.
 You will conduct yourself in a professional manner:
*Appropriate, modest attire – no short skirts, spaghetti straps, skin-baring pants or tops, etc.
(Check to see that you can sit, move, and bend in your clothes without exposing belly, cleavage,
undergarments, or your rear!) Be respectful to staff, parents, other interns, and, of course, the
Note to Students on the 2011/2012 and More Recent Catalogs
Students under the catalogs of 2011/2012 and later are required to take CFD 598 and compile a
reflective learning portfolio comprised of various CFD assignments. There are seven mandatory
signature assignments, which must be included in the portfolio. One of the required assignments
includes the two Practicum Evaluations (mid-semester and final evaluations) from one of the CFD 378
classes. Students must include the two evaluations from either CFD 378A, CFD 378B, CFD 378C, or CFD
378D. Make sure to save these evaluations to be included in the reflective learning portfolio, which will
be finalized while enrolled in CFD 598 before graduation.
Further information on the reflective learning portfolio is available on the CFD web site, Click on “CFD Students” and “Portfolio.” Remember, it is your responsibility
to save your assignments in Taskstream.
CFD Majors who are enrolled in this course will need to have a TaskStream electronic portfolio
subscription, and be enrolled in the appropriate TaskStream "Program" which contains your program
portfolio. More information about purchasing a TaskStream subscription and enrolling into a
TaskStream Program is posted on Blackboard, as well as available in the “Portfolio” section of the Child
and Family Development website:
Academic Honesty
The University adheres to a strict policy regarding cheating and plagiarism
Instances of cheating may result in failure of the course and referral for disciplinary procedures that may
result in dismissal from the university.
Plagiarism is the use of others’ words and/or ideas without clearly acknowledging their source. As
students, you are learning about other people’s ideas in your course texts, your instructors’ lectures, inclass discussions, and when doing your own work. When you incorporate those words and ideas into
your own work, it is of the utmost importance that you give credit where it is due. Plagiarism, intentional
or unintentional, is considered academic dishonesty.
Examples of plagiarism include but are not limited to:
 Using sources verbatim or paraphrasing without giving proper attribution (this can include phrases,
sentences, paragraphs and/or pages of work).
 Copying and pasting work from an online or offline source directly and calling it your own.
 Using information you find from an online or offline source without giving the author credit.
 Replacing words or phrases from another source with your own words or phrases.
 Submitting whole or part of a piece of work you did for one class to another class, unless you have
explicit permission from the instructor.
 Submitting whole or part of a piece of work you did earlier in a class for a later assignment.
 Submitting whole or part of a piece of work that is highly similar or identical to another student’s
Plagiarism will not be tolerated in this class and will result in an automatic zero on the assignment in
question. Additional courses of action may include:
 Receiving a zero on related assignments
 Receiving an F in the class
 Being reported to the Center for Student Rights and Responsibilities
 Disciplinary review by Student Affairs
To avoid plagiarism, you must give the original author credit whenever you use another person’s ideas,
opinions, drawings, or theories as well as any facts or any other pieces of information that are not
common knowledge. Here are some specific tips:
 Reference in quotations another person’s actual spoken or written words, even if just a few key words
(along with the reference)
 Reference a close paraphrasing of another person’s spoken or written words
 Accurately cite all sources.
Become familiar with the policy ( If you have questions on
what is plagiarism, please consult the policy: ( and this
helpful guide from the Library:
Students with Disabilities
If you are a student with a disability and believe you will need accommodations for this class, it is your
responsibility to contact Student Disability Services at (619) 594-6473. To avoid any delay in the receipt
of your accommodations, you should contact Student Disability Services as soon as possible. Please note
that accommodations are not retroactive. Accommodations based upon disability cannot be provided
until you have presented your instructor with an accommodation letter from Student Disability Services.
Your cooperation is appreciated.
CFD 378B Midterm Reflective Journal
Due by 7 P.M. on Friday 3/18 in Blackboard (12 Points)
A hard copy of your reflective journal must be given to your mentor teacher
Your reflective journals will be submitted through the “Journals” portal on Blackboard. Do not
attach your journal as a file, and do not email your journal -- Doing either of these will result in 8point deduction for your journal. You should compose your journals off-line. After a journal entry is
finished, click on “Journals” on the side bar on Blackboard. Click into “Midterm Journal” and then
click on “Create Journal.” Finally, copy and paste your journal entry into the box for “message entry”
to submit it. If you need assistance please refer to the “On Demand Help and Learning Catalog”
located on the home page of your Blackboard.
The journal will be graded as follows:
0: no entry
1-6: entry is poorly written and/or shows minimal insight or reflection, does not fully address
7-12: entry is written clearly, shows evidence of reflection and analysis, fully addresses questions
Please discuss the items below. Number each of your discussion items.
Describe what positive aspects you have observed in your mentor teacher’s practice. Give one
specific example each for a) leading an activity, and b) interacting with individual children. (2
Reflect on your meeting with your mentor teacher and your first evaluation. Was it a fair
evaluation? According to your mentor teacher, what are your areas of strength and how can
you improve? What is your thinking about her comments? (2 point)
 For question #3, #4, and #5, links for the needed documents are posted under “course
documents” on Blackboard. You do not need to include a reference page for this journal, but
make sure to properly use quotation marks (“…”) and cite the information you extract from the
Visit the Preschool Learning Foundations websites (Volume 1, 2, and 3). Select a foundation
under one of the following domains: Social-Emotional Development, Language and Literacy,
English-Language Development, Mathematics, Visual and Performing Arts, Physical
Development, Health, History-Social Science, or Science. Focus on one behavioral indicator in a
certain foundation and discuss how you apply that foundation in your work with the children
in your classroom. Below is an example (do not use this example in your paper as this is an
example from the Infant/Toddler Learning Foundations). (3 points)
Hint: Domains – Foundations – behavioral indicators
According to Hart and Risley (as cited in California Department of Education, 2015), “at around
36 months of age, children engage in back-and-forth conversations that contain a number of
turns, with each turn building upon what was said in the previous turn.” This is a behavior
indicator that falls under the Foundation of Communication Skills and Knowledge, which is part of
the Language Development Domain. (After you quote the behavior indicator, start to describe a
couple of examples of how you interacted with children while you promoted this foundation.)
Based on this, every Monday morning I make sure to ask each child what he/she did during the
weekend. For example, I ……. This allows the children to practice their “back-and-forth
Describe in detail the developmentally appropriate activity you implemented in your
classroom. Explain why you feel your activity was developmentally appropriate. Discuss
which DRDP measure(s) was(were) applied in the activity while you refer to the information in
DRDP 2015 by quoting a relevant objective from one of measures being focused on for this
semester in your classroom (California Department of Education, 2015). How did the children
react to your activity? How did your mentor teacher feel about it? (3 points)
Review the NAEYC Statement of Commitment to Professional Ethics (NAEYC, 2005) that you and
your mentor teacher signed. Select one of the Core Values and discuss how you apply that
value in your work in the preschool classroom. Describe in detail one thing you have done to
put that core value into practice. (2 points)
For students using their paid hours for CFD 378B, discuss what you are doing each week
during your unpaid hour. (no extra points for this question)
CFD 378B Final Reflective Journal
Due by 7 P.M. on Friday 4/29 in Blackboard (12 Points)
A hard copy of your reflective journal must be given to your mentor teacher
Your reflective journals will be submitted through the “Journals” portal on Blackboard. Do not
attach your journal as a file, and do not email your journal -- Doing either of these will result in 8point deduction for your journal. You should compose your journals off-line. After a journal entry is
finished, click on “Journals” on the side bar on Blackboard. Click into “Midterm Journal” and then
click on “Create Journal.” Finally, copy and paste your journal entry into the box for “message entry”
to submit it. If you need assistance please refer to the “On Demand Help and Learning Catalog”
located on the home page of your Blackboard.
The journal will be graded as follows:
0: no entry
1-6: entry is poorly written and/or shows minimal insight or reflection, does not fully address
7-12: entry is written clearly, shows evidence of reflection and analysis, fully addresses questions
1. Describe in detail one way in which you supported families in your classroom. (1 point)
2. Describe in detail the second developmentally appropriate activity you implemented in your
classroom. Did you discuss the activity with your mentor teacher in advance of
implementing it? Explain why you feel your activity was developmentally appropriate.
Discuss which DRDP measure(s) was (were) applied in the activity while you refer to the
information in DRDP 2015 by quoting a relevant objective from one of measures being
focused on for this semester in your classroom (California Department of Education, 2015).
How did the children react to your activity? How did your mentor teacher feel about it? (3
3. What professional development activity did you participate in? What did you learn from this
activity? How did you apply this new knowledge in your classroom? If you are employed at
the center, you must have completed an activity outside the required activities for your job.
(2 points)
4. Describe how technology is used in your classroom to teach young children as well as how it
is used to communicate with families. What do you think the role of technology should be in
early childhood classrooms? (2 points)
5. Professionalism is a requirement to pass this class. Professionalism includes dressing
appropriately, showing respect, being punctual, showing up as expected, etc. Discuss how
you demonstrated consistent professionalism by referring to the “Practicum” section on
page 6 of the syllabus. As you answer this question, indicate how many total times you were
late or cancelled. (2 points)
6. You have now spent a semester working with preschool-age children in a high-quality early
care and education setting. As a current or future parent, what do you think is the most
important quality to look for in a childcare setting for preschool-age children and why? (2
**If you are employed at the SDSU Children’s Center and are using your paid hours for this class,
answer an additional question below.
Discuss what you did during your additional unpaid “administrative” hour each week. What did
you learn from that experience?