Department of Child and Family Development CFD 270L-1 Principles of Child Development Laboratory Spring 2015 Instructor Contact Information Instructor: Hsing-chen Tung, Ed. D. Office: EBA 401 Office hours: Monday 11am - 12pm (Walk-In okay) Monday 12pm - 2pm (By appointments only) Wednesday 10:15am - 10:45am (By appointments only) Thursday 10:45am - 11:15am (By appointments only) Phone: 619 594-4445 Email: The best way to contact the instructor is through Email. Please put the course number and your name in the email subject line. Emails are normally replied within 48 hours during weekdays. Students may also call during the walk-in office hour. Section and Enrollment Information Class meeting: Monday 2pm-2:50pm Class location: GMCS 306 Schedule number: 20518 Course prerequisites: Completion of Psychology 101 with D- or better. Completion or concurrent enrollment in CFD 270, PSY 230, or TE 170. There is no grade requirement in the prerequisites mentioned above in order to take CFD 270L, but you cannot move to the CFD Major without a “C” or better. Enrollment and crashing policies: Students will be dropped from the class if transcripts are not received by Monday 1/26. Unofficial SDSU Transcripts are available at Highlight 2 or circle the information that needs to be checked by the instructor: your name and major, PSY101, and CFD 270/Psy 230/TE 170. You may submit either a hard copy or an electronic copy of your transcripts. To submit the electronic copy of your Degree Audit Report (or transcripts), please click on “Submit Prerequisites Here” on the side bar after you log into Blackboard. Then click on “View/Complete” and type your name. The submission title can be your name. Then you will browse your computer to attach the file. Hard copy of negative Tuberculosis clearance (dated Feb 1, 2014 or more current) by Monday Feb. 2 in class or you will not receive any grade in the course. Course Description This course will introduce various recording instruments for examining the physical/motor, social, emotional, and cognitive development of children from birth through age five. The course is designed to help students gain a hands-on understanding of child development through observing children’s behaviors and recording and interpreting them using various methods. Student Learning Outcomes The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) has implemented Professional Preparation core standards for PreK-3 teachers. The Early Childhood Educator Competencies and Personnel Competencies for Early Childhood Mental Health also provide important guidelines for preparing child and family development professionals. This course utilizes these standards in identifying course goals/objectives and course instructional activities, assigning course requirements, and creating assessments. The following table identifies how these standards are aligned with the Student Learning Objectives for the course, as well as with each course assignment. Visit the following Websites for detailed listings of standards. NAEYC Initial Licensure Standards: Early Childhood Educator Competencies: Revised Training Guidelines and Personnel Competencies for Infant-Family and Early Childhood Mental Health: Student Learning Objectives Assessment 1. Develop a professional concept about observing and recording children’s behaviors 3 observation exercises NAEYC: 3, 5 NAEYC Standards in-class activities CA IFECMH:1A, 1B, 1C 2 exams ECE Comp: 2, 3, 5, 9 2 3 2. Utilize the introduced recording techniques for observing the behavior of children 3 observation exercises NAEYC: 1, 3, 5 3. Interpret the behavior of children based on written recordings of different methods 3 observation exercises NAEYC: 1, 3, 5 4. Identify/Differentiate major characteristics of the recording instruments introduced in the course 3 observation exercises NAEYC: 3 in-class activities CA IFECMH: 1B, 1E ECE Comp: 9 in-class activities CA IFECMH: 1B, 1E ECE Comp: 3, 9 in-class activities CA IFECMH:1E 2 exams ECE Comp: 9 CFD Departmental Goals this Course Meets: Goal #1: Students know and understand typical and atypical development characteristics and needs across the lifespan. Goal #5: Students possess high-level communication skills. Goal #6: Students demonstrate a high level of cultural competence. Goal #7: Students identify and conduct themselves as a member of the child and family profession Course Materials A copy of the textbook is on library reserve. E-book, used and rental copies are available in SDSU bookstore with reduced prices. Required Text Bentzen, W. R. (2009). Seeing young children: A guide to observing and recording behavior (6th ed.). New York, NY: Delmar Learning. (ISBN-10: 1-4180-7378-4) Recommended Text American Psychological Association (2010). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. (ISBN 10: 1-4338-0561-8; This text can be purchased online for about $20.) 3 4 Assessment and Grading Assignments and Exams Required assignments Points possible Three observation exercises: 180 (60 points each) Exams: 180 (90 points each) Students will have one midterm and the final exam will be on Monday, May 4. Students will have 50 minutes to complete each exam. The tests will be a combination of true/false, multiple-choice, matching, fill-in-the-blank, short-answer, and designing-anobservation-chart questions. Students will need a pen or pencil. The final is not cumulative. Be on time for the exam. If you are late for the exam and a student has already finished it and left the classroom, you will receive a zero for the exam. No exam will be given to students before the scheduled exam time. A make-up exam will not be given except in the event of extraordinary circumstances beyond the control of the student (e.g. severe illness or death in the family). In such situations, email the instructor immediately and later, provide a written documentation by an appropriate professional. In-class activities (unannounced): 40 Several times throughout the semester, students will participate in activities during class. These will be unannounced and may take place at the beginning, middle, or end of class. Students must write their own names on the in-class activity sheets. Students who arrive 15 minutes late (by classroom clock) to class may not write their names on the activity sheets. Likewise, students who leave class early, after completing the activity, will not receive credit. An in-class assignment needs to be handed in right after it is finished for credit. Falsification will result in no credit for the activity, plus additional point reduction in the course score. TOTAL 400 4 5 Final Grades Please be advised that we do not round up for the final grade (e.g., 79.5% to be round up to B-). Final grades will be based on the total points earned. How the total points are converted into the final grades is as follows: A = 372-400 points A- = 360-371 points B+ = 348-359 points B = 332-347 points B- = 320-331 points C+ = 308-319 points C = 292-307 points C- = 280-291 points D+ = 268-279points D = 252-267 points D- = 240-251 points F = < 240 points Grading Policies All observation assignments must be turned in at the beginning of the class on the day they are due. Both the hard copy and the Turnitin copy need to be on time. Ten minutes into class, the assignments are considered late. An assignment will receive a reduction of 20 points for being late each week. With the 20 points reduction, use the week until next class meeting to make the late assignment a good one so you earn all the rest of the points. Assignments delivered via E-mail are not accepted. However, if you are not able to turn in your assignments during class because of extraordinary circumstances, your Turn-It-In copy still needs to be submitted by the time it is due, and you need bring a hard copy of the assignment and a documentation signed by a professional by the next class. After verification of your circumstances, your assignments will then be considered on time. The last day to turn in all assignments is 2pm on Monday May 4. Attempts to correct any error in earned points would not be honored if it has been two weeks since the points were posted on Blackboard. Within a week after points are earned, grades will be posted. Please monitor your own progress and contact the instructor immediately if you suspect any error. Missed in-class assignments must be made up within two weeks after your absence. A written documentation signed by an appropriate professional is needed to make up an in-class activity. Each student is allowed only one absence for the semester and may make up the missed in-class assignment without documentation. 5 6 CFD 270L-1 (Monday) Course Activities and Schedule Date Topic 1/26 Introduction to the course 2/2 Introduction: What is observation? Readings Assignments / Activities Chapter 1, 3, 4 Due: copy of TB clearance Chapter 5 Due: 5-min observation General guidelines for observing children Methods, behavior, plans, and contexts 2/9 Observation and recording methods Objective V.S. Subjective Introduction to the SDSU Children’s Center 2/16 Children’s Center 2/23 Observing the newborn 3/2 3/9 Tour of SDSU Children’s Center; meet at the end of hallway Explanation of observation exercise #1 Narrative descriptions Chapter 6, 14; Instructions for Observation Exercise #1 Observing the infant Chapter 13, 15 Brief review for exam #1 Interpretation and evaluation; APA writing Review APA writing style Observing the toddler Chapter 11, 16; Instructions for Observation Exercise #2 Frequency counts and duration records 3/16 Exam #1 Ch. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16 3/23 Observing the toddler Chapter 8, 16 Due: Observation exercise #1; Explanation of observation exercise #2 Event sampling 3/30 Enjoy your spring break! 4/6 Observing the preschooler Time sampling Chapter 7, 16; Instructions for Observation Exercise #3 Due: Observation exercise #2; Explanation of observation exercise #3 6 7 Date Topic Readings 4/13 Observing the preschooler Chapter 12, 16 Assignments / Activities Checklists 4/20 Observing the preschooler Chapter 12, 16 Due: Observation exercise #3 Review of exam #2 Rating Scales 4/27 Anecdotal records Chapter 10 5/4 Exam #2 Chapter 7, 8, 10, 12, 16 Course Assignments Three observation exercises Students will complete three observation exercises throughout the semester. For this assignment, children of various ages will be observed in the SDSU Associated Students Children’s Center. Students will record and interpret children’s behaviors by following the instructions. Each observation exercise must be word-processed, unless other specified, and written in the proper format. Instructions will be posted on Blackboard, but details will be discussed in class on 2/23, 3/9, and 4/6. The observation exercises must be done at the SDSU Associated Students Children’s Center; no other locations are acceptable. You will sign up for your observation times a few weeks before each observation. Please plan ahead for your observations! Course Policies and Expectations Participation in class, including listening, taking notes, and speaking up Be present for detailed instructions for three observation exercises (2/23, 3/9, and 4/6) Completion of readings and assignments on time Download and print out the PowerPoint slide presentation for each lecture. The slides will be posted on Blackboard a few days before each lecture. College-level quality writing: legible and proofread. An assignment will be returned to you prior to grading if it is difficult to read. In most cases, your assignments will then be late and you will lose points. Consider using the free Mentoring Services provided by the CFD department to improve your writing and study skills if necessary. The application form is posted under “course documents” on Blackboard. Conduct of integrity: Plagiarism is SIX or more words in succession borrowed from another student’s work or published literature without quotation marks. Rephrasing 7 8 others’ ideas without citation is also plagiarism. Instances of cheating and plagiarism will result in failure of the course and referral for disciplinary procedures. Classroom etiquette: Turn off cell phones prior to class. Headsets and cell phones are not allowed during class and the exams. Laptops are a great device for taking lecture notes, but it is very disrespectful to be emailing and surfing the Internet during class. Please refrain from chatting and other inappropriate behaviors during class. Points will be deducted for such behaviors. The course syllabus, assignments, and announcements will be posted on Blackboard. Announcements might also be sent via Email. It is recommended that students provide an SDSU Rohan student Email account for Blackboard and check for course communication on a regular basis. Student Blackboard Support: Guidelines for Students agree that by taking this course all required papers may be subject to submission for textual similarity review to for the detection of plagiarism. All submitted papers will be included as source documents in the reference database solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of such papers. You may submit your papers in such a way that no identifying information about you is included. Another option is that you may request, in writing, that your papers not be submitted to However, if you choose this option you will be required to provide documentation to substantiate that the papers are your original work and do not include any plagiarized material. Student work samples: Your works, without the name, may be selected by the instructor to keep on file. The work that is selected will be used solely for the purposes of evaluation from higher education accreditation institutions (e.g., NAEYC, NCATE). Teaching Methods Lectures will be used to introduce the recording techniques. During the lectures, whole group discussions will be used to stimulate critical thinking. I will be asking you questions so that your practical knowledge gained from experiences with children will be included to enrich the lectures. Multimedia, such as video clips and photos of children, will be shown for you to practice observation skills. Individual and small group activities will take place for you to discuss the lectured concepts or practice using the introduced recording techniques with coaching and guidance from me (before you go home and do your observation exercises). After the in-class opportunities of working out some problems, you will become more confident doing your observation exercises. Therefore, attendance is very important. Since this is a lab class, in addition to textbook reading and class attending, your major course work will involve several observation exercises to expand your understanding of child development and methods of studying children. 8 9 Student Disability Services ( If you are a student with a disability and believe you will need accommodations for this class, it is your responsibility to contact Student Disability Services at (619) 594-6473. To avoid any delay in the receipt of your accommodations, you should contact Student Disability Services as soon as possible. Please note that accommodations are not retroactive, and that I cannot provide accommodations based upon disability until I have received an accommodation letter from Student Disability Services. Your cooperation is appreciated. Absence from a Class The course schedule is subject to change. Changes made will be announced in class. It is the student’s responsibility to find out about the changes from your classmates or the instructor if you are absent from a class. Students need to borrow the detailed notes from their classmates after being absent. Below please write down the names, phone numbers and emails of three classmates whom you could call to borrow notes after your absence. 1. 2. 3. To be enrolled in CFD 270L, I have read and accept the policies and terms as herein stated. ___________________________________________ Student Signature __________________________ Date Keep this page for yourself. 9