SPELLING WITH A TWIST Partners trace letters of spelling words on each other’s backs In small groups, stand in a line and have each person make a body letter to spell a word. The observing groups write the word and check the spelling. Play a word scramble game with each group representing the letters of the word as body letters but scramble the order. Observers unscramble and write the word. Pantomime the meaning of vocabulary words as observers write or guess (charades). Write the word in the air (with scarves!) o Along an imaginary wall o Across the whole room o On the imaginary ceiling above your head o As big as you can o Very small o With strong, sharp movements o With smooth, light movements o In a way that communicates the emotional tone of the word Trace the pathway of the word on the floor (like making footprints in the snow) o Walking o Skipping o Sliding o Jumping o Hopping o Galloping Spell the word orally and rhythmically as you o Jump in place o Jump rope o Hop in place o Play hopscotch o Play a percussion instrument o Perform any (safe) movement you like, e.g. kick, touch toes, do the swim, the jerk, the chicken dance, the Mexican hat dance, the Can Can o In small groups, choreograph the spelling of a word using the techniques above and perform it for the class. Common Core State Standards for ENGLISH LANGUAGE ART S & Literacy Grade 4 students: Conventions of Standard English 2. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. a. Use correct capitalization. b. Use commas and quotation marks to mark direct speech and quotations from a text. c. Use a comma before a coordinating conjunction in a compound sentence. d. Spell grade-appropriate words correctly, consulting references as needed.