Chapter 2 – kinematics of particles Today’s Objective:

Chapter 2 – kinematics of particles
Thursday, September 10, 2015: Class Lecture 7
Today’s Objective:
Constrained Motion of Connected Particles
Dependent Motion Analysis of Two Particles
• Motion of block B depends on the motion of block A
• They are interconnected by inflexible cords.
• For motion analysis, the total length of the cord is calculated from datum
planes, established arbitrarily.
• The direction of motion away from the datum is considered positive, and
vice versa.
• The position of the particles is related by the total length of the cord.
Dependent Motion Analysis of Two Particles
A more complicated example:
• Blacks A and B move along x and y directions.
• Need two different datum, one each for x and y
• The motion of the particles is related by the cord
• When B moves downward (+ sB ), A moves to the left (- sB ) with twice the
Problem 2/211 pp 102
Given: Cable wraps at 320 mm/s
Req: Vertical rise of the weight W in 5 sec.
Problem 2/226 pp105
Given: vA to the right
Req: vB