Radio, TV, Film BA Spring 2008 Program Assessment Report PROGRAM INFORMATION Degree Program(s): Department Chair: Report Prepared by: Next self study due Department: BA - RTVF TRFT Mike Adams Phone: 4-4545 Babak Sarrafan Phone: 4-4536 Spring 2012 E-mail: Note: Schedule is posted at: ARCHIVAL INFORMATION Location: Person to Contact: HGH100 Chair Mike Adams 4-4545 Does the information (e.g., Mission, Goals, and/or Learning Outcomes) posted on the web (see, ) for this program need to be updated? Yes NO If yes, please submit changes to SCHEDULE OF ASSESSMENT ACTIVITIES* Please complete the schedule of assessment activities below by listing all program Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) by number down the left column and indicating when data were/will be collected (C) and when they were/will be discussed (D) by your faculty. You can also schedule/track program changes resulting from your assessment activities by indicating an “I” (implemented changes) where relevant. This schedule is meant to be fluid; providing a proposed schedule for future assessment while at the same time, providing a record of your efforts as the program planning cycle progresses. ↓Semester after Program Review SLOs 1 2 3 4 5 F05 S06 C F06 D C C Semester before next Program Review↓ S07 F07 S08 C D C D F-- S-- F-- S-- D D *Note: This template is based on a five-year program planning cycle. If your program planning follows another cycle (e.g., based on accreditation), please feel free to add (or subtract) columns as necessary. Page 1 of 6 Revised: 04/07/2008 Radio, TV, Film BA Spring 2008 Program Assessment Report SLO #1 Become media literate: Know the history, processes and current structure of the electronic media, its ethical parameters, and the social and political effects of electronic and mass communication on a audience. 1. Data Collection 2. What have you learn about this Student Learning Outcome? 3. Actions (if necessary) 4. Effect of actions on student performance Page 2 of 6 Revised: 04/07/2008 Radio, TV, Film BA Spring 2008 Program Assessment Report SLO #2 Tell meaningful stories through production of good narratives. Appreciate the art and aesthetics of media (radio, television, film). 1. Data Collection: [SEMESTER/YEAR] 2. What have you learn about this Student Learning Outcome? [SEMESTER/YEAR] – 3. Action(s) (if necessary) F06 For RTVF 173, we are planning to insure part time faculty is clear in understanding and conveying the objectives to the students. This will be achieved by a new green sheet which will help students and us to better observe the learning in the class. 4. Effect of action on student performance Page 3 of 6 Revised: 04/07/2008 Radio, TV, Film BA Spring 2008 Program Assessment Report SLO 3 Communicate information and entertainment to diverse cultures using radio, television and film. Be sensitive to the ways and processes of, and the attitudes held by races, religions, political and social groups that are not their own. 1. Data Collection: Barnaby Dallas assessed RTVF 175 in Fall 2007. This semester a change was made to insure SLO 3- to communicate information and entertainment to diverse cultures using radio, television and film and to be sensitive to the ways and processes of, and the attitudes held by races, religions, political and social groups that are not their own- was met. To measure performance on class objectives a test was administered covering the course reader to both sections of RTVF 175 instructor Dallas taught in the semester. The test covered all aspects of narrative dramatic construction: from finding and reducing an idea, to shaping the idea, writing the script and proper industry formatting. Instructor also guided students in structuring their ideas for their final script project. In the past class assignments (the story idea, outline and actual script) were used to determine how many students met the SLO. The test made it easier to quantify results. By achieving grades of B or better, 92% of students met the objective. 99% of students also met the objective by completing a 60 page final film script using the knowledge from the reader and discussions and feedback given in class. 2. What have you learn about this Student Learning Outcome? [Fall 2007] Spring 2008 This class has been a success. This was evident in the quality of student work academically and in outside-judged scriptwriting competitions. So, the instructors will keep enhancing and inspiring students. 3. Action(s) (if necessary): [Spring 2008) It should be noted that we have our RTVF program review done. A few changes would take place in our curriculum for the next assessment period. 4. Effect of action on student performance Page 4 of 6 Revised: 04/07/2008 Radio, TV, Film BA Spring 2008 Program Assessment Report SLO 4 Understand how to plan, produce, write and direct radio, television and film/cinema projects. Achieve professional-level skills of production. Select and operate video/television, film, and audio/radio technologies. 1. Data Collection: [SEMESTER/YEAR] – For this assessment cycle, how were the data collected and what were the results? Spring 07 For RTVF 91, Instructor LeFever gave an assignment of writing, producing and recording a Public Service Announcement (PSA) for Radio broadcast. The project has four parts that were graded: 1) written treatment, 2) production Meeting, 3) written script of the PSA and 4) the recorded project on audio CD. This assignment is the culmination of the learning experience for audio production. The student must be able to come up with an idea for a PSA, verbally articulate his/her idea and record their project on audio CD that is on-time and with good production values. In SLO# 4 the student will understand how to plan, produce, write and direct radio, television and film/cinema projects. Achieve professional-level skills of production. Select and operate video/television, film, and audio/radio technologies. Of the 15 students enrolled in this class, 4 students received As, 6 Bs, 3 Cs and 2 students failed to turn in the assignment. 2. What have you learn about this Student Learning Outcome? [SEMESTER/YEAR] –What does the faculty conclude about student learning for this SLO? 3. Action(s) (if necessary): [SEMESTER/YEAR] –e.g., program changes, changes in pedagogy, process changes, etc? 4. Effect of action on student performance: Page 5 of 6 Revised: 04/07/2008 Radio, TV, Film BA Spring 2008 Program Assessment Report SLO 5 Determine what type of information is needed for a research question, problem, or issue, and be able to retrieve, evaluate and effectively use such information to produce scholarship. 1. Data Collection: [SEMESTER/YEAR] – For this assessment cycle, how were the data collected and what were the results? Spring 07: Instructor Kratz assigned one audience research assignment and one detailed library research paper in order to address this SLO. As stated in the assignment, the initial short paper was used to familiarize the students with basic research skills and critical thinking. Papers were returned with related notes/feedback related to the topic of audience research methodology. Grades for the 44 enrolled in this class indicated that this project’s grades averaged B- to C+ range. In preparation for the research paper, students were given a detailed handout to help them with formatting and writing the papers. The instructor’s green sheet learning objectives stated that students will understand theories of audience behavior, current social research on mass media, and basic tools of analyzing of how media texts make meaning. These help students achieve SLO #5 and RTVF 173. 2. What have you learn about this Student Learning Outcome? [SEMESTER/YEAR] –What does the faculty conclude about student learning for this SLO? 3. Action(s) (if necessary): [SEMESTER/YEAR] –e.g., program changes, changes in pedagogy, process changes, etc? 4. Effect of action on student performance: Page 6 of 6 Revised: 04/07/2008