Program Assessment Report PROGRAM INFORMATION Date submitted: May 27, 2011 Degree Program(s): Department Chair: Report Prepared by: Next Self-Study due : Department: M.A. TESOL LLD Swathi Vanniarajan Phone: 4-3742 Stefan Frazier Phone: 4-4443 2011-12 E-mail: Note: Schedule is posted at: ARCHIVAL INFORMATION Location: LLD 473 Person to Contact: (Bldg/Room #) Alice Martin (Name) 4-6642 (Phone) Assessment schedule is posted at Please send any changes to the schedule or to student learning outcomes to Jackie Snell Enter the number and text of the SLO in this box (we post reports by SLO) Goal 2: Knowledge of language learning – Knowledge of current theories concerning cognitive, affective, social, and cultural factors central to the acquisiton and use of second languages 2A: Demonstrate an understanding of the major linguistic, psycholinguistic, and sociolinguistic issues in second language learning in formal and informal contexts. 2D: Demonstrate an ability to apply theoretical knowledge of second language acquisition in second language learning/acquisition contexts. Goal 3: Knowledge and skills of language instruction – Knowledge of curriculum frameworks, teaching methods, and proficiency assessment instruments for teaching English as a non-native language 3A: Identify the instructional strategies that go with the established teaching methods. 3C: Critically evaluate the teaching of actual ESL classes with regard to teaching strategies and activities. Initial Evidence of Student Learning: The following methods were used to assess student learning outcomes: Class participation and presentation Critical reader response Concept essay Reflective journal Classroom discourse analysis Evaluating and designing materials Page 1 of 2 Program Assessment Report The assignments are designed in such a way that they draw from various parts of the program goals (that is, 2A, 2D, 3A & 3C) and are not easily itemizable. Two assignments (concept essay, and classroom discourse analysis), in particular, synthesize all the program goals in a coordinated way, and both of them involve substantial research. Change(s) to Curriculum or Pedagogy: Fall 2010 Based on previous experience of outcomes assessment, certain changes were made in the Fall 2010 LLD 280 class. 1. During the first week of classes, a set of expectations and a set of guidelines to achieve them were presented to students. Also, a sample critical journal entry was presented to the students, with important characteristics highlighting that the journal entry is not just a summary of what the students read but their critical response to what they read. 2. Students were given a full-page, revised step-by-step list of guidelines for the term project particularly explaining in detail conversational concepts such as turn taking, teacher talk, student talk, teacher intention, learner interpretation, etc. 3. One-on-one sessions, for each student, were arranged with our library liaison person so that those who had not done LLD 250W (the graduate writing class) could learn how to access electronic database. This matter still remains a challenge. 4. Those students were identified who were able and willing to do more than what is minimally required for the class. Additional reading material was given, and a greater choice of topics to work on. Evidence of Student Learning after Change. Fall 2010 The table below presents details on how students fared in the assignments: (N=13) Assignment Class participation and presentation Critical reader response Concept essay Reflective journal Classroom discourse analysis Evaluating and designing materials A 10 (77%)* 10 (77%) 8 (62%) 11 (84%) 6 (46%) 9 (69%) A2 (15%) 1 (8%) 2 (15%) 1 (8%) 4 (31%) 3 (23%) B+ 1 (8%) 2 (15%) 2 (15%) 1 (8%) 2 (15%) 1 (8%) B 1 (8%) 1 (8%) Data from Spring 2011, reflecting the results of further changes, are forthcoming. Page 2 of 2