SJSU Annual Program Assessment Form Academic Year 2013-2014 Department: HUMANITIES Program: CREATIVE ARTS, TEACHER PREPARATION BA College: H&A Website: <SJSU.EDU/CREATIVEARTS> Program Accreditation (if any): NONE Contact Person and Email: SHANNON ROSE RILEY ( Date of Report: June 1, 2014 Part A 1. List of Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) 1. Demonstrate the ability to frame questions and pursue answers to aesthetic, social, cultural and global issues in education using interdisciplinary methods 2. Demonstrate the ability to describe and compare the roles, impacts and ethical implications of ideas, texts, social movements, contemporary situations, and creations of the human imagination 3. Demonstrate skill in written and verbal communication, including argumentation. 4. Identify, select, use and cite information sources appropriately 5. Demonstrate understanding of how to engage and support all K-8 students in learning 6. Demonstrate understanding of how to create and maintain effective learning environments for K8 students 7. Demonstrate understanding of how to plan instruction and assess student learning 8. Demonstrate content and pedagogical knowledge in subjects taught in K-8 schools with a focus on the arts Faculty decided on PLO content and criteria for assessing levels of mastery during the 2011-12 Program Planning process. Ongoing assessment of levels of mastery is monitored by the Creative Arts Program Coordinator, Shannon Riley, who teaches several such courses. x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Social and Global Responsibilities Applied Knowledge Intellectual Skills Broad Integrative knowledge PLO/ULG 1. Interdisciplinary probe of issue questions 2. Roles, impacts, ethics of imaginative works 3. Effective communication & argumentation 4. Cite sources appropriately 5. Engage & support K-8 student learning 6. Create, maintain effective learning environ 7. Plan instruction and assess learning 8.. K-8 content & pedagogical knowledge: arts Specialized knowledge 2. Map of PLOs to University Learning Goals (ULGs) x x x x x x x x 3. Alignment – Matrix of PLOs to Courses See Creative Arts TP Program Assessment Schedule (University assessment website) 4. Planning – Assessment Schedule See Creative Arts TP Program Assessment Schedule (University assessment website) 5. Student Experience We are at an early stage in changing the way PLOs and the ULGs are communicated to students as well as in the way student feedback is considered in the creation of the PLOs. We are placing all of this information on the department website, but that is a mere starting point. What instructors do in their courses is more important. The Coordinator of Creative Arts will return from sabbatical in Fall 2014, and the department curriculum committee will discuss with her strategies for introducing classroom discussion of and activities related to helping students learn the PLOs of their major—as well as the ULGs—early on in their curricular development. A new lower division course in Creative Arts, only recently created, might prove to be an appropriate spot for this. Part B 6. Graduation Rates for Total, Non URM and URM students (entire department) 7. Headcounts of program majors and new students (per program and degree) Fall 2013 New Students Cont. Students Total 1st Fr. UG Transf New Creds 1st Grads UGs Creds Grads UGs Creds 1 9 0 0 42 0 0 52 0 1 9 0 0 42 0 0 52 0 8. SFR and average section size (per department) 9. Percentage of tenured/tenure-track instructional faculty (per department) Fall 2013 Humanities % Tenured/Prob Tenured Probationary Temp Lecturer 47.8% 7.918 8.653 0 Part C 10. Closing the Loop/Recommended Actions As the Coordinator (and also sole tenured faculty member full time in the Creative Arts Program) is on sabbatical this semester, the department curriculum committee will await her return to share with her ongoing university developments in integrating program planning and assessment (such as is evidenced by this new standardized annual assessment form) and the specific data collected and findings from this academic year. Her contributions will be vital to any decisions about modifications or tweaks to the program. 11. Assessment Data Because the Program Coordinator was on sabbatical, no data was collected for analysis of the specialized Teacher Prep compenent this year. Lecturers teaching in relevant courses focused upon the basic Creative Arts BA. However, we have just this semester completed the final meeting of our last program review, so when the Coordinator returns in the fall the department curriculum committee will update her on shifts in assessment strategies on the university level that occurred while she was gone, and she will share more specific plans for assessment of the CA Teacher Prep major students going forward. 12. Analysis See comment in #10 above. 13. Proposed changes and goals (if any) Since the CA Teacher Prep PLOs align so closely with the Liberal Studies PLOs, it is recommended that department faculty involved in both activities discuss any possible strategies for collaboration at various levels to increase efficiency or share insights.