Program Assessment Report PROGRAM INFORMATION Degree Program(s): Department Chair: Report Prepared by: Next Program Review? Japanese Department: Foreign Languages Prof. Dominique van Hooff Phone: 4-4608 Seiichiro (Keach) Inaba Phone: 4-4593 E-mail: Fall 2012 Note: Schedule is posted at: ARCHIVAL INFORMATION Location: CL418K Person to Contact: Keach Inaba 4-4593 Does the information (e.g., Mission, Goals, and/or Learning Outcomes) posted on the web (see, ) for this program need to be updated? Yes No If yes, please submit changes to SCHEDULE OF ASSESSMENT ACTIVITIES* Please complete the schedule of assessment activities below by listing all program Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) by number down the left column and indicating when data were/will be collected (C) and when they were/will be discussed (D) by your faculty. You can also schedule/track program changes resulting from your assessment activities by indicating an “I” (implemented changes) where relevant. This schedule is meant to be fluid; providing a proposed schedule for future assessment while at the same time, providing a record of your efforts as the program planning cycle progresses. SLOs 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S-2008 C, D (JPN101B) F-2008 S-2009 F-2009 C, D (JPN101A) C, D (JPN107) C, D (JPN102) C, D (JPN110) C, D (JPN120A) C, D (JPN140A) *Note: This template is based on a five-year program planning cycle. If your program planning follows another cycle (e.g., based on accreditation), please feel free to add (or subtract) columns as necessary. Page 1 of 5 Revised: 04/07/2008 Program Assessment Report Student Learning Outcome #1 To develop the students' four Japanese language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) in three modes of communication (interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational). RECORD OF ASSESSMENT Begin generating a record of assessment for this Student Learning Outcome in which you record the following areas of assessment activity. Start each entry with the semester in which the activity(s) occurred followed by a description of the activity(s).These dates and activities should correspond with the “Schedule of Assessment Activities” on the first page of this report. I. Data Collection: [Spring/2008] SLO 1 was assessed by a series of compositions, quizzes, oral presentations, and written exams done in JPN 101B (Advanced Japanese) taught by Keach Inaba. Out of nine major students assessed, five students satisfactorily met the SLO with a grade of ‘B’ or better and four met with a grade of ‘B-‘ or ‘C’. II. What have you learn about this Student Learning Outcome? [Spring/2008] 100 % of the major students attained the SLOs with a grade of ‘C’ or better. I believe that this success was greatly attributed to the tutoring program that was implemented mainly for this class. Student Learning Outcome #2 To develop the students' understanding of some aspects of Japanese culture, including the relationships among cultural products, practices, and perspectives. RECORD OF ASSESSMENT Begin generating a record of assessment for this Student Learning Outcome in which you record the following areas of assessment activity. Start each entry with the semester in which the activity(s) occurred followed by a description of the activity(s).These dates and activities should correspond with the “Schedule of Assessment Activities” on the first page of this report. I. Data Collection: [Fall/2008] SLO 2 will be assessed by a series of quizzes, homework assignments, oral exams, and written exams in JPN 101A (Advanced Japanese) taught by Keach Inaba. II. What have you learn about this Student Learning Outcome? [SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the results in part I., briefly summarize the discussion surrounding this outcome, i.e., what does the faculty conclude about student learning for this SLO? Page 2 of 5 Revised: 04/07/2008 Program Assessment Report III. Action Item(s) (if necessary): [SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the discussion in part II., what actions will the department take to improve student learning, e.g., program changes, changes in pedagogy, process changes, resources requests, etc? Student Learning Outcome 3 To acquaint students with business manners and customs for developing communication skills useful in conducting business in Japanese. RECORD OF ASSESSMENT Begin generating a record of assessment for this Student Learning Outcome in which you record the following areas of assessment activity. Start each entry with the semester in which the activity(s) occurred followed by a description of the activity(s).These dates and activities should correspond with the “Schedule of Assessment Activities” on the first page of this report. I. Data Collection: [Spring/2008] SLO 3 was assessed by a series of role plays, oral exams, and writing exams conducted in JPN 107 (Japanese for Business Professionals) taught by Keach Inaba. Out of 14 major students assessed, 10 students satisfactorily met the SLO with a grade of ‘B’ or better, and four met the SLO with a grade of ‘C+’ or ‘B-’. II. What have you learn about this Student Learning Outcome? [Spring/2008] 100 % of the major students attained the SLOs with a grade of ‘C+’ or better. Even though we were unable to hire a tutor exclusively for this class due to current financial situations, the computer-assisted vocabulary building system that was made by one of the students seemed to help them effectively in this class. Student Learning Outcome 4 To develop the students' understanding of not only traditional arts but also contemporary Japanese culture and society. RECORD OF ASSESSMENT Begin generating a record of assessment for this Student Learning Outcome in which you record the following areas of assessment activity. Start each entry with the semester in which the activity(s) occurred followed by a description of the activity(s).These dates and activities should correspond with the “Schedule of Assessment Activities” on the first page of this report. I. Data Collection: [Spring/2009] SLO 4 will be assessed by a series of quizzes, homework assignments, oral presentations, and written exams in JPN 102 (Japanese Culture) scheduled to be taught by Yoshimitsu Shimazu and/or JPN130 (Readings in Japanese Culture) by Keach Inaba. II. What have you learn about this Student Learning Outcome? Page 3 of 5 Revised: 04/07/2008 Program Assessment Report [SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the results in part I., briefly summarize the discussion surrounding this outcome, i.e., what does the faculty conclude about student learning for this SLO? III. Action Item(s) (if necessary): [SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the discussion in part II., what actions will the department take to improve student learning, e.g., program changes, changes in pedagogy, process changes, resources requests, etc? Student Learning Outcome 5 To develop the students' understanding of phonological, morphological, and syntactic structures of contemporary Japanese. RECORD OF ASSESSMENT Begin generating a record of assessment for this Student Learning Outcome in which you record the following areas of assessment activity. Start each entry with the semester in which the activity(s) occurred followed by a description of the activity(s).These dates and activities should correspond with the “Schedule of Assessment Activities” on the first page of this report. I. Data Collection: [Fall/2008] SLO 5 will be assessed by quizzes, oral presentations, short papers, and exams in JPN 110 (Japanese Linguistics) taught by Keach Inaba. II. What have you learn about this Student Learning Outcome? [SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the results in part I., briefly summarize the discussion surrounding this outcome, i.e., what does the faculty conclude about student learning for this SLO? III. Action Item(s) (if necessary): [SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the discussion in part II., what actions will the department take to improve student learning, e.g., program changes, changes in pedagogy, process changes, resources requests, etc? Student Learning Outcome 6 To develop experience and skills in reading and discussing Japanese modern literature from 1868 through the present. RECORD OF ASSESSMENT Begin generating a record of assessment for this Student Learning Outcome in which you record the following areas of assessment activity. Start each entry with the semester in which the activity(s) Page 4 of 5 Revised: 04/07/2008 Program Assessment Report occurred followed by a description of the activity(s).These dates and activities should correspond with the “Schedule of Assessment Activities” on the first page of this report. I Data Collection: [Fall/2008] SLO 6 will be assessed by vocabulary quizzes, journal entries, short papers on assigned subjects, two formal 1-2 page writing assignments, oral presentations, and written exams in JPN 120 (Japanese Modern Literatures). II. What have you learn about this Student Learning Outcome? [SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the results in part I., briefly summarize the discussion surrounding this outcome, i.e., what does the faculty conclude about student learning for this SLO? III. Action Item(s) (if necessary): [SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the discussion in part II., what actions will the department take to improve student learning, e.g., program changes, changes in pedagogy, process changes, resources requests, etc? Student Learning Outcome 7 To develop the students' understanding of traditional theater in Japan, as well as modern and post-modern Japanese drama. RECORD OF ASSESSMENT Begin generating a record of assessment for this Student Learning Outcome in which you record the following areas of assessment activity. Start each entry with the semester in which the activity(s) occurred followed by a description of the activity(s).These dates and activities should correspond with the “Schedule of Assessment Activities” on the first page of this report. I. Data Collection: [Fall/2009] SLO 7 will be assessed by vocabulary quizzes, writing assignments, oral presentations, and written exams in JPN 140A (Japanese Modern Drams and Lyrics). II. What have you learn about this Student Learning Outcome? [SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the results in part I., briefly summarize the discussion surrounding this outcome, i.e., what does the faculty conclude about student learning for this SLO? III. Action Item(s) (if necessary): [SEMESTER/YEAR] – Based on the discussion in part II., what actions will the department take to improve student learning, e.g., program changes, changes in pedagogy, process changes, resources requests, etc? Page 5 of 5 Revised: 04/07/2008