SJSU Annual Program Assessment Form Academic Year 2014-2015 Department: Mechanical Engineering Program: BSME College: Engineering Website: _ Check here if your website addresses the University Learning Goals. Program Accreditation (if any): ABET Contact Person and Email: Nicole Okamoto Date of Report: May 6, 2015 Introduction to the Mechanical Engineering Department The Mechanical Engineering Department was formally established in 1958 and houses both BSME and MSME programs. The BSME program is accredited through ABET (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology). The BSME curriculum consists of general education courses, 30 units of math/chemistry/physics, 60 units of required major courses, and 9 units consisting of a capstone design course in the area of thermal/fluids, mechatronics, or mechanical design, and 2 electives. The MSME program consists of two required courses and courses chosen from one of the three focus areas. For a culminating experience, students either complete a two-semester MS project or thesis or else take two extra electives and a comprehensive exam for a total of 30 units. In Fall 2014 there were 693 BSME majors (exactly the same as in Fall 2013) and 110 MSME students for a total of 366 FTES (up from 339.6 in Fall 2013). Noted department strengths include a dedicated, highly qualified faculty including 8 full time faculty members and a large number of adjunct faculty working in industry, a strategic location in the Silicon Valley that allows for significant interaction with industry, and a hands-on educational program that has been recognized both by our ABET evaluator and through numerous awards in design competitions. 1. List of Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) In the BSME program, we have both Program Education Objectives, which outline what we want out graduates to have achieved 3-5 years after graduation, and Student Learning Outcomes, which outline what we want our students to have achieved by the time they graduate. Program Educational Objectives The Program Educational Objectives for the Mechanical Engineering program are as follows: Within a few years of graduation, our graduates are expected to: 1. Apply engineering knowledge and skills to make positive impact on society through employment in industry, advanced study, and/or public service; 2. Communicate effectively and perform professionally in both individual and multi-disciplinary team-based project environments; 3. Be engaged in and continue to engage in lifelong self-directed learning to maintain and enhance their professional skills; 4. Determine and respond to ethical implications on issues such as public safety and intellectual property protection, and also reflect on global and societal impacts of engineering solutions to contemporary problems. The Mechanical Engineering Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) have been developed to be consistent with the mission of (a) San Jose State University (SJSU), (b) the College of Engineering and (c) the Department of Mechanical Engineering. These PEO’s were chosen by the ME faculty after a significant amount of discussion during faculty meetings, a faculty retreat, and via email. They were developed based on faculty experience, evaluation of other ME programs throughout the country, and ABET guidelines. The Department Advisory Council met in March 2011 to evaluate whether they believed that these are the proper PEO’s for our department, and we also receive feedback from our alumni through surveys administered every three years. Student Learning Outcomes By the time they graduate, our students are expected to have acquired the following: a. an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering. b. an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data. c. an ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability. d. an ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams. e. an ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems. f. an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility. g. an ability to communicate effectively. h. the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context. i. a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in, life-long learning. j. a knowledge of contemporary issues. k. an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. The Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) are achieved primarily through the program curriculum, which is designed to emphasize problem solving, design skills, communication skills, and experiential learning. We expect that ME graduates have attained the abilities to achieve professional accomplishments in their early engineering career through the knowledge and skills that they acquired from the program as outlined by the SLOs. These gained abilities/skills from the program in turn will foster successful attainment of the PEOs when alumni apply them in the workplace. These SLOs are the 11 outcomes required by our accreditation agency, ABET. Table 1 shows the relationship between the PEOs and SLOs. Table 4 in Section 3 demonstrates the measures used by the students to show achievement of the SLOs. PEOs are assessed using surveys of alumni. The most recent survey closed on February 28, 2014 with 64 responses. Table 1 Relationship between PEOs and SLOs Student Learning Outcomes PEO # 1 a b c d e f g i j k PEO # 2 h PEO # 3 PEO # 4 2. Map of PLOs to University Learning Goals (ULGs) Table 2 shows the relationship between the SLO’s and the University Learning Goals. The BSME SLO’s show good overlap with all the ULG’s. Table 2 Map of BSME Student Learning Outcomes to University Learning Goals BSME Student Learning Outcomes University Learning Goal: Specialized Knowledge a b Broad Integrative Knowledge c d e Intellectual Skills Applied Knowledge Social/Global Responsibilities f g h i j k 3. Alignment – Matrix of PLOs to Courses Table 3 shows where the BSME outcomes are covered and assessed, where H indicates a more coverage and typically a higher level of expected proficiency compared to M, which indicates medium coverage. Checks indicate coverage that is not assessed. Only required courses are included on this table. Table 4 lists the measures used for assessment. Table 3 BSME Program – Outcome Matrix Student Learning Outcomes a b Engr 10 c d e f g h i j k M H M M Engr 100W ME 101 M ME 106 ME 111 M ME 113 M ME 114 H ME 115 ME 120 M ME 130 M ME 154 ME 195 A, B M M H M M H H H M H M M H M H H H H H M H M: Medium contribution H: High contribution Skills relevant but not presently assessed Table 4 Assessment Processes for Each SLO Outcome 3a ME 101 final exam ME 111 homework assignment ME 113 gateway quizzes ME 113 final exam question ME 113 final exam grade ME 114 quiz ME 120 homework assignments ME 130 final exam question Outcome 3b ME 120 individual lab reports ME 120 individual oral pres. ME 120 group project report Outcome 3c ME 154 group design report ME 154 homework assignment ME 154 quizzes ME 106 individual lab reports ME 106 group project report ME 195 group project reports Outcome 3d ME 106 term project reports ME 106 performance eval. forms ME 195 project topics ME 195 performance evaluation forms Outcome 3e ME 111 homework assignment ME 106 term project, mini-project and lab exercises ME 154 project Outcome 3f Engr 10 homework assignments Engr 10 final exam questions ME 195 quiz ME 195 group project reports Outcome 3g ME 115 lab report ME 120 individual oral pres. ME 120 lab reports Engr 100W exit exam Engr 100W written assignments ME 195 oral presentation Outcome 3h ME 113 papers ME 195 group project reports Outcome 3i # of students involved with clubs # of student competition awards ME 111 group project reports Engr 100W assignment student survey Outcome 3j ME 111 group project reports ME 113 exam questions ME 113 papers Engr 100W assignment Outcome 3k ME 106 individual lab reports ME 113 assignment ME 115 computer assignment ME 154 assembly drawings ME 154 assignment ME 154 group design report ME 154 presentation or DVD 4. Planning – Assessment Schedule Our plan is to go through two complete assessment cycles of the undergraduate program before the next ABET accreditation visit (six years from our last visit). The following schedule is being followed: 2011-12: Outcomes f, j 2012-13: b, d, g, h 2013-14: a, c, e, i 2014-15: k, f, j, b 2015-16: d, g, h, a 2016-17: c, e, i, k Individual course instructors collect the data as listed in Table 4, and course coordinators analyze the results. The ME Associate Chair coordinates the results at the end of each semester or academic year. Based on the results and analysis, the Associate Chair and the department’s Undergraduate Studies Committee work together to make recommendations for improvement. Improvements are implemented the following year and then assessed again during the next assessment cycle – or the next year if there is a serious deficiency. All students in the BSME program must achieve a C- or better in each class in their major. Thus, this grade is considered the minimum acceptable achievement for a student. Realistically, all students will not achieve a C- or better for all assignments. Thus, all outcomes are assessed using assignments from multiple classes. When one or two assignments are assessed, the goal is to have 100% of students achieve the target level on at least one. If more assignments are assessed, the goal is 70% achievement. Over time as the program improves, this goal of 70% achievement can be increased since truly the ideal is 100% achievement of each assignment and outcome. Since the PEOs represent the expectation of our graduates, they are assessed using surveys of alumni 3-5 years after graduation. A survey was just closed on February 28, 2014 with 64 responses, and another survey will be sent out in Spring 2016 so that we will have a minimum of two rounds of surveys per 6year ABET assessment cycle. We also meet every semester with our Industrial Advisory Board to receive feedback and recommendations for improvements from the employers of our graduates. Assessment results for Spring and Fall 2014 are shown in Appendix A. Most assessment data area collected at the end of the academic year and analyzed during the summer, so there is limited data from Fall 2014. 5. Student Experience The BSME PEO’s and SLO’s are included on our department website. Students have some knowledge of outcomes, but they are not included on most syllabi, and discussions are occasional, largely limited to the capstone design and senior project courses. Feedback from alumni was incorporated into the development of the outcomes but not current students. The faculty have been recommended to add ABET learning outcomes to course syllabi. Part B 6. Graduation Rates for Total, Non URM and URM students (per program and degree) Table 5 Graduation Rates First-Time Freshmen Undergraduate Transfer Fall 2008 Cohort: 6-Year Graduation Rate Fall 2011 Cohort: 3-Year Graduation Rate Program Cohort Size Program Grad Rate College Grad Rate University Grad Rate Program Cohort Size Program Grad Rate College Grad Rate University Grad Rate Total URM 114 30 39.5% 10.0% 40.5% 22.8% 49.7% 40.9% 48 10 50.0% 40.0% 37.5% 36.0% 55.3% 55.2% Non-URM All others 72 12 51.4% 41.7% 47.8% 39.3% 53.3% 52.9% 29 9 55.2% 44.4% 38.2% 36.4% 54.9% 56.9% Our graduation rates for first time freshman are lower than we would like; the numbers for underrepresented minorities are particularly troubling. The numbers for URMs are dominated by students of Hispanic background. The 6-year graduation rate for them varies widely from year-to-year. The average over the last five years has been 34% -- still low, but not nearly as bad as 10%. The total graduation rate increases to 52.4% for the 8-year graduation rate for freshmen and 67.5% for the 5-year grad rate for transfer students (both based on final major, for the most recent year). Our students are taking mostly math/science/general education in their first two years, so numbers based on final major are more representative than first major, although for transfer students there is an insignificant difference. These numbers show that while a high percentage of our students graduate, it is taking them longer than we would like. It is our hope that the reduction in units for the undergraduate program – from 132 to 120 – will allow our students to graduate faster. From experience we believe that three main factors contribute to the length of time that it takes our students to graduate. First, many of our students work and thus must take reduced unit loads (not necessarily part time, but below the average 16 units/semester shown on our four-year plan). Second, many of our students come in unprepared to take Math 30 in their first semesters. Many need to take Math 19 Precalculus or remedial math or English courses, adding to their time to graduation. And third, quite a few students change major in the first year or two, particularly if they are doing poorly in Calculus. The 2nd Year (3rd Fall) Survival FTF Cohort data shown in Table 7. The most recent data are not available, so the data from last year are printed here. The higher graduation rates in this table indicate that much of our drop-off is in the first two years. Table 7 Six-Year Graduation Rate for 2nd Year (3rd Fall) Survival FTF Cohort Fall 1999 Number Entering Overall Rate Fall 2000 Fall 2001 Fall 2002 Fall 2003 Fall 2004 Fall 2005 Fall 2006 Fall 2007 27 25 29 26 41 47 16 36 47 74.10% 64.00% 86.20% 80.80% 80.50% 89.40% 81.20% 80.60% 68.10% 7. Headcounts of program majors and new students (per program and degree) Tables 7, 8, and 9 provide the headcount of students in Fall 2014, the number of newly enrolled students from 2009-2014, and the headcount from 2009-2014. Here we see the large influx in 2013 when admissions were opened up. Fall 2012 numbers are lower due to a lower admittance and show rate, most likely partially due to the announced impaction. Stability in numbers of students admitted – either a relatively constant number or a steady increase – would give us a better ability to care for all of our students than when we have the widely fluctuating numbers we have seen since 2012. Table 7 BSME Headcount Fall 2014 Fall 2014 New Students Continuing Students FT Admit Continuing Total New Transf Total Retn.Tranf 126 87 585 3 BS 85 87 517 3 MS 41 Returning 1 68 1 803 1 693 110 1 Table 8 Newly Enrolled BSME Students Fall Fall Fall Fall 2009 2010 2011 2012 1st Time Freshman 75 57 95 31 New Undergrad Transfer 40 44 50 23 Undergraduates Trnst-Ugrd Fall 2013 150 115 Fall 2014 85 87 Table 9 Headcount of BSME Majors Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 693 595 583 605 525 693 8. SFR and average section size (per program) Table 10 shows the SFR and Table 11 the average headcount per section in ME courses in Fall 2014 Table 10 SFR in ME, College, and University courses Fall 2014 ME SFR College SFR University SFR Lower Division 25.3 26.4 31.0 Upper Division 28.4 27.0 25.5 Graduate Division 25.1 40.9 20.8 Table 11 Average Headcount per Section Fall 2014 Lower Division Subject Headcount per Section 140.5 College Headcount per Section 48.2 University Headcount per Section 35.6 Upper Division 38.6 37.2 28.0 Graduate Division 17.9 31.6 15.8 The average headcount for lower division ME courses is based only on ME 20 and 30. There is a very large 50-minute lecture for each of these classes followed by a smaller 2 ½ hour lab of about 25 students each later in the week. The 140.5 headcount must only be counting the lecture portion of the classes. Our SFR is higher than the university average for upper division and graduate students, which includes all of our courses except for two, and our section size is larger at all levels. 9. Percentage of tenured/tenure-track instructional faculty (per department) Although our percentage of FTEF is in line with college and university levels, as shown in Table 12, the large number of lab courses that we run makes this percentage problematic. Required lab courses include ME 20, 30, 106, 115, and 120, and elective lab courses include ME 168, 169, 190, 192, 250, and 285. Developing, updating, and fixing lab equipment takes the effort of a full time faculty member – not to mention the need to train TAs to run lab sections. The department will be adding two new tenure-track faculty for the fall but has requested permission to search for two more. Table 12 Percentage of Tenured/Tenure-Track Instructional Faculty Fall 2014 ME FTEF # ME FTEF % College FTEF % University FTEF % Tenured/Tenure-track 5.2 43% 42.7% 42.8% Not tenure-track 6.8 57% 57.3% 57.2% 12.0 100% 100.0% 100.0% Total Part C 10. Closing the Loop/Recommended Actions The following recommendations were received from the 2013-14 Annual Report. These will be addressed below. PLOs: Please consider developing explicit outcome metrics to assess outcomes, instead of relying on assignment grades. Please also consider communicating outcomes more explicitly to students on appropriate syllabi. Graduation rates: Efforts should continue to determine causes of attrition in the first two years, and also in URM population. a. PLOs: Please consider developing explicit outcome metrics to assess outcomes, instead of relying on assignment grades. Please also consider communicating outcomes more explicitly to students on appropriate syllabi. Faculty have been asked to put ABET learning outcomes on their course syllabi, effective Fall 2015. They will be reminded again shortly before the semester begins. Some elements of outcomes can be assessed directly with an assignment or exam question grade. For example, statistics (a sub-element of Outcome a) can easily be assessed with homework assignments on that topic, a chemistry (another sub-element of Outcome a) is assessed with a final exam question. However, other areas need a more comprehensive rubric. Project report grades include too many elements and thus do not give complete information about achievement of outcomes. Such rubrics are already used in some classes (see assessment results for ME 106 and 111 in the appendix) but need to be added to others (ME 154 and 195b in particular). Course coordinators have been recommended to add these rubrics. In the long term, it would be helpful to move towards using Canvas rubrics for assessment where appropriate. Right now we have many senior full time as well as part-time faculty who do not use Canvas. An experiment in Fall 2014 to use Canvas for outcome assessment in one course with multiple instructors failed for this reason. Going forward new faculty will be instructed in the use of Canvas rubrics for assessment, so over the years we may see more automated assessment. Right now the ME department collects an extremely large amount of data. The time has come for the department’s Undergraduate Studies Committee to re-examine the data collected to pare it down, determine where rubrics need to be developed, and work on automating some of the process using Canvas. b) Graduation rates: Efforts should continue to determine causes of attrition in the first two years, and also in URM population. The department would like to send out surveys of students who change major out of ME. We wish to determine why students are leaving and what additional support could have helped them stay in ME (if that would have been their desire). Without knowing the cause of the problem, it is difficult to fix. Unfortunately, IEA said that they could not provide contact information or a list of names of students who started as ME majors and later changed. However, it appears that the dean’s office may have some limited information, so that is being pursued. If that does not provide sufficient information, in Summer 2015 we plan to have our administrators go through the list of majors year-by-year to identify students who have left the major that we can contact. Anecdotally, the problem seems to be that “math and physics are hard”. Because there are no specific admissions requirements to get into engineering majors, we see many that start unprepared, having to take remedial math or pre-calculus before moving into Math 30. It is a very long haul for these students, and it is not surprising that many drop out of the major in the first two years. To address retention in the upper division, we have begun addressing student performance in ME 101 Dynamics this year. ME 101 is a required first–semester junior-level course for ME and CE students. Poor achievement of the learning outcomes for this class can lead to failure in follow-on courses. Significant resources for tutors have been devoted for this course, with a team of high-achieving seniors and graduate students provided as a team to help students in any section of the course. In addition, a common final exam has been added to provide more uniform assessment. 11. Assessment Data In early summer 2014, assessment data from outcomes a, c, e, and i, from the 2013-14 academic year, were analyzed. We are collecting data for the 2014-15 academic year to address SLO’s k, f, j, and b, but only a limited amount of those results are available at this time. Results are included in Appendix A. The tools used for assessment are given in Table 4. Additionally, we have performed one round of alumni surveys since our last visit, in Spring 2014. Results were presented in our last annual report. 12. Analysis All outcomes show promising results, but there is always room for improvement. The following recommendations were made based on the assessment results for Spring and Fall 2014 that are in the appendix. Outcome 3a Analysis Every course in the program has significant number of assignments relating to this outcome. Students must achieve a minimum grade of C- in all technical courses to graduate. As a result, every student should achieve this outcome by the time they graduate. However, the topic of how to improve the ability of our students to apply math, in particular, to engineering systems continues to be a matter of discussion within the department. Analysis shows several areas for improvement. 1) Scores from ME 114, used to analyze differential equations, show that some students’ ability to apply differential equations to an engineering system is lacking. It is recommended that review material, with examples, be posted online for students in any section to use. In addition, it would be good to get assessment data from ME 130 to get a broader picture of student achievement of differential equations. However, the course coordinator for that class declined to provide data at this time. Although not explicitly required by ABET, it would also be good to analyze student achievement of linear algebra, but it was not possible to get data on this subject in ME 130 for the same reason. The department’s Undergraduate Studies Committee should look into this issue, possibly by moving this assessment to a different course like ME 147. 2) The department has been putting extra resources into helping students be successful in ME 101, especially related to tutoring. Unfortunately, many students who need this tutoring the most do not take advantage of it. The department is exploring the option of adding a 1-unit ME 101W workshop course (similar to Math 30W) to help students who are struggling. This course would be highly recommended for students with lower GPAs but not required. 3) Measures should be put in place to ensure that more students in ME 120 turn in the homework assignment related to statistics. 4) The classes in which students apply chemistry the most are Chem 1a and MatE 25 Introduction to Materials. Chemistry (in the traditional sense) is only a small part of ME 113, in which it is currently assessed. It is recommended that the department try to get assessment data on the topic of chemistry from MatE 25. Outcome 3c Analysis Our students are very “hands on”. They love design projects, and assessment results from ME 106, 154, and 195b show that they do well on them. The only recommended improvement is to provide separate rubrics, in addition to the very detailed final report evaluation rubric used in ME 195b, that help faculty in ME 154 and 195b perform an assessment more directly linked to the learning objective. Outcome 3e Analysis The open-ended projects in ME 106, ME 111, and ME 154 (as well as ME 195a/b) illustrate that students are able to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems, particularly since these projects are not defined by the instructor but rather are chosen by the students themselves. Lately ME 111 has been staffed largely by part-time instructors. The course coordinator for ME 111 will ensure that all instructors understand that this problem (or one similar) must be included in every section every semester Outcome 3i Analysis The involvement in student clubs and the student success in design competitions are very promising. The results of the project in ME 111 do not show achievement of the outcome. It is recommended that data from Engr 100W be used, when it becomes available, to analyze student ability to solicit and learn new material on their own. 13. Proposed changes and goals (if any) A major goal for the 2014-15 academic year has been the hiring of new faculty. This process has successfully concluded, with two new tenure-track faculty members planning to join us in the fall. We have requested the authorization to search for two more new faculty members during the 2015-16 academic year. Goals for the new year include Continued development of the Hybrid and Electric Vehicles Lab, under the leadership of Dr. Fred Barez. Development of new labs in the areas of controls and thermal-fluids by our new tenure-track faculty Potential expansion of the methods used with ME 101 to provide extra resources to students to include ME 113 Thermodynamics. Investigation into the causes of our lower-than-desired 6-year graduation rate Appendix A Spring 2014/Fall 2014 Assessment Data and Analysis Outcome 3a -- an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering (Spring 2014) ME graduates can: 1. Use math (calculus, differential equations, linear algebra) to solve ME problems. 2. Use science (chemistry, physics concepts) to solve ME problems 3. Use engineering principles (Newton’s laws, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, heat transfer etc) to solve ME problems ME 101 Dynamics ME 101 Dynamics is one of the courses used to assess Outcome 3a, an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering. This course is well suited because it requires application of skills in vector calculus, physics, and engineering mechanics, and all of these components are tested for proficiency in exams. Accordingly, final exam scores are used as the quantitative metric for evaluating level of success in achieving Outcome 3a. Evaluation in this summary is based on data from the Spring 2014 semester, in which there were two sections taught by two different instructors. A grade of C(after normalizing the two sections according to respective percentage scales) was considered passinglevel proficiency in both sections. In Section 01, 40 out of 65 students (69%) met or exceeded Cproficiency level. In Section 02, 30 out of 39 students (77%) demonstrated C- proficiency level. ME 101 serves students from different majors, so to examine in greater detail data from the larger section were divided according to major. In relative comparison there is a favorable observation that a larger fraction of ME majors demonstrate proficiency. Major # of Students Avg. Final Exam Score Meets or Exceeds C- Mechanical Engineering 30 78.1 23/30 = 77% Civil Engineering 19 70.8 11/19 = 58% Aerospace Engineering 12 71.9 9/12 = 75% General Engineering 4 73.2 2/4 = 50% Overall 65 74.5 40/65 = 69% A possible contributor to the differences among majors is that Mechanical Engineering (ME) and Aerospace Engineering (AE) majors must earn a C- or better in all required courses for the major, whereas Civil Engineering (CE) majors and General Engineering (ENGR) majors must earn at least a 2.0 GPA in the major. So in effect a “D” grade in ME 101 can be considered “passing” for CE or ENGR majors, whereas it is not considered passing for ME or AE majors. This requirement correlates with the observation that a higher proportion of ME and AE majors met or exceeded the C- proficiency level. In Fall 2014, the ME Department began placing a more emphatic premium on passing by instituting a “gateway” requirement for ME 101. Under this policy, ME students must pass ME 101 with C- or better within no more than two attempts, and failure to do so can mean disqualification from the ME major. To help students more proactively, the ME Department expanded the use of peer tutoring beginning in Fall 2014. It was observed by both Spring 2014 instructors that a key obstacle for students was weakness in basic calculus, and accordingly an indexed library of video resources (e.g. from sources such as Khan Academy) are being prepared to facilitate ease of reviewing calculus skills that are most relevant to dynamics. ME 113 Thermodynamics For outcome 3a, we analyzed the following items Gateway quiz on the First Law of Thermodynamics (application of physics) Final exam question on mixtures (application of chemistry) Final exam grade (application of engineering principles) In this course, students take a “gateway quiz” on the application of the First Law of Thermodynamics. Students much achieve a 70% or better to pass the class. The first quiz is given in class, and that score factors into their grade for the class. If they do not achieve a 70%, they have three opportunities to take different versions of the quiz online. While their scores on the online retakes do not factor into their overall grade for the class, they must achieve a 70% or better on one of the quizzes before they take the first midterm in order to pass the class. Fourteen students out of 60 scores lower than 70% on the first quiz, but all achieved a 70% or better upon retaking a different version of the quiz online. The last question on the final exam in F13, worth 19% of the total points, related to properties of mixtures (application of chemistry). The average score on this problem was a 77% with 21% scoring below a C- on this question, showing room for improvement. The final exam in ME 113 is cumulative and is a good indication of the ability of the students to apply the fundamentals of thermodynamics. It consists of theory questions from the Thermodynamics Concept Inventory developed by professors at several universities (approx. 20%), short questions related to environmental issues (approx. 8%) and the remainder consists calculation problems. Any student receiving a course grade of D+ or lower must retake the class. Of the students who achieved the course grade of C- or better, necessary to move on to ME 114 Heat Transfer, 88% received a C- or better on the final exam. The average grade on the final exam was a C+ with a median grade of B-. Interestingly, the fail rate (D+ or lower) for this instructor for ME 113 over approximately six years has consistently been about 21%, but in Fall 2013 it was 13%. It may be that impaction has resulted in a stronger pool of students. ME 114 Heat Transfer For this outcome we assessed the first quiz on the semester in which student must apply differential equations. Students integrate a one-dimensional steady-state heat conduction equation in cylindrical coordinates and apply boundary conditions to come up with an equation for temperature as a function of position. Students struggle with this concept – both the integration and application of boundary conditions. It is recommended that review material about differential equations be placed online to help students achieve this concept better. In two semesters, 31% and 43% of students who passed the class received lower than a C- on this first quiz. Scores on the first exam, which came later than the quiz, showed some improvement in understanding but not what we would hope it to be. ME 120 Experimental Methods ME 120 has one 50 minute lecture and one three-hour laboratory session per week. There are six directed experiments that give students hands-on experience with various sensors, test and measurement instruments, and data acquisition hardware and software. Each directed experiment has a set of instructions that introduces the background of the experiment, the instruments, and the experimental procedure. The students work mostly in pairs to perform the experiments. Each student must individually write a report that describes what was done and what was found (see the ME 120 course binder for samples). In addition to the directed experiments, students work in teams to devise and carry out an open-ended experiment of their own choice as a term project. The team documents the experiment and their findings in a written report and presents it to their classmates in oral format using presentation software. Performance Analysis and Recommendations The grade record of ME 120 for spring 2014 shows that, aside from those who received zero for failing to turn in the assignment, no student scored less than 7/10 on Homework 5, which deals primarily with statistics: mean, standard deviation, estimation of error, and expected likelihood estimation for normally distributed measurement values (N=59 (43 non-zero), average = 8.86, standard deviation = 1.06). Based on these, it appears that the vast majority of students in ME 120 know how to apply basic statistical concepts to measurements. The high number of individuals (16) who received a zero score on this assignment, presumably because they did not turn it in, is somewhat troubling. An improvement for the next course offering might be to make this assignment count more significantly in the final grade or make it a ‘gateway’, where students must submit an attempt and must score above a threshold value in order to pass the class. The second laboratory experiment focuses on statistical process control applied to the measurement diameter of centerless ground stainless steel rods. The grade record shows that all students who performed the experiment and turned in a report (N= 59 (54 non-zero)) received 77/100 or higher on their report. Based on these scores, it appears that the vast majority of students who performed the experiment learned the concepts underlying statistical process control. An improvement for the next course offering might be to make this experiment count more significantly in the final grade or make it a ‘gateway’, where students must submit a report and must score above a threshold value in order to pass the class. It should be noted, however, that most of the students who did not turn in this report, did not pass the class. ME 120 appears to be satisfactorily addressing Outcomes 3a, especially in terms of coverage of statistics. The situation could be improved by making sure that all students submit assignments covering statistics at a threshold level. Outcome 3a Summary Every course in the program has significant number of assignments relating to this outcome. Students must achieve a minimum grade of C- in all technical courses to graduate. As a result, every student should achieve this outcome by the time they graduate. However, the topic of how to improve the ability of our students to apply math, in particular, to engineering systems continues to be a matter of discussion within the department. Analysis shows several areas for improvement. 5) Scores from ME 114, used to analyze differential equations, show that some students’ ability to apply differential equations to an engineering system is lacking. It is recommended that review material, with examples, be posted online for students in any section to use. In addition, it would be good to get assessment data from ME 130 to get a broader picture of student achievement of differential equations. However, the course coordinator for that class declined to do assessment. 6) The department has been putting extra resources into helping students be successful in ME 101, especially related to tutoring. It is recommended that this practice continue. 7) Measures should be put in place to ensure that more students in ME 120 turn in the homework assignment related to statistics. 8) The classes in which students apply chemistry the most are Chem 1a and MatE 25 Introduction to Materials. Chemistry (in the traditional sense) is only a small part of ME 113, in which it is currently assessed. It is recommended that the department try to get assessment data on the topic of chemistry from MatE 25. Outcome 3c -- an ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability (Spring 2014) ME graduates can: 1. Based on an identified need, define a problem statement in engineering terms 2. Generate design concepts for a system, component or process and select the most suitable one based on the constraints in economics, environmental, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability etc. 3. Develop design specifications (materials, geometry, operating parameters etc), perform analysis and design verification ME 106 Fundamentals of Mechatronics ME 106 consists of two 50-minute lecture and one three-hour laboratory session per week. There are nine directed laboratory exercises that give students hands-on experience with electronic test and measurement instruments, electronic circuits and devices, sensors, actuators, microcontrollers, and embedded software. Lab exercises are conducted in pairs and lead the students through discovery and application of fundamental concepts in mechatronics. Each student must individually write a report that describes what was done and what was found (see the ME 106 course binder for samples). In addition to the directed laboratory exercises, students work in teams of two to five to design a mechatronic system as a term project. The team documents their design and design process in a written report and presents it in a project exhibition at the end of the semester. Performance Analysis and Recommendations The term project is the primary instrument that is used to assess Outcome 3c. The students are given a very detailed guideline which explains the rationale for the assignment, lists the deliverables, and suggests a process for completing the assignment. The basic idea is that students in teams of approximately two to five must design a mechatronic device which is comprised of at least one sensor, at least one actuator, mechanical components, and must be controlled by a microcontroller. Some students also take ME 154 Mechanical Engineering Design in the same semester. ME 154 also requires an open-ended design project that primarily emphasizes mechanism design, and students taking both classes are encouraged to devise a project that satisfies requirements of both classes. The open-ended nature of the term project in ME 106 unleashes significant and wide ranging creativity in what the students design, and the project also directly addresses Outcome 3c. The grade for the project is determined as a weighted sum of scores for the following sub-elements: Concept (25%) The technical merits of the design, including, innovation, appropriate use of hardware and software, and application of physical and engineering principles. Implementation (25%) How well the concept was implemented in hardware, where the focus is on the quality of workmanship and finished appearance. Performance (25%) How well the project performed during the project exhibition. Report and Video (25%) How complete and well-written the documentation of the design is. The key criteria is, “How easy would it be for someone acquainted with Mechatronics to understand, reproduce, and/or modify the design as documented?” (It was expected that each team would also produce two short videos, one describing the project, and the other describing what was learned in the process.) The report score is determined as a weighted sum of sub-scores for the Title Page, the Project Summary, the Introduction, the description of the Design Requirements, the Design Details, the Outcome of the project, the list of references, the source code, and appendices. The score for each sub-element is based on a five-point scale, where: 1= 2= 3= 4= 5= Unacceptable Needs significant improvement Acceptable Good Excellent Table 1 summarizes the results from Spring 2014. 100% of the projects (32/32) were at a level of Acceptable or higher for the overall project score. All of the projects (100%) demonstrated at least Acceptable quality in the design concept. 84% (27/32) projects were Acceptable or better in terms of the team being able to articulate the design requirements in the report for the mechatronic system that they designed. 100% of the project reports earned Acceptable or better rating for the documentation of the details of their design. Table 1. Summary of term project scoring for ME 106 Spring 2014. The table shows the results of scoring the subelements of the project and the results for sub-scores for the project report. Des Reqs Details Outcome 4.42 3.56 3.92 4.45 0.85 0.69 1.21 0.80 5 5 5 5 2 3 2 3 32 30 31 31 100% 100% 94% 97% # below Acceptable = 0 0 2 % below Acceptable = 0% 0% 6% Statistic Concept Implem Perf Title Summary avg= 4.89 4.57 4.61 4.53 4.12 stdev= 0.30 0.50 0.76 0.72 max= 5 4 4 nonzero min= 4 3 count at or above Acceptable 32 % at or above Acceptable = Intro Ref Source Appendix Video Rollup 4.52 4.86 4.56 4.55 4.54 0.79 0.96 0.34 0.90 0.77 0.30 5 5 5 5 5 5 4.85 1 2 2 2 4 1 3 3.41 32 27 31 31 29 32 31 30 32 97% 100% 84% 97% 97% 91% 100% 97% 94% 100% 0 2 4 6 1 1 3 0 1 2 0 3% 3% 0% 16% 3% 3% 9% 0% 3% 6% 0% The ratings of the Term Project reports suggest that Outcome 3c is being met in large part by ME 106. It is noted that more emphasis should be given to having the students articulate the design requirements in their report. The project guideline gives some rather general design requirements, but the students could do a better job at generating specific requirements and comparing their results to the requirements to close the design loop. ME 154 Mechanical Engineering Design ME154 was assessed in Spring 2014; 92 students were enrolled in this course, and one unauthorized withdrawal occurred at the second half of the semester. Three components from ME154 were evaluated for this assessment, namely, a group design project report, homework assignments, and quizzes. From a total of 26 group project reports, all student teams demonstrated an ability to design a kinematic system to meet the desired needs with given constraints. The report scores range from 80 points to 93 points on a 100-point scale; the medium score is 87. This was an open-ended project in which students had to develop their own project objectives and constraints and determine a design that would allow them to achieve those objectives with the constraints. There were 12 homework sets assigned to students in the ME154 class. The homework is worth 9% of the course grade. Out of 91 students, 83.5% achieved 70% or better in the homework and extra credit total scores, and 16.5% below the threshold level of 70%. In-class pop quizzes and an online quiz were given to students in ME154 class. Here 42% of the students earned 70% or better in total quiz scores, 67% of the students achieved 60% or better in quiz scores and 87% achieved 50% or better in quiz total scores. The quiz percentage was lower than expectation level primarily due to two factors: the in-class quizzes were given at the beginning of the class and many students showed up few minutes late and missed the quiz on that day. Secondly, students did not review the materials covered in previous two lectures to prepare for the pop quizzes. However, the online quiz alone has much better result than in-class quiz. The project report and homework show strong achievement of Outcome 3c although the quizzes show room for improvement. ME 195b Senior Design Project II Our senior project sequence consists of one two-semester project. Students work on projects in groups of 3-8 on problem definition, analysis, and design in the fall (ME 195a). The spring is devoted to prototype construction, testing, and analysis of testing results (ME 195b). The students’ design skills were evaluated through their senior project report using the detailed rubric attached in Appendix B. The average score on the rubrics was an 85%, and no student team scored below a C-. For the class, 43% received an A (excellent work), 33% a B (good work), and 24 % a C (acceptable work). Faculty members closely mentor the students throughout the year, and students typically take strong ownership of their projects. As a result, no student teams had unacceptable projects during the 2013-14 academic year. These results are very promising. To provide more in-depth information, for the next assessment cycle, it is recommended that an additional rubric that is directly tied to the learning outcome. This rubric should evaluate the following elements: Clear definition of the problem statement Generation of several concepts and justification for the one selected Development of detailed design specifications Performance of engineering analysis (FEA, analytical methods, etc.) Evidence of consideration of external constraints (economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, sustainability) Outcome 3c Summary Our students are very “hands on”. They love design projects, and assessment results from ME 106, 154, and 195b show that they do well on them. The only recommended improvement is to provide separate rubrics, in addition to the very detailed final report evaluation rubric used in ME 195b, that help faculty in ME 154 and 195b perform an assessment more directly linked to the learning objective. Outcome 3e -- an ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems (Spring 2014) ME graduates: 1. Define and articulate the problem in engineering terms 2. Research and collect information pertaining to the problem 3. Develop a plan to tackle the problem 4. Draw on the pertinent subject knowledge/information and assess the accuracy of that information 5. Monitor their problem solving process, reflect on its effectiveness, and modify the process as needed ME 111 Fluid Dynamics A mini-research project is assigned at the end of this course, asking students to research any application of fluid mechanics to a contemporary application. They work in groups of 3-5 comprised of mechanical and civil engineering majors. Requirements of the assignment include: finding relevant articles written within the past 10 years from the SJSU library databases and other sources, writing a joint technical research report describing the importance of the contemporary application and the role of fluid mechanics, and delivering an oral presentation to the class on their research project. The rubric used to grade the assignment was common to all three sections, and specifically assesses the targeted learning outcomes 3e, 3i, and 3j. Benchmark Criterion: The benchmark criterion used to judge if student performance indicates if the intended outcomes are being met is if more than 75% of the students in each section receive a grade of 70% or higher on the rubric items on this assignment. If this threshold is not achieved, the outcome is deemed to not have been met. Each student on each project team was rated on their ability to identify, formulate, and solve a fluid mechanics problem as it related to their project, on a scale of 0 (no ability) to 4 (successfully framed a fluid mechanics problem and analyzed it using theory taught in class). The data from one semester was as follows: 0/4: 1/4: 2/4: 3/4: 4/4: 2% 14% 2% 4% 78% Based on this data, 82% of the students met the criterion if receiving a score of 3/4 or higher in this category. While one can always do better, Outcome 3e appears to have been met. ME 106 Fundamentals of Mechatronics There are many elements in ME 106 where students are challenged to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems. The term project (discussed earlier under 3c) and the lab exercises are the most significant elements contributing to this outcome. The term project requires problem solving in mechanical, electrical, and software realms. The summary of performance described in Table 1 seems to indicate strong problem solving performance when it comes to a hands-on design challenge. The lab exercises often require the students to debug hardware and software problems that crop up in the course of the lab session. Lab 6 involves controlling the motion of the carriage salvaged from an ink-jet printer and is one of the more challenging experiments from a problem-solving standpoint. In this experiment, students must construct an interface between a microcontroller, two kinds of opto sensors, a motor driver, and limit switches and develop a software program to run on the microcontroller that will shuttle the carriage between the two opto sensors. The lab guidelines give rough schematic diagrams of the set up, but the students are largely on their own for figuring out how to get it all together and have it function properly. The scores for the lab report from Lab 6 provide a measure of the ability of students to solve an engineering problem without a recipe. The mean score on the report for Lab 6 was 34/40 or 85% (N=65) with a standard deviation of 3.91. 94% scored better than 69% on this report. The performance of students on this lab assignment seems to support a conclusion that ME 106 is doing a good job at helping students develop the ability to identify, formulate, and solve mechatronic engineering problems. ME 154 The term project from ME 154 is like-wise open-ended, where students define their own problems and follow them through to evaluation of their chosen solution methods. This project is discussed under Outcome 3c, and many of the same conclusions apply to Outcome 3e. Outcome 3e Summary The open-ended projects in ME 106, ME 111, and ME 154 (as well as ME 195a/b) illustrate that students are able to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems, particularly since these projects are not defined by the instructor but rather are chosen by the students themselves. Lately ME 111 has been staffed largely by part-time instructors. The course coordinator for ME 111 will ensure that all instructors understand that this problem (or one similar) must be included in every section every semester Outcome 3i -- a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in, life-long learning (Spring 2014) Recognition of the need for life-long learning: ME graduates: 1. Are willing and able to learn new material on their own. 2. Read articles / books outside of class materials. 3. Continue their education by attending student club meeting, campus workshops, seminars, conferences or plan to go graduate school upon graduation. An ability to engage in life-long learning: 1. Can access information effectively and efficiently from a variety of sources. A survey of graduating seniors was performed to determine how involved they were in enhancing their own education outside of the classroom. The results were as follows: 45% attended at least one engineering-related club activity in the year before graduation, with an average of 0.57 activities per person 22% engaged in a design competition in the year before graduation, with an average of 0.29 competitions per person 32% attended other training/educational activities (such as short courses or educational seminars not required for class) in the year before graduation, with an average of 0.63 activities per person 70% had an internship or other engineering-related job while a student at SJSU 20% worked with a professor on a research project while a student at SJSU Student Design Competition Results Spring 2014 Formula SAE team took 15th place out of 126 in an international competition in Michigan and 2nd place out of 28 in an international competition in Canada. In Canada, our team was the only American team to make it to the finals (top four teams). The team’s world ranking jumped 59 places to 56 out of 509 teams. In the ASME Regional Design Competition held at Cal Poly- SLO, our students took 1st and 2nd in the oral competition and 1st and 2nd in the technical poster competition. The first place winner in the oral competition is scheduled to compete in the international ASME competition in November 2014. A team of four students took second place in ASHRAE’s Design Calculations Competition, a very competitive international competition related to HVAC. The high numbers of students involved in clubs and the strong competition results are good indications that our students are willing and able to seek out and learn information on their own. The high number of students working engineering-related jobs has both very positive and some negative implications. We are very happy that so many of our students are gaining work experience before they graduate. However, this work also leads to fewer hours available for coursework. The College of Engineering, as part of its new vision and roadmap, is exploring ways to connect our freshman more fully. As this initiative move forward, we hope to see even more of our students involved in clubs earlier in their educational careers. ME 111 Fluid Dynamics Each student on each project team discussed previously under Outcome 3e was also rated on their ability to engage in lifelong learning by demonstrating the retrieval of at least one archival quality publication and by synthesizing, thinking critically about, and evaluating the information contained within, again on a scale of 0 to 4. The data for one semester is summarized below: 0/4: 0% 1/4: 8% 2/4: 44% 3/4: 14% 4/4: 36% Based on this data, only 50% of the students received a score of 3/4 or better, and consequently, this outcome is not met. This skill is introduced in much more detail in Engr 100W Engineering Reports, which students often take concurrently with or after ME 111, so this result is not unexpected. Outcome 3i Summary The involvement in student clubs and the student success in design competitions are very promising. The results of the project in ME 111 do not show achievement of the outcome. It is recommended that data from Engr 100W be used, when it becomes available, to analyze student ability to solicit and learn new material on their own. Outcome 3j -- a knowledge of contemporary issues (Fall 2014) ME graduates are able to: 1. Give examples of contemporary issues related to Engineering and Technology, and articulate a problem statement or position statement for each. 2 Explain their relevancy to the present time. 3 Suggest reasonable/possible theories regarding the root causes of contemporary problems and identify possible solutions to contemporary problems ME 113 Thermodynamics ME 113 was used to show that students have a knowledge of contemporary issues, in particular, global warming and ozone depletion. A “gateway” writing assignment is given in ME 113 after a lecture on global warming and ozone depletion. In Spring 2015 this assignment related to President Obama’s recommended increased CAFÉ Standards (Corporate Average Fuel Economy). Students must write a researched advocacy memo to a congressman/woman or senator letting him or her know if they support the president’s increased fuel economy requirements. Students who score below a 70% must revise and resubmit their essays to achieve an acceptable score before they can pass the class (The best they can do after resubmission is a 70%). The average score after the first submission was an 84%, with 4% receiving an unacceptable score. These students had to resubmit to pass the class. On the first exam, students are also given two short questions related to the cause of ozone depletion. 86% of students had acceptable answers, showing at least a very basic understanding of how the chlorine in Freon caused problems for the ozone layer. Additional data for this area are being collected in Spring 2015 and will be analyzed in Summer 2015. Appendix B Senior Project Report Evaluation Rubric Team: _______ Names: _____________________________________________________ Date: _____________ Criteria Title Page 2: Title is descriptive and specific; lists the entity for which the report was written, i.e., San José State University, Charles W. Davidson College of Engineering, ME195B Senior Design Project II, name of professor, section number, names of the team members, date of submission. No page number on title page. 1: Title is adequate but may be lacking in specificity, missing one of the required elements or mistake in: entity for which presentation is being made, names of team members, date of presentation. Abstract 5: Succinctly and specifically states: what was done, why and how it was done, and results (performance results). 4: For the most part abstract what/why was done, how it was done, and results, but lacks a little in terms of specificity or quality of the summary. 3: Significantly lacking in description of what was done, why and how it was done, and results or missing one of the requested elements of the abstract. 2: Missing one or two of the requested elements of the abstract. 1: Missing more than two of the requested elements of the abstract. Acknowledgement 1: List of sponsors and/or professors, technicians, other students, friends and relatives who have supported or helped the project. Table of Contents 1: Includes titles of each section and subsection, and page numbers. Appears after Acknowledgement and before List of Figures. Nicely formatted. List of Figures 1: Includes caption of each table and page number that is consistent or matches the figure in the text. List of Tables 1: Includes caption of each table and page number that is consistent or matches the table in the text. Introduction Section (Chapter 1) 8: Fully and clearly describes what the project was all about, first in general (referring to the guideline to describe the general goals and requirements), and then specifically, presenting the specific objectives that the design addresses. Contains clear sketches, drawings, and/or photographs and verbiage that very clearly explains what the project is all about. Includes a detailed, well-documented literature review 6: For the most part describes what the project was all about, but lacking a little in clarity or completeness. Contains sketches, drawings, and/or photographs and verbiage that satisfactorily explains to someone unfamiliar with the project what it is all about. Literature review is present but may completely thorough. Environmental, society, and/or global impacts are discussed but not as completely as they could be. 4: Provides some introduction to the project, but may be missing general goals and requirements or specific goals and requirements. Somewhat less than satisfactorily introduces the background and goals of the project. May be Score missing sketches, drawings, and/or photographs if verbiage compensates. Literature review and discussion of environmental, societal, and/or economic impacts are sketchy. 2: Missing significant description to inform the reader about the background of the project. Literature review or discussion of environmental, societal, and/or economic impacts may be missing. Social Impacts Note that this should not appear as a separate section but should be part of Chapter 1. 6: Global, social, environmental, political and/or health and safety issues thoroughly discussed, including issues leading to a need for the project and those predicted to result from the project. 3: Effects are discussed, but the analysis is weak and only touches the surface. Analytical Background (Chapter 2) 12: Thoroughly explains the engineering theory behind all major design decisions. Important equations included in the text with additional details in appendices as needed. 8: Engineering theory behind most major decisions discussed. Some theory or equations may be missing, and discussion may not be as thorough as it could be. 4: Theory behind some major design decisions is missing. Discussion is present but very incomplete. Prototype Design (Chapter 3) 25: Pros and cons of several design concepts discussed. Simulations, theoretical calculations, and/or experiments used to justify and optimize design. Detailed calculations and/or simulation results in appendices. Clear and complete documentation of design through sketches, drawings, and/or photographs to clearly show design details. Complete CAD drawings present in appendices. 20: Adequate but not excellent use of simulation and/or theoretical calculations to justify design. Some elements of the design may not be optimized. Somewhat effectively uses sketches, drawings, and/or photographs to show design and performance details. Minor omissions in CAD drawings. 15: Justification of design choices quite incomplete. Missing some information to fully document the design. Some CAD drawings missing or poorly done. 10: Alternative design concepts missing. Limited justification of design. Missing significant amounts of information to document the design, including multiple missing or poorly done CAD drawings. 5: Alternative design concepts missing. Almost no justification of design. Very inadequate documentation of the design, including few CAD drawings. Microcontroller and Electronic System Interface (Chapter 4)* 8: Use of microcontrollers and electronic components discussed and justified. Block diagram of electronic circuits included. Appropriate use of data acquisition documented. 5: Adequate discussion of electronic elements included, but choice of components and data acquisition setup may not be fully justified. 3: Use of some electronic elements and/or data acquisition setup may be poorly documented or missing. Fabrication and Assembly (Chapter 5) 10: Bill of materials and table showing all costs included. Assembly method clearly documented, with drawings as needed. Thorough discussion of challenges during construction and assembly. Data sheets in appendix. 7: A couple minor components may be missing from bill of materials and cost table. Adequate but not thorough discussion of assembly method or construction challenges. 4: Poor documentation of assembly method. Discussion of challenges may be missing, along with multiple components that should appear in the bill of materials, cost table, or data sheets. Testing Results and Appendices (Chapter 6) 20: Testing setup completely tests all major aspects of design. Effective use of data acquisition, as needed. Calculation of experimental uncertainty included, as needed. Testing results effectively presented using figures and tables. Thorough analysis of how well the prototype meets the specifications/design criteria. 15: Testing setup completely tests most but not all major aspects of design. Effective use of data acquisition, as needed. Calculation of experimental uncertainty included, as needed, but may not be as thorough as it could be. Testing results effectively presented using figures and tables. Adequate but not thorough analysis of how well the prototype meets the specifications/design criteria. 10: Testing setup tests some major aspects of design. Use of data acquisition, as needed, could be better. Calculation of experimental uncertainty may be missing. Testing results presented using figures and tables but may not be very clear. Discussion of how well the prototype meets the specifications/design criteria is limited . 5: Limited testing. Data acquisition and calculation of experimental uncertainty may be missing. Poor presentation of testing results with little to no analysis. Conclusions, and Recommendations for Further Work (Chapter 7) 5: Clear and complete conclusions and recommendations for further work; demonstrates that some thought was given as to what worked well and/or did not work well. Recommendations are specific and show that some thought was given toward what could be done to improve the design. 4: Clear conclusions, but recommendations for further work lack some specificity and/or substance. 3: Conclusions less than clear, recommendations for further work may lack some specificity and/or substance. 2: Conclusions or recommendations missing or poorly done. 1: Inadequate or missing conclusions and/or recommendations for further work. Global Impacts Note that this should not appear as a separate section but should be part of Chapter 7. 4: Clear discussion of how your project would need to change if implemented in a different country; if not at all, clear discussion of why not; also a thorough discussion of health and safety effects of your project. 2: Discussion of these two issues is present but only touches the surface. References 3: Properly cited in body of report and reference list, pertinent references. Shows that research was done. 2: References that are pertinent, but may be improperly cited. Shows that some research was done. 1: Few references or missing references, or obvious that no or little research was done. Spelling, Grammar, Organization, Neatness 8: Report has no more than five grammar or spelling errors. Well organized with proper page numbering and correct numbering of tables and figures (including figure captions located under figures and table titles located above tables). 6: Report has no more than ten grammar or spelling errors OR page numbering incorrect OR numbering of tables and figures incorrect. 4: Report has more than 15 grammar or spelling errors AND either page numbering incorrect OR numbering of tables and figures incorrect. /116 Total *Points for this section may be varied as appropriate for a particular project. Comments: